trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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Yep, I think you're right. Is Donovan the new lesbian lover she's allegedly fleeing to Europe with when she's found 'innocent'? Srsly, this chick is delusional.

Mike Walker said the lesbian lover was attractive, certainly doesn't fit Donovan. YUCK
What I cannot recall is the replacement for the
Helio...was it also a Helio?

The pic she took of her bloody finger she injured at May 31ish...what phone was that? :banghead:

Well I really home that JM clears up all the confusion about today's first rebuttal. There are more questions than answers on the board about it and without question, the jury will be confused as well. Why did he use the Walmart receipt? What phone were the pics taken from? What was the point Was it only to show that her hair was a very dark brown or was there something else he was pointing out?


Pizzed me off.


ETA - I think that in her braided hair "naughty" picture allegedly taken on June 4th on TA's bed her hair is lighter than on the June 3rd pics shown today.
Jodi never "lost" the phone--it is the one she took the brunette pics on June 3 on her way in the rental car to murder Travis. She lied about losing the phone that had the sex tape on it so it would look like she had nothing to blackmail Travis with. She lied, hence her sad face today.

and there was no other sex tapes like she claimed.. She said they did video of themselves. No they didn't.
I think Vinnie Politan or HLN has something that can Text anyone when the Verdict is in? If I recall. So you can high tail it out of Macy's and get to a quiet place at that moment LOL

Ooh, I need to look into this...
Who among us doesn't memorialize with pictures those we love most?

That, and she's a shameless poser.

There is no one more beautiful and worthy of adoration to Jodi than Jodi.

:doh: The narcissist! But of course! :floorlaugh:

this was one of her quirks, that she takes lots of photos of herself, she even mentions this to Det Flores in the interrogation tapes

I wonder if all narcissists are like that, snapping pics of themselves all the time? Any psychologists on the board?
Me neither for her having such a high I.Q. it sure was not very smart. I think maybe she put it with the sheets and then scooped it all up. Maybe she thought the water and soap would destroy the pictures? Like I said we could speculate forever, only Travis and Jodi know the truth and Travis is dead and Jodi lies so much that we will never know the truth. That's another thing the roommate didn't do any laundry for 5 days. I call them the roommates from outer space.

Jodi is a moron. She said on the stand that deleted photos could be recovered "for a lot of money." ??? There is free software that recovers deleted digital images. She thought at the murder that photos she deleted were not recoverable. She's never been a real photographer--she had no knowledge about deleted images, and she never did much but take her own photo. My dad's a professional photographer, and Jodi ain't it.
Mike Walker, Senior Editor of the NE is making the rounds on HLN. The pregnancy story and the rest of the BS comes from an unnamed source close to Jodi.

:seeya: Thanks ... I was trying to figure out where this latest BS "story" is coming from ...

:twocents: This is just another BS story from Jodi for "attention" ... when one LIE does not work any more, she fabricates another LIE !

BIG IF here -- IF this was true, no doubt Jodi and her DT would have brought this out in the trial -- but they could NOT because it is NOT true because there is NOTHING to support it -- NO medicals ...

Just another attempt by Jodi for "attention" ...

Sickening ... Disgusting ... Repulsive ...

There is one thing that bothers me about JA brand new spewing of her lies regarding pregnancy and the "Psycho" movie is there for no other reason than to hurt Travis's family. I see her as a coiled snake in a small room, ready to lash out in her death throes. She has been shown to be what she truly is, and there is no where for her to hide. She is determined to destroy anything left of Travis, and anyone he loved. I can not imagine the amount of darkness, hatred and rotting that is inside her. She has been unmasked this week to the world and she finally has to face it.

My sympathies to the Alexander family. They have watched their brother die so many times now at the hand of this evil woman. May you all find some peace in this world that no one believes her and knows her for what she truly is.

Has anyone given any serious thought to how JA is going to react when the verdict is read? By her actions in court, and her television interview, I don't think she has a clue that she is actually going to be found guilty. For some reason I imagine her going totally beserk when the verdict is read.
Thanks. You are very welcome.

