Trial Discussion Thread #34 - 14.05.06 Day 27

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Was his housekeeper ever on the witness list? If willing, she could have easily testified as to whether this damage was preexisting.

A forensic expert should also be able closely approximate the width of the object that caused that dent. Perhaps the same width as a cricket bat...

ITA it also works to leave it as a glaring unanswered question in the Judge& assessors' minds.

I am not 100% sure but I think the damage panel may have had traces of the metal copper on it and I think a states witness said it wasn't the cricket bat.
Also I am very surprised Nel didn't call the cleaner lady or Frank to testify about the panel .
In the past I have just tried to accept the fact that Nel knows best and if he thought the staff could shed light on the case and help I am sure they would have been subpoenaed .
How is this proof? It is just another witness' testimony.

Is this your opinion as a verified attorney or your opinion as a pistorius supporter?

It's not really Oscars fault. Oscar only screams like a girl when he is killing a girl who isn't screaming. So, technically it's the girls fault because if she was screaming when he shot her, he wouldn't have shot her.

It's not really Oscars fault. Oscar only screams like a girl when he is killing a girl who isn't screaming. So, technically it's the girls fault because if she was screaming when he shot her, he wouldn't have shot her.


Let's not forget as well that it was Reeva's fault for not shutting the balcony door's before she went to sleep and for not answering him when he was in the bathroom shouting.
It's not really Oscars fault. Oscar only screams like a girl when he is killing a girl who isn't screaming. So, technically it's the girls fault because if she was screaming when he shot her, he wouldn't have shot her.


Very good. Oscar-Speak at it's finest!!
bbm especially when it seems he's had a lot of experience in having to come up with fast explanations for his wrongdoings in his past. The intruder story is the most logical.


When you shoot your gf in the middle of the night in your bathroom, you only have one or two possible excuses. Self defense or mistaken identity are the only ones that come quickly to mind. He was pretty much stuck with mistaken identity, the 'thought she was an intruder theory'.

When you shoot your gf in the middle of the night in your bathroom, you only have one or two possible excuses. Self defense or mistaken identity are the only ones that come quickly to mind. He was pretty much stuck with mistaken identity, the 'thought she was an intruder theory'.

Absoultely. What was he going to say "She made me mad---I mean really really mad---so I had to shoot her."
Originally Posted by crowmarsh View Post
Am I right that the only court day sister aimee has missed during the trial was the day when cs admitted that she and sister aimee "stole" reevas handbag
interesting. i just love coincidences.

Makes me wonder if OP's sister will be one of the DT's witnesses... she did get pretty involved, perhaps the judge or the PT objected to her staying in court to watch CS's testimony because of it?
Thank YOU for the refreshing civility! What do I think? I think they had an intense argument that night. I think that Reeva was a pleaser who wanted to make it all go away, and that when OP went out on the balcony she slipped quietly out of the room to go to the loo. I think she locked the door because she didn't feel safe, given OP's anger. I think OP heard her movement in the bathroom and already feeling angry, went to rage mode that there might be an intruder in the house. I believe he didn't think for a minute about where Reeva was, NIR do I believe he acted to protect her.

Rage sent him with a gun into the bathroom, and rage had him fire 4 shots. I think he knew when he saw her dead that the very worst of him--all his demons-- were going to be brought out into the open. I think he grieved that as much as he grieved her, if not more, and that ever since he has been willing to do or say anything to escape responsibility.

In a lot of ways it doesn't matter, but as revolting as all that is, for me it does not add up to premeditated murder.

According to OP's own testimony, he did not go out on the balcony. He merely stood at the door, and carried the fans in.

Given this scenario, do you still believe RS could quietly slip out of the room without OP noticing her absence?

The February 14th 01:48AM – GPRS – 309 seconds
Could be a WhatsApp message to Frank.

Hey Frank, we're hungry.


Interesting that this occurs just before Estelle van der Merwe is woken at 01:56 by a loud woman's voice which lasted about an hour.
You are right.

Two spots on the video.


OP: Another officer asked if there was any one else in the home. I motioned to him that there wasn't. He went up stair. At times I couldn't stand, I would just sit there.


