trial day 48: REBUTTAL #147

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Slightly OT but not really. I am so freaking obsessed AGAIN with this case...yesterday I got home and tried to hurry up and pull up WAT on laptop....had my phone streaming and grabbed my Nook with headphones just in case....I was sitting there with THREE - count 'em -- THREE devices streaming the trial all at once.

My daughter said I need an intervention.

Are you totally obsessed?

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JW made this sound complicated and it's not. it's exactly like a med student who becomes 'dr.' when he/she graduates from med school. then they're a resident. they work, they see and treat patients, but there is an attending physician (licensed) who has to co-sign all their orders and monitor what they're doing. when they complete their residency, they may do a fellowship in their specialty area, gaining more experience. but once they're licensed in a state, they can operate independently. but the entire time, they've been 'practicing', because they've been seeing and treating patients, developing a plan of care, diagnosing, etc.

But the rules are someone different for a Ph.D in clinical psych as opposed to a medical doctor. And don't medical doctors take thier medical baoards/exams after med school before resident tenures. Or do I have that wrong.
I don't think JW will make much headway today--Dr. D. is too smart for her. JW tried unsuccessfully to challenge Dr.D's view that other people know when someone is a pedophile--because of their actions of being around children, behavior that comes to the attention of family, friends and police.

Travis was only called a pedophile by Jodi--AFTER she murdered him.

I love how DrD described Jodi perfectly--immature, strange, aggressive, liar, unstable, empty & violent. NOT a victim of abuse.

JW & JA both acted immaturely yesterday, IMO. JW was rude, condescending and flippant with the witness & showed she was out of her element dealing with a qualified expert. She did the same with the medical examiner MD.

JA couldn't have been more obvious in her pretending not to even notice Dr.D. describing her in unflattering terms. She actually acted out her diagnosis of BPD while Dr. D. was describing her immaturity, instability, strangeness, etc.

Let's hope JW keeps it short. She is not going to be able to score any points with this witness. It's painful to watch!

Which helps DD!
There were gas stations all along her route, her first reasoning for having them was to buy cheaper gas outside of Calif., when the receipts proved that she bought the gas for the cans in Calif. that excuse went out the window, so then it became so she didn't run out of gas, which makes no sense since there were plenty of gas stations along the way.

The purpose of the third gas can was to get all the way out of AZ before needing more gas.

Exactly. She doesn't want to admit to the 3rd gas can because she knows 2 gas cans wasn't enough to get her from Pasadena to Mesquite Nevada for her next fill up. If she claims to only have 2 cans, in her mind, it means she had to stop in AZ for gas.

Since most people on the jury have probably made the drive from Phoenix to California, this claim about running out of gas will sound ludicrous! Interstate 10 is a major highway with gas stations everywhere. She had driven this highway MANY times before.

Her claim for filling the gas cans to get from Pasadena to Utah doesn't ring true either. She filled the gas cans at 8:42pm. By this time she had already made her last phone call to Travis at 8:36pm to let him know she was on her way to AZ (if you believe she told him).
JMO - that 44 hours included more than talking about domestic violence. There seem to be several responses and physical tells that are common between ALV and Jodi. Just sayin...

Yes, raisincharlie, I saw a couple of exchanges. I think JA worked on ALV from the beginning. I mean nothing ugly by this, just what I noticed -- I think ALV may have been a bit smitten by JA -- I feel sure JA was on her best behavior and doing her best to show those type "problems" that she thought were appropriate to whatever JA thought was the most mitigating persona to project. I have no idea what that might have been. And ALV's questions or observations to JA may have given JA hints of what dx ALV was trying to construct. And yes, I mentioned a tell earlier, and I really thought I saw a couple.
Do we know if Jodi was under a court order to cooperate with the States psychologist?
Could her lawyers have prevented her being interviewed and tested?

