TX - judge Bill Adams on video physically abusing his daughter

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Two thoughts to share. Looong thoughts.

One--my boyfriend brought this story up tonight (which surprised me, he doesn't follow the news/crime stories the way I do). He saw the mom's actions the same way I did (and he said it first, so he wasn't just agreeing with me!). He saw someone trying to defuse the situation, as weird as that sounds. Paraphrasing-- "Just let me hit you once, and it'll be over with..." and then the dad still just losing his s**t--"Wait, I didn't get mine in!" and going off again. In my experience in working with families with both domestic violence and child abuse, this is a *super* common dynamic. One parent may try to inflict "minor" punishment ("I won't hit her that hard, but it'll satisfy him and make him stop and leave her alone") as a way to prevent major punishment. It looks, and sounds, terrible for those of us not in that position, but given everything that domestic violence victims go through, it makes sense. Leaving an abusive relationship can be hard, for so many reasons (emotional, financial, safety, power imbalance, etc.), and it's a process. I mean--can you imagine being married to a family/juvenile court judge who's abusive, and trying to leave? Imagine thinking about "how will I find an attorney who will believe me, and stand up to him? He doesn't just know the system, he is the system!" What if you move out to save yourself but lose all access to/custody of your kids? In that mindset, it makes perfect sense to stay and try to intervene and minimize the harm, instead of potentially leaving and losing all ability to protect your kids.

I always try to maintain an open mind, but with the info I have now--I believe what Hillary has to say about both her parents, and who was the real perpetrator of her abuse.

Two: a friend of mine on facebook said it best. This wasn't a case of "I'm going to give her x number of lashes." This was a person who was angry, and was going to beat this child not until he felt she had 'learned her lesson' (not that that would make it OK), but this was a person who was going to beat this child until he felt better, until he had used up his anger.

As much as anyone who doesn't have kids can understand...I can understand how even the best parents sometimes loose their cool. But I cannot believe that this was an isolated incident, for two reasons. One, as posted above--the dynamics of that tape make so much sense. Two...what kid manages to capture the *one* instance of a parent totally losing their cool in an isolated instance on videotape? Not gonna happen.

This judge is a tool, and needs to be removed from the bench, asap.
So here is where the mother (who participated fully in this whole horrid abuse episode) is sitting there by her beautiful daughter.

I kept wanting the daughter to backhand the mother. Really. Just reach up, and backhand her so she falls backwards off the set.

The mother says uhhhhh, when I listen to that I sound like a zombie. (NO SHE DIDN'T. SHE SOUNDED LIKE SHE WAS FULLY ENGAGED. She was totally in agreement with this monster husband of hers, telling tales on the daughter, agreeing with this man, hitting this girl again, agreeing with her sleeping on the couch).


while it's hard to listen to a mother basically throwing her child under the bus, I only wonder what would have happened to the mother had she not acted the way she did? IIRC, the mother suffered abuse as well, and perhaps was trying to avoid being beaten herself for not telling the father and having his rage taken out on the both of them? While it sounds horrible, survival instincts kick in. I'm not trying to justify her actions, simply trying to explain the possible why.
So sad. On this news video she seems remorseful for posting that online (HELLO GIRL, look at your video and recognize that as abuse) and he's denying it was abuse (I guess he'll say a teenager downloading videos is so horrific she should be beaten), and a fellow judge who looks sad and remorseful that no one knew.

Lots of pain, all the way around. I really hope this guy serves time. Arrogant ***.


Poor thing. Outing her abuser remorse. Wow oh wow I hope she's receiving therapy, as many of us know the remorse is part of the abusers tactics. I hope she follows thru and remains strong.
My bff in Orlando ( of all places lol ) called me screaming tears about an hr ago. 41 yr old stud muffin in a puddle over the pain w in him from being raised in a similar fashion. Seeing this video has brought out so much pain. Survivors and beyond really need to stride to be there for each other. I will admit yesterday I lost it. Im 38 and still trying to fathom how I deserved all that abuse, from two people whom worked for Texas family court system with judges for yrs. Hits really close to home, esp the egg donor part, god it makes me so damn sick and furious. Thanks to everybody for allowing me to spew yesterday. It really helps to talk about it. Few ppl in my life know anything about my childhood.
I hv three healthy teens and have had a very successful life. Im not perfect and battled the beer gene in my 20s. I do know I didn't deserve the abuse but I still hv to remind myself and work on me. For the most part I hv over come it and really that's fine w me. Bad days yes but its ok we r entitled.
Now everybody go like that page on fb if u hvnt already please. Lol
I saw this video yesterday and was made absolutely SICK by it and still feel nauseous! Also disturbing were the comments below the video where some were laughing and others were saying that they saw no problem and the child deserved to be beaten. This "man" needs to be prosecuted and anyone who had a child involved case in his court needs to be granted a new trial asap!

