trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #122

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Good for you! :hug: I hope no kids are involved.

:goodpost: Especially the part I bolded. She will suffer beyond imagining without anyone to believe her stories for hours a day.

BBM, I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas to come. :please:

I think he could even ask Alyce if she knew about the crossover. I also see JM asking her if JA brought this up, or this and this and this and this...

Let's stay on Target Baby !!! I cannot WAIT for Juan Martinez on Monday. I saw this witness ALV crumble on the stand today - She kept looking to the defense table for Help - And every time she thought she got one over on Juan Martinez, did y'all notice her look over to the jury with some kind of grin? I did. I also noticed her shoulders were completely cramped up when JM started off and she had to physically let her shoulders down. That told me she was highly stressed out already. (Stress hits me in my shoulders).....
The "sex tape" should never have come in. JA illegally tape recorded Travis. SHE was aware of the taping at the time, he was not. Therefore, she could/did lead the direction of the conversation in any manner she saw fit. Although TA's voice was on the tape, he was not aware it was being recorded. I highly doubt this conversation would have taken place if he was aware. It's really an unfair advantage to one party to have knowledge of a tape recorded conversation, and the other one to have ZERO knowledge. That is why it is illegal in many states.

This action alone, speaks volumes to her credibility, demeanor, and I stand firm that it was used as blackmail against Travis!! Sick and disgusting.

Yes, I had always thought it was some sort of federal offense or something to tape someone without their knowledge. Even on many sales calls or other types of business calls, we often hear the recording about how the phone call may be recorded for training purposes, etc.

It floored me that the tape was allowed in at all because the other party did not consent.
If this trial were held in Utah, you know what she would get if found guilty...Whew!

Unfortunately, the laws vary state-by-state...JA absolutely murdered Travis. We do know that much.
JA taped this conversation while in CA. It is illegal in CA to tape record someone without their permission. Therefore, it was against the law for JA to do it.

Why the judge let this in, I will never understand. Also, it has nothing to do with Travis's murder. JMO
Let's stay on Target Baby !!! I cannot WAIT for Juan Martinez on Monday. I saw this witness ALV crumble on the stand today - She kept looking to the defense table for Help - And every time she thought she got one over on Juan Martinez, did y'all notice her look over to the jury with some kind of grin? I did. I also noticed her shoulders were completely cramped up when JM started off and she had to physically let her shoulders down. That told me she was highly stressed out already. (Stress hits me in my shoulders).....


She was rather obvious about the furtive glances, wasn't she?
The "sex tape" should never have come in. JA illegally tape recorded Travis. SHE was aware of the taping at the time, he was not. Therefore, she could/did lead the direction of the conversation in any manner she saw fit. Although TA's voice was on the tape, he was not aware it was being recorded. I highly doubt this conversation would have taken place if he was aware. It's really an unfair advantage to one party to have knowledge of a tape recorded conversation, and the other one to have ZERO knowledge. That is why it is illegal in many states.

This action alone, speaks volumes to her credibility, demeanor, and I stand firm that it was used as blackmail against Travis!! Sick and disgusting.

For me, hearing that tape had the OPPOSITE effect than the defense wanted. It really humanized Travis and made me so so sad for what happened to him and destroyed all credibility she had since it was obvious that she played such a different role with him than the meek, understated mousy role she had been playing in court.
ABC News has reported that the Arias Trial has cost Taxpayers 1.4 Million Dollars.

It is also being reported that LaViolette is "cashing" in on the Arias trial - by being paid $300 an hour (courtesy of taxpayers), and, to promote her book that is being re-published (due to the trial) and will be available April 23.

This board is filled with so many intelligent people - people that strive to promote all that is good.

My question is - do taxpayers have any say? For example, is it possible that taxpayers demand accountability - and, for future trials demand a "citizen board" that oversees trials.

It is outrageous - in my opinion, that LaViolette would be paid $300 by the defense. I doubt that this would be the amount LaViolette would receive if Arias was paying for her own defense - or if Nurmi / Wilmott had to pay LaViolette's expenses.

