trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #119

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Beth Kara's just speculated that ALV would be on the stand probably for the next 3 court days. Does anyone know when the court hiatus is scheduled? After next week? TIA

Is there any procedure for the Jury to complain about having to listen to this woman drone on ad infinitum? This is beyond ridiculous..
My extensive knowledge of IBS comes from The Sopranos and the character - Adriana. When she was helping out the FBI, her IBS was horrible. Based on that, I might qualify for expert testiphony on the subject.

It is common and can be brought about by stress. If we have to watch trial being halted due to LAV's IBS, we could be her for another year.
I have to admit that I am guilty of trying to manipulate my husband before. It was over a twinke and I told him "go ahead honey, I just want you to be happy" hoping he'd wimp out and I'd get it, but he picked it up and ate it. I feel abused.

Well, it was a Twinkie. You can't even buy them anymore. That's some pretty serious abuse.
JC says she was visibly sweating during the 5 minute break. Not a good sign from a woman who had been sitting not exerting herself and is past menopause.
I thought maybe her pants had spontaneously combusted but perhaps she really is ill.

So what happens if the DT key witness dies of heart failure tonight??

I hope she is not really sick.
I think she might have been nervous about court ending.
(if it was a pre-planned delay)
Beth Kara's just speculated that ALV would be on the stand probably for the next 3 court days. Does anyone know when the court hiatus is scheduled? After next week? TIA

Next three days????How much more isthere to say????
JC says she was visibly sweating during the 5 minute break. Not a good sign from a woman who had been sitting not exerting herself and is past menopause.
I thought maybe her pants had spontaneously combusted but perhaps she really is ill.

So what happens if the DT key witness dies of heart failure tonight??

BBM: :floorlaugh: I've been thinking too that ALV had a case of "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" and had to get the heck out of that courtroom and run for the water fountain!
I was at work when someone on here mentioned thast Jodi was cying? What was that about? Maybe she did not get her lunch cookie?
(wrote this for last thread and then it was gone so bringing over)

I was just looking at some info on murder trials in AZ. There was an interesting chart on page 4 of this link which had info about charges, arrests, time to trial, length of trial etc.
trial lengths ranged from four to 18 days, with a median of seven days.

The purpose of this article was to discuss the impact of forensics on trial. This case is not a whodunit, we have all kinds of forensics and this is just a ridiculous use of time, even in a DP case. I found this article about Capital Cases in AZ.

Now, it's from 2001 I believe but studied 30 cases. Length of trial info:

Hrs: Median = 55.7 hrs.
Range = 19.6–71.2 hrs.
Days: Median = 11.5 days*
Range = 4–19 days

Obviously, this case is way outside the normal parameters. The judge has no DP experience and does not seem to have a firm hand in the courtroom which lets the DT run roughshod over her as she is so afraid of doing something to cause them to file a motion she denies which will provide the basis for an appeal that they might win. She's like a hostage.

The DT is loving the never ending trial as it increases their ability to get a mistrial. The longer this goes on, the more the jurors are stressed, the more likely is that they will get their wish. This judge displays ZERO interest in keeping this trial on track, in holding attorneys to the time they indicated was required to present their case. I honestly don't know if these defense attorneys are as bad as they seem or if they are deliberately acting incompetent. I've never seen a trial attorney take as long as Nurmi to ask a question. No one would hire this guy for trial work. Seriously. Wilmont acts as though she never asked a question in a courtroom before or learned what a complete sentence was. There is no real evidence of self defense in this case. Yet they have multiple people dissecting a murderers journals like they are the font of some sort of wisdom. They have experts discerning the motivations of the dead victim from random e-mail snippets. Why don't we just break out the Ouiji board?

Neither of the defense attys acts as though they have a clue or care about capturing the attention of their audience, the jury and not boring them to death or making them hate their guts. I'm beginning to think they have some multi-faceted plan to actually get a mistrial-cause there is no way they are "winning" this case they way they are handling it. I am just truly befuddled...and not in a good way!

I don't know if it would be the correct thing to do but I would have liked to see the judge question Ms. L about her illness, in a stern tone. The judge is getting walked all over because she's allowing it. I have never seen a case with so little respect for the jury:moo:
Is there any procedure for the Jury to complain about having to listen to this woman drone on ad infinitum? This is beyond ridiculous..

I know, right...every time the Judge asks if there are any questions, I fully expect to hear a juror say, "yeah, just exactly when do you expect this to end!" :great:
JC says she was visibly sweating during the 5 minute break. Not a good sign from a woman who had been sitting not exerting herself and is past menopause.
I thought maybe her pants had spontaneously combusted but perhaps she really is ill.

So what happens if the DT key witness dies of heart failure tonight??

I wonder if she is diabetic. Low blood sugar can cause confusion and sweating. Was there a morning break when she would have been able to eat something?

If it is low blood sugar court should not have been cancelled. All you need is about 20 minutes after something to eat to bring blood sugar back up.
Well, all I can say is that I now know I'm a serial abuser. First, my wife and I had a disagreement over the thread count we should get on new sheets, and I prevailed at 600 count. We didn't talk for about 3 1/2 minutes. Then, I bought her flowers on Valentine's Day (honeymoon period). Then, I asserted, quite firmly, that I preferred the Laker game over Modern Family. I had to go downstairs and watch the game on another TV, and we were separated for about 3 hours (re-emergence of the abuse cycle). And, then she came downstairs and we watched the Tonight Show together (honeymoon period).

