trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

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I'm having the same trouble. JW has to know she is coming off awful. If she's able to read a jury at all, which she should be if she's worth her salt, then she should able to see it isn't going well. I don't know. There is NO method to her madness.

I have not looked but some cool WEBSLEUTHER can....:woohoo:
when was the last time somebody was on AZ death row? And when was that person executed?
I have not looked to see how many were/are on death row and how many JUAN put there?
I see our ROTFL girl smilie has been executed? no longer there but this is?:drumroll:
Dr DeMarte has worked in State hospitals for over 8 years. She is used to sociopaths/manipulators trying to put one over on her, put words into her mouth, try to change her mind. Does JW really think she can outwit her and make her say something she doesn't want to?

ITA, good morning session for prosecution wasn't it!! Doc D did excellent.

Watching the cross reminded me of the King Arthur vs. the Black Knight scene in movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Lol.
Right, let us not forget that the good Dr. had her home broken into after starting this case and the perpetrator has not been caught yet...just sayin'
I doubt it was anyone we know because it's obvious there was no prep put into this cross examination!

I don't know why but when I think of Jodi texting and writing Travis to the tune of 80,000 times (which is 100 times a day for two years, which is longer than they even KNEW each other) I think of this song ...


That's a whole lot of 'cotton pickin' texting!
Dr DeMarte has worked in State hospitals for over 8 years. She is used to sociopaths/manipulators trying to put one over on her, put words into her mouth, try to change her mind. Does JW really think she can outwit her and make her say something she doesn't want to?

Sadly, yes. JW is not big on subtlety. She enjoys :deadhorse:
Trust me they are brutal. I had a rather large one embedded in my kidney. Had it blasted but still had to pass it. The pain-I describe as pulling a cabbage patch doll thru your nostril :facepalm: I have had 2 Children. Much worse than childbirth. No break in the pain and no prize at the end.

Wow....I'm having sympathy pains! What a way with words you have!
No, not a novel. I think people who have never had a relationship with a Borderline Personality need the information and, if we talk about it, they may have the insight that some of the people whose behavior was inexplicable was a Borderline.

I was all for Jodi Arias being a psycopath but, really, Borderline can be just as terrifying.

What you end up doing with a Borderline is asking "What did I do to deserve this?" The answer is nothing, but when the Borderline is on the dark side it doesn't take much. Lacking that, they will manipulate and provoke a response. As you said, this kind of game fills up the empty. Also, it allows them to never have to own their own failures. It's always someone else's fault. Mostly yours.

The best way to think of a Borderline if you are so unfortunate to find yourself in a relationship with one is to think of them as short-term bipolar in their attitude towards you. With mine I had all the fun of recrimination, revenge by proxy and even a faked pregnancy tossed in there.

You are right about "beating with a baseball bat".

Someone once once wrote a lay explanation of the Laws of Thermodynamics likening it to a poker game:

You can't win.

You can't break even

You can't leave the game.​
That's what a Borderline does: Your choices are to alternately be an abuser or a doormat.The fortunate thing is the above analogy breaks down on number three, because you can leave the game.

And if you know what you are dealing with, you may not be so unfortunate as to leave the game like Travis Alexander.


Don't forget sometimes even when you are being a DOORMAT you are portrayed to the world as an ABUSER!
OMG - Re-watching the HLN part of the trial - Willmott asks question...
Dr D - I cannot answer that question yes or no

Willmott - so, that's a "no" then, rigggghtttt?

Well apparently we were wrong. I have so much respect to for the witness, I'll defer to her

80,000.00 ( is that right?) Messages, texts etc. That in my opinion is way beyond abnormal.

Not really. They knew each other for almost two years. That's somewhere in the range of 110 messages per day. There are people that I text with more than 100 messages per day.
Dr DeMarte has worked in State hospitals for over 8 years. She is used to sociopaths/manipulators trying to put one over on her, put words into her mouth, try to change her mind. Does JW really think she can outwit her and make her say something she doesn't want to?

Sorry to say...yes, I think Willmott does think this. I believe that Willmott thinks she's smarter than DD.

She is failing so badly and she has no clue how she is being portrayed.
Closing arguments will have a time limit? - Excellent! Now that is something to look forward to!

I hope the state of AZ makes a time limit rule on..."last words" Jodi could drone on for days before they throw the switch on that drip.
Right up there with the question that JB asked the detective when Casey Anthony was on trial. JB to Detective: Did Casey Anthony commit suicide? :floorlaugh:


In the same "vein":

Gotta share this one: on the stand RECENTLY, was asked by the defense Atty (seasoned & very very capable):

SO dr.......WHY did you wait so long before performing the autopsy on the DEFENDANT??????

NOPE, I did NOT giggle or snicker, just answered that I'm still waiting, Sir since the defendant is viable and sitting next to your associate at the defense table.

Judge called a RECESS.....or a least I assume that's what she said! :)
Calling someone a "freaking *advertiser censored*" is so abusive it justifies murder. Is that what JW is trying to say? Hmmmmm
I'm having the same trouble. JW has to know she is coming off awful. If she's able to read a jury at all, which she should be if she's worth her salt, then she should able to see it isn't going well. I don't know. There is NO method to her madness.

I don't think she has the slightest idea of how she's coming across or she would stop it instead of turning it up and tearing the knob off.
this doctor is just stating what we all are thinking ..makes perfect sense...jodis story just doesnt make any kind of sense. i dont think the jury has to work to understand her. and sorts of validate what they already know and are feeling.
IMO the revelation about kicking her mom as an adult didn't come out until later. I don't know if Dr D knew this when she interviewed her. Could be wrong though.

I am hoping the doctor gets to slip in Jodi kicking her dog....
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