trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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Yes. I suffer from PPMD, so yes.

I said this earlier but I truly believe JA gets menstral migraines again I didn't go back & check dates but I'd bet $ her last 'migraine' was prolly approx 26-28 days ago roughly..

I do believe this is a demonstration of the validity of Dr DM's diagnosis as classic BPD behaviours she's trying to take control of a situation the only way she can at this point (previous post notes her "powerless" comment during interogation) etc..

BUT I also wonder.. (stay with me here) that IF these are menstral migraines if there is also an internal seething with JA as this is a 'reminder' of as she stated in her interogation w/ Flores of 'all the things she is going to (potentially) miss out on by this one selfish act (impulsive or not) i.e. she'll never have children, be a mother & have a family of her own etc.

Whatcha think folks?? Possible??

(please note this is said about those w/ BPD that don't control with Meds or therapy etc no offense to anyone who struggles trust me we all struggle with our own crosses to bear)

What a birch! :banghead: Oh, I don't mean tree, either. :floorlaugh:

Let her do it then, because all of us and beyond WS are sending lots of love and hugs to Travis's family and that definitely cancels her dirty looks. :great:

I sincerely hope the family has learned to NOT look at JA. It only feeds her ego when they show any recognition to her at all. JA is like a little child. If the Alexander's ignore her completely, JA will get bored and stop with her insensitive little gestures.
Here we go. What is wrong with the DT? On Juan's direct with JD he took 4 hours. And then the DT, with JW, starts her cross....I swear if JW goes on and on again tomorrow somebody needs to tell them to get a grip! Are they so afraid for this case to get into the hands of the jury that they think HOLDING WITNESSES' HOSTAGE ON THE STAND is a good trial strategy? None of this makes sense. Judge, please get this over please.
Agreed. Everything.

I was taking issue with the malicious gloating over failure which is, at least in part, due to a very serious disorder. Never said there wasn't choice involved, never said responsibility and justice isn't due, because that's beside my point. What I'm hearing a lot of is that it's OK to make fun of mental illness and a failed life, so long as we agree that the target deserves it.

So I'm just going to digitally stand beside you here on the internet and say, I DO UNDERSTAND where you are coming from here. I do. I've sat back and slowly read your post here and took the time to understand your point of view.

All I ask is that you also now take the time to understand my point of view.

I honestly don't think the people on here are making fun of MENTAL ILLNESS OR A FAILED LIFE.

If you read through the thousands of posts on this website, (as I have done over the course of FIVE YEARS), you will read some astounding and brave stories of people who truly suffer from tragic circumstances that make you just want to get on your knees and call out to God saying, "Wow God I thought I had problems until "SoandSo" posted his/her story.

No, it's not mental illness and a failed life these folks and me are making fun of. It's PRECISELY BECAUSE so many of us have mental illness and/ or a failed life that we take great offense to JA.

We sit here and think, "REALLY?" I went through WORSE and didn't slaughter my boyfriend.

Beyond that? I do think there are a few of us on here who have been through enough that we COULD understand someone slaughtering an abusive person, however: it's most likely the demeanor of JA and the lack of what we all see as credible witnesses for the defense and the CONTINUED SLAUGHTER of Travis Alexander by the defense team in a lame effort to try to release someone from their guilt that has us making fun of everything that goes on at that table.

It's a release.

A vent, a POSITIVE COPING mechanism in an effort to stay sane and stable while listening to the pure garbage in the chaotic world that we live in.


To be fair, two psychologists who used different assessments both came up with personality disorder (bipolar is totally different to borderline). Samuels didn't address it, DeMarte diagnosed it as borderline.

I'm overwhelmingly biased, but for me it doesn't get a whole lot more serious than Cluster B personality disorders. And because of that bias, and personal knowledge, it makes her even more potentially dangerous and destructive before she had any diagnosis at all. ;)

It does nothing, nor should it, to excuse or absolve even the tiniest iota of responsibility from Jodi. Because of her disorder, this may very well be the first time Jodi is actually forced to take responsibility for her actions, in fact. Disordered persons sometimes use emotional manipulators, abuse, deceit, etc. in order to avoid culpability with loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc.


Agree BritKate, both know a personality order exists. It doesn't absolve culpability because it is not psychosis.

I understand TH's last night were saying with her high IQ, she would have planned the crime better, but what they didn't take into account is her personality disorder would actually hinder her.
I thought it was great that Dr.D told the jury that ALL of her ex-boyfriends said she had severe mood swings!!
You are making this assumption relying on the basis that Jodi is suffering from a very serious disorder. And if she is, exactly what disorder is she suffering from?? 3 different experts, 3 different opinions, none of which can be verified. Nothing about her can be proven regarding her psycological status and mental health when all she does is lie, manipulate, dupe, deceive, scam, seduce and betray!!

The mere fact that you may be fooled by her possible 'mental illness' scares the hell out of me, because that is what her and her DT are counting on for ONE of the jurors! If she can feign PTSD, Battered Women's Syndrome or even Borderline Personality Disorder and one of the Jurors falls for it - then game over! She wins and this was all done for nothing and that is NOT OK, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE 'TARGET' DESERVES IT OR NOT!

