GUILTY TX - Kari Baker, 31, found dead in her Hewitt home, 7 April 2006

Mia and anyone local,
Please continue to let us know what the local stories are!!!!! I so appreciate it. I am scanning papers and tv links online, so if you have anything that I haven't posted -- do share!!!!!

Usually around 1am is when a huge batch of new stories comes out. My guess is that must be common morning deadline time.

Thanks again Mia! I bet Justice in waco is wiped, but I too can't wait to hear from her!
Just heard interview w/ GJG on Kcen tv, 10 o clock news. I am paraphrasing while trying to keep it in as close to his exact words as possible.

he stated he did not believe MB was a truly religious man.
he said basically he was not the one to try this case because" i lost faith in my client, when a lawyer looses faith in their client they loose heart, I lost heart"

I saw a little more of his comments by flipping to KXXV,(which up until the 10 oclock news was still saying we were waiting for the sentencing verdict??) but anywhooo, apparently before what I said he said above, GJG said somethign about too many techniqual questions. At the end of THAT report they(KXXV) said (someone) said an appeal copuld be filed as early as tomorrow morning. I didnt catch WHO said that about the appeal.

Back to what KCEN said, (someone) had questioned an appeals lawyer and they stated the case didnt look good(for appeal). Also the legal expert on KCEN that spoke right after todays sentencing, said he felt with the testimony that to case was solid.

Just wanted to update you that arent local what is being said locally.

Several people from the Waco area were interviewed jsut to see what they thought of MB, the trial , and the sentence. I think it is five interviews I have seen to this point, and all have said they thought before the trial he was guilty,all said the story didnt add up. All agreed the sentence was fair, some stating it should have been longer.
The part in quotes is pretty near the exact words.

Am excitedly waiting Justices' post about this case..

again I just have to say once again.. Praise God, He is God ALL THE TIME.

I saw his interviews on the news, as well. Although I liked what he said (very much so!), I wondered "why" he was saying it. It made me a little nervous, as in can it be used in the appeal process??? Yes, I think it will come up on appeal. JMO.

It's good to hear the legal eagles think this case isn't ripe for appeal, however. I also heard someone (like you, not sure who) say there was no doubt an appeal would be filed. Goodness, Matt...please. You are toast. Be a man for once and deal with it.
On the WacoTrib blog yesterday, they wrote that MB's mother told someone that they didn't have enough money for an appeal.
On the WacoTrib blog yesterday, they wrote that MB's mother told someone that they didn't have enough money for an appeal.

I saw that, but I also saw in one article that she wants a public defender to file an appeal for MB. If I am not mistaken, MB is not eligible for a public defender for any appeal and any appeal must be done on his own dime! I believe that if this had been a capital case, then he would have been eligible for a public defender, but since it wasn't MB will have to do another begging campaign.

His mother is as empty and cold as he is........reminds me of an expression about an apple and a tree and a 65 year fall!
No doubt MB's mother believes it's Kari's fault that he's in the situation he's in. Sigh....
I am praying what mom Baker told tommy Witherspoon is true they have no money for appeal. BUT I am afraid someone wnating notorirty will slink out of the woodwork and trey again. I sure pray that isnt so for The Dulins sake and the girls.

Some people saw MB head down while Linda was talking his shame(there was a quote from someone saying they thought Linda got through to him) I really think he was thinking "she has no right to speak to me about this" if he is a psiopath (sp?) as has been said. Do not get me wrong I do believe God can reach the hardest of hearts...but I also believe He knows when a heart is closed to him and quits trying.

I pray that IF VB should attempt to profit form her part in this, that the Dulins have the strength to fight her civally. Hopefully VB parents have more sense and class then her and will help deter her, if that is what is in her mind.