I must agree. If I had to speculate, as I have done before, I would guess that she showed up in the wee hours of the morning and lay in wait, arriving in the house much later than she says. It's also possible that gained entry promising to return the ring she kited, although we know so little about, it's speculation on speculation. I just think any entry she made, assuming he had no idea she was on the way until she was already upon him, required some ruse.

The reason, and the only reason, people seem to think Travis Alexander was a willing participant in the terminal roll in the hay gets summed up with the mildly misandrist comment "Well...he was a guy".

No, you don't blow someone off after having the epiphany Travis Alexander did and then go for one last bumper car ride. If we are going to speculate we can speculate that Jodi Arias made him strip and signaled her intention to kill him literally divested of his temple garments he apparently wore as a good Mormon should. We can have no way of knowing if and how long she held him at gun or knife point, allowing her rage to slowly build. That itself is mere speculation, but considering events preceding, and the outcome, it seems more likely than Jodi's tale of one last sex romp.

The evidence shows he was a willing participant. There are photos to prove it. It was their pattern to have fights and makeup. After the last fight, they stayed in touch. She talked to him multiple times during her drive. It was not something unusual for them or him to have sex or be friendly again after a fight. But who knows what exactly was said. She may have told him something about needing closure or the like. In any event, the evidence shows he was aware she was there since about 4 am when they watched youtube videos together. And about 1pm they took nude pictures of each other, with a KY bottle on the bed, showing they had sex.

People seem to want to deny this fact of the case, but it's a fact he knew she was there and they had sex and he was willing. And she didn't have a gun or knife pointed at him during the shower photos, until she started her attack.
Oh thanks! I guess I missed it!

You're welcome!

Curious if Travis really did like this movie, and if so, if JA may have talked him into those photos with him thinking it was just a "photo shoot".

Not one pic of them together that day (that we have seen)
the pic of him was not taken at the end of the bed where he was aware.
It was taken behind him.
The second one he did see.

Not one pic of her was taken by him "over her" on the bed.
She wasn't all comfy and posed in his bed.
No sexy poses. She was perched on the side of the bed all awkward...

That camera was on the back of the chair beside the bed.
And seriously who takes pictures AFTER THE ACT?
Isn't it usually a FORE PLAY kind of thing?
That leads into the act?

If I see one picture of BOTH of them together that day, not even x rated I can retract that statement.

She hurt him worse than the death of his father.
His friends would SPIT on her. She was a sociopath.

And not welcome in his home or bed IMO
Maybe the picture was not post coital.Maybe it was all he could muster up for her.

Yes he was a man!
He however was not brain dead.
Until JA was done with him.

He knew she was dangerous and would not engage her again or risk another fake/real pregnancy with her.

He is dead because he would not "do" her and told her to hit the road.
Being a Californian myself, and seeing as Jodi came from California to murder Travis a native of California recently moved to Arizona...I am all for California pitching in and covering about 75% of the cost of that Trial since they both came from here...If the good folks of Yreka would gain some control over their citizens she would not have gotten out of there in the first place...

I feel the same way about Florida. Most of the people who live there are not natives. I was a true native and had to leave because it got so bad with people from other states and countries calling Fl home.
What I cannot recall is the replacement for the
Helio...was it also a Helio?

The pic she took of her bloody finger she injured at May 31ish...what phone was that? :banghead:

What is it with murders and multiple cell phones! :banghead:
Evening everyone. Just wanted you to know I finally got around to posting my notes from yesterday on the observers' thread.

:doh: The narcissist! But of course! :floorlaugh:

I wonder if all narcissists are like that, snapping pics of themselves all the time? Any psychologists on the board?

I think they do. They are so high on themselves and superior to others. I am a computer programmer not a psychologist. I have lived with narcissists.
Yes, my comment earlier to WS being viewed by HLN/Media networks. Where's our paycheque for the sleuthing? :waiting:

Prolly cause we've talked about it for weeks... :shrug:
Yeah someone said a few months back maybe that Brian guy! Said the lover was out already.

Per the National Enquirer:

Jodi’s lover is scheduled to be re*leased soon, and the source says Jodi believes her own days behind bars are coming to an end. She’s been telling pals that she has “recruited” Carr – whom she reportedly met through mutual friends prior to her arrest – to be a “sperm donor.”
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