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So Chad is texting with Lori before letting Alex in. Is Tammy awake at that point? Half an hour later, after the murder, Chad and Lori are texting again and then Alex calls her to tell her his version. Lori immediately notifies Zulema. Chad texts Lori one more time. Is he awake when Garth arrives home? (All speculation based on the timeline)
What was in the picture deleted from Tammy's phone that could have been incriminating for them?
Not quite… CD & AC are texting just before 11 - I think about when for AC to enter the house - then after the murder LVD & CD text - then AC calls LVD on his way back to Idaho Falls - I think he thought he was going from there to join LVD & MBP in Hawaii but I think LVD told him not to come - then she texts ZP - I think to let her know AC is upset but maybe to tell her TD is dead - I don’t know - after that LVD & CD text again - I don’t believe CD was asleep and snoring when GD got home - either he wasn’t there at all or he was pretending to be asleep in bed next to TD’s body. We do not know what the jpg was but some have speculated she may have gotten a pic of her attacker(s) and CD deleted it after the murder. I don’t know - I think it might also be a pic of CD & LVD as I suspect that TD knew about their affair and perhaps they argued about it that day and perhaps that’s why MBP said AC was supposed to go to Hawaii with them but at the last minute CD needed his help with something. All speculation for sure but would make sense to me if TD confronted CD about the affair earlier that day and that’s what pushed him to finally take action rather than be exposed by his wife to his children and followers.
What does it matter about the autopsy results? The family didn't care about an autopsy after their mother was dead. They cared (CD), after she was exhumed, about the autopsy.

This makes absolutely no difference in the trial regarding CD.
There's a lot of info that makes zero difference. The texts, insurance, who was where and when and Chad's affair with and then quickly marrying Lori are what's damning. What's ambiguous is Tammy's COD and who did it. Reasonable conclusion is Alex and/or Chad and that Alex could not have been in that house w/o Chad's knowing it and help.
And I, agree and disagree.

I believe the doctrine (the religion) IS the culture, and cannot be separated.

This article is relatively new, and discusses in depth how the Daybell-Vallow case, as part of a much larger fringe LDS conglomerate. There are a number of cases/people who "used" the doctrine/culture to perform criminal acts.
The Daybell-Vallow case is exceptionally heinous, thus it stands out independently, as such a vile crime.

But what about the underage sexual grooming cases, kidnapping cases, or rabid MLS scams. Are they not vile too?.

All LDS offshoots started with "LDS prothletising, turning to false prophets.

"nothing about their story ends until the wider LDS culture stops casting the pair aside as fringe freaks of the faith, but extremists who were coddled in their midst"

And I quote and value your statement
But I am only one person, speaking from my own experiences, so MOO".
I am not Mormon. Members of my immediate family are. And my long term next door neighbor is direct lineage of one of the original powerful Danish families who were part of Joseph Smith's expansion to Europe.
I am a member of the Church.

It's not about the doctrine or even the culture of the church (yes, those are two separate things). It's about the personal choices of its members (or those who claim membership). As has been pointed out previously, all the victims in this case - Charles, Brandon, JJ, Tylee, and Tammy - were all faithful members of the church, fully living in harmony with its doctrines or teachings. It was the personal choices of certain individuals, who clearly were not living in accordance to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and who were on the high road to apostasy, who subsequently broke the laws of God and of man by committing these heinous crimes.

The same goes for people in every religion, or even lack of religion. There are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Devout Catholics and not so righteous ones. Faithful Hindus and evil Hindus. Honest Agnostics and dishonest ones. Upright Baptists and those who are deplorable. I could go on ad nauseum.

The one common distinguishing factor between those we might term 'good' [insert any other similar word] and 'evil' [insert any other related word] is that of personal choice. Heck, we even see this same phenomenon in every rational being - the struggle within one's self whether to make good choices, or whether to make baser ones.

I would like to think that most churches or religions are trying to help their members become better people, and to war against the more corrupt aspects of human nature. And yet, strangely enough, it is those corrupt elements which will take that which is good and pervert it to their own ends. Does that make the church or religion corrupt? Not necessarily. It again comes down to the individual choices of people within that church or religion.

I can personally testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has helped me to more fully follow my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have personally made poor choices throughout my life, and still do, but the Church has given me the doctrine, teachings, and tools necessary to repent and make the needed changes to become more like Him whom I love - Jesus Christ.

Just one person's personal belief.
JP didn't recall MG after all. Portraying her as the ring leader was far fetched anyway. He didn't even throw Lori under the bus too much and he defended Alex in regard to the "paintball gun" incident. His witnesses mainly tried to shame LE and poke holes in experts' testimonies. There doesn't seem to be a coherent defense.
I never actually thought he would recall MG - thought he just kept her on subpoena so that she couldn’t watch the trial or more importantly speak to media (or anyone else) about it
Probably has something to do with these 10 texts in 31 minutes….

10:23 to 10:54 ten texts between AC & CD
Thanks, I misread it as texts between Lori and Chad. It makes more sense this way that Chad would give the green light to Alex. Alex's phone went dark at 10:45, but the texts continued until 10:54.
He had a solid job and income and stable finances. Around August, he took out a personal loan- I think I recall 19k- and then quit his job.

