GUILTY TX - Jaime Melgar, 52, slain in staged home invasion, Houston, 23 Dec 2012

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The couple was discovered by relatives who showed up at their home for an anniversary celebration. They found the garage door open and went inside.

Jaime, 52, was tied up in a closet. He had been stabbed to death, officials said.

His wife, Sandra, 53, told investigators she blacked out in a bathroom and then woke up in another closet restrained, but alive.

This happened in Houston, cops aren't saying if anything was missing or if home was broken in to. Wife says she and Hubby were in the bathroom together when she blacked out then woke up in a closet,( not the same closet Hubby was found in).
I think I need to hear more about this "black out" of this wife....


It said the wife was 'restrained.' How restrained was she ? Tight enough that she couldn't have tied it herself?
I think I need to hear more about this "black out" of this wife.... Hmmmmm?
"Ms. Melgar says they were in the bathroom together, her and her husband, and at some time she blacked out and the next thing she remembers is waking up in the closet tied up," said Sgt. Robert Spurgeon with the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Huh? Does the wife mean that coincidentally she blacked out just before the house was broken into? And then she came to after the attackers left, completely missing everything? Exactly how long was she 'out' for, anyway? Hmmmmm is right!
How odd to have put them into two separate closets. I'm suspicious of this, too, unless they were separated and threatened in attempts to find money. Maybe the woman couldn't be roused after blacking out and that kept her from getting killed.
How odd to have put them into two separate closets. I'm suspicious of this, too, unless they were separated and threatened in attempts to find money. Maybe the woman couldn't be roused after blacking out and that kept her from getting killed.

If she has epilepsy, they might have thought she was having a heart attack or something. Home invasion robbers are often not too bright.
If the robbers bumped her on the head, she could have memory loss during the time frame surrounding the incident.

There's be no way for the robbers to know that if the wife was conscious at the time of the alleged home invasion, though. If she was awake, presumably they'd kill her just like they killed her husband, not just restrained her.
It sounds to me like she is saying that a home invasion must have happened at some point after she blacked out. When she blacked out, hubby was there with her, right? If someone invaded the home before the bathroom incident, her story would not begin in the bathroom. It would begin with someone else in the home or maybe they heard someone trying to get in. If they had been hiding from an intruder or forced in to the bathroom why would her story begin with the blackout?

Am I the only one thinking that this sounds like the backstory from "Memento"?
need a little more information here.....if her and her husband were in the bathroom around 1 am and family members found her Sunday evening, how long was she "blacked out"? She never tried to get out of the closet? She laid there restrained for over 12+ hours? Didn't she have to use the bathroom?

Nothing makes any sense.


she blacked out in the bathroom at around 1 a.m

discovery was made by family members later that afternoon

need a little more information here.....if her and her husband were in the bathroom around 1 am and family members found her Sunday evening, how long was she "blacked out"? She never tried to get out of the closet? She laid there restrained for over 12+ hours? Didn't she have to use the bathroom?

Nothing makes any sense.


she blacked out in the bathroom at around 1 a.m

discovery was made by family members later that afternoon


Maybe that's what she was doing in the bathroom when she blacked out?:waitasec:

For that matter, why would intruders move her to a closet at all? If she was unconscious in the bathroom they could have tied her up and left her there.


Huh? Does the wife mean that coincidentally she blacked out just before the house was broken into? And then she came to after the attackers left, completely missing everything? Exactly how long was she 'out' for, anyway? Hmmmmm is right!

It isn't making sense to me either. If she had blacked-out in the bathroom, why would the home invaders move her to a closet? She was already "out" and couldn't be a witness against them, right? It would also be interesting to know exactly what these home invaders took besides the husband's life.


It isn't making sense to me either. If she had blacked-out in the bathroom, why would the home invaders move her to a closet? She was already "out" and couldn't be a witness against them, right? It would also be interesting to know exactly what these home invaders took besides the husband's life.

Yes, what did they take? It must have been pretty important for intruders to barge in with lights on and two people at home.

For that matter, why would intruders move her to a closet at all? If she was unconscious in the bathroom they could have tied her up and left her there.
Excellent point! Intruders wouldn't take time to rearrange the victims.

She never tried to get out of the closet? She laid there restrained for over 12+ hours? Didn't she have to use the bathroom?

Good point. And I know that the older one gets the more times you have to 'go'.

I'm sure LE has the same questions we have. I'm anxious to hear more about this and am really curious as to how it will all play out. But just going by what we know at this time, there are too many holes in the story.
I watched Momento recently.
I'll never get those 2 hours of my life back.....
Sorry, Off Topic ...

Hahaha! I saw that movie about 7 years ago and was completely lost. The premise is really interesting, but I'd have to watch it over again several more times and take notes to have any chance at figuring it out. Go to IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) and there should be all kinds of discussions about the movie. It's the first place I check out when I have questions about a movie.
I have all these same questions, guys, but it's not unprecedented for a victim to be tied up for long enough periods of time that they've had to use the bathroom on themselves. I wouldn't consider that a real strong component of questions, except to say that if she hadn't it would be curious.
Ok! She said she blackedout in the bathroom and woke up tied up in the other closet.
Did the police find her tied up in the closet? or did she just tell them she was? or did the relatives actually found up in the closet tied up? If the invaders killed her husband and put him in the closet why would they go to the trouble of tying up a peron who has blacked out? and why take the time of finding another closet to put her in, her husband is dead or seriously injured and couldn't of help her anyway..

Can't wait to hear what the police investagation says........

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