trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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Are you referring to Daryl Brewer as DB? I had no idea he was even in AZ. That is really bizarre if he is still hanging around the courthouse.

Donovan more than likely

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Here's a question! What will JA's reaction be to the first-degree murder verdict?

1. Hurl insults at the jury
2. Slap Willmott
3. Fake faint
4. Fake cry/howl
5. Show no emotion

Strictly because of her shock belt, I'm going with #5.
Finally the SnowWhite moment...JA cut her hands cutting the poison apple!

assume there were 4 different stories about how she cut her hands...assume it...hypothetically.

I <3 JM
One thing that bothers me a lot about AV is that atleast 3 times during the cross examination she did not have her reading glasses on the stand, and she had to slowly walk to her purse to go get them. This shows she is playing games, wasting time $, and ill prepared. Maybe today will be the day she brings them with her to the stand and can see this case with clarity. - and speak the truth for once.

IMO she has her own manipulative manner going on here. She's trying to have the jurors see her as some kindly, aging, frail woman after having amassed an extreme amount of experience in treating DV victims.

Knowing full well that JM has no use for that bs schtick of hers, she hopes the jury will think JM is abusive towards her.

IMO she is extremely passive aggressive.
Sadly, even though she does not think she has a bias, as most of us can't see that about ourselves when we're in the eye of the storm, she really clearly does have a bias.

Like many police officers after 20 or 30 years that work certain division where all they see day in and day out is one kind of criminal. Or Doctors that work the Medi-cal Clinics...If you are exposing yourself to one kind of situation long enough, through no fault of your own many time, it will shape your ability to be open minded eventually.

Exactly the kind of Expert they wanted

This is very true.

Originally Posted by StephanieHartPI
I am pretty convinced this being the 10th or so Domestic Violence Expert the team attempted to hire, by this time they decided to make her "big picture" very little.

Instead of showing the person so much they ran screaming from the Jail, i saw glimpses of evidence that they did not show her much of anything, in fact a very narrow "scope" if you will.

I believe she was either told or discouraged from contacting the players in the case. Probably fed a line of bologna like "If you call them, then it opens up a whole pandora's box of that person, be it Ryan Burns, or Darryl, having to return to the stand to rebut something you talked about. Instead, here, read this, this is Jodi's diary. And this informative 90 second snippet of the Detective Flores Interrogation.

If you need anything else at all, call us first, tell us what the problem is, why you can't seem to the work with all the numerous documents we gave you. Oh, and yes, you may visit our dear Jodi. Fly down and talk to her.. Ok you are hired!
<snipped for space>

ITA and IMO no expert worth his or her salt would agree to be bound by restrictions such as you've described. Which explains why so many other experts the DT attempted to hire ran away screaming with their hair on fire.

ALV is no expert on anything other than "How to Hate Men".

IMO MOO and all that......

That's what's so interesting. She is a DV Expert Witness yet she refuses to remain independent and call the shots WITH THE DEFENSE TEAM. SHE is the professional, she is the Expert and as an expert she should TELL them how this will go and what she needs to do to be able to conclude anything.

This just negates all her 46 hours and any notes she took, its all garbage. And done in a minimalist fashion so as to be able to bring about a fake defense.

I have faith in the jury
i think her apology to jodi , upon their first meeting was very important and I hope Juan reiterates it for the jury in closing.

she feels sorry for jodi's being in jail when she is a victim.

so before ever meeting jodi, she had decided to treat her as a victim and condition her to act as a victim , to accept apologies and gifts and praise.

this is exactly where jodi wants her and everyone around her to be.

I think this ALV goes into this like a defense lawyer goes in when they know full well the client is guilty....

for the money...a noble mask hiding the truth...
It's a strange thing to say even in the scenario of one of her groups. It's just not a normal way to speak to another adult.

Hi, I agree. If I were JW. I'd try to get her off the stand soon as possible before she blows it again! We never know whats coming out of her mouth..She has seen her day.:what: :seeya:
Excerpt from Monday's minutes (4/8/13):

"4:33 p.m. Court and Counsel convene in chambers; also present are the Defendant and
next of kin.

Discussion is held"

The guy in the jeans and blue/yellow shirt at the end of the day was JA's brother??

Has this been discussed anywhere?
BBM - she called it a "homicide". That's a generic term in the dictionary, but the average person on the street probably thinks it means murder.

Nope, ALV said the word "murder." I heard it too.
Can we please all do a moderator alert!

Can you please give a timeout on Alyce ?