Those people who leave comments like that are just as sick in their brains. :crazy:
I know from experience that this was not the only time this young woman was beaten and I'm sure there was never an apology. Parents who do this want docile robots for children. Any expression of true childhood behavior will be beaten out of them one way or another. The children end up being fearful and unsure what is proper behavior on the part of others. In other words they believe that they should be abused due to their poor self esteem.
I just checked the video again (not to watch) and over 2,900,000 people have viewed it!

So how does it feel to know that almost 3M people know what a monster you are, judge? or soon to be former judge, per an opinion from the administrator of his court:

And the top administrator in Aransas County cast doubt on whether Adams could credibly return to the bench.

"I would think it would be very difficult," said Aransas County Judge C.H. "Burt" Mills Jr. "Personally I don't see how he can recover from this."

And what is this about, a bigger secret than being a violent abuser?

In the same interview, Hallie Adams blamed her ex-husband's bouts of violence on his "addiction," calling it a "family secret." She did not elaborate. Their 22-year marriage ended in 2007.


When told of her father's comments, Hillary Adams said, "it's a shining perfect example of his personality and he believes he can do no wrong. ... He will cover up rather than admit to what he did and try to come clean."


The 13-member Commission on Judicial Conduct comprises judges, lawyers and regular citizens. If this initial investigation leads to a formal proceeding, Adams would have an opportunity to make his case to the commission in a hearing. After that hearing the commission has the authority to censure a judge or recommend to the Texas Supreme Court that the judge be suspended or removed.


Just about every agency in the state is now investigating him! Good for you Texas, do the right thing!

Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams likely would have been charged with causing injury to a child or other assault-related offenses for the 2004 beating of his then-16-year-old daughter, but the five-year statutes of limitations expired, Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe said.

This is not what was said previously..it was 10 years limitations.

He said the district attorney determined he couldn't bring charges, and that police would discuss the case with federal prosecutors even though he doesn't believe federal charges would apply.
William Adams, who presides over child abuse cases, is still being investigated by the state's judicial conduct commission and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, which on Thursday requested that he be removed from its cases until the investigation concludes.

Adams was granted joint custody of his 10-year-old daughter in his 2007 divorce.

There are no allegations of alleged abuse by Adams against his younger daughter, who primarily resides with her mother, Hallie Adams. Crimmins declined to say whether his agency is investigating the parental fitness of Hallie Adams, who lashed Hillary once during the 2004 beating.
Houston Chronicle says the same thing and has a statement from Adams:

A family court judge shown beating his teenage daughter in a viral YouTube video was unapologetic Thursday, accusing his daughter of using her "disability" for sympathy and posting the graphic footage to exact revenge because he threatened to take her Mercedes away.

The judge's statement came as Aransas County's top elected official said that even if he isn't charged, the video likely has ruined Adams' career.

"I'm having a hard time believing that he can recover from this," said Aransas County Judge C.H. "Burt" Mills. "I don't think he'll be in the courthouse anytime soon."
But Adams disparages his daughter and also still thinks he'll get off:

Judge Adams also expressed regret for the "interruption and inconvenience" the video has caused the Aransas County community. He said he is confident that when the "dust settles and international media attention has passed, and the work ahead, whether civil, criminal or administrative has taken its full course ... it will be concluded that Hillary Adams' actions in 2011 were misguided and misleading."
By telephone, Hillary Adams tells 6 News that there was a moment when she thought posting the video, shot in 2004, was the right thing to do now.

"It was a feeling," Adams said. "I knew that the right time was approaching and I had held onto the video for so long for the right time."

Adams says she set the camera up, knowing what was going to happen, and says it's not for vengeance.

"Waiting this long to publish it has enabled me to look at it with hindsight and not be so caught up in the passion of the moment," Adams said. "I think we do, my mother and I, we do need to try to move on past the anger and just concentrate on getting counseling and help."

Adams said she hopes her father can get help to, but says when she said she told her father what she planned on doing, he didn't seem to think anything would happen.

"I told him that I had the video, and he acted like he had nothing to worry about," Adams said. "And I said, I can post the video of you beating me on the internet and he said, 'well, you can do that if it makes you feel better.' So I did."




