trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #121

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Well JW is doing her best to legally slander and discredit Lisa Andrews and the Hughes and any other person who might testify for the prosecution by bringing up their names. REPREHENSIBLE

Or as JA would put it, "heinous".
If the Jury thinks JA is a liar (and let's hope so) then everything ALV is saying is lies. Disregard this BS testimony and get your a$$ off the stand ALV!

What does that say about an individual ,who considers themselves an expert btw, who gets on the stand and bases her entire testimony on those lies?

Unethical, unprofessional, slanderous?
I'm just blown away that Tri color is in the gallery! What a dedicated juror is all I can say.
She's entitled but daummm you go girl!! I admire her dedication, after all she has spent months of her life serving Lady Justice and she wants to see it through.

I and Mr Pizza discussed if any repercussions can come from this, but our bottom line is she is now a Trial watcher just like the rest of us, and those of you in the court room. The Judge allowed it and announced it to the courtroom. Period end of story,

But still OMG!

I just hope Nurmi doesnt think of a reason for a mistrial because of it. :please:
They name a Mormon young woman publicly---and say that his head was once between her legs!!!! What was the purpose of saying that on national television? :furious:

That's how Jodi operates - she must've been prettier than her.
I have a hunch that Jodi is going to try to figure out a way to keep the dismissed juror out of the courtroom. I expect the DT to bring this up first thing Monday morning. :moo:

How much do you want to bet she uses "PSTD" as the reason.... Something like becaus of her past abuse she fears juror #5...and she'll say juror #5 was and still is giving her evil looks! Just wait!
From the view from inside courtroom thread:

Originally Posted by katiecoolady
alv just came off stand and approached samamtha- weird and actually illegal

Really? How inappropriate. What did she want to say to Samantha? "Sorry I testified on behalf of a sociopath and helped to trash your brother?" :what:
Interesting tidbit: Jodi states in her journal she spoke to Travis on June 1st about this trip to Utah. When the Verizon rep testified, he was give phone records dated
May 31st-June 15th. The first call he identified between TA and JA was the early morning hours of June 2nd. JA called TA 3 times between 1am-3am and it appears none of those calls were answered as they were just seconds. Why are there no documented calls on the 1st?

And Travis tried guilting her into going to AZ, but she stood her ground.

BS...JM had to have caught this.

I'm sure his whole team is going over every single word of her testimony for inconsistencies.
I know this is late but after the expert was reading what was in JA's journal after Travis called her all those names and she was like, oh well, he got it out of his system? I really believe she was already planning his murder.
"Dear Journal, today Travis got really mean and called me a lot of names but I'm not mad about it. It's not like I would drive all the way to Mesa and shoot him, stab him 29 times and slit his throat ear to ear. Not mad at all."
sounds like she really killed him cuz he called her every foul name he knew?
How much has the state of Arizona paid this woman so far? $250/hr..
Would love to see JM call every woman Travis dated, slept with, talked with in his life and they all laughed about this character assassination stuff and said he was a funny, great guy, even if a little horny. A normal guy!!!

Juan is working up a full head of steam, I betcha.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Media out front waiting to take a pic of juror 5. #jodiarias

Hope she asks for an escort out and gets one, if that's what she wants.
If ALV's testimony is true it doesn't sound to me like TA ever stopped moving. I hope JM can clarify these accusations because it does sound like TA was a player however this does not make him an abuser. This is pretty powerful if true. jmo

If TA was a player (if!) that does not mean he's an abuser! It doesn't give Jodi
any rights to him...
As much as I am ready to see JM, I hope that you are correct. Just reading this makes me feel optimistic about next week! Thanks. You helped set my mind at ease! :rocker:

I'm all in a tizzy here too. I need some wine or a xanax and then I need to go to my happy place but I lost the directions...
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