trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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I bet JA used TA's social security number to get credit cards without him knowing...Haven't we heard that JA had horrible credit? She probably couldn't get any credit cards so she used TA's ssn...

You're right, didn't she default on her home loan with DB? That would devastate her credit alone. Not to mention that she apparently lived on credit cards, was out gallavanting around on her infamous "road trips" instead of working much of the time. How could she pay off or for anything? The girl was a completely irresponsible idiot.
She was prolly making a reservation for a spa treatment for her and Jodi for July. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Snarky? guilty I am.
If you can be snarky, I can be catty. The MS has much larger breasts (and shows them off) than JA. JA probably wants a do over. lol
The scissors versus knife discussion got started because a poster mentioned that one the faux jurors on HLN After Dark asked why Travis didn't cut the rope with the scissors found in the butcher block in his kitchen. Agree there are many plausible reasons why Travis may have used a knife rather than scissors if there had been an actual rope--decorative or otherwise!

Thanks. I really hadn't noticed that scissors were in the butcher block, so all the other reasons except not having scissors or being unable to locate them are still valid. Thanks!
I'm a woman and I had knives ALL over the house when I ran an ebay business. I had to cut and open boxes, and who the heck knows what else. My boyfriend at the time was quite concerned because everywhere he looked, there were knives. Steak knives, butcher knives, didn't matter.

They'd be in the office, the bedroom, sitting on the coffee table, on the mantle. I literally had to gather them all up for dinner time because I was too lazy to always go look for the "one" knife from last time.

And yeah, I had scissors, razors, box cutters, all that, too. I'd cut anything with a knife because I couldn't find the scissor--or get this--the dogs had chewed up the plastic handles on the scissors (Naps come to mind?), the scissors broke because I'd tried to cut too many things that were too thick for them. I mean, any number of reasons why.

At one point, I kept a butcher knife under my mattress. I called it being for protection, but it didn't take me long to realize that I certainly didn't want an attacker to get that away from me and use it on me, so I gave that idea up. About that time, I started minding where all the knives in the house were. You know, come to think of it, I must have watched some murder documentary that made me rethink off that knife stuff.

Anyways, I don't think it's illogical to bring a knife to the bedroom to cut rope.

I want to clarify, Jodi didn't say Travis cut the rope off her. At least if she did (fog and all that) she recanted and told JM that her hands could slip out of the nooses. JM questioned her for a while about that and she was VERY frustrating during the questioning.

BBM...So, how is your family protected now?
I suspect the bank records are going to show that Travis was the one lending Jodi money. Which is probably why he was so ticked when she kept overdrawing her account.
And yet......and yet, Travis told JA she needed to start paying him back in the e-mail he sent her. Yep - JA is lying..AGAIN
She was prolly making a reservation for a spa treatment for her and Jodi for July. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Snarky? guilty I am.

...or chasing down the Walmart lady in the parking lot! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I think the rope story is a sham too, but one of the attorneys on HLN's After Dark tonight said the rope was way too thick to cut with a regular pair of scissors.
I think she fabricated the rope story to explain why she had a knife sharp enough to slit poor Travis' throat in the bedroom. She's a liar and I believe the jury knows it.
I apologize if this was already mentioned, but does anyone else think that Samuels mentioning of Jodi possibly having BPD on the stand is going to haunt the DT in the near future?
Juan questioned her about the timing of purchase and return. JA stated on the cross that she purchased the gas can at Walmart, went to a Starbucks (in the same parking lot), then returned the gas can back to the same Walmart, then went to the salon. Same day.

Thank you, i missed that part.
To me it makes no sense for Travis to have had sex with Jodi on the day he died. He was done with her. He told her he was done with her. It appears he even refused to answer her calls after his last two phone calls with her on 6/2/08. Jodi tried at least 4 times to call him on 6/3/08 and all of those calls where under 3 mins, some even lasting no longer than a few seconds. Travis was more than able to have sex with other women without having to go to Jodi for it. I also simply do not believe anything that Jodi claims to be true.

I understand why you don't want to believe that Travis had sex with Jodi on June 4. We can agree to disagree on that point.
BBM...So, how is your family protected now?

Guns. They're the original equalizer. And they're safer than knives as long as they're stored and handled properly. Knives are always dangerous, grab and you've got cuts everywhere. But then I can't even cook without getting cut, I'm terrible with knives. Well, maybe this is a little OT, sorry.:blushing:
People are thinking of all possibilities because there is a jury who is thinking of all possibilities, such that they came up with a "dummy Sku." If someone on the jury can come up with that, then that is why I said I wished they'd explored the voids avenue--or not even have mentioned the word "void."

If someone can come up with a "dummy sku" excuse on the jury, they can certainly come up with a "void" excuse. All I was doing was trying to see if there was any other loophole out of it. I knew it "didn't happen" before the Walmart lady testified.

All a void is is canceling something after you've scanned it and before the transaction is paid for. A void does not result in any cash transaction as it happens before any cash is paid. There is no way a return could show up as a void. It is something that is scanned and then they cancel that scan. Have you ever had a cashier accidentally scan something twice and they turn around and cancel the second one? That is a void.
Juan questioned her about the timing of purchase and return. JA stated on the cross that she purchased the gas can at Walmart, went to a Starbucks (in the same parking lot), then returned the gas can back to the same Walmart, then went to the salon. Same day.

Yes, and there was a guy on HLN saying she could have returned it to another store. HLN's "experts" are so bad on the case facts.
I apologize if this was already mentioned, but does anyone else think that Samuels mentioning of Jodi possibly having BPD on the stand is going to haunt the DT in the near future?
What I'm hoping, is that it negates their right to a surrebuttal.
...or chasing down the Walmart lady in the parking lot! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

What a mental visual that is. hahahahahaha :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I am now envisioning Nurmi running after her and it is a very disturbing visualization.
Oh, but remember ....with "Jodi" (she's special) things like that happen for her all the time...we're supposed to believe that her life is just one big series of unbelievable, odd circumstances and coincidences!! ;0)

"and a string of bad decisions at that time in her life"
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