trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

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Our little EinstEin had this to say on her "art" website: "I remember only as Mr. B, the art teacher at Orcutt Junior High School, who I’m sure has long since retired. He granted me creative freedom to veer from the linear syllabus and follow my own inclinations. "
Really? And btw one of her "art" is 2000.00
Dream on , dream on....

She should also thank her theater teacher because her theatrics are on center stage.
I can't remember who goes first to cross-examine the jury's questions, defense or prosecution??? In other words should I plan to vacuum today and watch JM on Monday???

All you have to remember is the side who called the witness to the stand, is the one who questions first.

In this case, the defense called ALV to the stand, therefore, Willmott will ask follow up questions first, then Juan.
Can someone please PM me and tell me what it means to "cork" someone? Is it just a synonym for "f'ing" them?

Let me know what your research turns up, Schuby, but I'm not going to stop using "corking" just because some "expert" decided to throw it into the mix in the circus that was her testimony.

It's a corking good day, say I! :seeya:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:I was thinking the same thing. Hope no one searches the history on my iPad!!:floorlaugh:

If someone searched my computer history it could be evidence of so many crimes and moral infractions that people would think I'm surely very sick in the head. It's just research:blushing:
Cheerio and a glorious Good Morning to all, Sleuthers!

I say, I have the strangest feeling that I am going to be smelling burning bacon or justice by noon.


Thank you for that...the sweet smell of justice. or bacon..

And she means that literally and figuratively. I think *she* has family of origin issues re: abuse and I think she may have had abuse in previous relationships, perhaps her marriage.

When she said she was "old-fashioned", she didn't say it in a way that excuses why she couldn't bring herself to ask Jodi about more explicit sexual details. She wore it as a badge of honor.

We all construct realities to some extent and when you're a kid it can be your only escape. Her generation had a different view of "proper" things to talk about in public and "improper" things to ask another person. She never made the distinction between being an advocate for an abused person and being a dinner party guest. You have to ask the hard questions as an advocate. You don't ask personal questions at a dinner party.

She needs everyone to always say "please" and "thank you" and to do everything you say you're going to do and her standards for behavior for men in "relationships" are completely different from her standards for women.

And she brings those personal beliefs about acceptable social behavior to her weird belief that Travis was an abuser because he didn't call Jodi back on occasion or he had sex with her and immediately left or he didn't say please or he raised his voice to her or he was rude in an e-mail or he insulted her or said negative things about her family.

Seriously lady? If we physically struck back with Jodi-esque force at every man who failed to remember an important date, chose football over going out to dinner, told (as opposed to asking politely) us to bring them a towel or were just plain crummy boyfriends, it would be a bloodbath.

The concept of a friends with benefits relationship or even a purely booty call agreement is so foreign to her.

And for some reason she thinks Jodi's 5 month sexual romp with Travis was a committed relationship that should have led to marriage if only TRAVIS hadn't foiled Jodi's plan by breaking up with her and seeing other women.

Since I'm already into a thesis, I'll just say that I think Jodi ran this hustle on Travis after he told her he didn't want anything serious with her: "No, no, I agree with you. I don't want a serious relationship either. Let's just hang out and if it goes somewhere, great. If not, we're still great friends" ...:rolleyes: He was naive and inexperienced so he took her at her word.

She made a telling comment earlier when JW was questioning her about Jodi's sexual boundaries that she (meaning DV Lady) "may be comparing my boundaries to Jodi's". Shouldn't the evaluator separate herself and her issues from the person she's evaluating? She doesn't get to make moral judgments in her role AS A CRISIS INTERVENTION/CONFLICT RESOLUTION/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SURVIVOR ADVOCATE.

She could even somehow see Jodi as representative of what she wishes she could have done to a man who truly abused her (or even behaved in a way that she defines as abusive) or maybe she wishes her mother had been able to take action against her father ... whatever the issues are with DV Lady, there is no arguing the issues are there. And glaring.

Long-winded way to say DV Lady is totally projecting. :D

The defense team should have seen this bias in spite of their glee at having found an expert willing to testify. JW is a death penalty approved attorney so surely she's seen this kind of desperation to save a client thing before.