I really don't think it would take a court order to compel JA to talk at length and in great detail about herself to anyone who will listen. (Hence, her many interviews and her own testimony.) It seems her attorneys have no power to get her to keep quiet, even on social media. I noticed one of her tweets invited people to write to her in jail because she will write back!
Here's a conversation I had with Oldest Son (age 30) which I think shows why ALV's "ignorance" of social media, emails, texts, etc. really affect her ability to understand the interaction between JA and TA. It's from a few weeks ago.

Me: So the judge in the Steubenville case handed down a verdict today.

OS: I don't know anything about that.

Me: It took place in a small town in Ohio. Some teenagers, lots of football players, got very drunk at a party and molested a girl. And then like idiots they --

OS: Recorded it on their cellphones.

Me: Exactly! And then, if you can believe it, they stupidly --

OS: Posted in on the internet.


Me: I thought you didn't know anything about it.

Gooooood morning sleuthers.
Just wondering if it is bad form for the cross to go much longer then the direct? Hoping JW doesnt blather on for days doing an excruciating and pointless cross?

JM spent less then a day on this witness ...the cross should be much quicker then the direct.. I hope anyway.

I'm anxious to see what is next!

Not necessarily. Remember, a lawyer works with his/her witnesses before they get up on the stand. Thus the direct should flow freely and seamlessly. A cross is intended to get into the meat of the witnesses' testimony and test it for truth and accuracy. That could take some time (see, e.g. ALV's cross). Just as the THs were criticizing JM for not making his points more directly, JW could have easily made her points about DD's youth and experience in three or four questions. The jury can hear and see that DD is young. JW is wasting time with her valley girl inquiries into DD's CV,IMHO.
Yes, it certainly appeared that way. A good lawyer will have their cross prepared before trial. She had Dr. DeMarte's report and her CV months ago. Of course you add in stuff that came up on direct, but the basic cross should have already been prepared. That said, trials are a boatload of work for lawyers on both sides. It's incredibly stressful, which is perhaps why JW is losing her hair.

It is interesting to watch JW writing and writing and writing while the witness is being questioned by JM - and then to watch JM sit there paying attention while the DT is questioning the witness.

No last minute scramble for JM.
I've felt for the defendant a couple of times; not because she's on trial, but because of such a wasted life.

Dr. D on the stand yesterday brought home the stark reality of just how wasted that life is. She could have been up there, testifying as a professional, had she made better choices in life.

I found it incredibly sad.

I feel a bit differently. We've had some insight through the e-mail yesterday that JA knew she had 'issues'. JA was very self-aware, she read many books on self-improvement. She chose to not seek any help for her BPD. From an early age, she always chose the easy way out of every situation.

She chose not to abide by very reasonable parental rules - she moved out.
She chose not to get her GED. She chose to remain a waitress. She chose not to work harder or learn new skills to get a decent paying job. She chose to hop from one guy to the next and used them as stepping stones to 'appear she was successful' or she fell back on grandparents for a place to live. She chose to have plastic surgery instead of spending her $300 for a community college course on art or even photography.

Travis came from a neglectful and horrible childhood. He became a self-made young person. While he was alive, he chose not to waste his life sitting around being a parasite to those around him. He gave back to others.

JA chose to waste her life before she murdered Travis & was on trial and facing the Death Penalty.

My husband's ex used to do that with me, thought she could intimidate me. She didn't want her ex-husband, but didn't want me to have him either. I had her pegged for what she was early on and she hated me all the more for it. She's very narcissistic and vindictive, also fits the BPD profile and is much like JA, even down to the flat, empty eyes. She was always out for blood and vicious, including being cruel and abusive to her own little girl. I found her to be kind of scary because we never knew what she might do next. But she wasn't as scary as JA, as she never killed anyone (that I know of). I have no doubt JA would kill again if she goes free, heaven forbid.

My mom is BPD & I cut off all contact 5 years ago. It became too much for me to have 3 small children AND having to deal with an 'adult toddler.'

The main problem is her inability to have empathy, thinking that I am just an extension of her, and needing more attention than a newborn. She also takes advantage of every situation where I'm vulnerable--like when my beloved FIL died suddenly--she, of course, demanded we travel to have Thanksgiving with her friends--while I'm pregnant, caring for 2 babies and a grieving husband.:furious:

As Sweet Brown said: "Ain't nobody got time for that!"
I concur. The more time JW spends with Dr D, the more damage she does to the defense. JW waaaaaaay out of her league with this strong, qualified witness.

