trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #122

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Arias' journals: I had a dream last person was charged with Travis' murder..the other person was charged with conspiracy." I hadn't heard that one yet!! Some of our "another person on the grassy knoll" posters may be right! Where is Matt!?"
NOOOO, she didn't really say that did she??? OH, imho, that might just turn the jury against her. No one likes it when you do that to the victim. :what:

She sure did!!
IMO the clerk is going to escort her out just like she escorted her in.
To make sure she does not get approached by the media.

She's giving an interview in the parking lot... or at least speaking to someone in the media. She's in her vehicle, window rolled down, speaking it appears.
I am so far behind on the other thread...I just gave up and moved over here, lol. Seriously, I just couldn't keep reading and keep my eyes on Juan. That was pretty exhilarating, wasn't it?

ikr, and so many great posts near the end of last thread , too many to bump..if I knew how to bump! WS on fire!
Oh I am so bummed I missed the cross. Please oh please tell me croakerlady is still posting them on youtube???????

I suggest using David Lohr's channel for all videos. He cuts out all of the sidebars so that really condenses it all down.

He also has all of the interrogation tapes there and is working on getting the parent's interviews uploaded. He's also a member here. He just rocks all the way around! :rocker:
On NG Jodi pictured as a brides maid and they are going to have the bride on.
I am thinking that Juror #5 was told to wait in the courtroom until the rest cleared out.

Or maybe she asked to do it on her own.

Only thing that makes sense, right?
The thing about Juan is that his aggressive demeanor is a constant especially with defense witnesses. Because of this, I am hoping the jurors will chalk his aggressiveness up to his drive for justice for the victim and not see it as him personally attacking anyone. Because he consistently does it, after a while you realize it's just his style and it becomes less uncomfortable (even if it isn't a style you favor) because he uses it across the board for opposing witnesses so you feel less like he is personally attacking individuals.

I agree, it's just his way. I also think he's aggressive because he's constantly impatient as he waits for the witness to catch up to where he's trying to go.
Thanks! I felt like I was the only one who saw Alyce with the laughing ladies... hope someone puts it on youtube cause I found them laughing quite rude...:twocents:

No, that's juror number 5.
The DT can do all the coaching they want over the weekend, but it won't do much good because JM will head in a totally different direction :lol:

ALV has a speaking engagement this weekend. How much "prep" can they do?
After days of sporific direct testimony, JM's only task is to WAKE people up! And he did a great job of that. We'll get down to the real meat next week. Today was just a big "stay tuned".
Okay. But I wish he didn't leave me with such a head-scratcher for the next three days.
Sliding in . . . bring on the adult beverages . . . I am exhausted with the last 25 min!

thank you, Wenwe4, i followed you a lot today when my anger made me mute the live testimony!
I don't think that. I think that she's a psuedo-intellectual who has enjoyed her status as a professional, and that she has never been challenged on her quack opinions the way she is being challenged right now.

If Juan Martinez were Juanita Martinez, her ire for him would be the same. He is challenging her. He is smarter than her. He is impeaching her.

And that she cannot stand.

Hiya Puff!:seeya:

ITA with the above..IMO what's happening btwn her and Juan hasn't a single thing to do with her dislike for men(if she does even have a dislike for men).. the sex or gender of the sparring mate is irrelevant.. she is quite simply infuriated period that she's being exposed for her true self..(ie.the not as smart, not as intelligent, not as all-knowing version of herself) that she's attempted to masquerade around as in this courtroom for days on end..being exposed IMO isn't fun or enjoyable no matter who the one is that is doing the exposing..and IMO that uncomfortable hotseat that her tookus is on is growing only hotter by the moment..

Go Juan, Go!..I may just have to go get me a cane myself so as to have my Mr. Juanderful sign course ONLY AFTER the jury hands down that guilty verdict on dear Jodi;)
Once upon a time there was a Prosecutor....
I'm so sorry for what you've been through. There are a lot of survivors - walking wounded, as someone very accurately once stated - among us. :hug:

Me included...sometimes I cringe at Juan raising his voice or becoming sarcastic too...but that's my emotional response to someone else doing the same, not for so nearly stellar a cause as seeking justice for the real victim. I should hope if anything ever happens to me that someone would fight for me with so much passion.

All I have to do is remember that the person who most likely endured abuse - and indeed the ultimate form of intimate partner violence - would have no voice at all were it not for dogged, determined prosecutors who dedicate their careers to little pay, less recognition, and often the fear of retribution.

Anyone of us could have been Travis and that's the way I guess I see this and the determination of Juan...I'd want that for someone I loved, or for myself, especially if an acquittal or conviction rested on how hard the prosecutor was willing to fight to expose a sham of a defense.


I prefer to call us Wounded Warriors. I do not have an adverse affect with the way Juan is questioning this very combative witness. Gender nor age should be a factor. The lies and bullcrap she has told for the last 6 days should be taken to task and that is exactly what Juan is going to do.

He would fight for a murdered femaie victim who had been abused by a male defendant as much as he fights for the domestic violence victim Travis Alexander.

It is his job to bring justice and he fights for the victim and everyone should be thankful for that.

Its ALV that compared SW to domestic violence victims.

I think I already broke a rule!!!:please::please:
In fact most people who have been abused in their childhood do not go on to abuse others. The majority go on to be very productive citizens. They may become overprotective parents.


There was profound child abuse in my family growing up. I have 3 little ones, and there is no way, shape or form I could hurt them.

Child abusers don't just "lose it" when they get angry--there is a much more sinister element to being OK to take out your aggression and frustration on a child. They get a positive feeling from the act, IMO.

My little brother was beaten by my father, made to hold a full time job as a short order cook at a nursing home and attend high school. Then my dad would take his paycheck for "rent."

He now has a beautiful son with Williams Syndrome, and he is the gentlest person you'll ever see. He's a former Marine, 6'6", but not an abuser.

ALV can take her show on the road. It stinks.:furious:
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