Trial Discussion Thread #19 - 14.04.07, Day 17

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It does mean you're shouting when you capitalize. I can hear you fine thank you. :smile:

That is one interpretation. IMO using all caps for a word or two is adding emphasis. Using all caps for an entire sentence or paragraph(s) is considered shouting.
If you are in the toilet in the middle of the night and totally out of the blue you hear your partner shout get out of my house, your natural reaction is to say something, for me its ridiculous to think Reeva would have remained silent, the human mind doesnt work like that, she would have shouted back 'Oscar' by means of instinct.

I'm inclined to agree with you ... but, as I've already mentioned, in Oscar's Fairytale she wouldn't even have known there was anything going on until he'd got into the bathroom and then shouted out, and he shot the door at virtually the same time, so she wouldn't even have had that chance as that bit all happened in a split second. This is why I've disagreed with those upthread who have been saying the reason why she was standing face onto the door was because she was listening .. but she couldn't have been listening, because (in OP's story) she wouldn't have had a clue that OP was running towards the bathroom with a gun.
I'm finding the new security guard employed by him to stand outside his bedroom door a bit curious as he's allegedly still petrified of intruders and yet the only intruder he actually had to deal with was Reeva. Why not just beef up the house security? What is the security guard expected to do when he wakes up in one of his night terrors - stroke his face, phone his sister, open fire because he thought OP was an intruder? I think he's just employed so he still has somebody around him with a gun.
Andrew Harding from the BBC said of Nel:
He repeatedly got under the skin of a professional witness who has appeared on the stand many hundreds of times. One couldn't watch the two of them bickering and sniping without wondering how Oscar Pistorius will react on, say, day three of his cross-examination, when his patience and temperament are being remorselessly challenged.
I'm finding the new security guard employed by him to stand outside his bedroom door a bit curious as he's allegedly still petrified of intruders and yet the only intruder he actually had to deal with was Reeva. Why not just beef up the house security? What is the security guard expected to do when he wakes up in one of his night terrors - stroke his face, phone his sister, open fire because he thought OP was an intruder? I think he's just employed so he still has somebody around him with a gun.

Good point!

That reminds me, today OP seemed to shift some blame to his own gun, poor Mr. Gun. LOL!!! OP says he never wants to own another one of those killing machines again for as long as he lives. It seems unfair to place blame on Mr. Gun in this case because he was just laying there doing nothing before OP took hold of him. :smile:
You're welcome to give him your sympathy .. I'll save my sympathy for Reeva, the woman killed in the most hideous way possible. The law is quite clear in this, you cannot open fire on someone through a closed door .. you have to identify your threat first. The reason for this is not just so that mistakes don't get made, but because it can so easily be used as a fabrication for shooting someone dead who you wanted to kill intentionally.

You cannot shoot someone through a closed door, end of. No sympathy whatsoever from me, and I'm perfectly ok with my own position on that thank you.

Grief, I have stated many many times over the past 14 months that I have huge sympathy for Reeva, that she didn't deserve what happened and that OP deserves everything he gets However, I will go with the judicial belief of "innocent until proven guilty" and I'm actually ok with that too even though I've been attacked, had my opinion shredded and discredited numerous times by people who claim I'm talking nonsense about how people live in SA after having never set foot on SA soil themselves etc etc, I can go on..and I'm not talking about tourism, you are most welcome to visit, will probably love it, have an amazing holiday and will leave with your life intact (maybe haha :p ).

I do believe he killed her, he has admitted to that, I do think it's plausible and possible that he may just be telling the truth of what happened that night, that's all. He is still an idiot and moron for what he did and deserves punishment.

And quite frankly, I have more sympathy for the families that are suffering because of the actions of this one man, her family as well as his.
Hold on a mo - court ended early because OP was 'tired' and didn't sleep last night. Where's that tiny violin... and why didn't he take a sleeping pill yesterday?
Good point!