Aside from payoffs/"business" expenses I suspect he received, he had the loan and any residual pay (such as if his pay days were for previous weeks) to live off of for a few months. If he paid the rent in Rexburg himself, he only would have had to pay perhaps Sept, a month deposit, oct, and November. I doubt he paid Dec, but if he did, that's only 5 months of less than 600.00. (I think the rent was in the high 500's.) 600.00x5 is 3k. He'd have about 15k or more left of his loan.

What job did he have before quitting? The only thing I knew he'd done, besides being a hitman, was work as a stand up comedian.
@Onsdag thank you for sharing your testimony of the LDS church with us . It is important that we differentiate "cults" from the LDS church and gospel.

It reminds me of my friend who is Catholic, and had his faith shaken due to the criminal element that had infiltrated the priesthood of the Catholic church. Those were the criminals, not the Catholic people.
Not quite… CD & AC are texting just before 11 - I think about when for AC to enter the house - then after the murder LVD & CD text - then AC calls LVD on his way back to Idaho Falls - I think he thought he was going from there to join LVD & MBP in Hawaii but I think LVD told him not to come - then she texts ZP - I think to let her know AC is upset but maybe to tell her TD is dead - I don’t know - after that LVD & CD text again - I don’t believe CD was asleep and snoring when GD got home - either he wasn’t there at all or he was pretending to be asleep in bed next to TD’s body. We do not know what the jpg was but some have speculated she may have gotten a pic of her attacker(s) and CD deleted it after the murder. I don’t know - I think it might also be a pic of CD & LVD as I suspect that TD knew about their affair and perhaps they argued about it that day and perhaps that’s why MBP said AC was supposed to go to Hawaii with them but at the last minute CD needed his help with something. All speculation for sure but would make sense to me if TD confronted CD about the affair earlier that day and that’s what pushed him to finally take action rather than be exposed by his wife to his children and followers.
IMO Tammy's murder (second attempt) was planned before Lori left for Hawaii and had nothing to do with Tammy's actions. Supposedly she knew about Chad's cheating in June when Charles contacted her, but didn't do much about it.
Yes, some of Lori's relatives claimed that he went there for sex. A local woman was interviewed for one of yt channels, who claimed to have met him through some sort of dating agency.
That's a long way to travel for some booty. When I first Columbia, I thought of cocaine, though I've never heard of any drugs mentioned with this group. Is Zulema from Columbia?
That's a long way to travel for some booty. When I first Columbia, I thought of cocaine, though I've never heard of any drugs mentioned with this group. Is Zulema from Columbia?
he was also frequenting Mexico....actually was there days before leading up to his death. 'to get prescriptions for her and him because they were cheaper'<---per Z's statement on the scene....however, he was not taking any prescription meds. naloxone was found in his toxicology. once an 'existing condition' was found during his autopsy, I dont believe any investigation occurred regarding how it was he had that in his system. he was cremated.
What job did he have before quitting? The only thing I knew he'd done, besides being a hitman, was work as a stand up comedian.
He was a truck driver.

I don't know if this was true right at the time he quit, but, comically, he drove a truck carrying porta-potties.

Truck drivers, BTW, are high risk for pulmonary embolisms, because the sitting contributes to the clotting.

he was also frequenting Mexico....actually was there days before leading up to his death. 'to get prescriptions for her and him because they were cheaper'<---per Z's statement on the scene....however, he was not taking any prescription meds. naloxone was found in his toxicology. once an 'existing condition' was found during his autopsy, I dont believe any investigation occurred regarding how it was he had that in his system. he was cremated.
I believe the naloxone was just routine EMT care. If a person is unresponsive it is always administered.

IMO Tammy's murder (second attempt) was planned before Lori left for Hawaii and had nothing to do with Tammy's actions. Supposedly she knew about Chad's cheating in June when Charles contacted her, but didn't do much about it.
You may be right about it being planned before they left — it did seem that LVD wanted to be out of town for the first attempt so maybe that was why she wanted to be gone on the 2nd attempt as well. But still MBP’s statement that AC was supposed to go to Hawaii with them until the last minute makes me think some part of it was not planned or that something caused the plan to be pushed up if AC was supposed to go to Hawaii with them.

And I get what you’re saying about TD perhaps knowing about them when CV contacted her or at least attempted to - but we don’t really know if she saw his email or if she believed it if she did. But CD & LVD were being quite careless about their affair in public by the latter part of Sept and perhaps someone saw them at the BYUI campus or something and told her - maybe she saw them herself. Maybe she did get CV’s email and did believe it but was waiting to get proof and maybe that pic was the proof…

Or maybe it was a pic she snapped of her attacker(s) that night.

It’s another detail that we may never know - just as what was the last minute thing that changed AC’s planned trip to Hawaii with LVD & MBP.

I really wish that AC was still alive. I suspect that he would be singing like a bird and we would get all the answers. And I suspect that it would be a lot more direct involvement of CD & LVD in all the murders than just the planning and him carrying them out. I think he helped in all of them but I don’t think he did any one of them alone - and that includes CV and JR as well as Tylee & JJ & TD. I wish I knew someone who could text thru the veil like CD so we could get those answers as well as find out what really happened to AC.
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