trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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ALV has been poorly prepared as a defense witness. She is also a poor witness since she doesn't understand that blabbing on after a "yes or no" question does not advance JA cause.

Once again, like Samuels before, ALV has a hypertrophied ego demonstrated by her reaction to hostile questions:

"How Dare You Question My Expertise!!!"

Her deliberate enunciated "MISTER MARTINEZ " is loaded with contempt.
JA and ALV both behaved similarly.

I wonder how many times she has actually said 'Mister Martinez' whilst on the stand. I reckon she could fit 25 'mister martinez'es' into a minute, so there's 5 bucks.
And she has been writing page after page after page of notes/questions she will use on redirect! It will be ______! I cant even think of words strong enough to describe - the closest i came is excruciating painful.
The only blessing we have is that last Thursday Nurmi mentioned there be pressures on ALV's schedule. Sooo ALV herself may ask JW to be succint :floorlaugh:
can you imagine how chit-faced those reading along would be???? I'm sure there would be??? I'm thinking everytime she said it yesterday it was mentioned on the thread.....:facepalm::floorlaugh::twocents:

Exactly! :floorlaugh:

Definition of MANIFESTO
: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer
See manifesto defined for English-language learners »
See manifesto defined for kids »
Examples of MANIFESTO

The group's manifesto focused on helping the poor and stopping violence.

Italian, denunciation, manifest, from manifestare to manifest, from Latin, from manifestus
First Known Use: 1620

Given this definition, it's easy to deduce what is written in the Arias manifesto ...

"I, Jodi Ann Arias, intend on killing Travis Alexander because he will not take me to Cancun. If I get caught, I will simply proclaim my innocence, tell a thousand lies, and hire a couple of experts to support any scenario I put forward. And I might add that no jury will ever convict me."
Is court actually supposed to start at 9:30 Arizona time? Or are the attorneys supposed to be there for other stuff? Does anyone know? TIA! :)

That is the time the judge told the jury to be there.

Yesterday I watched almost two episodes of Elementary waiting for the trial to start, so who knows how long it will be today.
Someone posted a few hours ago, that AZ has not executed any woman given the DP in 80 years. So, if true, even if JA given the DP, little chance of it being carried out.
i think the manafesto is the letter she wrote the grandmother she talks about that letter on 48 hours...she wrote it in jail and didnt know if travis gm received it. oh by the way new here hello
And she has been writing page after page after page of notes/questions she will use on redirect! It will be ______! I cant even think of words strong enough to describe - the closest i came is excruciating painful.

Omg I bet the jury is going go ballistic if she keeps this witness on the stand for days.
I have an HDMI cord for that...but I want to be able to use my computer screen while watching the trial on my tv.

Anyone know how to do that? To make my computer and tv do show different things?

I plug into my DH's puter and put it on the TV and work on my own. In a pinch I have made the screen smaller and just pulled my work up beside it and had both on the TV...not optimal but better than the alternative:great:
That is the time the judge told the jury to be there.

Yesterday I watched almost two episodes of Elementary waiting for the trial to start, so who knows how long it will be today.

Thanks Tiger! I am thinking that with the new mistrial request, we might be waiting today as well. :furious:
I watched the rehash of yesterday and Thursday afternoon in TruTV this morning and had a horrible realization -- when JM was questioning ALV about the Snow White speech, she saida couple of times that the jury would benefit from watching the entire speech on YouTube. JW is SO gonna make that poor jury sit through the long version of that speech on re-direct isn't she? :facepalm: Everyone else probably realized that possibility during the live testimony but I'm slow (no Einstein here!) and it just snuck up and surprised me this morning. :banghead:

That's ok because it'll prove ALV a liar.JW should fight to ensure entire means just that, from beginning to end including her singing someday my prince will come. If the DT wants to lose the jury completely, playing her youtube is definitely the way to go IMO!!
That is the time the judge told the jury to be there.

Yesterday I watched almost two episodes of Elementary waiting for the trial to start, so who knows how long it will be today.

But you see this is irrelevant to Jodi as she understands from Special Relativity about time intervals being relative.
I will be devastated if what happened with the Caylee Anthony case happens here. But what your post made me think of was, they'll find searches such as "How to Murder Someone in the Shower with a Knife and a Gun," and she'll STILL be found not guilty.

I know, bite my tongue. This world is so full of injustices, though, that there's a tendency to want to prepare for the worst!

Justice for Travis. Period.

Jane, I worry all the time about that. The Caylee Anthony case seriously shook our faith in the justice system and some of us have not recovered but I have to believe that her case was an anomoly not the norm. :please:
ALV has been poorly prepared as a defense witness. She is also a poor witness since she doesn't understand that blabbing on after a "yes or no" question does not advance JA cause.

Once again, like Samuels before, ALV has a hypertrophied ego demonstrated by her reaction to hostile questions:

"How Dare You Question My Expertise!!!"

Her deliberate enunciated "MISTER MARTINEZ " is loaded with contempt.
JA and ALV both behaved similarly.

I have concluded that ALV has three defects as a forensic expert witness:

1. She is a control freak
2. She is a control freak
3. She is a control freak
I have a nasty bronchitis going on. Doc has medicated me pretty well. I am gonna lurk.....
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