trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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If you close your eyes and listen to this exchange, it seems rather like the witness is the teacher and Jennifer is the annoying student asking silly questions. It is just odd how bad this is!! Is there court tomorrow?
Baez would have done a better job than Willmott/Nurmi.

Good lord! If you really need to be an 'expert' in DV specifically to know that Arias was not abused then the implication is that the average person (including jury) is dumb as he$$.
I'm still having a hard time believing Jodi is above average. It's shocking to me for someone that can't keep her lies straight. Casey was sooooo much smarter.
is JW done? I had to step away?

NO...asked to take an early break because whatever BS she was about to bring up was "going to lead to something else"...which means, she needs to get on Wikipedia to research things like psychologist versus psychiatrist.
[ame=""]Loca the Pug singing......'The pug that couldn't run' - YouTube[/ame]

For your lunchtime viewing pleasure... made me think of Travis and Napoleon!
Pugs are so darn cute!
I'm still having a hard time believing Jodi is above average. It's shocking to me for someone that can't keep her lies straight. Casey was sooooo much smarter.

Casey made the obviously smarter choice of not testifying and not giving as many statements to the police, but I wonder how she would have done if she would have been cross examined.
I'm still having a hard time believing Jodi is above average. It's shocking to me for someone that can't keep her lies straight. Casey was sooooo much smarter.

Maybe it's because we knew sooooo much more about Casey. That Sunshine Law sure made it possible and the vocal "players" who knew her. I think there is much more to Jodi we just have not heard. Yet :seeya:
I thought this important enough to repost:

"Joe Wheeler Dixon, PhD, JD

Battered woman syndrome (BWS) was first proposed in the 1970's and was based solely upon the clinical observations of a single clinician, Dr. Lenore Walker. After she coined the term and published her hypotheses the concept quickly caught on. BWS became a popular way to justify criminal conduct of women who were charged with the murder of their husband. However, while the idea initially enjoyed success in some clinical circles and several legal jurisdictions, BWS was never empirically validated through scientific research as a bona fide condition, and therefore it has not enjoyed widespread support by psychologists who practice clinical and forensic psychology. For those women who are indeed chronically battered, they may more reliably and more correctly be diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
to date there is insufficient empirical evidence to show that BWS per se meets the rigorous diagnostic criteria of psychology or psychiatry for a mental disorder. For instance, there is no reliable means to differentiate those women who merely claim a history of battering from those who have actually been battered.
Doctors typically rely upon the patient's first party self-report when diagnosing clinical conditions. In the case of BWS, when some women are seeking to avoid criminal responsibility, it is extremely unwise for a doctor to reach what amounts to a legal conclusion of battering based solely upon the presenting complaints and history of one person. "

more: Essay .htm
The six criteria from the 2009 edition appear to be:

Intrusive recollections of the trauma event(s)
Hyperarousal and high levels of anxiety
Avoidance behavior and emotional numbing (usually expressed as depression, dissociation, minimization, repression, and denial)
Disrupted interpersonal relationships from Batterer's power and control measures
Body image distortion and/or somatic or physical complaints
Sexual intimacy issues

Anyone care to find the list of criteria from the 1st edition?
Casey made the obviously smarter choice of not testifying and not giving as many statements to the police, but I wonder how she would have done if she would have been cross examined.

JA had to testify, there are no witnesses, proof of any type of abuse, only her word.
:seeya: Unfortunately JW is NOT done :furious:

She is draggggggggggggging this out all she can :furious:


I feel badly for JD having to sit through this. She's doing great though - there won't be one issue that JW can nail her on, so I fear JW will keep going until she feels she's had her "gotcha" moment. I don't see her giving up anytime soon.
Whew! Just got caught up here.... JW hasn't changed her approach at all...I feel badly, it's like having a hunk of toilet paper hanging on the bottom of your heel, and no one tells you...just lets you wander around the cocktail party....all sophisticated and stuff....why doesn't Nurmi give her a lil heads up that this isn't quite going as well as she might think......

maybe when someone tells him to tuck in the back of his shirt?
Time to walk The Puggles and straighten up before we're live again. I'm off question how I will spend the day :)


She is everything that Ms. LaViolette and Dr. Samuels, should have been. She is a true professional clinical psychologist. Her professionalism fills the courtroom. She is bright and articulate. Her integrity is beyond reproach.It is quite apparent that she believes deeply in her profession. It is also apparent that she is well-educated and could serve as a role model for her profession. In the opinion of this writer, her integrity is not for sale.

more at link .............
Enough of Jenny!!!! Enough of Jenny.... ENOUGH OF JENNY! Go away Jenny.
I thought this important enough to repost:

"Joe Wheeler Dixon, PhD, JD

Battered woman syndrome (BWS) was first proposed in the 1970's and was based solely upon the clinical observations of a single clinician, Dr. Lenore Walker. After she coined the term and published her hypotheses the concept quickly caught on. BWS became a popular way to justify criminal conduct of women who were charged with the murder of their husband. However, while the idea initially enjoyed success in some clinical circles and several legal jurisdictions, BWS was never empirically validated through scientific research as a bona fide condition, and therefore it has not enjoyed widespread support by psychologists who practice clinical and forensic psychology. For those women who are indeed chronically battered, they may more reliably and more correctly be diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
to date there is insufficient empirical evidence to show that BWS per se meets the rigorous diagnostic criteria of psychology or psychiatry for a mental disorder. For instance, there is no reliable means to differentiate those women who merely claim a history of battering from those who have actually been battered.
Doctors typically rely upon the patient's first party self-report when diagnosing clinical conditions. In the case of BWS, when some women are seeking to avoid criminal responsibility, it is extremely unwise for a doctor to reach what amounts to a legal conclusion of battering based solely upon the presenting complaints and history of one person. "

more: Essay .htm

I'm glad you did because this is the first time I have seen it. Thanks!
Ok so I missed what happpened today. Was there anything interesting other then DT droning on about the experts CV? Is it worth watching the you tube of this mornings testimony?
If you close your eyes and listen to this exchange, it seems rather like the witness is the teacher and Jennifer is the annoying student asking silly questions. It is just odd how bad this is!! Is there court tomorrow?

:seeya: Yes, 4/18/2013 9:30 Trial
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