TX TX - Corsicana, near Chambers Creek, UnsFem 2-5, 1052UFTX, clothes, May'77

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Oct 5, 2008
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Hello to all. I am a new member. For some History...I recently was laid off from my job and needed a project so I started genealogy. While in a cemetery last week I stumbled upon a tombstone of an unknown child so that led me to the library to find old newspaper articles.

It is regarding a 2-6 yr. old girl found in Corsicana, TX. (Navarro County) in May 1977 in a creek.

I surfed through May and June 1977 Corsicana Daily Sun newspapers on microfilm before the library closed but found 5 articles concerning this mystery. In one article it mentions that Investigators in San Bernadino, CA. contacted the Navarro Sheriff's office so I am assuming they have ruled out that this female child could be Tiffany Wise or Brandi Summers.

Needless to say, my project has now changed. I have searched the regular websites to find a child matching her description/time disappeared but have had no luck. I joined Websleuths (after many attempts) so hopefully someone here will have access to data that I do not have.

I will have to go back to the library (40 mile drive) to obtain more news articles but right now I have 5. I still need to read the forum rules to see if I am able to transcribe the articles here or place elsewhere and link to them. Of the 5 articles I have they do not know cause of death, hair color or eye color but what is known so far I will list below.

(1) Found Sunday, May 29, 1977 in a shallow creek bed covered by debris.
(2) Body was badly decomposed, missing one foot.
(3) Had appeared to be in the water about 2-4 months before discovered.
(4) Clothing was size 4T.
(5) Was wearing Maroon pants, white blouse with red animals on it. Clothing was purchased at Montgomery Wards.
(6) Race: White
(7) Gender: Female

Thanks to all who respond.
Welcome to WS's Judygirl! If you found that article and felt so compelled to research and investigate it, you will be a nice fit for us! Have you searched this site yet for any Unidentified's that fit that match?? I just saw your posting, and I have to go to work in the morning, so I don't have a lot of time right now, but I will search latter - hopefully, someone else may find a match. Welcome, anyway. :blowkiss:
Thanks for the Welcome.

Glad you mentioned it but I hadn't thought to search this site for Missing. I will definitely do that.

I grew-up in Corsicana and was 12 yrs. old when they found her but I do vaguely remember it. The tombstone she has was placed there in 1980 by donations collected from the community. I have searched some of the Websites for missing children in 1975, 1976, 1977 but there are very few listed that far back.

She's been forgotten. I just hope to get her story out there as there may be a family out there that is wondering where their child is. It is quite possible her family does know where she is and didn't come forward back then for obvious reasons.
Corsicana Daily Sun Newspaper - Monday, May 30, 1977

Identity of child still mystery

The badly decomposed body found Sunday on Chambers Creek by two fishermen is no longer believed to be that of a Dallas youngster missing since Valentine's Day, according to Navarro County Sheriff Jerry Shelton.

Investigators had first thought that the skeletal remains found in shallow water along the creek to be that of seven year old Ladena McCoy, who disappeared while on her way to school in Dallas Feb. 14.

But the Forensic Laboratory in Dallas reported to Shelton about 11 a.m. today that the body is not that of the missing girl. Law enforcement officers in Dallas, despite a massive effort, have been unable to locate a clue to the girl's whereabouts since her disappearance three months ago.

Navarro County deputies, after learning the news, began immediate plans for a careful search of the area where the body was found yesterday in an attempt to discover a clue to the identity of the body.

The basic assumption that the body was that of the Dallas girl rested on clothing found on the body and on the approximate age of the body, four to seven years of age. Dallas investigators had only those clothing samples on which to base an identification.

According to Deputy Sheriff Grady McCall, Jessie Gomez and James Moore were fishing around noon on Chambers Creek Sunday, about a mile south of where the E. 5th slab crosses the creek, when they found the body. The two men walked out to the road and flagged down a passing deputy to report the grisly discovery.

Members of the Corsicana Emergency Corps were employed to remove the body, which was done about 3:30 p.m. Sunday, McCall said.

Investigators say the body is missing one foot, and had apparently been in the water about two months before being discovered. Deputies speculated this morning that the body had not drifted "too far" from where it was placed in the water to where it was discovered Sunday.

Deputies now theorize that the child was a victim of abuse, and radio and teletype bulletins have been dispatched to all state law enforcement agencies seeking information about any missing four year old child.

Investigators were preparing to search using deputies on foot and in boats along the creek where the body was discovered.

(Judygirl Note: Body of Ladena McCoy was found eventually, murdered.)

Corsicana Daily Sun Newspaper - Wednesday, June 1, 1977

The report from the Dallas Medical Examiners office has determined that the body found in Chambers Creek Sunday was that of a white female between the ages of two and four, according to Deputy Sheriff Gary Patterson.

