TX - Five Yates children drowned, Houston, 20 June 2001 *Insanity*

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PaperDoll said:
I think Rusty needs to be held accountable for this as well.. Afterall, he was the so called "man of the house" :loser: . He knew what was going on with her.. From what I read he even walked in on her while she was trying to split her wrists (if I read that correctly)... How can you not know anything is going on.. he must have seen the changes in her appearance as well.. :banghead: He was also the one who liked this so called preacher and should have stepped in when he heard about some of his misleading teachings.. Where was his head at? He works for an space engineering company and he doesn't have the smarts to know when a preacher is misleading his flock?

I can almost bet he made fun of her illness. Probably called her names. He more than likely made her more insane by denying her true feelings she was trying to get across to him.
PaperDoll said:
I think Rusty needs to be held accountable for this as well.. Afterall, he was the so called "man of the house" :loser: . He knew what was going on with her.. From what I read he even walked in on her while she was trying to split her wrists (if I read that correctly)... How can you not know anything is going on.. he must have seen the changes in her appearance as well.. :banghead: He was also the one who liked this so called preacher and should have stepped in when he heard about some of his misleading teachings.. Where was his head at? He works for an space engineering company and he doesn't have the smarts to know when a preacher is misleading his flock?

I think this is the core matter,PaperDoll, the denial aspect. And in Rusty's case I would say neglect more than denial. What was his motive? Control aspects of his surroundings? Whoever posted about him seeming gleeful, I agree.Also believe he was looking for an absence of responsibility. JMO.
i seen that LKL and i remember david smith just crying and rusty never seemed to show emotion...
THere ar plenty who are mentally ill.

I agree Susan Smith was mentally ill.... However, I also think she was selfish sand her motive was that coupled with mental illness.
Andrea??? WHOAH a new ball game.
Maybe legally in her insanity she did in fact know mankinds right from wrong.
But she believed a higher power would influence her childrens lives. In the reahlm of that in her mind she was not right.

Insanity is not a black and white issue. Sadly Andrea was well into Gray.
Based on her history she is insane. Never fit to live in society, but does that mean we throw her in prison? (subject her to the cruelty of real criminals who would harm those mentally ill and vunerable??)
I would hope not. I think the definition of sane legally should be revised.
Andrea was not a drug addict, she had no financial gain, her husband did not do anything reported to cause a jealous rage..
Her intention I truly believe was somehow in her own head to save her children. Now if the rest of us do not qualify that as insane then what is??
bugs said:
I can almost bet he made fun of her illness. Probably called her names. He more than likely made her more insane by denying her true feelings she was trying to get across to him.
Yep, somehow I bet he had a way of turning things around to make himself look like the good guy... I do believe he needs to be held accountable..

I also think he knew something wasn't right with her when he left for work that day and yet he left.. I also believe she had said that she had urges to kill her kids before.. why didn't anyone listen to this.. This also tells me that she was crying out for help because she didn't want to kill her kids...I think she knew it was wrong to do...
Of all the high profile crimes I believe Andrea Yates was truly insane...I think she went in and out of reality. Small bits here and there but there are people who knew she couldn't even bathe herself and left her with children? This is criminal on the part of those with knowledge. I am not exonerating Andrea for what she did but saying she shouldn't have had the responsibility in the first place.Sometimes the sideline people have a motive.
Rusty probably used the usual escape: "Just believe in God enough and the bad feelings will go away - if you are having problems it's your fault for being a sinner."
PaperDoll said:
Yep, somehow I bet he had a way of turning things around to make himself look like the good guy... I do believe he needs to be held accountable..

I also think he knew something wasn't right with her when he left for work that day and yet he left.. I also believe she had said that she had urges to kill her kids before.. why didn't anyone listen to this.. This also tells me that she was crying out for help because she didn't want to kill her kids...I think she knew it was wrong to do...
I'm glad that she was granted a new trial. It will not serve much purpose except to bring to light the plight of those that are really mentally ill.

Somehow it appears Rusty has wasted no TIME making the rounds already doing the TALK show circuit. I find him to be culpable in this whole matter as many do.

As Jeana pointed out earlier, Andrea will spend her life in a mental facility. Where that will be probably won't afford her much care in the way of getting much better with her mental illness. The blame lies with the Drs., the husband, and all those that knew of her vulnerabilities yet stood by and let this tragedy occur.

The sadness is the loss of her children. Maybe this whole matter could have been avoided if the interest of the children was taken into account and was the top priority -- and also RUSTY did not continue to choose to keep reproducing.

