trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #133

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It took me quite a while to figure out that that wasn't my cursor...
I must be zoning out for some reason....

me too lol!
Again, ALV describing JA to a tee. ALV's going to have JA pay for thinking that the jury is so stupid not to notice that what ALV is describing -in reality- is JA.
:floorlaugh: Camera on Det. Flores for a minute as he wipes his hand over his face and looks like he'd rather be anywhere but there!:floorlaugh:
Sorry to tell you, but this is ONE case you SHOULD have turned down.

just sayin'
Baloney! You testified that you turned down cases because you didn't have time! :gavel:
Thank You I needed to read this.

To Travis's Family -Stay Strong

Let me revise it and add something else:

ALSO, JUan got in front of the jury, major inconsistencies in the story of the killing.

ALV contends that the killer thought the gun was unloaded, which conflicts with Jodi's revised story.

ALV contends that the killer ' pulled the trigger on purpose. Again, in conflict with the killers version.

AND she said the shooting happened in the closet. Another glaring inconsistency.

ALSO, ALV said that the killer told her that THE KNIFE was left on the bed stand. [ I thought she had fognesia and didnt remember anything about the knife]
Already up to the stalking. Maybe this will be shorter than I though.
Yeah, JA's a cryer....riiiiiiight. I hear JM's words ringing in my ears right now. "Did you cry when you were stabbing him? Did you cry when you slit his throat? Did you cry when you shot him in the head?" This is truly pathetic.
:facepalm: the bed is NOT made.

The brown you see are his SHEETS..........

I dont get why its so hard to believe they had sex. Have you SEEN the pics of Little Miss JA's rump from that day? There is NO DOUBT they had sex. And the red area on TA's groin....... I dont beleive that is normal. Normal after sex, maybe. But Ive NEVER seen a man with red "junk" without being stimulated in some way.

Just sayin.


I don't get it either...I'm SURE they had sex. I bet people are just so disgusted with JA and they don't want to believe Travis had sex with her..Also, they have 4
pictures that have not been released to the public that prove they had sex the day of his murder.
As I reflect on Juan's redirect, I think the strength of it isn't in any of the information that came out. Rather, I think it really worked because it clearly demonstrated ALV's agenda-driven investigation and the way that her agenda poisons her opinion. Her resistance to Juan was a vivid enactment of the activist attitude that allowed her to make completely irrational judgments about Arias and TA. This was a big win for the prosecution.
Oh yes, please do spell out again the definition of stalking.
Oh please! Now I have heard it all. Confronting the girlfriend of your ex is mature.

yesterday she wouldn't use the word 'confront.' they had a 'conversation.'

i bet they did. jodi drove 90 minutes to get to that girl and they just had a friendly chat. wish JM could find bianca!
Oh yikes, "I :) want to :) talk to :) you about stalking. :) :) :) " Apparently jw likes this topic and it makes her smile and talk in high notes.
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