Trial Discussion Thread #37 - 14.05.12 Day 30

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Frank has been mentioned twice now this morning by W, but Nel hasn't further questioned about Frank at all. Not even a double-checking of, "Are you referring to Frank ______?" or anything! It's like they are all pretending Frank doesn't exist!
I think Wollie has a very real memory problem. I don't think he is being evasive. Maybe that is why Roux put Dixon on the stand, hoping not to have to call Wollie.

I think so too. But what I can't grasp is that he would not have notes, not have all he did in front of him, instead of saying he can't remember. I honestly question what his expertise is, or how what he did is supposed to help the defense. It is painful seeing him struggle, but why is he on the stand?
W: I was asked to go back because of Mr Dixon's testimony, because he said he hadn't turned the lights off ( I think. He may have said off).

THat's interesting - defence asked W to rush back to OP's house, halfway thru Dixon's testimony!
Zweibel, I remain in awe of your keyboarding skills. You can type a mean streak!
now.. you went back there 3 weeks ago??

Woll. yes, I was asked to sit on the balcony, with FrANK!.. I went in the security gates I wasn't there for more than 20 minutes..

Nel is stuck a bit on a question.. Woll. I see on your CV that you led the police in 1992.. and since then you have been a private forensic scientist?? in that time did you do any proficiency test??

Woll. no milady, there is no provision for it.

Nel. who stumbles saying proficiency, proff proffic proc proffiency.. heheh..

nel. there is one photo. handing in by Mr Dixon.

Woll. milady may I ask to be seated again??

Judge gives him a little mouth kiss and says yes yes ..

Woll is truly running on about 1 1/2 cylinders now. Nel closes off his Xemination.

Roux asks for 15 mins adjournment. something isn't correct..
Nel says the photograph handed in by Dixon, what is that do you know?
W: Bullet holes.
Nel: When was it taken.
W doesn't know, can't remember.
15 min adjournment. Roux wants to set something up to make sure it's correct.
Nel has just shown W a photo and asked what it is.

W: It looks like bullet holes to me....I really have no idea...

N: Never mind. I have no further questions Milady.

Break. But NOT tea break.
Ha.....finally pulled the trial up on laptop"...........and they go to a 15 minute break for Roux.....carp
N: “No, it’s not that…I’m testing your reconstruction…In a reconstruction, why did you not give detail to the important aspect of the magazine rack?”

Woll: “Milady I don’t want to make excuses. I had only a couple of hours on the scene. With photo’s reconstruction, the crime scene, I might have come to the deduction…sorry, I don't have the right word...I might have considered it. That’s the word I was looking for.

So, my time was very limited. And it was given to me a couple of hourse, hanging the door, reconstructing the crime scene, reconstructing the bullets through the door. To be honest Milady it’s unfair to come and ask me a question like that. If I had a week to reconstruct a crime scene like that it would have been it would have been something else.”

What? They had a year? Wolmarens is making a weak excuse.

He seems to be admitting time played a factor in his result and if he had more time he would have had a different result. If you gave him another week would he say that the Steenkamp's position and magazine rack was exactly as Mangena’s report?!

This seems so inappropriate for an experienced trial expert.

I'm really shocked by it, quite honestly .. it all just seems like excuses, excuses, to me .. fair enough he may be 'getting on' a bit and has hearing problems, language/translation problems, memory problems, etc but then why is he on this case? .. or is it precisely for those reasons that they got him in .. because someone younger and with a bit more get up and go and a bit more savvy would've come up with the exact same theory as Mangena and therefore would support the PT version?
The only thing that's stuck in my mind with the evidence this morning are the pork chop and Christian, the 'artisan'.
Frank has been mentioned twice now this morning by W, but Nel hasn't further questioned about Frank at all. Not even a double-checking of, "Are you referring to Frank ______?" or anything! It's like they are all pretending Frank doesn't exist!

An expert witness who can't remember much. I'm dumbfounded to be honest.
Zweibel, I remain in awe of your keyboarding skills. You can type a mean streak!

Lol, I am really struggling today. My little add on ipad keyboard is kaputt and I am using the screen one. I miss out all the H's and Ns and have to go back and put them in and also, O often gets mistyped as I....problematic when a person is writing 'shot' a lot.
Good morning all....have been lurking for weeks and have really enjoyed reading all the threads here and keeping up to date with the trial. I am going to jump straight in and say I sat up straight when W just mentioned Frank.Up until now I was beginning to think he was just an imaginary friend!
Poor old Dixon continues to get a beating in this case, doesn't he?
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