TX - Colton Turner, 2, Cedar Park, 11 Sept 2014 #1 *Arrests*

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Is it possible that the assault was someone throwing him and him hitting his head on the air conditioner? Disgusting.

I read it as a smack or a slap and he lost his balance and hit the air conditioner.
It's obvious that after hitting the AC he had a head injury (maybe even the brain), and needed medical assistance.

It could also be from shaking him.

If Colton did hit his head that hard, I am wondering if he had personality changes (irritable, defiant, screaming, etc.) associate with it and MW couldn't handle that stress? If the abuse was long going, which I believe it was, I am sure Colton was showing outward signs of injury associate with it.

These cases are so hard. Makes you wonder why MW didn't have that motherly instinct to get help, even if it meant some jail time, to save the life of her own flesh and blood?

It's just so sad.

I do not like these people.

If I saw abuse in a child, my first thought would be to report it to the police, not call CPS.
I would think there would be a quicker response from LE.
Is that true (anyone with direct experience)?

Chief Mannix is very honest in his comments to the media, that's refreshing in this day and age!!

You can call the police to report child abuse, but from the way I hear it works is that the police go to the house first, document if they can (tenants open the door). The police then open a case with CPS. Usually CPS and the police go together and investigate the home.

If you call the police from a school, like I had and received the information on how it would work above, the police arrive at the school and interview the child on school grounds with a psychologist.

I don't want to blame anyone in this case, I really don't, but I do not understand why when these pictures of Colton were taken, no one called the police right then? They had proof, and they had Colton.

Makes me wonder what other things were taking place in this group that made people so afraid to contact police?
I genuinely feel sorry for BP and his family. I'm not in any way excusing the horrific crime that he committed but he didn't deserve this. He apparently tried to convince Bertram PD to look for his son but they didn't. When he got those photographs he immediately jumped into action.


MW convinced everyone that Colton was alive and well. She managed to disappear completely for a month after Colton died. People were looking for her and contacting her via FB because she claimed she had no phone access but she wouldn't say where she was.

I believe that MW is an accomplished and convincing liar, at least to her friends. She is an evil woman.

Compare BP and his family's reaction to this to Tania Grogan's reaction. They have kept a dignified silence and are grieving privately, instead of the theatrical nonesence that TG is pulling.
I would like to point out that the examiner article you linked got it's information off of second hand facebook posts. From the very beginning, there were inconsistencies with BP's story- did he go to Bertram or Burnet PD, timeline, etc. LE has come forward and said that, if he had indeed gone to them for help finding Colton, there would be some sort of paper trail or indication. There is nothing. BP was in contact (very friendly and flirty contact) with MW as late as September 8th. I don't understand how you could be frantically looking for your son for months, yet say nothing of it to your friends and family on social media and maintain a friendly relationship with the woman who won't tell you where your son is.

BP is a victim. He lost a son, and is grieving. But I think it's pretty messed up to lie about all of this just to paint yourself in a better light.
I would like to point out that the examiner article you linked got it's information off of second hand facebook posts. From the very beginning, there were inconsistencies with BP's story- did he go to Bertram or Burnet PD, timeline, etc. LE has come forward and said that, if he had indeed gone to them for help finding Colton, there would be some sort of paper trail or indication. There is nothing. BP was in contact (very friendly and flirty contact) with MW as late as September 8th. I don't understand how you could be frantically looking for your son for months, yet say nothing of it to your friends and family on social media and maintain a friendly relationship with the woman who won't tell you where your son is.

BP is a victim. He lost a son, and is grieving. But I think it's pretty messed up to lie about all of this just to paint yourself in a better light.

He did look for her. There were FB posts asking her to contact him, from him asking her friends to get her to contact him, from his stepmom to her trying to get to see the baby. Obviously these are gone now since LE pulled her FB, but I saw them. I agree that the jokey posts shared between them were not about his son, and were probably inappropriate between them, but he was trying to contact her. Even her close friends who she would have been usually in more contact with didn't know where she was or how to contact her because she just "disappeared".
He did look for her. There were FB posts asking her to contact him, from him asking her friends to get her to contact him, from his stepmom to her trying to get to see the baby. Obviously these are gone now since LE pulled her FB, but I saw them. I agree that the jokey posts shared between them were not about his son, and were probably inappropriate between them, but he was trying to contact her. Even her close friends who she would have been usually in more contact with didn't know where she was or how to contact her because she just "disappeared".
He began looking for Colton on September 11th, when everyone became aware there was an issue because BS took the photos to the police. He didn't say anything about looking for him or Meagan before then. I'm friends with the whole group on Facebook, and have at least met all of the major players.

I'm not trying to say he didn't care about Colton. Just trying to shed the light of truth on some of the false statements in this case.

Edit to add: Also, I don't think this really matters in the long run of things, so I'm going to drop it. It just really bothers me because if he had actively been looking back in May, or had even shown up to the custody hearing at which he was granted partial custody, we might not even be here having this conversation and Colton would still be with us.
He began looking for Colton on September 11th, when everyone became aware there was an issue because BS took the photos to the police. He didn't say anything about looking for him or Meagan before then. I'm friends with the whole group on Facebook, and have at least met all of the major players.

