trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #119

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She took the stand on March 25 at 4pm.

The following were court days and she has been on the stand all of them:
4/3 (half day)

Good grief, that many days of nonsense and more to come!! I need a glass of wine.
Someone ask what makes a situation a domestic issue. In my opinion it's the following:

1. An unmarried couple living at the same address as a couple (ie sharing a bed etc)
2. Persons related by blood or marriage.
3. An unmarried couple who has a child in common, no matter what address they live at.

So Since JA & TA were not living together nor did they have a child in common, the murder of TA is not domestic.
OK am I close?
Highlights from Trial Day 40, April 3, 2013.

After a few emotional moments, like when Jodi cried about La Violette's testimony about a stranger's cat abuse, the defendant appeared bored (and stoned). She alleviated her boredom by defacing court property:


As the clock approached lunchtime, defense counsel and their witness became antsy, whether to have the day end with a moment of oomph (quotation from La Violette) or because the witness needed a bathroom moment, and this ensued:





Since Jodi told her dad and led them to think Travis was going to marry her, I wonder if Jodi had an engagement ring? Like one that was missing from Travis's house?
You are absolutely right. Jodi going to the temple parking lot might be as close as she could get, but I think I remember her saying she went through the visitor's center. Many Mormons go to the temple grounds when they are troubled or when they are dating and want to talk about their future, just like any other "sacred place."

Regarding single women asking for help. Some things are more easy to get than others. If you need something fixed that's a danger, or help loading for a move, you can call the elders quorum and they will come even if you are not a temple recommend holder or even if you are not active. If you need food, that is also usually ok esp if you have children and are active. If you need money, unless it is winter and you are freezing, that is much harder to get.

Jodi Arias believed in the Law of Attraction and the principle of "Acting As If." Mormon converts do not talk like Jodi. Their journals are full of things like, "I read Section 132 in the Doctrine and Covenants today and realized that the polygamy is a true principle given to Joseph Smith by the Lord himself. This is so exciting! Just think--I will be pregnant in heaven and get a chance to bear spirit children which will be clothed in human bodies here on earth. I realize now that I lived close to my Heavenly Father and MOther before I was born on earth. Wow that is such an exciting concept! I brought this up at Family Home Evening and...."

Jodi Arias should have been learning these new concepts at church and writing/talking about them. As a convert, she should have been excited at learning about Jesus walking the earth in the Americas after his crucifixion. These are all unique Mormon perspectives and when I was Mormon we talked about them constantly.

I never, ever met or knew anyone in the Mormon church who talked about the Law of Attraction or any of the other MLM principles Jodi apparently got from Travis. Also, journals in Mormonism are kept "to edify your posterity" rather than for personal mental health reasons or personal growth. That's why hers is so phony. Between the Law of Attraction and Edify Your Posterity, and speak what you want to happen not what is happening, she was blocked at every turn.

This is why she said she was a shadow of her former self. Her identity had been absorbed into a facade and, in the end, even that wasn't good enough for Travis. She had "killed" herself for him and he not only threw her away, but he was going to ruin her chances of scoring another Mormon PPL rich guy.

LaViolette's testimony brought out that Jodi said to Travis that she would not be showing up at the future PPL functions. This was a lie, a test. Travis was supposed to say, "NO! There's no need for you to give up the conferences, you and I will still go. The principles are good salesmanship principles no matter what business you are in and we always have a great time."

When he failed to encourage her to keep coming, she knew he was out to ruin her there as he had already done with the Mormon ward.

He would either shut up or she would eliminate him. He had to die.

Anyhoo, that's my theory.
Great and accurate post... Also adding that it depends on where you live, in Mississippi you do not have single wards and family wards and other customs ae different also... I know this as my parents and other family are members..
The situation became urgent.


Judge, may we approach?


I need and Alka Seltzer...


She has WHAT? Needs to WHAT?


