Try to have some compassion

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Here's one parent that certainly would not act in the same way. My daughter (who's name, by the way happens to be Casey - but she's only 11 !!) and I were discussing this on the way home today (we live in Orlando). I told her if that was her and I all they would have to do is give me five minutes alone in a room with her and, by God, she would be telling the truth and confessing to killing Abraham Lincoln too by the time I was done with her !! This thing is absolutely ridiculous. Mama should have taken hold of that girl long ago and beat the tar out of her !! Denial my foot !!
Compassion is EARNED!!! I say that becasue it is saved for people that show and prove heartfelt emotion!!! U have YET to see that in ANYONE in this family!!
I can not have much compassion for people who continue to "believe" the outlandish lies told by KC and expect others to believe the lies as well. I agree, they should make it known to KC that although they still love her, they can no longer pretend that her lies make sense. They need to call her on the lies and refuse to spend another minute supporting her story about the kidnapping Nanny.

KC is a cold blooded killer. They need to come to grips with this fact.
Mark Hackings parents and brothers.

Mark Hacking immediately confessed. We have no idea how his family might have acted otherwise.

I do have compassion for the Anthonys. Would I do things differently? I like to think so, but really I have no way of knowing and I hope I'm never in a postition to find out. It's easy to criticise people when looking through a microscope. I think some of us need to step back and look at the bigger picture sometimes.
At first I did have compassion for them. Although, I may still have a little bit for George. I really think his actions are due to not wanting to face the reality that Caylee is probably gone. I think that is where a lot of his anger is coming from. Most of the time when he is coming unglued is when he is confronted with Caylee being gone. I remember LP saying last night about how the family is treating KC, he said something to the fact George keeps his distance. On top of having to deal with Cindy.

Cindy on the other hand I have none for her. That lady lies and spins everything. I have tried to look past it and think about what she is going through, but she is so out of touch with reality on this. She talks out of both sides of her mouth. To me that is suspicious, she's hiding something.

Yep she is hiding the fact that she knows Caylee is dead and that Casey killed her!
Mark Hacking immediately confessed. We have no idea how his family might have acted otherwise.

I do have compassion for the Anthonys. Would I do things differently? I like to think so, but really I have no way of knowing and I hope I'm never in a postition to find out. It's easy to criticise people when looking through a microscope. I think some of us need to step back and look at the bigger picture sometimes.

Mark Haking did not immediately confess, he only confessed because his family confronted him and made him confess. They acted honorably from the very beginning, they never denied that he had done it.
Hacking confessed to his brothers when they confronted him in jail, I believe. Please correct if my memory is wrong.

Mark Hacking immediately confessed. We have no idea how his family might have acted otherwise.

I do have compassion for the Anthonys. Would I do things differently? I like to think so, but really I have no way of knowing and I hope I'm never in a postition to find out. It's easy to criticise people when looking through a microscope. I think some of us need to step back and look at the bigger picture sometimes.
Compassion is an understanding of the emotional state of another or oneself. Not to be confused with empathy, compassion is often combined with a desire to alleviate or reduce the suffering of another or to show special kindness to those who suffer. ... That is a definition of Compassion . . . . ALLEVIATE or REDUCE suffering, I wish ONE family member could or would muster up those emotions for Caylee!!!
I have compassion for Cindy and George, I believe one day-- maybe in a few years when this case has been all but forgotten, when their daughter is in jail, when friends and family have moved on, they will feel the loss of their granddaughter. I hope that they will also come to recognize that their actions in impeding LE and TES while facilitating their daughter's defense served no one, least of all Caylee.

That said, I do not agree with their position but I suppose I can understand that they like their daughter, have nothing to gain by being truthful and cooporative.
You know as a parent I have tried to identify with their feelings and have compassion for this family but some of the things that have gone only boggle my mind, I will say that it is only by the grace of GOD that we do not all face situation like this. But with that being said I would hope I conducted myself better should I be in their shoes. But notice I said I hope as we never know how we would behave until we walk that mile.

Throw them all in and throw away the key. Better yet, toss them to the alligators. The whole family is nothing but white trash.
Can't any of you find some?

Hold on, I am digging deep to see if I can find some. Nope not a drop for these people. At first I did feel sorry for GA and CA but after the way they have acted, changed there story and laid down for KC the compassion has gone away. The whole family has serious issues that counseling will never help. KC getting to go and "talk" to her lawyer for 6 hours a day and yet to look for Caylee. The parents demanding that people look for Caylee when they are just chillin with KC. Nope still have not found any compassion for any one them and I don't think I ever will. I will cheer when she is found guilty because poor Caylee will finally be at peace and justice will have finally be served.
Here's one parent that certainly would not act in the same way. My daughter (who's name, by the way happens to be Casey - but she's only 11 !!) and I were discussing this on the way home today (we live in Orlando). I told her if that was her and I all they would have to do is give me five minutes alone in a room with her and, by God, she would be telling the truth and confessing to killing Abraham Lincoln too by the time I was done with her !! This thing is absolutely ridiculous. Mama should have taken hold of that girl long ago and beat the tar out of her !! Denial my foot !!
I totally agree with you, I have Married children 4 to be exact I have 5 grandchildren. I know all my children their good points and thier bad points. If Casey were my daughter you can bet your life her lies would have totally ticked me off and she would NOT be allowed back in my home untill she told the truth.

The only way that Cindy is behaving the way she is and covering for her daughter is because she is just as much a liar and manipulator as her daughter is.
Mark Hacking immediately confessed. We have no idea how his family might have acted otherwise.

I do have compassion for the Anthonys. Would I do things differently? I like to think so, but really I have no way of knowing and I hope I'm never in a postition to find out. It's easy to criticise people when looking through a microscope. I think some of us need to step back and look at the bigger picture sometimes.

Totally agree
What do you want them to do?

Denial is a very real survival mode it's not a conscience choice...I believe, they believe with every ounce & fiber of their beings at Casey would never harm Caylee and she's still alive. She's still their daughter and they love her.

Show me a set of parents that wouldn't react the same way....if there was one iota it wasn't true

Show me a set of parents that would not sit their child down upon her return from jail and get to the bottom of things.

I believed they loved Caylee with all their heart. I believe they were at a los for a long time on what to do about Casey. I also believe their denial has made them support Casey at Caylee's expense. I believe it is time for them to sit down with Casey and get to the bottom of things.

As far as supporting them, I would never wish this heinous occurance on anybody. I don't care that they made money from 20/20 but they could put a stop to all the protesters tommorow if they would do the right thing and let their new spokesman/attorney inform the public about it.
How so? I think they've been fully cooperative with LE
It is disturbing that these people have not been searching high and low for their granddaughter. Complete strangers to the Anthony's have been searching, but not these two. If it were your grandchild and you had even 1% hope would you sit at home or would you be out searching? Maybe that's why it is hard to have compassion.
I totally agree with you, I have Married children 4 to be exact I have 5 grandchildren. I know all my children their good points and their bad points. If Casey were my daughter you can bet your life her lies would have totally ticked me off and she would NOT be allowed back in my home until she told the truth.

The only way that Cindy is behaving the way she is and covering for her daughter is because she is just as much a liar and manipulator as her daughter is.

or her brain simply can't wrap around the idea that her beloved granddaughter is dead

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