Hopefully the (our) saving grace today will be that JW is smart enough to go nowhere near Demarte's diagnosis of Jodi.

We didn't hear all the details of the MMPI and if JW chooses to stumble into that, I doubt any additional information will be favorable to Jodi.

Hopefully she sticks with her pathetic attempt to discredit the witness via credentials and that lasts another 10 minutes max. (That's all I can stand)
I had to stop at my sister's house after work yesterday. On my way home, I always stream the trial on my phone and just listen (obviously I can't watch as I'm driving).

Well when I stopped at her house, I took the phone in with me and held the speaker part to my ear the entire time I was there. She just stared at me for the longest time and then said, "Seriously? You need help."

My desktop will freeze sometimes when the hamster gets tired, so I have my laptop sitting on the desk all ready to go just in case. When not in use, I use the laptop to warm my pizza leftovers so I don't have to leave to get a snack. My sister wants to have me committed. :floorlaugh:
I agree. What worries me is there are many, many clinical psychologists and psychiartrists in the field of forensics as well as "regular" therapy. Why did the prosecution go with someon so inexperienced. Why did they not put up someone with a longer history in the field. I'm not saying she is wrong in anything she said or is not very capable but the expereince is not there. Could the jury conclude that the prosecution could not get an expereinced psych/psch to come to the same conclusion? I like the way she explained things and I can understand her being frustrated with the way JW poses Q's (She is just awful IMO, can't seem to string cohesive thoughts together) but I did think she is too inexpereinced. While I liked her straight forward approach she did come off a little too cold and clinical. Thay may work very well here. But I would never refer somone to her for therapy

Good morning everyone! :seeya:

I agree with you! The one advantage that Dr. D has on her side is that this is a pretty easy case for her. IMO I guess what I mean is, at this point, most of us were willing to accept any diagnoses, weren't we? We all know there is something more there, not PTSD, not DV. Juan could have chosen not to call her or any other psychologist, and I don't think it's going to change the outcome of this trial, Jodi will be found guilty IMO
She clearly said yesterday that she wanted to do more forensics, and this case will launch her career. I liked the way she answered the questions, and don't throw tomatoes.... but I do think her demeanor changed when JW got up to question her, but will wait to see what happens today. I think JW might have been thrown off a bit yesterday that Juan didn't question her until the end of the day. Maybe JW will be more organized today :D (one can hope!!!)
I wanted to make a comment about the whole age/experience topic (not relating to anybody's post).

As someone who has seen more doctors than I like to think about for medical issues my entire adult life, there are times when you want a young doctor who has all the latest knowledge in his brain, and there are time when you want an older doctor with lots of experience who isn't, for example, going to order a lot of unnecessary tests, or can look at a much broader picture.

I think age is not the issue. There was nothing stopping ALV and RS from keeping up with the latest findings in their filed. They just chose not to.

I agree with you. My sister is a CCRN with major continuing education to the point now she re cert's doctors in certain area's of her field.

I have no license in anything but I worked in Critical Care part of an ER as a unit secretary along with Medical Dispatch for EMS. However, I did go to EMT school and continued education to understand my job better.

Anyone, today, in their field needs continuing education.
Good morning Texas and Texans;

Here's a conversation I had with Oldest Son (age 30) which I think shows why ALV's "ignorance" of social media, emails, texts, etc. really affect her ability to understand the interaction between JA and TA. It's from a few weeks ago.

Me: So the judge in the Steubenville case handed down a verdict today.

OS: I don't know anything about that.

Me: It took place in a small town in Ohio. Some teenagers, lots of football players, got very drunk at a party and molested a girl. And then like idiots they --

OS: Recorded it on their cellphones.

Me: Exactly! And then, if you can believe it, they stupidly --

OS: Posted in on the internet.


Me: I thought you didn't know anything about it.

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