This says exactly what I am thinking. Thank you!!!!! And besides even if she did suffer from PTSD, BWS, or BPD that does not excuse her from following the rules set forth in society. What does any of this have to do with what she did anyway. She SHOT HIM, STABBED HIM 29 TIMES AND ALMOST DECAPITATED him. Then she has spent the last several months slandering him and gleefully rubbing it in his families face. I am sorry but don't get all judgmental on folks for poking a little fun at this monster, IMO there is NOTHING that can excuse what she has done and continues to do on a daily basis. If this is self defense I would hate to see what premeditated murder looks like. :furious:


Val.. Seriously.. That's been my word for the WHOLE TRIAL!!
Can't believe no one used that word except a few hours with I want to say JW with ALV..

So much has been presented as FACT in this case that is so questionable..

To quote earlier posters about the JW waddaya say J comments... Nothing but an elaborate & expensive I might add game of Telephone!!

The word I can't believe that''s been devoid is 'accident'. If Jodi just meant to 'make him stop' (because after all, SHE would stop if someone pointed a gun at her) and it somehow went off then, wouldn't that be considered unintentional?
But Jodi's fog-defense helps her along that slippery slope once again.

Besides, if this was Travis' gun (which it wasn't) then, why wouldn't Travis have cooperated seeing he would've known there was a lone-bullet in there seeing....he would've PUT it there!

And the whole idea of no other bullets being found in his house..................:bang: is crazy. Show me a gun owner and I'll show you a box of bullets somewhere.
I mean....which kindergartener made this story up?

Listen... ANYONE who can believe even a smidgeon of Ms Arias' bull-crap seriously shows a dangerous defect and should never be allowed to drive the streets (much less, procreate) again!
HLN has Jodi's former co-worker calling it, she may speak more. Very interesting how obsessed Jodi was w/Travis. Driving 5 hours after work at 11pm to check up on him, it was all her doing the chasing. This lady does not speak highly of Jodi at all. She said Jodi wouldn't come into work, would sit in the parking lot trying to reach him on the phone. Stalker like.
I get that JW is trying to discredit the witness, but is it working?

I see that JW is belittling Dr. D's experience, but she's asking her things about ALV that, to me, it would seem that ALV probably did, too--JM just didn't ask. Like that question about Dr. D "practicing" while getting her masters. JW asserts that ALV had her masters, but did we ever hear anything about ALV "practicing" in the interim of achieving it? It would seem that she would have if Dr. D. is correct that it's common in the field.

If I were a juror, my stance would be that the field has evolved since ALV's time and Dr. D. probably is better educated unless ALV got continuing education.
Personality disorder is not a mental illness, it is a character disorder. The disordered are ego syntonic not ego dystonic, which means, they see nothing wrong with themselves and do not suffer any sort of neurosis or worry about themselves, do not suffer anxiety about themselves like the latter, nor any sense of failure. They are not suffering. And nobody's making fun of mental illness and a 'failed life'. Her life did not fail, she did. She chose to murder. Savagely.

I disagree, choice is what it's all about. And responsibility. Those are the priorities in a civilised, mature world. Not feeling sorry for the bad guy without conscience. Not making out the perpetrator to be the victim.

I believe it many here on the threads have issues and could be diagnoised with certain illnesses. so many have stated such! And shared it with all of us. That does not mean anything or make them less of a person. all the posters who have shared with us the fact that they have been diagnosed,are okay with that. Some have even shared with us they have the same diagnosis Jodi does. Not a big deal.

Many live daily and can cope with the world.. In a positive way even though a mental illness is involved. we have come too far to define ourselves by our illnesses. It is what it is.

The difference is it is not an excuse to murder someone!

This is not a testimony against mental illnesses, it is a testimony against murder.

Moo ;)

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:cheers: Thank you so much for clearing that up. A Personality Disorder is not a mental illness.

I wish I could thank you twice. Jodi is not Cray Cray as some are calling her, she knows exactly what she is doing when she is doing it.
As someone with BPD I can tell you Jodi has come up with 1,000 different reasons why she killed TA, and believes 999 are not her fault. She's desperately trying to think of anyway possible to change the circumstance.

This is not something she will just someday realize was wrong.

There is a possibility with hard work and compliance a BPD person could work on their issues enough to be significantly more functional with DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) and probably medication. That however would require the person to acknowledge they indeed have BPD.
I agree with you Micky, Willmott is very professional and I think she is doing the best she can with what she has to work with. At this point she is just trying to save her clients life, not looking to set her free.

Alan Dershowitz once said something like (paraphrasing)...

As long as government is able to take a life, my duty is to make it as hard as possible for them to do it.

That had an impact on me.
Jodi was looking pretty bad today. I hate to say this but she's reminding me of Steve Buscemi from Fargo. You could feel the snark coming from JW and to me, it only lowers her status and makes the defense look like...better stop there. ha ha
I'm so sick of this above average IQ garbage on HLN. She is not that so "above average" my goodness do these HLN people now know anyone with above average IQ's or do they have similar IQ's and think that they are so very smart? Do they watch their shows? Oh brother! Sorry, watching JVM, and she makes me nuts :)

She is above average in intelligence. Average is 100. In fact mean IQ scores have gone up since the tests were first implemented and so the scores are adjusted for inflation, so to speak, so 100 is always average.

She's just not all that significantly above average.

Also, it's worth noting that, by definition, half the people you come across on a daily basis are below average intelligence in the same way half the people you come across are below average height.

However, overall, we are, in general, about as smart as people have ever been, according to whatever it is that IQ tests test for.
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