Jury, this will take (hopefully) five minutes. Please be excused. And you, too, Ms. La Violette... to the bathroom with you.


Evidently someone didn't like the witness running off the stand before the jury had even left the room, but the Judge hushed that right down.


Back to the slammer for Jodi.

I have been in the background since the CA trial and finally came to the conclusion that I will probably be on this site for the rest of my life so why not join the discussion and register :-) I will try my best to "add" to the community here!

LOMPOC !!! Hey !!!

You must have something to say about this trial that we didn't think of.
Someone ask what makes a situation a domestic issue. In my opinion it's the following:

1. An unmarried couple living at the same address as a couple (ie sharing a bed etc)
2. Persons related by blood or marriage.
3. An unmarried couple who has a child in common, no matter what address they live at.

So Since JA & TA were not living together nor did they have a child in common, the murder of TA is not domestic.
OK am I close?

I think so. When TA was murdered, they were in 2 different states for 2 months. How is this DV????
Originally Posted by mck16
I watched this twice and I think ALV was rambling and looked way out there. I think she did go off script and JW realized there was something wrong and that is why she asked to approach. I know if she has diarrhea, etc. that can cause sweats and absolutely anxiety. I did not see the glasses signal. I think she was legitimately sick and could of even had an accident. That would definitely cause court being cancelled. Not only humilating, but would need a change of clothes, etc. JMO
Interesting you say this ~ I noticed her having to be brought back from la la land by Wilmott on her first day on the stand.. She was asked a question, starting answering but her answer didn't relate to the question? Like you said, she looked way out there. Diabetic maybe?

I noticed the tension rising just before the DT asked to approach. LaViolette said "I keep saying 'say.' I need a thesaurus." Now this is NOT what the defense wants entered in the court record that she is unable to get the testimony they want in without using the word "say" BECAUSE IT IS HEARSAY.

And there's Juan smiling pleasantly. And the DT is getting more and more anxious that this is not going the way they planned. The wide latitude they were celebrating only yesterday has turned to bitterness as Juan has let their witness hang herself with contradictions and omissions.
Why does it seem that Florida & Arizona are magnets for the most freakiest criminal cases?
And don't get me started with Texas. In Texas they fry 'em even if they're not guilty.

In California, they send them to the San Quentin Summer Resort, j/k it's not. But did you know that San Quentin is situated in Marin County, top 3 wealthiest counties in the US. I'd have to pay multi-millions to get the same view that Scott Peterson has at S.Q. And if you drive up the road it's a hop skip and a jump from Lucas Ranch.

I drive by the S.Q. turnoff 3-4 times a month.
That's not true. The ripped out pages were not about Travis but about suicide and her fling with a certain man that upset Travis (she testified to this).

What do you mean "not true?" How would you know what the ripped pages said other than Jodi's word?

All the journal entries quoted at trial came directly from her journal books. None were ripped out pages that just conveniently appeared.

I don't know what you mean here. There are ripped pages. We have no idea what was on them, unless you want to go by her word.

Also, I believe that most of the entries are genuine and not after the fact forgeries. I think some here are going way too far with this forgery talk.

I didn't say anything was forged, but pages were ripped out at least.

If she was going to forge anything, she'd be forging examples of physical violence, just like you said. Especially a forgery relating to her account regarding the pedophilia on Jan 21st. Instead, we have "nothing noteworthy happened".

No, she wouldn't. When she was arrested, she had no idea she would be claiming self-defense. She thought she could claim she was never there. She thought her receipts from everywhere but AZ would prove that. She's an idiot.

This may explain why there are few bad things about Travis, since she may have removed them because she didn't want anybody to see it as motivation against her.

And like someone else said, Travis need not be a saint for Jodi to be guilty of 1st degree murder.

I said that.

I for one had Travis pegged as womanizer very early on in the trial. Didn't changer my opinion on her guilt.

