trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #127

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OMG ~ Katiecoolady / other room watchers ~ at the end of the 3 minute break - are you seeing jodi turned around looking at the family??? Good Lord, she's out of control at this point!

I **think** she was looking at doctordrew juror who was sitting directly behind her and I saw that as well.

That's skeery, because I consider myself to be very anti-social. I'm so much happier with my cats, and my DH and DS. I have a handful of friends, and very limited contact to the outside world besides doctors appts, and my volunteer work.

Mostly this is because of my Diabetes and Neuropathy -- it's difficult for me to go out and act like a normal person. But really, is that an excuse? Besides, I found out rather quickly that "normal" folks don't want to hang out with someone with medical issues. So I just keep to myself.

I think many people can be labeled anti-social who don't go on to murder people. I can guarantee you I am NO Jodi Arias.


OH, Mel........I must be your twin sister on the East Coast. With me it's my dogs. I would much rather go for a long walk with them than have coffee or see a movie with people! and I would rather have just a couple of close friends than a whole bunch of casual acquaintances! I work on behalf of wildlife and that keeps me pretty busy.....but I AM glad to have discovered you and the rest of my Websleuths family! PS I never murdered anyone either.......and as yet, my Manifesto remains unwritten :)

I am watching HLN....I hate HLN....what other thing...don't leave us hanging like that!!

There's absolutely no clue as to what that other thing is. He really practically interrupted himself mid-questioning and said ot the judge if she wanted to do the other thing they talked about, and the judge called for recess.
Some here have said there might be a motion for mistrial going on (again? *sigh*), others have mentioned a guy in a blue shirt being sworn in by the judge, but there's no real offical word on what is going on right now.
Only that court in the sense of witness-questioning is over for today, so there's no more broadcast of what's going on, either.

I guess we'll have to wait for tomorrow.
Per JVM....Juan confirmed that JA signed her manifesto in the event she became famous. LOLOLOL! She's going to be 'famous', alright - the modern day Lizzie Borden.
She probably documented the murder in its totality.
And planned to release it after she was acquitted as an FU

So much for brain fog.

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A) Einstein = Theory of Relativity

B) Arias = Fake Pedophile Letters



HLN is saying that there is a motion for mistrial going on. It might be about JM being too tough on witlessness' witness'

There is nothing and i mean nothing this defense will not do to try and get a mistrial. i am sure we will hearing of a juror or jurors who have to go as well. grrrrrr
I wish they would verify that ALV really spent that much time with Jodi. I bet that is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g it quite a bit!

So do I. When she referenced "my nearly 35 years of experience," there was a distinct smell of dejavu in the air.
Does anyone know way trial day we are on so I can find the video on YouTube. I didn't get to see much of today. I won't get to see all week....grrrrrrr, work. I had to get my head examined, literally, so I was able to catch some of the trial while I was waiting for my CT scan. If my head didn't hurt so much, I would have shaking it more than normal. I love when JM let's ALV go on and on and then asks if she is done....and then asks her to answer his question. He is sooooooo awesome.
Ok now I do think she was heading kill everyone that ever crossed her. Moo

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I hope the jury realizes exactly what they're dealing with here. Jodi will kill again if she is acquitted. She will stalk and annihilate anyone who was involved in this case and did not support her 100%.
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