TX - Jazmine Robin, 10 weeks, beaten to death by parents, Houston, June 2019 *Arrests, 1 Guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
2/02/2023 08:30 AM 184 Master Docket
Status Conference
Data Not Entered ALSO MAJ To Be Set

11/15/2022 08:30 AM 184 Master Docket
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset Upon Defense Request N/A Data Not Entered 2/2/2023 Present

Next/Last Setting Date 2/2/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Tuesday, December 13th:
*Pretrial Conference Hearing (@ 9am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) – *Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 24) charged & arraigned (10/10/19) with felony murder (upgrade from an injury to a child by omission charge). Plead not guilty. $40K bond/out on bond (6/26/19).
An autopsy found the child suffered 96 total fractures, including a skull fracture, 71 rib fractures & 23 long bone fractures. It is believed Jazmine, who was born premature at 29 weeks, suffered the injuries just days after being brought home from the hospital. Since the baby's death, the couple's older son has been placed in foster care. Katharine White also gave birth to another girl since Jazmine's death. That baby is now with Robin's parents.
Court info from 9/21/21 to 9/27/22 reference post #18 here:

9/28/22 Update: Reset by Operation of Law to pretrial conference hearing on 11/9/22. 9/29/22: Order-granted appointment expert assistance. 11/9/22 Update: Reset by Operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 12/13/22.
*Jason Paul Robin (24/now 27) – Status conference hearing on 2/2/23.

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
2/09/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Data Unavailable CD SAWTELLE To Be Set

12/13/2022 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset By Operation Of Law N/A Present 2/9/2023 CD SAWTELLE Present

Next/Last Setting Date 2/9/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Thursday, February 2nd:
*Status Conference Hearing (@ 8:30am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) - *Jason Paul Robin (24/now 27) arrested (6/24/19), charged & arraigned (11/12/19) with capital murder under 10 years. Plead not guilty. $250K bond.
Trial was set to begin on 5/18/22 continued to 9/21/22 only for Robin has been continued with no further dates.
Court info from 9/21/21 thru 5/11/22 reference post #20 here:

9/18/22 Update: Master docket hearing on 9/20/22 has been continued to 11/15/22 as a pretrial conference hearing. 11/15/22 Update: Reset upon defense request. Next status conference hearing on 2/2/23.
*Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 24) – Pretrial conference hearing on 2/9/23.
So not too sure.

Robin update:

Date Type Description SNU/CFI
02/02/2023 MOTIONS BRANDY NTC MTN SNU: 978 02/02/23

02/02/2023 MOTIONS FILED CFI 184 02/02/23

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
3/21/2023 09:00 AM 184 Master Docket
Status Conference
Data Not Entered ALSO MAJ To Be Set

11/15/2022 08:30 AM 184 Master Docket
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset Upon Defense Request N/A Data Not Entered 2/2/2023 Present

Next/Last Setting Date 3/21/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Thursday, February 9th:
*Pretrial Conference Hearing (@ 9am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) – *Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 24) charged & arraigned (10/10/19) with felony murder (upgrade from an injury to a child by omission charge). Plead not guilty. $40K bond/out on bond (6/26/19).
Autopsy & court info from 9/21/21 to 9/29/22 reference post #22 here:

11/9/22 Update: Reset by Operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 12/13/22. 12/13/22 Update: Reset by Operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 2/9/23.
*Jason Paul Robin (24/now 28) – Status conference hearing on 3/21/23.
Wednesday, March 1st:
*Pretrial Conference Hearing (@ 9am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) – *Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 24) charged & arraigned (10/10/19) with felony murder (upgrade from an injury to a child by omission charge). Plead not guilty. $40K bond/out on bond (6/26/19).
Autopsy & court info from 9/21/21 to 9/29/22 reference post #22 here:

11/9/22 Update: Reset by Operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 12/13/22. 12/13/22 Update: Reset by Operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 2/9/23. 2/9/23 Update: Reset by Operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 3/1/23.
*Jason Paul Robin (24/now 28) – Status conference hearing on 3/21/23.
for White:

No Activities updated

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
4/05/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Data Unavailable SAWTELLE/UPDTE To Be Set

3/01/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset By Operation Of Law N/A Present 4/5/2023 CD SAWTELLE Present

Next/Last Setting Date 4/5/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Tuesday, March 21st:
*Status Conference Hearing (@ 9am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) - *Jason Paul Robin (24/now 28) arrested (6/24/19), charged & arraigned (11/12/19) with capital murder under 10 years. Plead not guilty. $250K bond.
Trial was set to begin on 5/18/22 continued to 9/21/22 only for Robin has been continued with no further dates.
Court info from 9/21/21 thru 5/11/22 reference post #20 here:

9/18/22 Update: Master docket hearing on 9/20/22 has been continued to 11/15/22 as a pretrial conference hearing. 11/15/22 Update: Reset upon defense request. Next status conference hearing on 2/2/23.
2/2/23 Update: Brandy Notice motion filed. Next status conference hearing on 3/21/23. 2/10/23: Order: Protective St-granted.
*Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 25) – Pretrial conference hearing on 4/5/23.
Looks like the 3/21/23 status hearing was cancelled & rescheduled.


Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
5/04/2023 09:00 AM 184 Master Docket
Status Conference
Data Not Entered ALSO MAJ To Be Set

11/15/2022 08:30 AM 184 Master Docket
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset Upon Defense Request N/A Data Not Entered 2/2/2023 Present

Next/Last Setting Date 5/4/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Wednesday, April 5th:
*Pretrial Conference Hearing (@ 9am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) – *Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 25) charged & arraigned (10/10/19) with felony murder (upgrade from an injury to a child by omission charge). Plead not guilty. $40K bond/out on bond (6/26/19).
Autopsy & court info from 9/21/21 to 12/13/22 reference post #38 here:

2/9/23 Update: Reset by Operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 3/1/23. 3/1/23 Update: Pretrial conference hearing reset by operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 4/5/23 @ 9am. 2/2/23: Motions: Brandy(could be Brady) notice motion.
*Jason Paul Robin (24/now 28) – Status conference hearing on 5/4/23.
No Activities.

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
5/11/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset By Operation Of Law
Data Unavailable 6/26/2023 JTRL 6/26 Present

5/11/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
N/A Data Unavailable ADA SAWTELLE To Be Set

4/05/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset By Operation Of Law
Present 5/11/2023 SAWTELLE/UPDTE Present

Next/Last Setting Date 5/11/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Looks like Robin's hearing was moved.


Date Type Description SNU/CFI
02/10/2023 ORDER PROTECTIVE ST GRANT SNU: 965 02/10/23

02/10/2023 ORDER PROTECTIVE ST GRANT SNU: 966 02/10/23

02/10/2023 ORDER PROTECTIVE ST GRANT SNU: 967 02/10/23

02/10/2023 ORDER PROTECTIVE ST GRANT SNU: 968 02/10/23

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
5/09/2023 09:00 AM 184 Master Docket
Status Conference
Data Not Entered ALSO MAJ To Be Set

Next/Last Setting Date 5/9/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records

Docket update:

No activities.

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
6/21/2023 09:00 AM 184 Master Docket
Status Conference
Data Not Entered ALSO MAJ To Be Set

11/15/2022 08:30 AM 184 Master Docket
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset Upon Defense Request N/A Data Not Entered 2/2/2023 / 5/9/23 Present

Next/Last Setting Date 6/21/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
And it looks like White's hearing has also been moved... I think?! 6/26/23 sys Jury trial - that is new to me. I shall have to look later in the day & see what is going on with this one. No Activities have happened since the last one on 2/2/23.


Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
5/11/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset By Operation Of Law
Data Unavailable 6/26/2023 JTRL 6/26 Present

5/11/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
N/A Data Unavailable ADA SAWTELLE To Be Set

link: https://www.hcdistrictclerk.com/eDo...RrYvbCCPhoN+PHMEKEsFRxTd7pQ664x+2wlW/jJ5pLA==
White - date was changed. Wonder if her trial is supposed to start on 6/26/23.

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
6/15/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference

Data Unavailable ADA SAWTELLE To Be Set
5/11/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset By Operation Of Law N/A Present 6/26/2023 JTRL 6/26 Absent

Next/Last Setting Date 6/15/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Thursday, June 15th:
*Pretrial Conference Hearing (@ 9am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) – *Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 25) charged & arraigned (10/10/19) with felony murder (upgrade from an injury to a child by omission charge). Plead not guilty. $40K bond/out on bond (6/26/19).
Autopsy & court info from 9/21/21 to 2/9/23 reference post #32 here:

3/1/23 Update: Pretrial conference hearing reset by operation of Law. Next pretrial conference hearing on 4/5/23 @ 9am. 2/2/23: Motions: Brandy (could be Brady) notice motion.
4/5/23 Update: Hearing was reset by operation of law to 5/11/23. 5/11/23 Update: Pretrial conference hearing was reset by Operation of Law on 6/15/23.
*Jason Paul Robin (24/now 28) – Status conference hearing on 6/21/23.

Date Court Post Jdgm Docket Type Reason/ Appearance Court Results/ Setting Type Defendant Future Date Comments Attorney Appearance Indicator
7/05/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Data Unavailable ADA SAWTELLE To Be Set

6/15/2023 09:00 AM DG5 Emergency Relief Docket 3
Pre-Trial Conference
Reset By Operation Of Law N/A Present 7/5/2023 ADA SAWTELLE Present

Next/Last Setting Date 7/5/2023

link: Office of Harris County District Clerk - Marilyn Burgess | Search Our Records
Wednesday, June 21st:
*Status Conference Hearing (@ 9am CT) - TX - Jazmine Rose Robin (10 weeks), beaten to death by parents, 6/20/19, Houston) - *Jason Paul Robin (24/now 28) arrested (6/24/19), charged & arraigned (11/12/19) with capital murder under 10 years. Plead not guilty. $250K bond.
Trial was set to begin on 5/18/22 continued to 9/21/22 only for Robin has been continued with no further dates.
Court info from 9/21/21 thru 11/15/22 reference post #24 here:

2/2/23 Update: Brandy Notice motion filed. Next status conference hearing on 3/21/23. 2/10/23: Order: Protective St-granted. 3/21/23 Update: Status conference hearing was continued on 5/4/23. 5/4/23 Update: State conference hearing was continued on 5/9/23.
5/9/23 Update: Status conference was reset to 6/21/23 @ 9am.
*Katharine Wyndham White (21/now 25) – Pretrial conference hearing on 7/5/23.

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