I'm not trying to say he didn't care about Colton. Just trying to shed the light of truth on some of the false statements in this case.

Edit to add: Also, I don't think this really matters in the long run of things, so I'm going to drop it. It just really bothers me because if he had actively been looking back in May, or had even shown up to the custody hearing at which he was granted partial custody, we might not even be here having this conversation and Colton would still be with us.

There are two posts on BP's page dated Aug 3rd and Aug 14th where he is asking for help in locating her. There were also 2 separate posts sometime in late July on MW's page by him asking for her to contact him. I know on several news articles his cousin TD commented that he was trying to maintain a friendly relationship with MW after she reappeared in order to gain some leverage and see Colton again. IMO, I can imagine that after she reappeared and told him that the boy was with friends that he believed her just like everyone else.
He began looking for Colton on September 11th, when everyone became aware there was an issue because BS took the photos to the police. He didn't say anything about looking for him or Meagan before then. I'm friends with the whole group on Facebook, and have at least met all of the major players.

I'm not trying to say he didn't care about Colton. Just trying to shed the light of truth on some of the false statements in this case.

Edit to add: Also, I don't think this really matters in the long run of things, so I'm going to drop it. It just really bothers me because if he had actively been looking back in May, or had even shown up to the custody hearing at which he was granted partial custody, we might not even be here having this conversation and Colton would still be with us.

BBM. Sorry but you are wrong. There were several messages from his FB wall to hers and from his stepmom to her. She didn't reply to him when he was asking where she was, he made a comment about the situation getting "really tired real quick".

And it's just my own opinion that I feel sorry for him and his family. He's lost his son through the direct actions of her and her boyfriend. There were others in her family who had real evidence of the abuse Colton was suffering and didn't bother letting him know til it was too late.
He began looking for Colton on September 11th, when everyone became aware there was an issue because BS took the photos to the police. He didn't say anything about looking for him or Meagan before then. I'm friends with the whole group on Facebook, and have at least met all of the major players.

I'm not trying to say he didn't care about Colton. Just trying to shed the light of truth on some of the false statements in this case.

Edit to add: Also, I don't think this really matters in the long run of things, so I'm going to drop it. It just really bothers me because if he had actively been looking back in May, or had even shown up to the custody hearing at which he was granted partial custody, we might not even be here having this conversation and Colton would still be with us.

Got to agree I'd have been causing such a stink noone could ignore me. I wouldn't be reminiscing about things that were "intents". Their relationship was complicated in the extreme from her fb posts and his.
That said the blame for this tragedy must lie with MW and her partner. The absolute nerve to take that selfie with Coltons bruised eye and post it. I can't remember the date it was taken. Was anyone concerned? This whole thing makes me ill.
I am really hoping this motel they stayed in has some sort of surveillance footage that LE can get their hands on. Maybe there is footage of MW and Colton (with or without the boyfriend) coming in or out before or after the "hit to the head" from the AC unit...at least then LE can determine who may have caused the head injury. If she's seen walking out with him (him possibly staggering :() or her carrying him out alone at the time she reports the incident occurring maybe they can see who was with him at the time.

Even better...maybe someone will come forward, stating they stayed in a room close to theirs and maybe heard little Colton screaming from hitting his head - or MW/boyfriend screaming at him, etc and can nail down who did what and put a crimp in the game of "he did it/she did it". I know motel rooms can be fairly sound proof, but my guess is the hotel isn't going to end up being a "nice" place to lay your head - and may likely hear everything that goes on in the rooms next to ya....one can only hope.

I just know that when my kids have really hit their head there are typically two responses; the silent, mouth-open, but no sound coming out expression which precedes the blood curdling scream that a parent knows means they are REALLY hurt, OR, it's the one where they are damn near unconscious but really give no indication that they are even aware of their surroundings.

The later is, for me, a much more dire situation which warrants immediate medical attention. Obviously, MW knew something was wrong, per her behavior, but I wonder if she's going to try to say "well...he didn't even cry very much so we didn't think it was anything serious" or some other stupid excuse to cover her butt.

I'm saying a prayer that Colton DID scream his little lungs out, and that someone can nail them on this...
I doubt that Colton cried. I think that this child was assaulted numerous times over a period of time. I think that he was slammed onto the floor or wall or the air conditioning unit and that was it. Any "seizures" are like a PP said, involuntary muscle movements as a result of a brain injury.

As for CPS and LE. If CPS could not track down MW then they should have contacted LE and filed a child welfare complaint. There needs to be full investigation into this chain of events so that another child doesn't slip through the cracks.
I would like to point out that the examiner article you linked got it's information off of second hand facebook posts. From the very beginning, there were inconsistencies with BP's story- did he go to Bertram or Burnet PD, timeline, etc. LE has come forward and said that, if he had indeed gone to them for help finding Colton, there would be some sort of paper trail or indication. There is nothing. BP was in contact (very friendly and flirty contact) with MW as late as September 8th. I don't understand how you could be frantically looking for your son for months, yet say nothing of it to your friends and family on social media and maintain a friendly relationship with the woman who won't tell you where your son is.

