trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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I loved it yesterday and I'll tell you why. We have spent weeks watching the utter anguish of Travis' loved ones having to hear their beloved, slaughtered brother, nephew, friend, be trashed in the most disgusting, horrific ways - murdered twice in a sense - in one of the nastiest defenses I've heard in a long time. We have sat here for weeks and watched that murderer smirk and laugh and smile and toss her hair while she attempts to destroy the memory of a man who can no longer defend himself. We have sat for weeks watching jodi arias enjoy every last moment of it and every last moment of the pain it is causing Travis' family.

The cruelty of that, the inhumanity of that is something I will not forget. It causes anger and it causes a desire to see the source of the pain pay for what she has done, or at least to see her come to the realization that the ugly, putrid life of hers that she felt was so superior to Travis' and to all who loved him, that she had the right to butcher him like a Christmas hog, is really meaningless and laughable and wasted and will remain so until she dies and goes to hell.

I value compassion and empathy. Ask those who know me: I am one of the biggest bleeding hearts around. My heart hurts for other for the smallest things - things sometimes they don't even know may be pitiable by others.

But a heart can only take so much and those of us vested in this case and watching the unceasing suffering this monster has caused, well, I think we have a good excuse for feeling a bit of glee at the thought that the monster before us may feel an ounce of what she dished out.

I hope that's clear.

:goodpost: Exceptionally!

Thanks for expressing what most of us feel.:thewave:
Why is next week a 3 day week? Which 3 days? I assume (no factual basis for this, just due to the timing today of canceling next Friday) that the defendant has a medical appt next Friday.

The world revolves around her, you know.

huge dog lover here, this clip is by far your best. :great:
Is the "issue" that Jodi is ill?

Or are we just assuming this?
Judge Stevens. Please tell the DT that the next time this comes up you will announce to the jury "Ladies and Gentlemen, the defendant is feeling ill again today". THIS would nip it in the bud.
I agree. This time,..I don't think she was faking. She looked as green as her shirt.

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All inmates are pasty and green looking and have oily hair. Jail always ruins that year round tan.... aka Hispanic heritage.
I have no pity for her, but Jodi really is looking very drawn and she's lost weight, and she wasn't heavy to begin with. I suspect the food in the jail is just awful. Probably not sleeping well either (may she never have another good night's sleep for the rest of her life). I figure it's her due punishment. However, we don't actually know that the reason they quit for the day is that she's sick, right? But she looks awful. Maybe she's hoping for pity from the jury?

I suspect her "insides" are rising to the surface and that evil/ugliness is manifesting itself on the outside. She does look horrible and seems to be deteriorating with each appearance in court. Just sayin' :moo:
Also this...
The role of remorse in capital sentencing
"if jurors believed that the defendant was sorry for what he had done, they tended to sentence him to life imprisonment, not death."

But has JA shown ANY sign of remorse? Mentioned, even once, that she was was sorry for what she did? I don't recall anything like this, she seems to want to forget all about it, & thinks everyone else will forget about it, & just let her go on her way...such hubris...
Any normal person would relish time away from the jail. JA is happy as he&& in there. She is a star. The other inmates look up to her. She is a chameleon and can adapt well to any situation she finds herself in. There is no real JA. There is a body that walks around mimicking her surroundings and the people she is among. In the courtroom, she is a professional, a paralegal, or an artist working her craft. In jail, she is head of the inmates. And a singer. She has a comfort zone in the jail.
I have no idea about AZ law, and I have no idea if a bench trial would have even been an option, but I cannot imagine how this would be going if it was a bench trial. Any thoughts?
So, just getting home from my brand new job...and discovered no court going I to take it, that court is done for the day?
Well ... one thing I noticed was that Jodi could not have been "too sick" to be able to carry out all those folders and her blue notebook ...

WTH is in all those manilla folders ? She had about 3 of them when she left, in addition to that usual blue notebook she totes back and forth every day ...

Is this allowed ?

Is that her "journal" she carries in and out, or her Manifesto ?

Just unbelievable that Jodi and her DT are allowed to get away with their shenanigans ...

Judge needs to get tougher and tell them NO MORE !


JMO but I believe she is not allowed to take those items with her back to the prison. I believe they lock her items away in a locker behind those doors she comes through each day, that way she has access to them during her breaks in her holding cell while in recesses and lunchtime while she eats her bologna sandwich. I am sure they go through everything she has with a fine tooth comb. She may be able to take the odd thing back, but not all this stuff. She may even have to strip search before being transported back to prison.

Also with the jurors, they cannot take their notes home with them. They are left at their seat and collected to be locked away until the next court day.
I really hope the judge said, "this is it. No more sick days for Jodi."

I wish she could do that. But she cannot because it is a Death Penalty case. And the killer has her legal right to be present at the trial and aid in her defense. So it is an appealable issue if the judge did not allow her to postpone the proceedings if she was 'too ill' to attend. The judge really has no choice.
Did I hear Dr. D say today that she talked to ALV last night? Why in the world would she talk to ALV? Can the Court make arrangements for Jodi to watch the proceedings from another room next time she gets a headache?
Absolutely. JA butchered Travis and now is slandering him in the worst way possible. On top of that we have to watch Travis' family trying to deal with the horrific pain inflicted upon them by JA. Forgive me for my 'name calling' and 'emotional abuse'.

Totally agreed this is just so sad for Travis's family who are putting there life on hold to get justice for there brother to have all these delays.

Also if she was ill in the morning why would they then take 11/2 hour lunch to return and then spend another 1/2 hour in chambers with the judge. Then they delay another 1/2 hour to return and end for the day.

Just so sad for the family as well as the jury. JA still manipulating again IMO. :banghead:
JA sick Wed in march, ALV sick Wed first week in April and today a Wed JA sick. Anyone see a pattern?
Why would you "love" this? This is an attitude I have a hard time understanding. If Jodi had fulfilled her potential, and became a happy, healthy and successful person, then she wouldn't have killed a man. Wanting to see justice done is very different from gloating over a sad, failed life that took another life down with it. To me, this is something to cry, not laugh, about.

But a heart can only take so much and those of us vested in this case and watching the unceasing suffering this monster has caused, well, I think we have a good excuse for feeling a bit of glee at the thought that the monster before us may feel an ounce of what she dished out.

Poignant post. Very well expressed.

If I thought she might experience even a portion of that ounce you referenced, I might even pay to watch.

And there is no shame in my game on that.
Was there any other info that came out about Samuels and the possible Discovery Issue where he did not provide a test of JA's to the State???
Here is what is so weird to me....JA cannot go anywhere. They are not going to provide special transportation back to the jail just for her. So she has to sit there all afternoon an wait for the dinner bus. What is the difference??

She doesn't have to write: "How to do cross examination 101 for stellar witnesses" questions from her book for wilmont?

LOL - but I did see she took lots of homework home :jail: tonight! LOL
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