To comment on the first part I bolded I want to say that it's amazing to me that she knew in advance it was coming. In one interview I saw she says there is about a half hour of just her bedroom. The abuse she withstood was like reading a weather report for her, she knew when the lightning was about to strike. JMO

To comment on the second bolded part;


Judge Adams statement courtesy of the Caller Times


Wow! Just wow! That whole thing is disturbing and shows the mind of a real sadist. JMO

Ooops! The judge is using money to control his daughter which is another form of abuse. 10 to 1 he did that to his ex. Thats what my ex did to me and my kids, very manipulative. I would love to see his daughter get him for every red cent that miserable womanizer has for the trauma she endured. It makes me even sicker to realize that it happened to her frequently, why else would she tape it? Poor kid.

Where did you read he was a womanizer?

I agree with the control. I also think he used/uses fear to control his family. The guy needs A LOT of professional help. His "ho-hum no big deal" attitude is proof that this guy thinks this is ok. He seems to be trying to make her look bad but when he does that he makes himself look worse.

DA: Statute of limitations prevents charges in judge's beating of daughter
By Tracy Sabo, Ashley Hayes and Moni Basu, CNN
updated 10:59 PM EST, Thu November 3, 2011

...Aransas County District Attorney Patrick Flanigan sent a letter to Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe Thursday evening, informing him of his decision on prosecution.

"It is clear that no criminal misdemeanor information nor any criminal felony indictment may be presented for any criminal charge that may be depicted on the subject video," Flanigan wrote. "Limitations prevent prosecution of any applicable criminal charge shown on said video."

Rockport police said they would contact federal authorities to determine whether any criminal charges may be filed in federal court....
I don't think a judge, who is in charge of judging other parent's possible abuse in family court, should be himself such a horrific abuser.

It's not like hiring an accountant or a plumber who is an abuser. This is a man who abused his daughter, who also is in charge of placing children back in the hands of their parents who may share his same behavior.

I almost always agree with you, merc, and I'm curious about this last post of yours. Judges ARE people too, but the fact that he's a child abuser, and he presides over child abusers, it makes me feel so hopeless for the kids who have come before his court.

When you say it's only what family knows, I honestly believe he's thrown other children under the bus, all the years he's been a judge, based on his parenting behavior. So it's not behind closed doors - my guess is families in his court have been seriously harmed. I will be interested to see who comes forward after this, who has been damaged by his judgements.

At this point, do all the cases he presided over need a review? I say yes.

I'm confoosed? He beat her 17 times with a belt. He's a Texas Judge who has presided over child abuse cases. I can't reconcile that.

He should be removed from the bench stat IMHO.



I agree with you both, he should not be on the bench any longer.

I was not trying to forgive him. I was trying to convey that just b/c he is a judge doesn't mean he is not a person that would abuse his child. I have learned over the years (job) that our ideas of judges and lawyers to be someone to look up to will just let us down. Yes, they should be, but a great deal of them are not. They are simply people. I couldn't convey anymore at that moment as I was going through my own memories, shouldn't have posted.

He should no long be on the bench, and I have no idea how many cases he has most likely decided improperly on. I really feel sorry for any families that came in front of him in the Courtroom. If any were recent, I hope they can try again, as I don't think he will be in this position much longer.
I agree with you both, he should not be on the bench any longer.

I was not trying to forgive him. I was trying to convey that just b/c he is a judge doesn't mean he is not a person that would abuse his child. I have learned over the years (job) that our ideas of judges and lawyers to be someone to look up to will just let us down. Yes, they should be, but a great deal of them are not. They are simply people. I couldn't convey anymore at that moment as I was going through my own memories, shouldn't have posted.

He should no long be on the bench, and I have no idea how many cases he has most likely decided improperly on. I really feel sorry for any families that came in front of him in the Courtroom. If any were recent, I hope they can try again, as I don't think he will be in this position much longer.


Thanks for the further explanation, 21merc7, and very sorry that you have those bad memories, and thankful for you (and others) they are in the past.

Regarding the BBM and Adams possibility for returning to his job as a juvenile and family judge, as he seems to think is certain....first, may he be so, so wrong and learn he is not above the law!

I think even though charges are not being made by LE, that the other agencies investigating him should take into account that by this video, the statements by his daughter, former wife and HIMSELF, he obviously does not agree with the accepted standards (by child welfare orgs and most state laws) of disciplining a child without outright abuse. As we all know there are other ways of making a point, especially to a 16 year old!

