trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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Okay,Who has the manifesto or knows where it can be viewed ?TIA
Maybe they are purchasing them from the A family as a way of supporting them?

They get them by filing FOI (Freedom of Information) requests with the County Attorney's office.
Such a genius of Einstein proportions she totally messed up her premeditated murder. 1) Did not contain Travis in the shower, as planned. 2) Left a bloody hand print on the wall. 3) Left the camera in the washing machine.

And that is just the beginning. And let us not forget the .25 gun.



kept the receipts is a good one...
What emails and phone calls are they referring to please. If anyone has done any circus clowning its the defence team by leading witnesses / putting words in their witnesses mouths and time and time again giggling in court.

Does anyone know how many times nurmi or wilmott have faced off with Martinez in court? Other than today. I thought Baez was over the top with motion sickness but these two beat him. I think they feel like their ship is sinking.

I detest Baez but he was a much better lawyer than these two. He never would have filed a motion basically saying 'this guy's kicking my butt so please HELP ME!'

It's embarrassing.
Yes and I really dont understand why they cant just let their client have her day in court, let the truth and the evidence tell the story, and be done with it. What does a mistrial get them? The evidence would still be the same in a new trial. Are we really at the point where it's about wins and losses for the attorneys that matter?


Jodi's already delayed her trip to Perryville Pen for almost 5 years. A mistrial would let her put off the inevitable another year or two. I've never seen anything like the accomodations made for this monster.
Such a genius of Einstein proportions she totally messed up her premeditated murder. 1) Did not contain Travis in the shower, as planned. 2) Left a bloody hand print on the wall. 3) Left the camera in the washing machine.

And that is just the beginning. And let us not forget the .25 gun.



It really cracks me up because my kids used to always razz each other by saying " Nice job EINSTEIN" whenever one of them did something stupid.

So it is really funny to imagine that she actually compared herself to him for realz. :giggle:
Who types up these motions?? Terrible grammar!

"Note should also be made of the fact that the conduct described above has
ramifications that effect (sic) the ability of Ms. Arias to present her defense as the public
response to this unprofessional conduct has involved berating witnesses via e-mail,
telephone and in various internet forums. Said action has not only caused personal
distress to these witnesses but has made it difficult for them to provide effective
testimony for Ms. Arias."

The "witness" being berated via email, telephone and in various internet forums has nothing to do with Martinez and everything to do with the "witness" doing a horrible job.
Perhaps if you point out that the panther is superior to the grizzly, you will be forgiven.

I was indeed forgiven :great:
And I will always chose a confrontation with a bear over a contest!!!
I'm not sure if this has been answered already, if it is has my apologizes I've not been able to find it yet.

HLN, NG, DDrew, etc. lately have been showing "never before seen" videos, photos etc. How are these "never seen before" suddenly being allowed to be seen? Does anyone know if the jury has or gets to see these newly released items?

I find that the television shows are making this tragedy more like a circus ring!

Media and news outlets file under the Freedom of Information act and these taped interviews are released. Sometimes they are litigated prior to trial and held but eventually released.

Evidently these tapes, JA's parents for example, have been released by the State of AZ ...and the defense is crying mistrial.

Especially since JA's parents are not shocked JA is involved.

What a crock.

Unable to put on a defense? Really Nurmi? I believe the DT probably has put on one of the longest defense CICs concerning a murder case in modern history.

He faults Juan when his case was only 9 days and the DT case is 34 days thus far and the directs have been far far longer than the cross by Martinez.

I have never seen a DT so whiney.:banghead: And Nurmi has the gall to say that Mr. Martinez has talked badly to him in court. Oh pleeeessse we all have seen KNs rude condescending behavior against this Prosecutor who he knows has the evidence and is kicking JA and the DTs butt.

Nothing but sour grapes.

Rewatching the end of the morning session since that's when my job came in. I'm furious all over again about ALV outting that poor girl with anorexia. :furious: SO inappropriate.
The motion for mistrial reads to me that they are blaming JM for the defense witnesses getting skewered in the media and the press because everyone is such a fan of JM and his "aggressiveness". I'm sure ALV had a very bad weekend which she whined about endlessly to the DT and blamed JM, even though he only had her on the stand for 30 minutes. She couldn't fathom that it might be her testimony and her own snarky behavior that is getting her such bad press and making it "so difficult" to effectively deliver her testimony.

Who types up these motions?? Terrible grammar!