1.4 Million is a lot of money - it seems as though that Judge Stephens has the responsibility to keep this trial going.

Why is there no court on Fridays?

This "run away train" of a trial needs to be put back on the tracks - if either side (the state or defense) is using blatant stall tactics to delay the trial - then the judge should let the person know that stall tactics are not going to be used to delay court.

It seems wrong that there is 1.4 million dollars (and counting) to spend on this trial - when there has to be a better use for such funds. I realize that trials are expensive - but many defendants pay for their own defense - when a defendant has to spend his/her own money; find ways to pay for their defense - I think that they are more mindful of how much a person is making an hour.
I am ambivalent about the death penalty, but in this case, I really want to see Arias receive it. She would thrive in prison in general pop. On death row, she won't get that opportunity.

About Death Row in Arizona:

All male and female inmates on Death Row are classified as maximum custody. All inmates are single cells which are equipped with a toilet, sink, bed and mattress. Each Death Row inmate has no contact with any other inmate. Out-of-cell time is limited to outdoor exercise in a secured area, two hours a day, three times a week, and a shower, three times a week. All meals are delivered by correction officers at the cell front. Limited non-contact visitation is available. Death Row inmates may place two ten minute telephone calls per week. Personal property is limited to hygiene items, two appliances, two books and writing materials, which can be purchased from the inmate commissary. Health care is provided at the Health Unit; medication is passed out at the cell front. Clergy contacts are provided at the cell.

From the time an inmate is sentenced to death to the time the inmate is executed, what is the average length of time that an Arizona inmate remains on Death Row?

Since 1937, the average Arizona Death Row inmate has spent 12 years on death row.
I vote for that , plus I'd like to see the writing material taken away, in JAs case :floorlaugh:
The "sex tape" should never have come in. JA illegally tape recorded Travis. SHE was aware of the taping at the time, he was not. Therefore, she could/did lead the direction of the conversation in any manner she saw fit. Although TA's voice was on the tape, he was not aware it was being recorded. I highly doubt this conversation would have taken place if he was aware. It's really an unfair advantage to one party to have knowledge of a tape recorded conversation, and the other one to have ZERO knowledge. That is why it is illegal in many states.

This action alone, speaks volumes to her credibility, demeanor, and I stand firm that it was used as blackmail against Travis!! Sick and disgusting.

Ah, but JA said that TA asked her to record it as his phone didn't have the capability.

And, if JA avers it, Judge Stephens -- inexplicably -- allows it in, with the notable exception of the forged pedophile letters. Even Sherry put the kibosh on that one.

I'll beg off now as my observation that Judge Stephens ceded her courtroom to the Defense Team weeks ago has not been well received by her fans among the ranks of the WebSleuthing faithful.
The law reads to me, that if it's Utah, and you have been sentenced to death and lethal injection (big problem obtaining the drugs to administer to two of our last death row inmates over the last couple of years btw) Utah will shoot them by firing squad. Hell or high water...
So what are you saying? Jodi would not be shot down with a .25 caliber gun from the tips of her toes all the way up to the top of her head by a firing squad if she were convicted in the state of Utah?

I'm for anything that shoots down Jodi and her cockamamie defense fabrications.

But right now, that's JM's job.

And we get to watch!
Good for you! :hug: I hope no kids are involved.

No kids, thank goodness. Thank you for replying to my post.

I despise my ex for what he "did" to me. But unlike JA, the thought of revenge has never crossed my mind. Why not? Honestly I'm thankful he's out of my life. I paid $5 to Verizon just today actually to block his # from texting and calling me.

She disgusts me, as well as the entire DT. And on that note, I'm really going to bed this time lol. My smilies aren't working, otherwise I'd insert that cute little thing with a blankie and sleeping cap ;)
No kids, thank goodness. Thank you for replying to my post.

