TX TX - DEAN CORLL and his two teenage accomplices (victim identified 35 yrs later)

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Jul 15, 2008
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HOUSTON – At first, all forensic anthropologist Sharon Derrick had to solve the mystery of ML73-3349 was the body of an unidentified boy, found dead more than 35 years ago, the voluminous police files from a decades-old serial killings and a desire to give a name to the nameless victim.

I am glad the family has the closure needed.

HOUSTON – At first, all forensic anthropologist Sharon Derrick had to solve the mystery of ML73-3349 was the body of an unidentified boy, found dead more than 35 years ago, the voluminous police files from a decades-old serial killings and a desire to give a name to the nameless victim.

I am glad the family has the closure needed.

I hope LE can finally identify the other victims too. Imagine 35 years going by without knowing whether your child or sibling was the victim of a serial killer.
How sad that his mother is no longer around to have the answers I'm sure she desperately needed. One can never say enough thank you's to Sharon Derrick and people like her who give so much to bring peace to the families of the unidentified. I'm sure that Randy Harvey's family must be in complete shock right now, but I'm so thankful for them that they finally got some closure.
How sad that his mother is no longer around to have the answers I'm sure she desperately needed. One can never say enough thank you's to Sharon Derrick and people like her who give so much to bring peace to the families of the unidentified. I'm sure that Randy Harvey's family must be in complete shock right now, but I'm so thankful for them that they finally got some closure.

Hopefully she got the answers she needed when they reconnected in heaven. :blowkiss:
Sharon Derick has really been above and beyond the call in this case.
Texas and Harris county really owe her a debt of gratitude for her compassionate and dedicated service in this case.
Youve got to feel for the original Coroners office staff back in the early seventies though.
Twenty seven homicide victims in various stages of decomposition each with multiple horrific injuries killed over the course of three years in various locations all dumped on them over the course of a week with thousands of frantic families nationwide unindating them with info and requests for info...Good Lord what a nightmare.
The Chicago Coroners office after Gacey is about the only comprable situation I can think of .
Its amazing so few mis-identifications were made all thing considered.
In a related note Ive heard from various sources that Rhonda Williams the girl who was the catalyst for Wayne Henley shooting Dean Corll that night who very nearly became a victim herself(she was chained to Corll's Torture Board alongside Timothy Kerley) is doing research for a book about her experience and the aftermath of the case.
Help for victims of violent crime was practicly nonexistant back then.
Timothy Kerley reportedly commited suicide recently.
I hope she follows through with the project.

After nearly four decades, a team of Harris County forensic scientists has identified one of the last victims of Houston serial killer Dean Corll as Roy Eugene Bunton, a teenager missing since about 1971.

Bunton was only 17 or 18 when he disappeared, possibly snatched up while hitchhiking by Corll or one of his two teenaged accomplices.

Bunton's body had initially been misidentified as Michael Baulch. When Sharon Derrick had the body disinterred last year, she noticed similarities to another young man who was missing from the same area around the same time.

This leaves only 1 unidentified victim remaining, the boy in the swimsuit w/ cowboy boots.

Bunton's body had initially been misidentified as Michael Baulch. When Sharon Derrick had the body disinterred last year, she noticed similarities to another young man who was missing from the same area around the same time.

This leaves only 1 unidentified victim remaining, the boy in the swimsuit w/ cowboy boots.
One strange thing about the Swimsuit/cowboy boots boy is judging from the state of decomposition at the time he was found it was estimated he was among the 1970/1971 victims almost all of which were buried towards the rear of the boatstall.(which makes sense that Corll would have first started concealing bodies there as far from the front doors as he could) yet the swimsuit boy was found at the very front of the stall right between two of the more recent victims.
It's chilling that Corll had been pestering the lady that owned the storage units for another stall to rent because his first one was 'full'.
First I want to apologize for my inabilty to post links but if you type 'dean corll crime scene photos' into Google and scroll down to the Daily Mail article youll find the photo im talking about.
Apparently a filmmaker who has been working on a documetary about the Houston Murders was interviewing Mary Henley, Wayne Henley's mother when she told him after Wayne was convicted and sent to prison she boxed up all of his belongings and put them in the back of a abandoned school bus on some family property in North Texas.
Where theyve set undisturbed since 1973.
The filmmaker recieved permission to go through the boxes and found clothes and posters (some of which he's using on the set of his documentary's re-enactments).
He also discovered a sealed film envelope.
Inside among other snap shots is the photo of a teen age boy on his hands and knees with a terrified look on his face apparently handcuffed.
In the foreground is an open tool box.
Having seen photos of the box Corll kept some of his torture instruments in I can attest its the same one.
The problem is the boy in the photo isnt any of the known victims and Harris County Coroners Office examiner Sharon Derrick says the boy in the photo isnt the one set of unidentified remains that she still has at the Harris County Coroner's office.
So we have yet another unidentified young boy undoubtably killed by Corll.
Henley apparently doesnt remember who he was.
I think there are a lot more victims to this case than have been found. Henley has said that there were more bodies out at the beach, but for some reason LE stopped right after they got to a certain number of victims.