This is just a situation that may keep occurring, not to this extent if the mentally ill are not treated sooner.
I won't post a lot more on this subject but I don't want to know what Rusty said. Rusty is about Rusty and he is part and parcel to this horrendous happening. I see his brain as overloaded with self-importence and magical thinking and none of his opinions are valued. At least by me. JMO.
bugs said:
I think Susan is evil where Andrea is sick. Susan's kids were in her way of her new love. In the letter he wrote to her to break up he said something to the effect that he didn't want them.
I think Susan Smith's understanding of what it means to be a parent was warped from a early age, what with her dad's suicide and her stepfather screwing her up until days before her arrest. Yetch.
michelle said:
I really dont know much about that either, but dang why did she have to stone them....man, what a horrific way to go those poor children, i mean i know drowning or any other way isnt horrific but that is crazy!!
Stoning is from the bible. It was how the earliest martyrs died.
Jeana (DP) said:
Andrea Yates had a full blown post-partum psychosis from two kids back. She was not feeding herself, not bathing herself and barely talking - and was pulling her own hair out. There's NO WAY in hell she should have been out of a hospital - FORGET about anywhere near five kids for ANY period of time. Her husband, her family, his mother and her doctors can all share the blame for this tragedy.
And somehow Rusty was turned on enough to make more babies with this woman. Go figure.
michelle said:
I missed rusty on abrams what did he say??

He said a bunch of stuff, but I didn't catch it all cause I was cleaning up my kitchen. However I did catch some stuff. One thing he said was that he doesn't know if he'll be allowed to attend the trial, cause he wasn't allowed the last one because he was a witness. He also said that he sees Andrea once a month and she's a totally different person. He also stated that he hopes it doesn't go to trial.
Rusty should IMO keep his dumb mouth shut, especially since a good chunk of the blame is on him. He never contributes anything worthwhile and only makes himself look bad every time. He divorced her and has moved on, he needs to butt out of her case regardless of any kind of "justice" or treatment for her. He had his chance to show concern when it counted and now it's a case of too little too late.

I don't know. I don't think Rusty Yates helped matters any by continuing to get his wife pregnant when he knew she was unstable after what, the 3rd? Now, I might catch some slack here and I'm only just voicing my opinion so keep that in mind. Those who defend Andrea Yates say that she is most likely not guilty of the murders of her children due to mental illness. And I guess that might be right. But this guy stood by this woman from day one of this tragedy. He testified in her defense and argued against the public's perception that this woman was a witch and a monster. I think he deseves a little better than to be blamed for the murders and to be vilified as a cruel, domineering husband. He might have his quirks but keep in mind, he loved his wife and he loved his kids. He tried to do what he could in a situation that you nor I could even imagine being in. Whether mental or not mental, it's Andrea Yates, not Rusty Yates, who killed their five children. I believe she belongs in jail and should never have the chance to see daylight again. I believe that because when I look at the pictures of the innocent lives she took, her own children, it turns my stomach and makes me cry just wondering what they went through at the hands of their own mother.
kk's mom said:
I don't know. I don't think Rusty Yates helped matters any by continuing to get his wife pregnant when he knew she was unstable after what, the 3rd? Now, I might catch some slack here and I'm only just voicing my opinion so keep that in mind. Those who defend Andrea Yates say that she is most likely not guilty of the murders of her children due to mental illness. And I guess that might be right.
I don't believe Rusty stood by her at all. It goes beyond continuing to impregnate a woman known to have severe post-partum depression. He prematurely took her out of a mental hospital, didn't ensure that she kept on her meds. Indoctrinated her with that preacher's teaching about what a lousy mother she was. Made her home-school 5 small children (and mostly boys at that!). Didn't help out with dish-washing, and left a woman who couldn't care for herself because of her depression alone for even a minute with children she had expressed thoughts of killing. I too blame Rusty's part, her psychiatrist that d/c'ed her meds and discharged her, and the preacher for their parts in the murders. I think they too are Guilty to a lesser degree of these deaths. And why didn't Rusty's mother arrive as soon as he had to leave for work or stay overnight???:banghead:
deandaniellws said:
I believe that is what they are asking for, or at least it was about 6 months ago. See..she is on a cycle. When they get her meds working, she realizes what she did...then goes off the deep end again. She will never recover. She is not an evil person, just a very VERY ill one. God bless her soul. Many people in her life contributed to this tragedy. Her husband for not listening to the doctor about having more children. Her shrink for taking her off some of the meds suddenly instead of weaning her off like you should do. The loser "cult" guy that was filling her sick head with bunk and caused her tremendous guilt. Those poor sweet babies. I know they a beautiful angels now. No, she needs not ever to be walking the streets free again. However, she needs attention that I don't believe she will get in a prison situation. :(

Wish I had "two thumbs up" smiley... :clap: well said.
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