Trial Discussion Thread #28 - 14.04.17, Day 25

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The splinters around the bullet holes were evidence of the angle at which they were shot, not the closeness.

I bet you could determine distance by angle. I hope the defense does this if Dixon was not credible.

The angles of the shots are already in evidence.


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But when did he check it? I would like to see a report of the light being broken on the first day of the investigation.

Unfortunately the SAPS didn't investigate that. Or they did and found that it was broken.

Of course the greateet/deepest one was found by Murphy's Law:

Why is/isn't she calling the police?

Murphy said he heard the word "is' and I placed the speaker near my ear and it sounded more like he said 'isn't.' But more importantly there is a great drop in his voice's volume (very telling) I found.

So as with many things in Oscar-Speak and Oscar-World, it is indeterminate.

But Murphy was right, and I said that if only the judge would study some Oscar-Speak, she would realize that Oscar was telling the world from the witness stand, that he killed Reeva becuase she was insisting on calling the police and not getting out of the toilet. MOO
BBM - I heard him say "I wanted to ask Reeva why she is calling the police" too, but he's not the most articulate of guys, so I'm not 100% convinced, just 99.9%! What I did remember hearing very clearly though, is that when he was talking about the moment he got his gun, he said: "I got my gun from n... under the bed" - and it sounded like he quickly stopped himself from saying 'next' to the bed just in time.
Apart from all the obvious flaws in Pistorius' testimony, what clinches it for me is the total improbability that he wouldn't have heard Reeva at some stage.

I personally believe that if there was indeed an intruder, there would have been some communication between him and Reeva. Not one way communciation - there would have been some response from her.

He's shouting - no response.
He shoots - no response.
He goes back to look for her (with his belief she is alive and hiding in the bedroom) - no response.

In reality, if he had shot the door and then went to find her, he wouldn't need to actively "look" for her in the bedroom, feeling the curtains etc. She would have most certainly made herself known. He is covering all his bases to create what he sees as his perfect version.

What a load of poppycock!

Given the judge sentenced a police officer for life for shooting his wife because "you are not a protector, you are a killer ... " I am hopeful that he will go down big time.

Although most of the evidence is circumstantial, I am hoping the witness accounts will be enough. I think it is expected that witnesses' accounts are never 100% accurate and the court will take any discrepancies at that value.


Agreed, but IMO red flags are raised even before the lack of response from her. I can't wrap my head around why he would automatically assume a noise coming from the bathroom is an intruder when he is well aware that he is not alone in that house! If you hear movement, the only reasonable assumption is that it is your guest, not an intruder who climbed a ladder, crawled through the bathroom window, and barricaded themselves in the toilet of your home with a security system in a gated community. It defies all logic.
I think there is some confusion about that. That first call was apparently a 'failed' call in that no one spoke. So Baba did not count it as a call, but phoned OP himself. So he was not necessarily being dishonest when he testified to that.

The first call connected and Baba heard Oscar crying - I think the call was 9 seconds. Baba remembers the crying call but he said it was after he called OP, though the records show differently.
I'd just be guessing.

Imagine standing next to a jet engine taking off.

Then triple it.

It might be also why he didn't use the telephone for a while.
Perhaps then, a visit to an audiologist would be of benefit to Oscar Pistorius. His hearing could very well be damaged. I'm saying this because if I recall correctly he had trouble answering some of Mr. Nel's questions and I'm not convinced it's because he was trying to deceive anyone either--it's quite possible he wasn't hearing the questions put forth to him. JMOO
A local pub has recently opened in downtown Dublin, Ireland called THE LIARS TRIAL or euphemistically known as THE RUNNERS TRIAL.

Within a very short period the pub has become immensely popular with the local Irish community. Anyone performing stand-up comedy or acting is rewarded with an OSCAR…a pint of locally manufactured draft. Any woman that returns from the toilet is entitled to FOUR SHOTS of a local drink call THE KILLER(tequila).

The pub has a fierce local Irish Terrier named GERRIE as its mascot… rumoured to bring POETIC JUSTICE or luck to the patrons who all have a common identity. Gambling is popular amongst the local patrons as a form of wagering money. Wagers are referred to as I PUT IT TO YOU’s. A popular wager is whether Pistorius will be found to be a “FACTORY FAULT”.

Most patrons would like to see Pistorius found GUILTY of PREMEDITATION and believe that LANDMAN is just a terrorist who undermines the Judiciary and the National Prosecuting Authority whilst poising as a human rights activist.

The lasses who frequently visit the pub displaying an array of fashion are referred to as AIMEE’s, whilst the person responsible for cleaning up any mess is known as OLDWAGE and his assistant as UNCLE ARNOLD.

Two of the popular dishes available are the MASIPA and the MANGENA. The bouncer or strongman at the door of THE LIARS TRIAL is called BARRY ROUX and is known to be a staunch defender of the DISORDERLY, and is fond of just taking their money whilst offering an illogical and poor defence.

The toilet or piss latrine is appropriately referred to as THE DIXON. It is reported that LIES, TEARS, AGGRESSIVENESS, BLAMING, CONVENIENT AMNESIA, WOMEN ABUSE and RETCHING are considered as ANTI SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDERs.