I just re-read fFlores's investigative report and something stood out to me. In yh

The interview with RB he said the trip from Yreka to Utah had been planned for about 2weeks. Travis's text to JA where he called her a sociopath was only about a week before the murder. I have assumed that the text was the catalyst for her to decide to kill him. Now I really am starting to believe that her plans started a lot earlier than late May. After seeing her fake journal entries about being happy for Travis that he found someone (Mimi) in February I am more then convinced that that was when she decided that he would die before he married anyone but her.
I also firmly believe that on June 4, 2008 she believed that Travis and Mimi's wedding was a done deal. I don't believe she found out that Mimi told Travis that she just wanted to be friends until after she killed him. She knew that if Travis was married they would never have sex again and that was her only tie to him. She couldn't stand the thought of losing him to another woman.
The situation became urgent.


Judge, may we approach?


I need and Alka Seltzer...


She has WHAT? Needs to WHAT?


Jury, this will take (hopefully) five minutes. Please be excused. And you, too, Ms. La Violette... to the bathroom with you.


Evidently someone didn't like the witness running off the stand before the jury had even left the room, but the Judge hushed that right down.


Back to the slammer for Jodi.


I LOVE your profile photo and your posts!!!! :great:
Her mom seemed honest and in true shock in the police interview. She could not fathom how her daughter, or any human being, could do what Jodi did. She kept asking Flores "Why?". She freely confessed Jodi had major problems. I think she, like Cindy, like most parents, cannot cope with the reality of what their child did and are willing to accept even the most absurd stories to rationalize and lessen the brutality of the whole thing. I do believe THAT is a coping mechanism. Both families are victims of Jodi. I see a lot of bashing of her mother just as I did Cidy Anthony. It is very easy to judge. But these situations are extroardinary and as much as we woul like to say "I would never react that way" the fact is no one knows how they'd react. Discovering your daughter brutally killed a man or your grandchild is something i cant even begin to imagine.

Yes, her mother did seem "honest" and in shock in the police interviews ... but that was over 4+ years ago ... no doubt, things have changed ...

JMO, but it is very hard to have any "sympathy" for her while she sits in the courtroom "laughing" all the time ... and then she sits there carrying on with that woman who was JA's cell mate ...

A couple of weeks ago, you could clearly see Jodi's mother and Jodi's mitigation lady "passing off" a notebook ... acting so "sneaky" about it ...

And what a "mockery" for JA's mom and aunt to wear those domestic violence ribbons !

She tried to sell off those ped letters to the NE and what about trying to sell JA's "artwork" on e-bay ?

JMO but I see so many traits of another mother from another state ...

Highlights from Trial Day 40, April 3, 2013.

After a few emotional moments, like when Jodi cried about La Violette's testimony about a stranger's cat abuse, the defendant appeared bored (and stoned). She alleviated her boredom by defacing court property:


As the clock approached lunchtime, defense counsel and their witness became antsy, whether to have the day end with a moment of oomph (quotation from La Violette) or because the witness needed a bathroom moment, and this ensued:






Yeah, "in any of the text messages I have read" ... That's pretty specific
She took the stand on March 25 at 4pm.

The following were court days and she has been on the stand all of them:
4/3 (half day)

Sorry but that is not correct at all

She took the stand on:

Mon, March 25, 2013
Tue, March 26, 2013
Wed - no court defendant ill
Thu, March 28, 2013
Tue, April 2, 2013
Wed, April 3, 2013 - morning only
On DD they are talking about getting help for JA - a psychopath will never accept help. They don't see anything wrong.

Remember the jurors' questions to JA, where someone asked her about mental problems? She said she had none, and then said maybe she had ADHD.

We know from her mom's interview with Flores that the parents' got phone calls from friends worried about her. I would guess that these same friends tried to suggest mental health issues to JA, but got scared off by her reaction to even the mildest of suggestions.

It sounds like she had to be very unstable those last few months before Travis was murdered; we know she kicked her mom when she came to help JA move back to CA.
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