trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

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Organization and planning. . . .love it.

JW does not. She asks to approach.
Someone posted earlier in a thread that is now closed:

"Don't hold your breath on this verdict, just because SOME love jm, doesn't mean most do and we have seen in the CA trial, it's best not to assume. Don't like him myself, he could handle this so different and still get a conviction, but hey that's JMO."

Please allow me to play devil's advocate and present the other side re: Juan's style.

Experienced trial attorney and victims advocate Wendy Murphy addressed the issue the WS poster raised about the style of Juan Martinez during the April 7th airing of TRICIA'S TRUE CRIME RADIO. (Tricia had expressed a similar concern about JM being too aggressive.)

Click on the 17:30 mark in the scroll bar of the audio at

Basically what Ms. Murphy said was that b/c JM is so experienced we can assume he knows his jury very well. Wendy thinks JM must believe the jury is angry. Therefore he is channeling that anger through his aggressive style. In other words, JM is being openly angry because he wants the jury to know he's on their side.

Murphy went on to say. "If he's kind or polite to Arias or her 'hired guns', there's a guarantee that one of the jurors will think to themselves that JM doesn't think Arias is a monster." She added, "He must not think the crime is so horrific and vicious because he's being so polite to those people."

Of course, no one can be sure that all the jurors are in synch with JM. But I thought Wendy did a good job of explaining why he has approached the trial the way he has -- including wanting to be a tireless and aggressive advocate for the Travis Alexander family.

A happier looking judge. I am sure she's happy with justice beginning to prevail in her court room.

Plus not being stressed with obstinate witnesses! Had to be difficult :banghead:
Dr. DeMarte: Deleting photos from a camera, cleaning up a murder scene, that is a function of organization and planning, objection, JW, may we approach.
The jury must really appreciate the efficient and professional exchange between Juan & Dr DeMarte.

What a contrast of the days and days and days spent on shoddy presentations by others.
Judge can we approach, the witness is shooting holes in the fog and we can see.
Didn't ALV testify to having read all of JA's journal entries before 6/04/08 and stated she saw no anger issues? Guess she missed the kicking in doors, etc.

Well, to give Alyce the benefit of the doubt (which she doesn't deserve at this point, IMO), this was in an e-mail from Jodi, not a journal entry.
JW is going to try to argue that this is just like Juan keeping out Samuels' theory about a disorganized crime scene=no premeditation. She's WRONG!! Sit down, JW. And quit smiling inappropriately!!!
Hi Alana!! :seeya:
You just brought back memories. My mother decorated my room with your mother's art back in mid 1964. I remember the name Keane was on them. I used them for my daughter's room years later.
I had these, and I believe one with a harlequin clown suit. I absolutely loved them.
Wow, my mom gave me one too! I had it on my wall for years. Still have it. The eyes are so expressive, unlike you know who's flat, dead fish type eyes!
just because she knows what she is talking about dah winning!:seeya:
DeMarte indicates the deleting of pics from camera, clean-up by JA, etc., are actions of "organization and planning" that are not consistent with a fight or flight response (during which the ability to make those type decisions is absent). Another JA fabrication shot down. Next!
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