OP: At that stage Col. Van Rensburg said because I was the only person in the house at the time, they were going to arrest me. I walked with Mr. Labuschagne to the vehicle.

So where did Frank come from to be up and dressed at 3:30 am, and standing in the driveway?

I am back to thinking what I originally heard, which was that Frank lived in the pool house. is there a small detached room out back?

Dwayne Fernandes walking and running on his stumps. He comments on a posters question about OP not being able to balance on his stumps. He says its unlikely he cant balance.

That was amazing, now take into consideration that OP has never known any other way of walking, stumps or prosthetics from the age of 11 months, just what are the chances that he can't manage at least as well as Dwayne?
So where did Frank come from to be up and dressed at 3:30 am, and standing in the driveway?

I am back to thinking what I originally heard, which was that Frank lived in the pool house. is there a small detached room out back?

He was said to have had a suite attached to the kitchen, though I don't think that has been entered into evidence.
According to OP's own testimony, he did not go out on the balcony. He merely stood at the door, and carried the fans in.

Given this scenario, do you still believe RS could quietly slip out of the room without OP noticing her absence?
And apparently she either made her way to the toilet in the dark without bothering to switch on a light (even though she knew OP was up and about), or... according to OP, may have used the light from her phone to guide her to the toilet, which makes no sense when she could have just switched on the light! Of course, OP claims that if she did use her phone light, he wouldn't have seen it, because at all times (according to him) he had his back to the bed and only turned towards it to retrieve his gun, which was mysteriously under the bed instead of next to the bed in its usual position, and which conveniently gave him another reason not to notice his 5ft 7" g/friend was not in it.
OP testified that with his alarm system, the windows and doors could be opened without the alarm going off. He added more to it as to explain what he meant. I can't, at this moment, find the exact wording however I will do so in a bit. I believe it was when Nel was doing his cross but will make sure to note the exact time during OP's testimony as to when he said this.

I remember that, and I listened very closely, because I really wanted to know about his alarm system. And he was doing Oscar-double-speak, so it was confusing and rambling. But IIRC, Oscar was saying that when the contractor first painted or steam cleaned his exterior walls some of the alarm sensors came off the house. That was in 2008 or something like that. So he fixed it then, but said that he just had the same process done several months ago, and so he is not sure if the sensors are working correctly now, or not. :waitasec:

Nel asked if he had it checked out and I never clearly understand his answer. It seemed like he said not really.
OP testified that with his alarm system, the windows and doors could be opened without the alarm going off. He added more to it as to explain what he meant. I can't, at this moment, find the exact wording however I will do so in a bit. I believe it was when Nel was doing his cross but will make sure to note the exact time during OP's testimony as to when he said this.

bbm -This makes absolutely no sense to me, how else would an intruder get into your house, except through the doors and windows(unless like RS, you suddenly became one during your grudgingly invited visit).... why even install an alarm system like that?
Neighbor MN seems to be the security zealot OP only pretends to be. Nothing about OP's house that night indicates he gave a thought to intruders showing up, except for his maybe not lying about his front door being locked.
Stay away from my large screen TV!!! :D

Interpretations of state of mind are always gonna cause conflict, because everyone has their own history and beliefs about what is rational or normal or whatnot. I disagree with you about OP's paranoia.That's that.

I'm old enough to have learned that very little in the world is black and white. Lots of gray. Lots of little square pegs that can't be smacked into round holes no matter how much we want them to go there.

As I've said again and again and again. I don't like OP. I think he has a serious anger problem. I think he should never be allowed to own a gun again, no matter what the verdict. I think he is incapable of taking responsibility for himself and his actions. I think he has not told the whole truth about what happened that night.

When I add all that up with the "evidence" I see a man who could very well have flown into a frenzy when he believed he heard an intruder. I believe OP could fire 4 shots in a situation where another would fire none or one. I do not think he is "innocent, " but I think he is not guilty of the premeditated murder of Reeva. Big difference.

bbm - Does this mean you can also see him as capable of having flown into a rage with a woman who apparently was not as compliant as his previous young ones? As for premeditated, I thought that ship had already sailed once OP admitted that he had deliberately gone and got his gun and cocked it, before walking down that passage and then fired at the closed toilet room door where he was certain someone was hiding.
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