trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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OMG - The doofuses on HLN acting out the crime. Why? Why did I look?
I noticed once when Jodi was standing today that her blouse puckered a bit between the buttons at the chest. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but could someone have said something and she started wearing the jacket in reverse to hide the revealing gap? It seems crazy because a safety pin or even tape could close the blouse. Plus, it wasn't that revealing.

If the jacket is very low in front then it wouldn't conceal the blouse gap when worn correctly.

If she was just cold, why not wear the jacket the right way?

Probably just trying to get attention with bizarre behavior....
She stuffed something into her jacket before all of those contortions. I think she thought better of it though because a while later she appeared to pull it back out.

We'll never know probably because even when she was caught red-handed passing off something that the MS eventually handed her mother (all on tape) nothing was ever stated publicly.

62 seconds. 1 minute and 2 seconds. But what happened in that time, did she shoot him, did she stab him maybe in his head or maybe in his back (9times) or maybe even shoot him in his head. Did he chase her then down the hall, maybe, not likely but maybe. So let's see if I got that right, she hurts him physically, almost deadly and he somehow chases her down then hall and he is the abuser, OMG, REALLY?

Oh yes--Alyce says so.
The last photo before the "dragging" pic. I think it was inadvertently taken while she was stashing the camera into the pocket of her "hoodie". The camera falls out of her pocket in the hallway, lands upside down and snaps the bloody picture of TA on the floor. The camera moved around with her. It was in the pocket of her hoodie.


Good theory.

Perhaps she had the wrist strap on that some cameras have.
It sure seemed like the camera followed her around.
david ortunga can body slam me like a baby any dang day. so jealous of vinnie p right now

DO may have been a wrestler but seriously dude, you're a commentator on HLN now - find a shirt that doesn't shrink-wrap your arms!:what:
Why are we discussing Ted Bundy. He was a necrophiliac who murdered NUMEROUS women he did not know. He was a serial shoplifter who had a sock fetish. He likely had NPD and ASPD, which I agree that Jodi most likely has, but that's where the comparison ends.
I can't bear couldn't bear to listen or see wilmott today. I had to mute my tv she just drives me crazy we her long recrosses. I'm sure the jury knew what she was going to do. Her little pattern of pounding it in their minds wether they want to hear it or not. It seems to have gotten personal with her. She wants to beat juan. This is not a game to him, he's very passionate about his cause for justice. Come on wilmott knows its over.
62 seconds. 1 minute and 2 seconds. But what happened in that time, did she shoot him, did she stab him maybe in his head or maybe in his back (9times) or maybe even shoot him in his head. Did he chase her then down the hall, maybe, not likely but maybe. So let's see if I got that right, she hurts him physically, almost deadly and he somehow chases her down then hall and he is the abuser, OMG, REALLY?

HLN "After Dark" is recreating the "killing scene" with the "bold accusation" tonight being Jodi's killing story is impossible. I cannot comprehend how, in 62 seconds, everything she alleges happened could have occurred. If this were truly self-defense, and he came at her suddenly and without her anticipating it, she wouldn't even begin to think clearly to grab the gun (assuming for this argument it was on that shelf) or get the knife.

However, in 62 seconds a lot could be accomplished if she already had the weapons with her and it was only a matter of killing him, planned ahead of time in her mind how she would do it.

Hair should be good tomorrow. I think you're right. Shower night or morning and all will be better tomorrow. I'm so happy that NO ONE picked up (or decided to focus in on) her "snow white" attire Monday. FAIL to the DA's jab on that one.


Her hair is always disgusting whether its shower day or not. No more "pretty" Jodi. She has officially morphed into the evil that she truly is.
I can't bear couldn't bear to listen or see wilmott today. I had to mute my tv she just drives me crazy with her long recrosses. I'm sure the jury knew what she was going to do. Her little pattern of pounding it in their minds wether they want to hear it or not. It seems to have gotten personal with her. She wants to beat juan. This is not a game to him, he's very passionate about his cause for justice.
for wilmott it's about winning
She's trying to prolong the inevitable.
Jodie's judgement day.
Watching Dr. Drew and all his guests. I was very hard for her Mother, her mother knew something was wrong with JA and when she got the calls from friends ( I still want to know what friends and would love to hear from them) she knew she was right and it was not her. When she spoke to DF it was relief, partly to help save her child (she's nut's) and partly for her own sanity ( I was right all along).

Yeah what friends and where are they?

But I don't think there would have been much they could have done with their psychopath daughter even if they had tried. You cant fix them. No doctor has ever learned how to put a conscience inside a human being that doesn't have one. In fact I have read that meds can actually make them worse.

I don't think she is nuts ........just a bad seed.

I'm sure she did give a sigh of relief knowing she was locked up and not out where she could drive them crazy anymore with her bizarre behavior and constant lies.

Think that is right. The guilty verdict was overturned.

Regarding Amanda first she was found guilty, then defense appealed and was found not guilty then the prosecution appealed that. So now another trial
is expected. This is what I understand. IMO
I wonder is she sees her self defense boat sailing away and is thinking mental illness/insanity is a better way? I find it odd that she's doodling away over there when she's on trial. Wasn't there another killer who used an insanity defense and all he did was color at his trial?

Yes. Was it John Couey? (Jessica Lunsford)
This picture scares me. The extreme closeness to Wilmott, the stare that goes right thru Wilmott, the beady eyes. It even captures a moment of disgust from JW . It screams creepy murderer to me.
I noticed once when Jodi was standing today that her blouse puckered a bit between the buttons at the chest. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but could someone have said something and she started wearing the jacket in reverse to hide the revealing gap? It seems crazy because a safety pin or even tape could close the blouse. Plus, it wasn't that revealing.

If the jacket is very low in front then it wouldn't conceal the blouse gap when worn correctly.

If she was just cold, why not wear the jacket the right way?

Probably just trying to get attention with bizarre behavior....

I saw her and it looked to me like she had something under the jacket maybe a pad or something because it appeared she was writing or reading something. I even thought of JW's phone. jmo
Thank you one and all but I did not post any of that to draw attention to myself or pity. I know that several if not more persons on this board have been through similar experiences, but really just wanted to get across the actions that an abused person has or doesn't have, no more and no less. I can at times laugh now about some of it, although after I hit the 'post' button I did have a bit of a cry. I am fine and my children are grown and fine, my daughter even graduated Magna *advertiser censored* Laude from DePaul and my son now has two sons of his own, so we are good, if not a bit damaged. Last thought on ja's nonsense, Shaking - that girl don't know shaking!!! At another time, I do have good positive and funny stories of revenge (legal), but that's for another forum, another time. Thanks again.
Good theory.

Perhaps she had the wrist strap on that some cameras have.
It sure seemed like the camera followed her around.

No wrist strap. It was found in the box that the camera came from. Unused. The camera came out of the washing machine without a wrist strap.

I wonder is she sees her self defense boat sailing away and is thinking mental illness/insanity is a better way? I find it odd that she's doodling away over there when she's on trial. Wasn't there another killer who used an insanity defense and all he did was color at his trial?

Casey Anthony looked to be doodling all the live-long day as well. You'd think being on a murder trial would have your complete attention but apparently not.
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