"Note should also be made of the fact that the conduct described above has
ramifications that effect (sic) the ability of Ms. Arias to present her defense as the public
response to this unprofessional conduct has involved berating witnesses via e-mail,
telephone and in various internet forums. Said action has not only caused personal
distress to these witnesses but has made it difficult for them to provide effective
testimony for Ms. Arias."

I chuckled at "damming" instead of "damning"
From the motion:

COMES NOW, Ms. Arias, by and through undersigned counsel to request that a mistrial be declared based on the prosecutorial misconduct that has infested these proceedings with a level of unfairness that cannot be cured by any other means. Ms. Arias bases this assertion on the fact that the circus like atmosphere inside the courtroom that to date has included counsel for the State yelling at witnesses, attacking witnesses on a personal level and throwing evidence. Not content with confining his misconduct to inside the courtroom counsel for the State, pursuant to his own admissions, chose to release evidence that was not coming into evidence at trial to the media and to pose for pictures with his so called fans on the courthouse steps has turned what is supposed to be a trial that comports with the rights due Ms. Arias pursuant to the 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution and Art. 2, §§ 4, 15, 23, and 24 of the Arizona Constitution into something that more closely resembles a modern day equivalent to the Salem Witch Trials which ended in 1693. This State of affairs has placed counsel for Ms. Arias in a position that they cannot fulfill the duties they owe Ms. Arias, pursuant Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 6.8. Counsel’s inability to fulfill these duties would thus result in Ms. Arias not having the benefit of the rights she is due pursuant to the 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution. Support for this Motion can be found in the attached Memorandum of Points and Authorities that is incorporated herein by reference.
OpeningstatementsinthismatterweremadeonJanuary2,2013. Since that time the State has thrown evidence and his pen, yelled at nearly every witness who took the stand in support of Ms. Arias and has hurled personal insults at defense counsel. In response to this behavior Ms. Arias has had to make several oral motions for mistrial that have been summarily denied by this court. More recently Ms. Arias has had to make mistrial motions because the State has not confined its misconduct to inside the courtroom. Most prominent amongst this extra-curricular misconduct is his decision to pose for photographs with his “fans” outside the courthouse steps where jurors could potentially see him so doing. In further efforts to prove his case in the court of public opinion rather than a court of law on April 4, 2013, the State unapologetically admitted that it had released a plethora of damming evidence that would not otherwise come into trial to the media. Pending before this court is a motion for mistrial based on the former, Ms. Arias’ motion for mistrial based on the latter was summarily denied.
Note should also be made of the fact that the conduct described above has ramifications that effect the ability of Ms. Arias to present her defense as the public response to this unprofessional conduct has involved berating witnesses via e-mail, telephone and in various internet forums. Said action has not only caused personal distress to these witnesses but has made it difficult for them to provide effective testimony for Ms. Arias....

[Give me a freakin break...]


In other words, we are going to keep asking for a mistrial until you finally give in, your honor!

In other words, we know our client is guilty as sin of 1st degree murder and not self-defense, and it's not fair for the State to show the evidence of such to the general public!

Such a genius of Einstein proportions she totally messed up her premeditated murder. 1) Did not contain Travis in the shower, as planned. 2) Left a bloody hand print on the wall. 3) Left the camera in the washing machine.

And that is just the beginning. And let us not forget the .25 gun.



ITA! What's really scary is the amount of education she's had about how to murder someone and get away with it next time while in jail. :what::what:

She must never be released. Ever. She is one very dangerous psychopath - and if she is ever released she may get away with her next murders. :furious:
Yes and I really dont understand why they cant just let their client have her day in court, let the truth and the evidence tell the story, and be done with it. What does a mistrial get them? The evidence would still be the same in a new trial. Are we really at the point where it's about wins and losses for the attorneys that matter?

A mistrial gets them off this case. I believe both KN and JW have tried to withdraw before. Also, under the circumstances, a mistrial would look like a victory for them.
Watching NG and I have to say I really like this Yale (his first name) attorney. He's the first defense attorney I've seen on her show be objective and say JM is doing a really good job!
When Juan informed her of the Applebee's story being duplicated, she admitted that she would have thought it worth investigating, from there she seemed, at times, to realize her analysis of that entire text exchange may have been off.

I know what you're saying, Schuby. I did think she looked to be thinking a lot during that section-- she's not stupid, and she had to realize the ramifications of accepting that JA had obviously fabricated parts of the journal (I know, maybe all, but just saying). You could see that she was trying not to agree with JM, but it did seem that she realized and did admit that the stories about two strangers coming in to tell her about Travis' infidelity were just obviously contrived.

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