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ok I alerted to your post and said you wanted a time-out in the name of alyce. That is correct, riiiight?? :floorlaugh:
In the past few days I've noticed JA's demeanor is even more pose-y than usual. She whispers to her atty with her chin jutting out, swinging her hair around, posing for the camera with her face just so. She is positively eating up every minute of this! JA playing herself in her own movie that is masquerading as a silly murder trial! Also, did you see her grin when Juan brought up the manifesto? We silly commoners amuse her. She is a genius, you know.

Oh I also thought it was great when ALV slipped up and called "the killing" a murder. Oh snap!

It also has something to do with the fact that Judgement Day is approaching. She knows the jury didn't buy her BS. They don't believe her expert witnesses. She is getting restless. It's her pathetic way of coping. She is the :devil:
I disagree. There are lots of studies using different methodologies and they all show that women are disproportionately likely to be abuse victims compared to men. Obviously Jodi was abusive and obviously women do abuse and murder men but ALV is right. If you look at prison statistics, only 6.8 percent of federal and state prisoners are women. Women just don't commit ANY crime in the same numbers as men do.

I am no expert on DV, but something ALV discussed at one point on direct got me thinking. She testified about how in the DV "world" experts are beginning to expand their definition of DV to include more non-physical "attacks" such as verbal and psychological or emotional abuse. IMO she testified about this to cover the bases in case the jury decides to throw out JA's claims of physical abuse because of no corroborating evidence - then ALV can still fall back on the alleged non-physical abuse by TA and still try to claim JA was a DV victim.
My thought on this is that if ALV (and other DV experts) are widening the definition of DV to include non-physical behaviors, then it would surely follow that the stats on male-on-female and female-on-male DV would dramatically change. IMO in general (not in all individual cases) males and females express control and anger and fear in different ways; males stereotypically are more physical and females stereotypically tend towards passive aggressive behaviors (crying, withdrawing/withholding, manipulating etc. - sound familiar, JA?!).
So, if current DV stats (which are probably based on studies from more than 2 years ago anyway) are reporting DV stats based on physical abuse then it would follow that of course male-on-female rates are higher (this doesn't even take into account the factor that men who are abused physically by a woman likely have a lower rate of reporting it due to societal pressures). IIRC ALV on direct claimed that non-physical abuse can be "more damaging" than physical (again, she wanted to be sure that if the jury rejects JA's claims of physical abuse, they might still consider the "more damaging" non-physical abuse and put JA in the DV victim category anyway). Since women in general (IMO) tend towards more non-physical tactics, if studies start including non-physical abuse in their stats then it seems there would be a sharp rise in the rate of DV of the women-on-men type.
Didn't realize I was rambling on so long.... my apologies!
:what: Oh I missed this yesterday, but ALV had previously told Juan during her interview in Nov 2012, that Travis not the defendant, is the one who recorded the phone conversation.
I wonder if they keep her separate from other inmates and on suicide watch while she is going thru the trial? I would think that a DP trial may warrant both actions be taken by the jail.
Good morning all!! I haven't always been the biggest JM fan but after yesterday, I am CONVERTED!! I couldn't fin'd any spideys but I did find this...would I be bowing down to control and patriarchy if I wore them?


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It appears that JW has torn down all boundaries, as JA gets closer and closer to her physically and mentally. We saw JW make faces to JA when her objections were overruled, as if to say, "See what I've been telling you, how biased this court is?" Day by day JW gets less professional and JA gets more emboldened. imho.

That just shows how good JA is at manipulating people. Lets me see just how good she could be when she wanted to. Didn't seem that long ago that it looked like JA wanted nothing to do with JW. Now that JW is her only hope she is trying to be JW's best friend. JA is mimicking JW in some ways while JW is mimicking JA in others.
i think her apology to jodi , upon their first meeting was very important and I hope Juan reiterates it for the jury in closing.

she feels sorry for jodi's being in jail when she is a victim.

so before ever meeting jodi, she had decided to treat her as a victim and condition her to act as a victim , to accept apologies and gifts and praise.

this is exactly where jodi wants her and everyone around her to be.

I think this ALV goes into this like a defense lawyer goes in when they know full well the client is guilty....

for the money...a noble mask hiding the truth...

I understood the reason she gave, that it was apologizing for having to breech her privacy by reading her journals but it STILL show bias. You wouldn't apologize to a vicious murderer for reading their journals in your effort to save them from death row, but you would apologize for it to a poor helpless victim of DV and circumstance.
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