trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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david ortunga can body slam me like a baby any dang day. so jealous of vinnie p right now
OMG I remember hearing there was more then ONE tape. Good Lord what the hell are they going to do next? So help me GOD if another sex tape is allowed in and has anything to do with ALV's testimony I'm going to EXPLODE!:banghead:

Interesting . . . since one of the juror questions asked if Arias recorded other sex tapes. She said yes, but she deleted them. Hmm.
<respectfully snipped for space>

Two things about the knife if she has to get it- 1) it renders her 62 second timeline null and void and 2) change of weapons makes it murder.

If she shot him as she claims, she is legally bound to STOP the attack. Shooting him, then having cognition to continue the attack by considering the location of the knife and using it is MURDER and no longer self defense.

Just want to THANK YOU again for your great logic.
I believe it is real.

Have you listened to it?

I think there are other sex tapes.

I have listened to it. There just seems to be a rumor that they may be trying to make sure it is Travis on the tape.
I think ALV is more despised than the psychiatrist. Part of his lame testimony could be attributed to being charmed by Jodi. ALV doesn't have that excuse to fall back on. Her testimony is hurting domestic violence victims. I'm afraid some might listen to her testimony and think most victims are full of crap like she is.
Her parents knew she was screwed up but unfortunately probably never had an inkling of how dangerous she would be. It would be very interesting if a REAL psychiatrist were to investigate Jodi's childhood as to torturing animals, bed wetting and fire starting. I bet it could be found that she has much in common with serial killers.

ALV was charmed by Jodi, just like Samuels was
I think he (DF) said that he removed oh-about 10 -15 pounds of cosmetic products.



Lol that's what I thought. All that makeup lol:great: I mean who does that lol well I'm sure she had a big hissy.
concerning Jodi's hair, I think it is a DT trick. No offense to DV women but I think they want her to look the part...which they would be wrong on. Matronly and tired and poor, poor Jodi.

There was a GREAT post by SmoothOperator last night regarding the morphing of JA's appearance. It's more than just strategy by the DT. Her evilness is starting to show. Her mask is falling off. Literally.

It's bizarre actually.
She wasn't acquitted, she was convicted. She is out on appeal. At least that is what I understand.

Amanda Knox was convicted; then she won her appeal and was released. In Italy they can appeal the acquittal, and that's what the prosecution is doing now. If their appeal is won they want to try her again. The U.S. would have to grant extradition, however.

(Italian law is different than U.S. law)
Who called who that night?

I may be waaay off here but do we know for sure the recorded phone call is authentic and not contrived??? I don't know how it could be done, but anyone have ideas?? :what:
100% without a doubt. ;) I always said that.

LL, there's been a lot of talk here about how JA's appearance has been changing. If you look at pics of Ted Bundy, his appearance changed too - some of these psychopaths are like chameleons, they're physical features change so much they look like different people. :what:
If I had been the one questioning ALV, I would have asked her a few more questions :

1) Did Mr. Alexander move to Yreka to be closer to the defendant ?
2) Did Mr. Alexander buy the 2004 Infiniti from the defendant with the intent on making monthly payments ?
3) Did Mr. Alexander ever show up unannounced at any of the defendant's residences ?
4) Did Mr. Alexander ever leave any of his personal belongings at the defendant's residence with the intent of picking them up "later" ?
5) Did Mr. Alexander ever send a threatening e-mail to any of the defendant's love interests after the breakup ?

YES or NO !!!
HLN: After Dark leaving out the coughing up blood at the sink. And I'm sure Travis ends right back in the Travis after Jodi shot him in their runabout shuffle, BS.

Imho, Travis was on his stomach when she slit his throat cause he was crawling bleeding out from chest/other wounds, he left forehead print on floor. She pulled his head back by hair and used the weight of his neck/head to slit. Evil witch.

Camera expert said that one pic was taken from 3 feet from the floor, did he lie under oath? Why doesn't HLN ever state this?
I can barely watch this cross. It just started for me on Youtube, and I swear to God I can't figure out what JW thinks is funny, why she snarks at the points that JM made.
OT, and I didn't follow the trial so I know next to nothing, but how can Amanda Knox be tried again if she was acquitted the first time? Anyone know?

She was convicted and the conviction was overturned on appeal. Italian law allows her to be retried.
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