After hearing ALV, I had to apologize for all of my abusive behavior over the last several weeks. I am truly sorry that I did not recognize my abhorrent behavior until now. :facepalm: Thank god my wife is not a sociopath.:great:

You people are brilliant. I truly laughed out loud...hard. Go easy on the abuse JRS.
I hope she is not really sick.
I think she might have been nervous about court ending.
(if it was a pre-planned delay)

The sweating if true is concerning. I hope she really is sick because if she's going so far as to manipulate the jurors empathy just to keep up some DT schedule, then she's far more <:banghead:> than I gave her credit for.

I did notice she had dark circles under her eyes. Maybe from cramming all those journals in preparation for testimony today.
I have to admit that I am guilty of trying to manipulate my husband before. It was over a twinke and I told him "go ahead honey, I just want you to be happy" hoping he'd wimp out and I'd get it, but he picked it up and ate it. I feel abused.

(wrote this for last thread and then it was gone so bringing over)

i was just looking at some info on murder trials in az. There was an interesting chart on page 4 of this link which had info about charges, arrests, time to trial, length of trial etc.

the purpose of this article was to discuss the impact of forensics on trial. This case is not a whodunit, we have all kinds of forensics and this is just a ridiculous use of time, even in a dp case. I found this article about capital cases in az.

now, it's from 2001 i believe but studied 30 cases. Length of trial info:

Obviously, this case is way outside the normal parameters. The judge has no dp experience and does not seem to have a firm hand in the courtroom which lets the dt run roughshod over her as she is so afraid of doing something to cause them to file a motion she denies which will provide the basis for an appeal that they might win. She's like a hostage.

The dt is loving the never ending trial as it increases their ability to get a mistrial. The longer this goes on, the more the jurors are stressed, the more likely is that they will get their wish. This judge displays zero interest in keeping this trial on track, in holding attorneys to the time they indicated was required to present their case. I honestly don't know if these defense attorneys are as bad as they seem or if they are deliberately acting incompetent. I've never seen a trial attorney take as long as nurmi to ask a question. No one would hire this guy for trial work. Seriously. Wilmont acts as though she never asked a question in a courtroom before or learned what a complete sentence was. There is no real evidence of self defense in this case. Yet they have multiple people dissecting a murderers journals like they are the font of some sort of wisdom. They have experts discerning the motivations of the dead victim from random e-mail snippets. Why don't we just break out the ouiji board?

Neither of the defense attys acts as though they have a clue or care about capturing the attention of their audience, the jury and not boring them to death or making them hate their guts. I'm beginning to think they have some multi-faceted plan to actually get a mistrial-cause there is no way they are "winning" this case they way they are handling it. I am just truly befuddled...and not in a good way!

post of the day!
Wait what did Vinnie just say a rebellious teen who was growing marijuana in the house??

Yes, I heard that too. Interesting. I do know that Yreka is know for being a weed growing area. "Weed Country" on the discovery channel is frequently filmed there.
(wrote this for last thread and then it was gone so bringing over)

I was just looking at some info on murder trials in AZ. There was an interesting chart on page 4 of this link which had info about charges, arrests, time to trial, length of trial etc.

The purpose of this article was to discuss the impact of forensics on trial. This case is not a whodunit, we have all kinds of forensics and this is just a ridiculous use of time, even in a DP case. I found this article about Capital Cases in AZ.

Now, it's from 2001 I believe but studied 30 cases. Length of trial info:

Obviously, this case is way outside the normal parameters. The judge has no DP experience and does not seem to have a firm hand in the courtroom which lets the DT run roughshod over her as she is so afraid of doing something to cause them to file a motion she denies which will provide the basis for an appeal that they might win. She's like a hostage.

The DT is loving the never ending trial as it increases their ability to get a mistrial. The longer this goes on, the more the jurors are stressed, the more likely is that they will get their wish. This judge displays ZERO interest in keeping this trial on track, in holding attorneys to the time they indicated was required to present their case. I honestly don't know if these defense attorneys are as bad as they seem or if they are deliberately acting incompetent. I've never seen a trial attorney take as long as Nurmi to ask a question. No one would hire this guy for trial work. Seriously. Wilmont acts as though she never asked a question in a courtroom before or learned what a complete sentence was. There is no real evidence of self defense in this case. Yet they have multiple people dissecting a murderers journals like they are the font of some sort of wisdom. They have experts discerning the motivations of the dead victim from random e-mail snippets. Why don't we just break out the Ouiji board?

Neither of the defense attys acts as though they have a clue or care about capturing the attention of their audience, the jury and not boring them to death or making them hate their guts. I'm beginning to think they have some multi-faceted plan to actually get a mistrial-cause there is no way they are "winning" this case they way they are handling it. I am just truly befuddled...and not in a good way!

I am sure that the defense team knows this judge just keeps on gifting them with undeserved "overruled" when Juan objects. They probably go back to their offices and discuss how they can't believe what they are getting away with.
When I read the word testimony (wherever) I'm reading, I now automatically see the word testibaloney :/ lol

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I hope she is not really sick.
I think she might have been nervous about court ending.
(if it was a pre-planned delay)

She is intimidated by JM sitting across from her. She needs time to regroup. The defense knows the jurors are tired of their witnesses. They want the jury to get fed up and come back with second degree. When it is JM turn, the jury will get a second wind.
JC says she was visibly sweating during the 5 minute break. Not a good sign from a woman who had been sitting not exerting herself and is past menopause.
I thought maybe her pants had spontaneously combusted but perhaps she really is ill.

So what happens if the DT key witness dies of heart failure tonight??

I've been sick as a dog for a week...flash sweating, fever, horrid cough, weakness, dizziness, constant sneezing and feeling generally like I want to die. AND, I had to fly home yesterday feeling this way! I just basically crawled onto the plane and curled up in a ball by a window. And, DANG IT, I am HERE!!! Let's get this torturous trial over with! We've all suffered enough!!!
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