That reminds me, today OP seemed to shift some blame to his own gun, poor Mr. Gun. LOL!!! OP says he never wants to own another one of those killing machines again for as long as he lives. It seems unfair to place blame on Mr. Gun in this case because he was just laying there doing nothing before OP took hold of him. :smile:
The gun should be on trial, not OP. The gun did it!
Good point!

That reminds me, today OP seemed to shift some blame to his own gun, poor Mr. Gun. LOL!!! OP says he never wants to own another one of those killing machines again for as long as he lives. It seems unfair to place blame on Mr. Gun in this case because he was just laying there doing nothing before OP took hold of him. :smile:

My mistake, he said outside the front door not the bedroom door but insistent that he doesn't want to be around guns again so does the security guard have a gun?

His reaction to his night terrors now is to go into a cupboard so why didn't he take that option on poor Reeva's fateful night?
Hold on a mo - court ended early because OP was 'tired' and didn't sleep last night. Where's that tiny violin... and why didn't he take a sleeping pill yesterday?

I wonder how many night's the Steenkamp's haven't been able to sleep over the past 14 month's?.
Grief, I have stated many many times over the past 14 months that I have huge sympathy for Reeva, that she didn't deserve what happened and that OP deserves everything he gets However, I will go with the judicial belief of "innocent until proven guilty" and I'm actually ok with that too even though I've been attacked, had my opinion shredded and discredited numerous times by people who claim I'm talking nonsense about how people live in SA after having never set foot on SA soil themselves etc etc, I can go on..and I'm not talking about tourism, you are most welcome to visit, will probably love it, have an amazing holiday and will leave with your life intact (maybe haha :p ).

I do believe he killed her, he has admitted to that, I do think it's plausible and possible that he may just be telling the truth of what happened that night, that's all. He is still an idiot and moron for what he did and deserves punishment.

And quite frankly, I have more sympathy for the families that are suffering because of the actions of this one man, her family as well as his.

I agree.

I think it's almost impossible for people to people to understand how we live our lives only with the freedom and safety that our particular country/society allows us.

The only way to truly understand it is to experience it for yourself.

Does anyone else find that OP saying "he wakes in a terror and smells (iirc) a blood filled room" is just over the top? And he said that almost immediately after his so called apology, which makes it that much more strange.

Anything he says while Roux is questioning him has been scripted, but that one freaked me out!!! Maybe that one is true, a slip of the tongue? IDK. Too creepy to pass Roux's preparations of OP...
Also, a cricket ball that hits a window would completely wreck it, IMO. They are so hard. The hole was not particularly large. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a pellet from his air rifle.

Catching up here....forgive me if this suggestion has already been made.

I think OP injured her before she took refuge in the bathroom. The mark on her back looks to me like the small, deep bruise left by a pellet from Oscar's air rifle.

This could have been what she was going to report to the police.
I think it's just the mocking tone of posts that follow anything OP says, because at the end of the day, OP is not human, shouldn't express human emotions and feelings because he definitely killed her in cold blood, has no remorse and doesn't deserve an ounce of sympathy?

All the witness's for the state have been backed as being credible and totally honest however, something tells me it's going to be a different ball game when the defence calls their neighbourhood witnesses. They will all be lying, mistaken and only having OP interests at heart!

I think Nel did a really good job today, was fascinating and am pooping for OP when Nel sinks his teeth..going to be gruesome I think :p

I have no issue with your point of view. :) I had an issue with my words being taken out of context. I enjoy being able to discuss and debate ALL the testimony. However, when one purposely misconstrues another's post to get their point across...well, frankly, that is just not my cup of tea! ;) LOL.
Does anyone else find that OP saying he wakes in a terror and smells (iirc) a blood filled room is just over the top? And he said that almost immediately after his do called apology, which makes it that much more strange.

Anything he says while Roux is questioning him has been scripted, but that one freaked me out!!! Maybe that one is true, a slip of the tongue? IDK. Too creepy to pass Roux's preparations of OP...

It made me sick to my stomach to hear him mention Reeva's blood .
Seriously inappropriate .
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