Patterson said the report added that the girl could not be older than four years of age. He said that further results of lab tests are pending.

The deputy explained that inquires were beginning to come in from not only Texas but also from around the country concerning the body. Patterson said law enforcement people in San Bernadino, Calif. have inquired along with the Galveston Police Department.

Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, June 9, 1977

No new evidence has turned up as Sheriff's deputies continue to search for the identity of the badly decomposed body of a four-year-old girl found May 29 in Chambers Creek east of Corsicana, according to Deputy Sheriff Joetta Price.

The body was found by two fishermen buried in debris in the creek about five miles east of Corsicana. Sheriff's Deputies Grady McCall and Bob Rehders, who are conducting the investigation, said at the time that the body had been in the water anywhere from two to four months.

The body was at first thought to be that of missing Dallas youngster, Ladina McCoy, but the Dallas Medical Examiners office ruled out that possibility early in the investigation.

Deputies are baffled about the identity of the body. Leads from around the country have not been fruitful and no child of that age has been reported in Navarro County.

The day following the discovery Sheriff Jerry Shelton, deputies and a group of reserve deputies searched the banks of Chambers Creek but did not find any evidence that would aid in identifying the body.

Deputies theorize that the child may have been a victim of child abuse which they say may account for no one coming forth to identify the body.

Corsicana Daily Sun Newspaper - Sunday, June 19, 1977

Who was she, the little girl whose skeleton was found in Chambers Creek here three weeks ago?

Was she a happy child? Did she have a puppy or a kitty to play with? Had she already learned her letters and her numbers?

No one knows, and we're beginning to doubt that anyone will ever know.

Little is known, not the cause of her death, not even the color of her hair.

What is known? Only that she was a little girl and that she was between two and six years old, probably around four.

She was dressed in maroon pants and in a white blouse with red animals on it. Lawmen think she was probably four because the blouse is a size four. It came from Montgomery Ward's.

How could a little girl remain unidentified for several weeks, maybe even for several months since there was no way of telling how long the body had been in the waters?

Investigating deputy sheriffs say: - She could have been a victim of severe child abuse. That would account for why no one has come to identify and claim her.

She could also have been the child of a poor transient family who died and whose parents did not have money for burial. That would also account for no missing-person report.

-Or, according to Deputy Bob Rehders, she could have been "flat out murdered." The longer she remains unidentified, the less chance there is of identifying her. But Rehders says there's still a chance that information circulating on the child by the Navarro County Sheriff's Department hasn't been matched up with all the missing children reports throughout the U.S.

Which answer is most likely? Your guess is as good as the lawmen's. They don't have a thing to work on.

If the child wasn't wanted in life, she may not be wanted in death either.

Today she's in the "cooler" of the Dallas County medical examiner's office. She'll remain there until all possibility of identification is exhausted - at least another month.

Then she'll be buried as "Unnamed Baby Girl" either by Dallas or Navarro County, whichever will accept the burial expense. Navarro is more likely since she was found here.

She'll get a simple funeral and be laid to rest with no answers, but a whole lot of questions, surviving her.

I think we (the two of us) should contact the Daily Sun and get them to rerun these old stories and maybe get some interest going.. There is so much more that can be done now than in 1977... What'd ya say JudyGirl?
Have you tried looking at doenetwork.org? They have cases going way, way back - missing and unidentified...
Have you tried looking at doenetwork.org? They have cases going way, way back - missing and unidentified...

I best not get caught doing that while at work but will see if there is something I can do when I get home this evening.
Sometimes their search engine is very frustrating. I have often just typed in the year, ie: 1977, and all missing and unidentified come up for that year, nationwide, that has been entered into their database.

If you haven't been there before: After awhile you will learn their code and skip males, etc. The last four letters will be what to look for in regards to the unidentified. For example - an unidentifed male in Texas, 55UMTX.

A missing male in Texas is listed as 55DMTX.

Hope that helps, and good luck!
I just received a message back from the Editor regarding my request to post the newspaper clippings here. He approved. I think when I reply with a "thank you" I will mention rerunning the story to him. Can't hurt. I'll let everyone know what he says.
Sometimes their search engine is very frustrating. I have often just typed in the year, ie: 1977, and all missing and unidentified come up for that year, nationwide, that has been entered into their database.

If you haven't been there before: After awhile you will learn their code and skip males, etc. The last four letters will be what to look for in regards to the unidentified. For example - an unidentifed male in Texas, 55UMTX.

A missing male in Texas is listed as 55DMTX.

Hope that helps, and good luck!