Any patron who gets “pissed” or found to be unable to hold their drink is called a PISTORIAN. THE LIARS TRIAL have warmly welcomed South Africans however would like to make it clear that no pistols, ZOOMBIE STOPPERS and PISTORIANS are allowed. BLACK TALONS are illegal in Ireland.

Cooment found on this link which I thought was too witty not to post here:

The other day I saw something on some website about Lance Armstrong, recently in the news again.

I thought to myself, how similar Oscar and Lance are.

Now of course, I do not know Lance, nor Oscar. But I did watch Lance's interviews during....all of well as read some of the Sports Drug blah blah agency's report against him (but never managed to get very far as I was bored to death by it)....anyway....

IMO they are very similar, from what I have seen and read of both of them.

IF some day I woke up to the news headline "Lance Armstrong accused of shooting wife, but maintains he thought it was an intruder," I would not be shocked. In fact, I am rather surprised that Lance has not done something even more serious, like murder, along the lines of Oscar.

BBM - I heard him say "I wanted to ask Reeva why she is calling the police" too, but he's not the most articulate of guys, so I'm not 100% convinced, just 99.9%! What I did remember hearing very clearly though, is that when he was talking about the moment he got his gun, he said: "I got my gun from n... under the bed" - and it sounded like he quickly stopped himself from saying 'next' to the bed just in time.

He did start to say something about getting his gun from the pedestal and then quickly said under it or under the bed. I noticed that too. And he did say "I wanted to ask Reeva why she's calling police"
It's 3.10am here in Eastbourne, and I'm off to bed. I've done no housework or shopping or anything productive for the past 2 weeks since the trial resumed (hey, I can blame OP for that!) so I'll use the next 2 weeks to clear the floor of everything that's been dumped on it and to restock the fridge and feed the cat!! Oh, and catch up on some sleep! Night night peeps.
"I didn't have time to think".... "I had many thoughts"

"I whispered to Reeva" ... "I did not whisper to Reeva"

"Someone slammed the door or kicked it closed" ... "I never, ever said someone kicked the door"

It is like when Oscar was testifying.

Some Oscarisms;
"I will try not to lie Milady" A lie
"I have not changed my story/version" each time he changed it.

Can you and everyone else please post your best Oscarisms in Oscar-Speak.

"I whispered, spoke in a low voice..."

"I never said I whispered. Anybody who said I whispered is lying."
He did start to say something about getting his from the pedestal and then quickly said under it or under the bed. I noticed that too. And he did say "I wanted to ask Reeva why she's calling police"
Did you wonder why he slipped like that? If his gun was normally always kept next to the bed, I can see why he started to say 'next' because it would have been an automatic thing to recall. He definitely said a word beginning with 'n' though before checking himself and saying 'under'. So it wouldn't have been pedestal. And wanting to ask Reeva why she's calling police would make a lot of sense if you assume he has reason to lie about the intruder.
BBM - I heard him say "I wanted to ask Reeva why she is calling the police" too, but he's not the most articulate of guys, so I'm not 100% convinced, just 99.9%! What I did remember hearing very clearly though, is that when he was talking about the moment he got his gun, he said: "I got my gun from n... under the bed" - and it sounded like he quickly stopped himself from saying 'next' to the bed just in time.

1st bold. If you ever get the chance to re-listen, first note the dip in volume. When I first heard it, it sounded like "is.' Then I put the speaker to my ear, it was more like "isn't.'

The 'next' thing you have there is a very good find.

I posted earlier that he often had several different answers in the same sentence!

Maybe Nel understood all this, and realized that it would take an infinite amount of time to go ver all these Oscarisms in Oscar-Speak, and had obtained enough for his purposes.
BBM - I heard him say "I wanted to ask Reeva why she is calling the police" too, but he's not the most articulate of guys, so I'm not 100% convinced, just 99.9%! What I did remember hearing very clearly though, is that when he was talking about the moment he got his gun, he said: "I got my gun from n... under the bed" - and it sounded like he quickly stopped himself from saying 'next' to the bed just in time.

The question is how did he know she wasn't calling the police?
There are 2 gun experts Thomas Wolmarans and Jannie van der Westhuizen who were listed in the below article as part of his expert team. I would think both would testify if they worked together on the opinion.

Plus one (or more?) persons from The Evidence Room, an American forensic animation firm based in Cleveland, Ohio that this article says was hired.

Could also be 1 or 2 of the people that Dixon said were doing the recordings for the sound test...???

All I can think of now.

Yes, the two that you first mentioned were two that were doing the recording tests and I believe that at least Wolmarans will testify because he was doing the recording and he's the one who wrote the reports.
Did you wonder why he slipped like that? If his gun was normally always kept next to the bed, I can see why he started to say 'next' because it would have been an automatic thing to recall. He definitely said a word beginning with 'n' though before checking himself and saying 'under'. So it wouldn't have been pedestal. And wanting to ask Reeva why she's calling police would make a lot of sense if you assume he has reason to lie about the intruder.

Yes, I did wonder why he slipped like that. It made me wonder if the gun was really under the bed.
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