trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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Oh that's a creepy thought but actually plausible - what if Jodi were originally a twin in utero, and the other one never fully developed or died and no one ever told Jodi? She kind of just absorbed the other one, living off of it like a parasite until nothing was left of it. That's gross, sorry.

Hmmmm that would explain some things....
I wouldn't think they are. But it was just so strange and wanted to see if anyone else noticed it. Thanks for the response!

I felt like I was watching the birth of a new mistrial motion or at least the cause of the next 2hr-in-chambers-session with the judge
I do hope juror questions is next..

so everyone here?
If you were on the JURY for this trial?
What would you be asking this witness??

1) Ms. Laviolette, are you aware that in today's society and culture, exchanging emails, texts and IMs with someone with whom your primary contact with is sex doesn't equal being in a relationship?

2) What is your definition of booty call?
Does anyone recall when, in yesterday's testabaloney, JW did her little hand signal to ALV? I want to see what ALV was saying right before that. Thx!
Yep, the creation date is what struck me. I was surprised it hasn't been brought up in court. She didn't comment on any other youtube videos, didn't post any videos when she created it, until later after his death posting a video in memory. Similar to her posting on other social media about fond memories of him.

As recently mentioned by another poster, it seems quite possible it could have been used to threaten him with blackmail for the recorded phone sex video and photos. However, we know it was definitely used as part of her coverup.

I wish JM would have asked her why she created it, placing it in the timeline.

Juan brought it up. He asked her if she had made a YouTube acct . IMO she uploaded other items to blackmail him, then deleted them after she killed him. They may not have gotten any info from her laptop but I believe YouTube may have a record of what certain IP addresses have uploaded and deleted. I am sure Juan knows if there was ever anything else on her "channel"

I think we will be very interested in Det Brown's findings!

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Oh that's a creepy thought but actually plausible - what if Jodi were originally a twin in utero, and the other one never fully developed or died and no one ever told Jodi? She kind of just absorbed the other one, living off of it like a parasite until nothing was left of it. That's gross, sorry.
I think I remember reading a Stephen King novel with this plot once upon a time....:read:
Yep, the creation date is what struck me. I was surprised it hasn't been brought up in court. She didn't comment on any other youtube videos, didn't post any videos when she created it, until later after his death posting a video in memory. Similar to her posting on other social media about fond memories of him.

As recently mentioned by another poster, it seems quite possible it could have been used to threaten him with blackmail for the recorded phone sex video and photos. However, we know it was definitely used as part of her coverup.

I wish JM would have asked her why she created it, placing it in the timeline.

Disagree with other poster, as it post-dates the stolen gun. The first step in her murder plan had been taken on May 28th and her youtube account was created on May 29. It was to be used purely for coverup of the murder after the fact. Which it was. Perhaps the computer specialist scheduled for rebuttal will have something to ay about it?
Same here. DD is 24! I send one line text saying "call me"

I used to be able to do that---then their phone service went bye-bye (long story there)---then in desperation I FB some of their friends out of frustration and worry (again with the long story)---and oppsie accidently asked one of their friends to be my friend....opps!!!!!! teach me not to be det. Mom They are in their 20's and I HATE TEXTING :furious:
Did anyone else notice yesterday when Nurmi was craning his neck toward the jury, then whispered to Wilmott who then craned her neck and then asked to approach? Then when they got to the stand, Nurmi had his neck in some weird contortion while talking to the judge like he didn't want the jury to see what he was saying and then the judge looked at the jury? Anyone??

I asked yesterday but never got a response. :blushing:

I saw the neck-craning, but I did not see it followed up with a 'can we approach, your honor?'
:coffeews: Good morning new friends. Can't wait for today! Woke up this morning to a snow day! a real snow day! That never happens! Get to stay home with my daughter and be lazy. :woohoo:

:cheer: OMG...and I get to watch trial without minimizing my screen all stealth like!

My daughter lives in Colorado and she is home too! Snowing and cold she said.
What I find very frustrating is that these "expert" witnesses won't answer JM's questions. For goodness sake, just answer yes or no! No wonder he gets mad and raises his voice!!

I testified in a court proceeding once and the lawyer advised me to listen closely to the question and answer as directly as possible with out blabbering on and on. If they needed to expand on my answers from cross they would cover it in re-direct. Why is that so difficult for these witnesses to grasp, especially considering they have testified in court before?

