Trying to find a missing person, who could be a victim...

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DNA Solves


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2016
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There was a case I remember seeing on either doenetwork or NAMUS, who I thought could be a possible IK victim. The problem is I can no longer find her, and the details I can remember are slightly sketchy :( I'm not even sure the dates fit, but the circumstances just screamed Keyes to me.
What I can remember:
  • White Female
  • Middle aged perhaps 40 to 60 perhaps slightly older
  • She was an avid hiker and was presumed to go missing whilst hiking
  • Partial remains were found and ID'd as this woman, however her case remained listed as missing as most remains were not found
  • She lived in a desert/arid area, and near mountains, I think possibly Nevada, California, Arizona or Texas?
  • In the photo of her on her missing page she was wearing a green jumper/fleece

I'm going to keep trying to search, but if anyone could help, this lady could be ruled in or out!

Thank you!
trying to link a missing person to israel keyes will be extremely difficult
trying to link a missing person to israel keyes will be extremely difficult

I'm aware that it will be a nightmare to link anyone, it was more that I was rewatching the Dark Minds documentary and wanted to see whether there was any possibility this lady would fit!
I am 100% convinced that in many cases he used his victim's car. For example, he admitted that he took the Currier's car for planned bank robberies (3) after the murder, but the car had mechanical issues, so he abandoned the plan.
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It wouldn't surprise me if earlier on in his career he was stealing cars, perhaps just off the street, or retrieving the keys in break ins etc
I am 100% convinced that in many cases he used his victim's car. For example, he admitted that he took the Currier's car for planned bank robberies (3) after the murder, but the car had mechanical issues, so he abandoned the plan.
Driving around in car of missing people, probably stupid. BOLO would be issued .

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