Trial Discussion Thread #1 - 14.03.03-06, Day 1-4

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Object! 'Can't put it as a fact to witness first shot killed deceased. It's Not the state's case.'
Right. Nel is objecting.. he says.. the States case is.. that the head shot was the last. that Roux cannot state as a fact that this is not so.. he cant question the witness on this platform. he has to adhere to the States stipulated case .

now Roux is demanding the State change this order of shooting.

Nels objects again. he says.. that Roux is making an opinion, and NOT a fact re the order of shots.. lets see what the judge decides..
Ohhhhh - Dr. Stipp just said that the cricket bat sounded similar to the gunshots, and the gunshots could have come AFTER the cricket bat!!!!!!

I hadn't imagined that scenario, but it gives me pause.

But how could the cricket bat sounds come after the shots? The bat was used to knock open the door.
'It is the state's case it was the deceased's screams.....If counsel wants to say my arguments wrong okay, but he wants to put it as a FACT she could not have screamed'

It is.
Is not
Is not, etc
I am afraid that Roux is creating some reasonable doubt for the judge to mull over. Scares me. EVen on that wHOOP RADIO SHOW THEY SEEM TO BE saying that Roux is winning the day.

Lawyers always think other lawyers are winning. I would take notice of that if another JUDGE said Roux was winning.. that would be more applicable and more believable.

But of course, a judge would know better than to opine that, anywhere, publicly or privately.
Nel is INSISTING Roux cannot state as fact Reeva could not have screamed after the first shot.
ok Roux is now getting to the guts of Oscar's defence.. the order of the shots.. the amount of shots is not being disputed.. but Roux has to have the ORDER of the shots changed..

but Nels objects again... he says. Roux cant change the order of the shots as stipulated.. that its not the matter on which he has been charged, it is not part of the stipulated terms of the trial.. he says. ROUX can say its my case that the order of shots is as I say, that is wrong.. he cannot put it as a fact to the witness..
Nel says screams came before 3.17, but says Roux is trying to say the first shot caused her death, she was incapable of screaming then, and so screams were someone else.
now Roux has run into a brick wall here.. intensely curious as to how the judge will rule this..

The Doctors testimony is in direct contravention of Oscar's story, and Roux has to fight like a tiger here to get that testimony back to Oscar's version.. a most intense moment in the trial.
Roux says

Accused fired 4 shots.
State cannot object like that. They must give us a document??!!
The state cannot rely on two sets of shots. There were not.
Seems to me Nel is saying that there were four shots fired and the shots that killed her were at 3:17 ?
Two sets of noises we say shots at 3.17 killed the deceased. Easy as that.

judge: Before that?

Nels: She was screaming.
Both the prosecution & the defense are making such confusing statements that the Judge seems to not understand what either side is stating, IMO.

This trial procedure is infuriating.
Nels is onto it.. Mr Roux, he says.. should not be allowed to state AS A FACT something that is NOT A FACT as stipulated.

Roux trying it on again. He is going to put OSCARS version to Dr Stipp and Dr Stipp can answer ON THAT particular version. lets see how it goes.
R: 'You woke up to shots?...the shots fired at the deceased caused her not to be able to scream....would you agree, if shots you heard were before 3.17, she could not have screamed?

S; That's correct.
Roux says he is going to produce experts who will say Pistorius' screaming could be mistaken for a woman's based on decibel tests. Dr Stipp disagrees saying he heard a male voice "intermingled" with the screaming.

"I find it hard to believe he was screaming in two voices," he says.
If he definitely heard 2 voices intermingled, that throws out Roux's theory that it was only OP making any noise because Reeva was already dead. If there were 2 voices, then OP must have heard Reeva too (despite the whole 'mute' thing in his affidavit). If the Dr is 100% sure he heard 2 voices at the same time, then OP is guilty as hell.
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