If you want an easier way of looking at Doe Network, go to the Index of Unexplained Disappearances. From there, scroll down to the bottom of the page, where it says "Chronological Index." You can choose "Male" or "Female." Then you don't have to sift through a bunch of males when you are looking for a female, and you can go directly to the year you're looking for.
Sometimes their search engine is very frustrating. I have often just typed in the year, ie: 1977, and all missing and unidentified come up for that year, nationwide, that has been entered into their database.

If you haven't been there before: After awhile you will learn their code and skip males, etc. The last four letters will be what to look for in regards to the unidentified. For example - an unidentifed male in Texas, 55UMTX.

A missing male in Texas is listed as 55DMTX.

Hope that helps, and good luck!

I have been to doenetwork.org. The site is massive. That's why I am posting here. I definitely need help with this one. I hope to visit the library again soon for more articles but right now little is known. No hair color, no eye color, just clothing and approximate age.
I think we (the two of us) should contact the Daily Sun and get them to rerun these old stories and maybe get some interest going.. There is so much more that can be done now than in 1977... What'd ya say JudyGirl?

I used your words Gabby! lol

We'd be happy to look at them. Probably not a "re-run" but a "re-visit" with the angle being your group's use of the information.

I don't have access to those old editions here any longer. Shoot me a copy and I'll review it.

1977 pre-dates me both at the paper and being in Texas.


Bob Belcher
Managing Editor
Corsicana Daily Sun

Hello Mr. Belcher,

Would the Daily Sun be interested in re-running these old stories to maybe get some interest going again? There is so much more that can be done now than in 1977.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Bob Belcher, Daily Sun <belcher@corsicanadailysun.com <mailto:belcher@corsicanadailysun.com>> wrote:


You have our permission to use our articles in your work.

We do ask full credit be given to the "Corsicana Daily Sun,
Corsicana, Texas" for any of our work you do utilize.

If you have any further questions, please contact me at your


Bob Belcher
Managing Editor
Corsicana Daily Sun
My gut feeling tells me that she was the victim of child abuse and was never reported missing. Not much information from the medical examiners office. I wonder why the Doenetwork.org does not have her case listed. Maybe you can do a case submission through them to see if they would post her story.

Here are some possibilities






Unfortunately without a lot of information from LE it's hard to narrow the possibilities down. :(
My gut feeling tells me that she was the victim of child abuse and was never reported missing. Not much information from the medical examiners office. I wonder why the Doenetwork.org does not have her case listed. Maybe you can do a case submission through them to see if they would post her story.

Here are some possibilities






Unfortunately without a lot of information from LE it's hard to narrow the possibilities down. :(

I did submit to the doenetwork but I never heard back from them. Thanks for the links. I think the last two are too old though.

I'm VERY new at this. Can anyone tell me if the Police will give information to the public. Do I have to file an open records request? I can go and lookup more news articles tomorrow.
I did submit to the doenetwork but I never heard back from them. Thanks for the links. I think the last two are too old though.

I'm VERY new at this. Can anyone tell me if the Police will give information to the public. Do I have to file an open records request? I can go and lookup more news articles tomorrow.


I can meet you tomorrow if you like. I do have to go to lunch from 11:30 to 12:30 I have a designaed lunch hour. I will pm you a way to get hold of me.
I will go with you to the Daily Sun or the Police Station I do have a contact in the Sheriff's dept . that might can help.
I did submit to the doenetwork but I never heard back from them. Thanks for the links. I think the last two are too old though.

I'm VERY new at this. Can anyone tell me if the Police will give information to the public. Do I have to file an open records request? I can go and lookup more news articles tomorrow.

I think also the last two would be too old. I am thinking it is a Texas child. Maybe Oklahoma or Arkansas. Corsicana is on the interstate (45) on the way to Houston....
I used your words Gabby! lol

We'd be happy to look at them. Probably not a "re-run" but a "re-visit" with the angle being your group's use of the information.

I don't have access to those old editions here any longer. Shoot me a copy and I'll review it.

1977 pre-dates me both at the paper and being in Texas.


Bob Belcher
Managing Editor
Corsicana Daily Sun

Hello Mr. Belcher,

Would the Daily Sun be interested in re-running these old stories to maybe get some interest going again? There is so much more that can be done now than in 1977.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Bob Belcher, Daily Sun <belcher@corsicanadailysun.com <mailto:belcher@corsicanadailysun.com>> wrote:


You have our permission to use our articles in your work.

We do ask full credit be given to the "Corsicana Daily Sun,
Corsicana, Texas" for any of our work you do utilize.

If you have any further questions, please contact me at your


Bob Belcher
Managing Editor
Corsicana Daily Sun

The newspaper also burned and lost a lot of records back in the early 90's I believe it was. the microfilm is prob. the only way to view those records.

Where is this child buried? Is it at the county cemetery just off Hackberry? Modulin I believe it is. I have a grandchild buried there.

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