BP is a victim. He lost a son, and is grieving. But I think it's pretty messed up to lie about all of this just to paint yourself in a better light.

If you google mW and click images (another WS member clued me in) there are screenshot Facebook posts. There is one from his status that he tagged her in that he was asking her to get in touch with him that this is getting old. OT but the blue ecard that jokes about not having to bury a body so it's a good day that she posted is also there. And that one makes me so sick. How could that be remotely funny to her after she has buried a body... Her own baby!! She's a real piece of work. No pun intended.

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I would really like to get inside the head of MW or someone that has done something like this. How do you possibly think you're going to just carry on as usual and get away with it? Wouldn't you run whether you had the resources or not?

Some people who commit such heinous crimes are psychopaths, but not all people who kill their children could be classified as such.

And for the ones that aren't psychopaths, all I can think is that the perpetrator goes into some kind of extreme denial that the child is gone, at their own hand no less.

Like I said, I'm just pondering what goes through a person's head after doing something so horrible.
I will never understand why people that obviously hate their babies are so determined to keep custody of them. I just don't get it.

"No one's tell in' me what I can or can't do with MY child! That kid is mine!"

People often view children as possessions.

yes, knowing what we know about the shortcomings of the CPS system, I think I would phone police and CPS and see who showed up first. Sadly, most think calling in a report to CPS will result in action and we here know better?

One of the arrest warrants I think states that the family member who reported to CPS the suspected abuse provided that agency with the photos. Sometimes people do not realize that agencies are not running around sharing that information freely or volunteering it up, even to one another. My big question is were police informed at the time Colton was reported missing that the CPS reports had been made? Because the warrants suggest they were told that, so I would think that LE should have contacted CPS or known about those photos pretty quickly after Colton was reported missing?

Or maybe the person reporting Colton missing assumed the agencies would compare notes and trade info and that telling LE that CPS had been contacted about suspected abuse was enough for LE to gather the rest of the info?

Bottom line, MW and MT actively avoided letting those looking for Colton or worried about his welfare know where he was. They are to blame, not people who tried to wade through the bureaucracy and red tape and maybe did not do so very effectively IMO.

I saw something different. I've reviewed all the warrants. It appears CPS was not contacted until friend Brianna Spieldenner and/or dad received them or saw them this month.

Ive read nothing to indicate anyone gave CPS those photos before September. I think the cousin hung onto them for a couple months. Otherwise the sheriff wouldn't have stated that he doesn't know why they weren't revealed prior to this and that someone is probably feeling pretty badly right now.

He did look for her. There were FB posts asking her to contact him, from him asking her friends to get her to contact him, from his stepmom to her trying to get to see the baby. Obviously these are gone now since LE pulled her FB, but I saw them. I agree that the jokey posts shared between them were not about his son, and were probably inappropriate between them, but he was trying to contact her. Even her close friends who she would have been usually in more contact with didn't know where she was or how to contact her because she just "disappeared".

He was probably trying to joke around with her and act casual and friendly in an attempt to get her to let him see his son or state where she was. That's what I would do.
I am really hoping this motel they stayed in has some sort of surveillance footage that LE can get their hands on. Maybe there is footage of MW and Colton (with or without the boyfriend) coming in or out before or after the "hit to the head" from the AC unit...at least then LE can determine who may have caused the head injury. If she's seen walking out with him (him possibly staggering :() or her carrying him out alone at the time she reports the incident occurring maybe they can see who was with him at the time.

I would imagine (hope) that the motel would have surveillance footage because it is in an extremely seedy part of Austin. I'm pretty sure it's the same hotel that missing girl, Roxanne Paltauf, was last seen at.
I don't think they were ever the parental type to begin with. There was probably never had the attachment and the child was just a nuisance but at the same time a paycheque. That is, if parents in her state get money from the government if they have children.
There are two posts on BP's page dated Aug 3rd and Aug 14th where he is asking for help in locating her. There were also 2 separate posts sometime in late July on MW's page by him asking for her to contact him. I know on several news articles his cousin TD commented that he was trying to maintain a friendly relationship with MW after she reappeared in order to gain some leverage and see Colton again. IMO, I can imagine that after she reappeared and told him that the boy was with friends that he believed her just like everyone else.

That's what I figured! Listen, I do not like this man and don't believe he should've had custody but he did seem worried and tried to find his son.
I haven't followed Colton's case, very, very sad. :(

I just wanted to post, and sorry if it has already been mentioned, the similarities in the disposal to Jenise Wright's case:

"When investigators found Wright’s body in a wooded area behind Steele Creek Mobile Home Park, she was almost completely submerged in a three-to-four-feet deep muddy bog with a small wood pallet on top of her."


"Turner told police he borrowed a shovel and dug a grave two to three feet deep. Turner says he covered the grave with wood and placed sheetrock on top of it. "
Maybe if you called as it was happening. I think, though, the police would tell you to contact CPS of previous abuse.
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