ALV has been poorly prepared as a defense witness. She is also a poor witness since she doesn't understand that blabbing on after a "yes or no" question does not advance JA cause.

Once again, like Samuels before, ALV has a hypertrophied ego demonstrated by her reaction to hostile questions:

"How Dare You Question My Expertise!!!"

Her deliberate enunciated "MISTER MARTINEZ " is loaded with contempt.
JA and ALV both behaved similarly.
OH-I also read Jodi's lips where she is sitting with the mig specialist..I did not get all of what she is saying b/c Jodi talks really fast & runs her words together,but she is asking the MS about someone and the only part I could get was Jodi telling her-he refused!!
I know its probably not important,but I thought I'd let you all know!!
SyraKelly - She did a lot of talking where her lips were visible yesterday! Did you manage to catch anything else???
I place this on the fault of this judge. I have so many questions regarding the rulings of this judge but mainly her overall Loss of Control. I believe its gone so far that the DT is taking full advantage, knowing they have virtually gained Control of this Trial As for Wilmont's constant Objection/OverRuled, turning to an Approach----enough is enough. And can't this judge instruct the "expert" Witness to give a Yes/No answer where its called for.
And yes I believe Nurmi is going for Volume on the amount of requests for a he can later say, we were denied 6-8-10 times
Its bad enough this judge allowed in Jodi's crated journal, but Facts for TA's side are denied...too prejudicial = too obvious. The jury should get to see JA's parents interview ....they can believe what they want from them, but at least let them view, and also the people who knew JA and worked with her

I agree tss, Judge Sherry has to take some of the responsibility but I feel she is accommodating the Defenses actions to avoid liability upon appeal.

To date I have only seen her refuse a " may we approach?" once, and once only. I would love to see more of it, as would Juan Martinez I suppose.:floorlaugh:

Sequence of events:
05/25- Travis' email basically telling her to stay out of his life.
05/28 - Grandparent's gun stolen.
05/29 - UTube upload of Ed Snell.
06/02 - Car rental and a plan for revenge.

RE #4 - I think she created a Youtube channel because she intended to post all the stuff she had on Travis, the recorded phone call, any video and photos she had of him, basically blackmail him.
:coffeews: Good morning new friends. Can't wait for today! Woke up this morning to a snow day! a real snow day! That never happens! Get to stay home with my daughter and be lazy. :woohoo:

:cheer: OMG...and I get to watch trial without minimizing my screen all stealth like!

Ya, but get ready, it's about to go down. Gale force winds. Too strong a winds to de-ice aircraft, so I hope no one is flying today in or out of DEN. Tons of snow. But hey, if your home bake some cookies, brew a pot of coffe and kick back. I just pray your electric doesn't give way.
I used to be able to do that---then their phone service went bye-bye (long story there)---then in desperation I FB some of their friends out of frustration and worry (again with the long story)---and oppsie accidently asked one of their friends to be my friend....opps!!!!!! teach me not to be det. Mom They are in their 20's and I HATE TEXTING :furious:

LOL. I like to use voice to text feature. However, found out the other day it censored my curse word *advertiser censored**hole. It would not type it for me. Had to stop and type it in myself. :floorlaugh:
I watched the rehash of yesterday and Thursday afternoon in TruTV this morning and had a horrible realization -- when JM was questioning ALV about the Snow White speech, she saida couple of times that the jury would benefit from watching the entire speech on YouTube. JW is SO gonna make that poor jury sit through the long version of that speech on re-direct isn't she? :facepalm: Everyone else probably realized that possibility during the live testimony but I'm slow (no Einstein here!) and it just snuck up and surprised me this morning. :banghead:

Then they will realize that JM is right. At least, the three quarters of it that I saw never referred to Show White as abused. Unless the last quarter says something about the dwarves beating her when she didn't cook and clean as they liked, then ALV is so totally busted yet again on her veracity and believeability.

To the person who said there was no written record: Thanks for posting that. I think it's incredible that that would even be allowed, especially considering how much ALV's raking in for this career-ruining fiasco! You'd think she'd be required to write something down for $350 an hour, no? :what:

Sequence of events:
05/25- Travis' email basically telling her to stay out of his life.
05/28 - Grandparent's gun stolen.
05/29 - UTube upload of Ed Snell.
06/02 - Car rental and a plan for revenge.

Thanks. Who is Ed Snell? Nevermind, off to Google.
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