Anyone who believes in this type of abuse of a child should not be judging the rightness or wrongness of abuse/neglect cases in any state court. It is a matter of: have his decisions been in the best interests of the child/children he has governed over? I think NOT!! I feel sorry particularly for the abused children who have probably been sent back to abusive parents by him, since he saw nothing wrong with what happened to them; they are the unknown others who now need a voice and help.

This man should NEVER return to being a juvenile court/family judge. Speaking as a former DCF worker (long ago), I think ALL abuse/neglect cases he has handled should be reviewed by Texas DCF, not the county office where he has influence, but the state office, to determine if his decisions were to protect the child/children, or to protect an abusive parent like himself.
I'm not sure this is the link you wanted to post.

It just shows the same photo that you have next to the link.

Is there something else we're supposed to be seeing? :waitasec:

Sorry, I'm a sloppy image poster-- it's just a picture of a favorite vigilante in a contemplative mood. One, I imagine, would match his look thinking of this particular father/judge. MOO
I agree with you both, he should not be on the bench any longer.

I was not trying to forgive him. I was trying to convey that just b/c he is a judge doesn't mean he is not a person that would abuse his child. I have learned over the years (job) that our ideas of judges and lawyers to be someone to look up to will just let us down. Yes, they should be, but a great deal of them are not. They are simply people. I couldn't convey anymore at that moment as I was going through my own memories, shouldn't have posted.

He should no long be on the bench, and I have no idea how many cases he has most likely decided improperly on. I really feel sorry for any families that came in front of him in the Courtroom. If any were recent, I hope they can try again, as I don't think he will be in this position much longer.

Oh yah - I think if anyone had a case in front of this judge, it will soon be heard again. Not just recently, but years back in fact.

IMHO - we have only seen the tip of the iceberg in how his actions effected many many lives. Not only that of his daughter, but perhaps 100's of court cases that he had no bidness residing over. I'm speculating that there are probably attorney's already reviewing his cases.


Sorry, I'm a sloppy image poster-- it's just a picture of a favorite vigilante in a contemplative mood. One, I imagine, would match his look thinking of this particular father/judge. MOO

Lol!! I immediately thought of him too!! Sometimes I really wish he were real! He could "take care" of sooo many problems we read about here at WS!! :)

Not to mention...I would totally marry him in another life! :)
I do not believe in spanking period. My hubby on the other hand did. his dad would box his jaws, there were 5 of them. when spanking time occurred he would send them all to their room to wait for the spanking. Hubby says afterwards they would all tease each other about how their's didnt hurt as bad as the other kid's. I guess it was done out of love or each one of them now grown felt it was done for their own good and not out of anger. That is not what appeared to me to be happening in this case. I would have simply taken the puter away from her since she was at that time committing a crime by stealing the games and music, remember the Napster suits? I take it he was worred that would happen to them. I also think he is a jerk and does not love his child.
Not sure if this has been posted. There are 2 piano videos...start with this one:


(I can't post/comment on the rest of this topic...too upset, STILL.)
I believe one must ask themselves, honestly, what 16-year-old daughter would set up a camera to video something that hadn't happened yet. Did she break the law by downloading, defy her parents, so she could video them punishing her? Notice how she never really gave in and rolled over, instead taking the blows on her legs? No, she wasn't one who would capitulate, and while she was screaming, she wasn't crying like I would have been had I been hit like that. There is something here that's hinky to me, something I really don't like. Maybe I see things that others don't, or maybe I see things that aren't there. This young lady, bringing this video, she set up, 7 years ago, has/had an agenda. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. Nor her parents, for that matter. Something odd here, in my opinion.
I believe one must ask themselves, honestly, what 16-year-old daughter would set up a camera to video something that hadn't happened yet. Did she break the law by downloading, defy her parents, so she could video them punishing her? Notice how she never really gave in and rolled over, instead taking the blows on her legs? No, she wasn't one who would capitulate, and while she was screaming, she wasn't crying like I would have been had I been hit like that. There is something here that's hinky to me, something I really don't like. Maybe I see things that others don't, or maybe I see things that aren't there. This young lady, bringing this video, she set up, 7 years ago, has/had an agenda. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. Nor her parents, for that matter. Something odd here, in my opinion.

I asked myself that at first too then I heard Hillary say that there was arguing about the matter outside of her bedroom in another part of the house.She knew what it was going to escalate into and that is why she turned the recorder on.

I don't care what her agenda is...her father was beating the chit out of his disabled daughter and his azz was busted.

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