The police Chief looked bad when this was discovered, and I think he just stopped so it would go away faster.
I think there are a lot more victims to this case than have been found. Henley has said that there were more bodies out at the beach, but for some reason LE stopped right after they got to a certain number of victims.

The police Chief looked bad when this was discovered, and I think he just stopped so it would go away faster.
Yes its almost a certainty that Mark Scott killed in 1972 is still buried at High Island Beach and probably more though with all the Hurricanes and flooding in that area since then its hard to say.
Several detectives who worked the case have expressed the opinion that there are still bodies in stall 11 at the boat storage place too.
I think Houston at that time just wanted it to go away and felt the crime was a blemish on the business friendly image they wanted the city to project.
People think the country is polarized now I submit 1973 was proabaly worse and the powers that be seemed to have written the victims off as just a bunch of longhaired white trash who probably were asking for what they got.
The under-staffed Houston PD was facing a firestorm of critizism which they resented.
Needless to say the investigation was pretty half hearted and follow up was nearly non-existant.
Journalists who tried to document the case were ran off at gun point in some instances which is why there are so many unanswered questions concerning the case today.
I think there are a lot more victims to this case than have been found. Henley has said that there were more bodies out at the beach, but for some reason LE stopped right after they got to a certain number of victims.
According to a book I read some years ago, they stopped when the total exceeded that of Juan Corona, who had the highest number of known victims at the time.
Survivor still friends with serial killer's accomplice
Friday, November 01, 2013
Ted Oberg

Williams survived Corll, Texas' worst serial killer. Corll had her tied up for hours in the home where he's killed 28 boys in the months before. Corll tortured a teenage boy tied up next to her for hours too. But she survived. In the years since, a judge told her to forget about that night, her family abandoned her, she's had death threats and she's never talked about any of it -- until now.

Serial killer Dean Corll's lone female survivor recalls attackGrowing up, there really wasn't anyone Williams could depend on.
"At some point, I was used to a lot of things that weren't so great," Williams said.
She claims she was raped as a three- and four-year-old, in and out of foster homes as a child and suffered silently as she was repeatedly beaten by her drunk, and now deceased, father.
"Screaming is one of those things that I would not have done because I knew it would get you in more trouble," Williams said.
Victim of Houston mass murderer still unidentified 40 years after crime
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The victim was a white male between the ages of 15 and 19 years old and stood between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 7 inches tall. He had dark brown hair, approximately 7 inches in length, and may have suffered from a minor from of Spina Bifida. He was found wearing a knotted leather ankle bracelet and brown leather cowboy boots with "NEOLITE" on the heel. He was also wearing dark blue corduroy pants, multi-colored stripped Catalina swim trunks with a belt and a khaki long-sleeved shirt that had a large peace symbol and a flag. The back of the shirt contained the lettering "L84MF."


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Rhonda Williams has had a rough time of it due to the traumatic events of August 8th 1973.
And it doesnt sound like she recieved anything in the way of support in the aftermath.
Tim Kerley who was the other teenager there strapped to Corll's ' Torture Board' the night Henley killed Corll spoke to a televison news station last year about the events of that night (you can see it on Youtube.)then reportedly committed suicide in South America.
Rhonda has claimed she's writting a book about the case and the events of that night but she's drawn the ire of many familar with the case and families of the victims who claim she is misrepresenting her role(Henley's and Rhonda's and Tim Kerley's statements to the police the morning after Corll's death dont support the notion that she 'Was Tortured For Hours') and for the fact she has continued to Visit Wayne Henley in Prison and comes off as sort of a professional apoligist for him portraying his acts that morning as heroic.
Especially in the light of his own admission that he was a very active participant in the torment,abuse and murder of many of the young boys who were Corll's victims.
Apparently according to Rhonda's sister who has posted in various forums about the case relations between them are very strained because of Rhonda's continued support of Henley.
Just popping in to say hi and thanks to Kline for reminding me of this case on my serial killer thread:


I'll be doing some research into Corll's childhood -- if anyone has come across even one source cited for reports of Corll being mistreated as a child, I'd be grateful. Almost every report cites that he was abused by his father and coddled by his mother, to one degree or another (they are very inconsistent) - but *none* I have found so far have cited exactly where they got this information from, and I'm having no luck at all finding out where that information came from. TIA to anyone who can help!

Corll reminds me so much John Wayne Gacy... and Gacy to this day protests his innocence, despite the 33 dead kids in his basement and the rest of the avalanche of evidence against him. They're like peas in a pod, in many regards.

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