The curious thing in our locall news is very littel is being said about her. Of course we haev the talk of her testimony, and the few reports of her being on adminstative leave... but that is it. Unless something is being sadi this AM, and I havent gotten a chance to check yet. Honestly I am praying that the news folks around here KNOW that she will be a bigger story at a later date (ie chrges being brought) I truly do not believe she would get the penalty she deserves, but atleast get something on her record. If she truly was a poor little niave little girl that was lost confused and scared(which btw I am not buying she was just to "smug" on the stand) I feel bad for her..but she still deserves punishment form this. She benefited from Karis death, if for nothing else a cell phone(that is BIG for the younger kids would be totally lost without there cell) This all just my humble opinion..I jsut dont like that girl and I"ll think of a reason

Guess that is all I have to say today, until I read more of what is going on today!!
No doubt MB's mother believes it's Kari's fault that he's in the situation he's in. Sigh....

I wonder if she thinks the same thing for HER son as she did when she said that suicide was a good option for Kari.
Maybe she is the Sunday school teacher who drug the class down and she doesn't want to tell their parents she made them sit on the murders side, so she was just a warrioring up some Jack Daniels or something????? LOL

Just popping in for a bit. I'm still just plain scrambled. I had to work today and would have rather had the day off to recover. But I'll live. More reports later. I plan to go through my notes I took each day on the blog. Probably start this weekend.

Is this Kerrville woman the same one that was a "character witness" for Matt? The one that got so confuzzled after she said she thought Matt was a good father and the State asked (totally paraphrasing):

What did Matt tell the children about their mother? That it was a suicide?

So you think a man who murders the mother of his children and then lies to them and makes them believe it was a suicide is a good father?
::::Insert an "oh, crap" face::::: Oh, that's a tricky one.

No. It's NOT tricky. Is it possible a good father could murder the mother of his children and then lie to them telling them thier mother committed suicide?
::::Insert an "oh, crap, I'm supposed to say something....anything to help Matt face:::: Uh, it's possible a good father could do that.


She stumbled off the witness stand with a priceles, "oh, crap" face.
Just popping in for a bit. I'm still just plain scrambled. I had to work today and would have rather had the day off to recover. But I'll live. More reports later. I plan to go through my notes I took each day on the blog. Probably start this weekend.

Is this Kerrville woman the same one that was a "character witness" for Matt? The one that got so confuzzled after she said she thought Matt was a good father and the State asked (totally paraphrasing):

What did Matt tell the children about their mother? That it was a suicide?

So you think a man who murders the mother of his children and then lies to them and makes them believe it was a suicide is a good father?
::::Insert an "oh, crap" face::::: Oh, that's a tricky one.

No. It's NOT tricky. Is it possible a good father could murder the mother of his children and then lie to them telling them thier mother committed suicide?
::::Insert an "oh, crap, I'm supposed to say something....anything to help Matt face:::: Uh, it's possible a good father could do that.


She stumbled off the witness stand with a priceles, "oh, crap" face.

Yeah there were several wthello comments about her statement on the Waco blog. Justice, how is Linda and Jim???

Saga of preacher found guilty of killing wife may have another chapter
Posted Friday, Jan. 22, 2010

The Associated Press

A SNIP: Still, there may be another chapter. Linda and James Dulin, who filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Baker because they never believed that their daughter killed herself, are also suspicious about the death of one of the Bakers’ daughters in 1999.

That issue arose unexpectedly during Baker’s trial when his former mistress, Vanessa Bulls, testified that Baker, after learning that his wife’s body was being exhumed for an autopsy, said he was going to the cemetery "to see if they messed with Kassidy’s grave." Prosecutors and defense attorneys did not ask Bulls about her comment or refer to the issue during the trial.

Attorney Bill Johnston said that although the Dulins plan to drop their lawsuit, they want him to continue investigating Kassidy’s death. She was about 16 months old when she died at home while recovering from surgery for a brain tumor, Johnston said.

He plans to discuss his investigation with authorities, such as whether a baby monitor had been removed from the child’s room, he told The Associated Press on Friday.


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