Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

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IMO it was done by Nel to completely avoid putting Botha on the stand. The focus of OP's trial was completely shifted once those revelations came out and it gave those who wanted a 'get out clause' for OP to then say the police were too corrupt. Nel tried to keep the focus on OP so deliberately left stuff out that he thought would be hotly contested and to avoid Roux changing it to Botha being a 'patsy'.

Unfortunately, I don't understand the discussion concerning Botha as I started to follow this trial (as far as I could) with some delay.
If someone would have a moment to brief me briefly (oups, sounds strange, is that correct english?) I would be very grateful. But I will anyway do my best to catch up with "Botha".
The prosecutors say Pistorius will serve at least 20 months in prison. Roux says only 10 months. Can anyone elaborate on this? I'm confused as usual.

PS- Funny how we're discussing months and months, when most of us feel it should be years and years.

Nel recommended 10 years minimum. If he is only expected to serve 10 months of the five years, that is only one month for every full year of Nel's recommendation. Why the hell did she bother even asking Nel's opinion on sentencing , when it obviously has went in one ear and out the other .
Actually it might be a relief to have him off the premises. At least they can sleep safe in their beds at last :lol:

Sleeping in body armour every night must have taken some getting used to, and they can finally use the lavatory with the door shut which must be a relief.

I'm looking forward to Puppet Nation's take on the sentencing.
Hope you will be right and it will be monitored strictly

Agree it will not be a walk in the park for him, and as such a huge challenge - and a chance to learn some true humility, at least I hope so.

Like others I still see what huge impact it had and has on him. Yet, if he had just given a millisecond of thought to Reeva when standing in front of that door (taking the scenario of his intruder version) . . . nothing would have happened. Reeva would be alive and he could go on with his life.

I was surprised this was not pointed out more clearly by Nel

Danke, Paul.
According to what I remember, Nel pointed that out on several occasions. He asked him why he never checked where Reeva was, why he never made sure that she was safe. He also asked why he didn't shoot a warning shot.
Unfortunately my impression is that OP on that day needed to DESTROY.
Things we lost in the Pistorius fire: Reeva, truth, justice

“Society cannot always get what they want. Courts do not exist to win popularity contests but to dispense justice,” Judge Thokozile Masipa said when she handed down sentence against Oscar Pistorius. There was never going to be universal acceptance of Pistorius’s sentence, no matter what it was. But why do we feel so uneasy about the outcome of this trial – a five-year sentence on the main charge of culpable homicide? Why is there a sense that there was no justice for Reeva Steenkamp’s violent death? Perhaps it is because Pistorius will actually be out of prison in less than a year, still feeling sorry for himself? Or is it that we remain troubled that this was a crime of passion that could not legally be proven?
The prosecutors say Pistorius will serve at least 20 months in prison. Roux says only 10 months. Can anyone elaborate on this? I'm confused as usual.

PS- Funny how we're discussing months and months, when most of us feel it should be years and years.

JM referred to an act/law . . something with . . .276/1 (i) which allows for house arrest after 1/6th of sentence is served. Board of Correctional department has to decide it. But there is a post a few pages back where the paragraph is quoted. Might be of more help . .just cannot find it now.
We had the Oscar Channel during trial.

I want Oscar Cam in prison.

(You know, like how they attach cams and GPS to shark fins on Discovery Channel? LOL)

The public has a vested interest in seeing first-hand that he receives NO special treatment.

Beyond that, it would be a tremendous benefit to OP himself - it would greatly help insure his safety in prison.

It’s doubtful even the most hardened inmate would want any video proof of any remotely aggressive move against Oscar to bring down the righteous wrath of Zach Modise - who, I believe has the highest vested interest in keeping his #1 star prisoner alive and very well. His professional reputation is at stake, as well as that of the SA Correctional Services.

I’m 100% confident they will not fail - look at their stellar treatment of Dewani.
Nel recommended 10 years minimum. If he is only expected to serve 10 months of the five years, that is only one month for every full year of Nel's recommendation. Why the hell did she bother even asking Nel's opinion on sentencing , when it obviously has went in one ear and out the other .
If she knew that sentencing him to no more than 5 years meant he'd only have to serve 1/6th of his time before being considered for house arrest, then it makes a mockery of her saying "The following is what I consider to be a sentence that is fair and just both to society and to the accused".
The disabled person story making the news headlines today .. and it ain't Pistorius! It's this person .. and the groundbreaking surgery and treatment (that they have been developing since 1972) he has undergone to help him walk again .. Pistorius is chip paper already! :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: Made me laugh because it's true, he's already yesterday's news, and I had a flash of memory when I was a kid and had my chippies wrapped in newspaper. Nice flashback. :)
Danke, Paul.
According to what I remember, Nel pointed that out on several occasions. He asked him why he never checked where Reeva was, why he never made sure that she was safe. He also asked why he didn't shoot a warning shot.
Unfortunately my impression is that OP on that day needed to DESTROY.

Danke dir auch Susza :)

Yes I remember during trial he was relentless, but I was talking about the sentencing phase (sorry if not made it clear). IMO the "negligence" started with him not ever reassuring where Reeva was. So an aggravating factor. To me it always seemed she was completely absent from his mind - though he claims he "wanted to protect her".

If someone has in mind to protect a person he cares for, how can it not once cross his mind to ask "where is she / is she afraid or panicked. This for me is one of the major inconsistencies that led me to believe he is lying . . . it is SO unreasonable and improbable .. . pointed out a hundred times here :sigh:
Pistorius will be kept in the cells below the court until 4pm then taken to Pretoria Central in a prison van with other prisoners.

A Pistorius family spokesman says Oscar's sister Aimee has sent his washbag and phone down to him. "He has to be treated the same," she said


Well, so much for Oscar being "treated the same." And he has his phone? :what:

So... what do y'all think - was his first call to Babyshoes?
Directly from Big Brother house:

Correctional services: Offender Oscar Pistorius...has joined 8 other disabled inmates serving various teams at Kgosi Maphuru @eNCAnews

Correctional services: hospital section of KM accommodates 2 offenders with prosthetic legs, 2 blind offenders, 5 in wheelchairs @eNCAnews

Karyn Maughan
BIB - really demeaning to mention that while neglecting to mention her law degree. "Good in front of a camera" is a real putdown. That wasn't what made up the entire person, yet the way Masipa described her, she was just eye candy and not much else.

I've thought that all along, imo, JM considered RS was a dime a dozen. RS had beauty, compassion and brains, very easy to be jealous of imo.
Yep she's going on a very long long holiday and will be unavailable next week, or thereafter, or the week thereafter, the week thereafter that... (you get the picture) Uncle Arnold has lent her a narrow boat and she'll be sailing off with her family to a remote island in Mozambique where can she spend her new found (Pistorius) riches in peace away from glaring the eyes of the media ;)
So Masipa seems to have given ammunition to a state appeal by making it clear that she has found OP did intend to shoot the person behind the door

So this either means she has made an error of law, or the SC is going to have to clarify that the mistake as to identity makes this not murder.

But then weirdly - if he intentionally shot an actual intruder behind the door - it would have been murder

It is weird, JM looks at it this way, imo, RS was OP's beloved, so he's suffered enough. If it was an intruder, yes murder would be on the cards.

This is just too insane. :pullhair:
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