The defense team should have had another psychologist or therapist come in to confirm DV Lady's findings or at least put her through a tough grilling about her assessment. I would have, especially knowing Juanderful would be the prosecutor.

I'm stepping down from my soap box now and going to get a much needed cup o' joe.

Right on! :great:
When you're right, you're really right, Charlie. Spot on, and could be extended to the phone sex, pictures, you name it. I, for one, am no longer willing to give JA any benefit of the doubt where "coincidences" are concerned.

I don't believe in coincidences, only the illusion of them - there is a boatload of illusions in this case and they all seem to center around one character - JA. No benefit of doubt here either. :blushing:
I think I recall the kick happening when her mom went to Mesa to help her get ready to move back to Yreka, if that narrows down your search any.
yes, I agree....just wanting to listen to it again, and can't wait for JM to jump all over this with ALV :great:
Let me know what your research turns up, Schuby, but I'm not going to stop using "corking" just because some "expert" decided to throw it into the mix in the circus that was her testimony.

It's a corking good day, say I! :seeya:

I'm not in the habit of using it but perhaps I should be, all this talk about it is making me insecure that I'm officially out of touch with what the young people are doing these days. Cork that!
:seeya: Good Morning.

Looks to me like Juror #5 may not have been the problem after all! :floorlaugh:

If I were Ms. Wilmott, once the remainder of the jury questions are answered, I would say 'no questions, your honour', and get that woman off the stand ASAP
She conveniently throws out the "old-fashioned" card when it is beneficial for the defense, IMO. One way to avoid the issue of the type of sex that was had and who initiated it (Arias).

She can't be that 'old fashioned' if she has a female partner can she?
Did I u d'état and correctly? There is court today?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The judge told the jury 9:30am before they were excused, then right before the camera went to the seal, she told the attorneys 9:00am

Judge had previously stated court would be in session from 9:30am - 12:30am
This is O/T my apologies. I just heard on Headline News that a mail bomb intended for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Apraio was intercepted and disarmed by Federal authorities. Could this just be a weird coincidence? This person on trial clearly has many zealous "supporters".

I imagine there are a lot of former jail birds who have an axe to grind with Sheriff Joe.
I keep thinking about how the DT could have gone a different way without totally trashing Travis Alexander's reputation. The man lost his life, his future, and due to this defense, every shred of his reputation. I don't think it was necessary to bring in the sex angle for days on end. A person may say things during sexual experiences that they think will always be private between them and their partner. It is obvious to most of us that Jodi was into this as much as he was. I think there were other ways they could have gone without their experts ruining their reputations and creating such disdain for the defense team. She admits she did it in addition to the overwhelming evidence. How can things that go to prove it be seen as too prejudicial when we know she did it? She is entitled to a defense but that shouldn't include completely destroying the reputation of the one she murdered. How can her feelings outweigh his? Our system has gone too far to the rights of the criminal and too little to the rights of the victim. I will be so glad when this is over. It is making me have feelings I don't like to have.
I believethey could have gone with how Jodie preceived things.
Like due to her "history" she saw things that weren`t necessarily acurate. That way she could still play the victim but they could have avoided trashing the real victim.

Hope that makes sense.
I think I recall the kick happening when her mom went to Mesa to help her get ready to move back to Yreka, if that narrows down your search any.

What? I thought AVL was portraying the kick as something JA did as a teenager? But it happened in Mesa? :what:
Trial scheduled to begin @ 9:30 AZ Time today, Monday, and Tuesday.

Source: Maricopa County Superior Court Docket Calendar
Can someone please PM me and tell me what it means to "cork" someone? Is it just a synonym for "f'ing" them?

When used in this situation, I think of wine. The process of corking the bottle would be analogous to to "f'ing" someone.

Porking someone would mean the same thing...I've never heard of the corking expression though.
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 19m

Just went over 10,000 tweets as well as over 10,000 followers. Coolio. #JodiArias.

WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 17m

Tons to do still this morning.. I will check in with you all around 8:30 from the #JodiArias courthouse for the fashion update! :)
Hi all, coming out of lurkdom to ask a question...

Where did the information come from that ja kicked her mother? When/who was on the stand when the jury heard that info? Thanks very much!! :seeya:
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