I despise my ex for what he "did" to me. But unlike JA, the thought of revenge has never crossed my mind. Why not? Honestly I'm thankful he's out of my life. I paid $5 to Verizon just today actually to block his # from texting and calling me.

She disgusts me, as well as the entire DT. And on that note, I'm really going to bed this time lol. My smilies aren't working, otherwise I'd insert that cute little thing with a blankie and sleeping cap ;)

Just type in 'offtobed' within : : and you get :eek:fftobed:
For me, hearing that tape had the OPPOSITE effect than the defense wanted. It really humanized Travis and made me so so sad for what happened to him and destroyed all credibility she had since it was obvious that she played such a different role with him than the meek, understated mousy role she had been playing in court.

You are absolutely 100% correct!! His "singing" was so adorable. I'm so sad for him and his family. :cry:

JA is far from meek. Not even close to being mousy. All one has to do is look at the crime scene photos to see what an evil monster she truly is.

Still, this tape should not have come into court. Travis has been dragged through the mud a million times over, murdered over and over again, each and every day. Some things should have stayed private. IMO - this is one of them.

I long for the day, when the victim has more rights than the murderer, where one has to have PROOF of an allegation, before a DT can spew these lies in open court. I am so sick of this carp in our courts! It seems as though the more high profile the case, and if you are a "pretty" white woman, you have far more rights than any other person, especially the victim. It's sickening to me. Our system shouldn't be about whoever is the better liar and who plays the best games in court, wins! :furious:

Sorry for my rant. I pray, at the end of the day, Travis and his family receive justice!
Just catching up .. oh dear. Mr Martinez are you angry with me? Why?
ABC News has reported that the Arias Trial has cost Taxpayers 1.4 Million Dollars.

It is also being reported that LaViolette is "cashing" in on the Arias trial - by being paid $300 an hour (courtesy of taxpayers), and, to promote her book that is being re-published (due to the trial) and will be available April 23.

This board is filled with so many intelligent people - people that strive to promote all that is good.

My question is - do taxpayers have any say? For example, is it possible that taxpayers demand accountability - and, for future trials demand a "citizen board" that oversees trials.

It is outrageous - in my opinion, that LaViolette would be paid $300 by the defense. I doubt that this would be the amount LaViolette would receive if Arias was paying for her own defense - or if Nurmi / Wilmott had to pay LaViolette's expenses.

1.4 Million is a lot of money - it seems as though that Judge Stephens has the responsibility to keep this trial going.

Why is there no court on Fridays?

This "run away train" of a trial needs to be put back on the tracks - if either side (the state or defense) is using blatant stall tactics to delay the trial - then the judge should let the person know that stall tactics are not going to be used to delay court.

It seems wrong that there is 1.4 million dollars (and counting) to spend on this trial - when there has to be a better use for such funds. I realize that trials are expensive - but many defendants pay for their own defense - when a defendant has to spend his/her own money; find ways to pay for their defense - I think that they are more mindful of how much a person is making an hour.

$300 a hour is a pretty standard rate for expert witnesses in civil cases, so I assume it is the same for criminal. So I don't think the rate would vary much if Arias was saying herself. Experts usually charge $250-400 plus expenses.
Please let me know if I'm breaking any rules, or doing something incorrectly here... Just had to share a photo from the 'Justice for Travis Alexander' Facebook page... It's some of JA's doodlings/drawings done at the beginning of the trial, early Jan 2013. According to the FB page admin (Cathy), JA's family was trying to sell this on eBay.

OMG... Looks like Snow White with a black eye, and some Illuminati symbols (creepy!)... Here's a link to some info about the symbols:

Short excerpt from the attached article (quick FYI): "The Illuminati has no reservations whatsoever for adopting devilish means such as witchcraft, terror, blackmail, and so on. For this reason, it chose the devil as the overseer of all its affairs -- the reason why all members must revere the devil and his allies..."

Great... Now I'M shaking like a chihuahua. :shocked2:


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