TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #2

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Idaho is a long way from Texas, I wonder why she chose to go there for an ID instead of somewhere closer. Was it the easiest place to obtain an ID with just a birth certificate or did she have some connection to Idaho? If it was just an easy place to do it, how did she come up with that house address? Did she just pick it at random out of the phone book? She also had a mail drop in Boulder City, NV, did she once live there?
All good questions:
Idaho is a long way from Texas, I wonder why she chose to go there for an ID instead of somewhere closer. Was it the easiest place to obtain an ID with just a birth certificate or did she have some connection to Idaho? If it was just an easy place to do it, how did she come up with that house address? Did she just pick it at random out of the phone book? She also had a mail drop in Boulder City, NV, did she once live there?

Was the BST birth certificate mailed to the Nevada PO Box?

If spring/summer's timeline is correct, we'd have her arriving in Irving with the BST birth certificate in hand (possibly coming from Nevada), then taking a trip to Idaho in the middle of her stay to get the ID, then proceeding with the name change to Lori Kennedy in Texas.
Spring/Summer. Did you do any checking around to find out if the girl you knew in 1988 did in fact disappear? Is there any trace of her in any of the online databases and did you check places like Facebook and Linkedin? Was she ever reported missing?
I don't feel the need to prove that I am not a "troll" by posting her photographs or other items on this forum.

If a member of her family contacts me, I WILL provide all of the photographs to them, because I feel that the photographs are as much theirs as they are mine.

Ultimately Mr. Ruff will receive my contact info, if he hasn't already.

Please take a few breaths & process everything. You have to figure out if she is the same person; unless you are sure due to photos you have. Are the photos dated?

My friend & I contacted Velling on another MP; I do not think her husband is looking for who she was; it's the SSA because she stole an identity. Please hold off on contacting her husband; at least until you've finished processing everything & 100% positive who she was.
So every so often I drop by to see how this case is coming along. However I have to be honest, I did skim through so if I am repeating anything please forgive me. I was looking at that paper of notes she left, yet again.


What is all over this page besides a few names and numbers, a few odds and ends. There is also 3 Bell Company admin's listed and some of their 800 numbers.

Pacific Bell
Southwester Bell of Greater Dallas
Mountain Bell

Under where it says dallas there is writen CNA
Under Mountain Bell you see (3 hours less)

So first the "CNA", I wondered why Certified Nursing Assistant would be abbreviated on this page. I came across these documents for =BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS= which seem to be from the early 80s. It seems to be about the phone company especially the BELL company.

The opening of these pages for some reason after saved dont open in the web but you can open them in notepad.


There is seven pages but the page I specifically found interesting was the 2nd page.
Right there in the beginning of part 2

I have snipped this first part and posted it here below. You will see CN/A means
Customer Number and Address. You will also see one of these numbers listed
is that of the OURS number listed on LEK's Notes page.the 303-293-2333. Was she or someone she
knew connected to being an employee of the Bell Company?
Also I wonder about the library number 688-7092.
If the area code was 610 it could be the Tredyffin Township Library in Pioli Pennsylvania.
and the (3 Hours Less) comment under Mountain time. I have to wonder if at sometime she was on the east coast.
Possibly when she was writing these notes out.


Read 98 times

*******BIOC Agent 003's course in******
* *
* ========================== *
* ========================== *

Revised: 18-JUL-84


In part II, we will explore the various special Bell #'s, such as: CN/A, AT&T
Newslines, loops, 99XX #'s, ANI,ringback, and a few others.


CN/A, which stands for Customer Name and Address, are bureaus that exist so
that authorized Bell employees can find out the name and address of any
customer in the Bell System. All #'s are maintained on file including unlisted

Here's how it works:

1) You have a # and you want to find out who owns it, e.g. (914) 555-1234.

2) You look up the CN/A # for that NPA in the list below. In the example, the
NPA is 914 and the CN/A # is 518-471-8111.

3) You then call up the CN/A # (during business hours) and say something like,
"Hi, this is John Jones from the residential service center in Miami. Can I
have the customer's name at 914-555-1234. That # is 914-555-1234." Make up
your own REAL sounding name, though. Or if you sound mature enough, just say
"Lookup: 914 555 1234 please."

4) If you sound natural & cheery, the operator will ask no questions.

NOTE: Due to the break-up, several operating companies are now asking for id
#'s when you make a request. This has recently happened to me in 617 &
I just told the operator that I was calling from the so-and-so business
office in NY, and she said that she'll put it through this time!

Here's the list:

--- ------------ --- ------------ --- ------------- --- ------------
201 201-676-7070 517 313-232-8690 202 202-384-9620 518 518-471-8111
203 203-789-6815 519 416-922-6686 204 204-949-0900 601 601-961-0877
205 205-988-7000 602 303-293-2333 206 206-382-8000 603 617-787-5300
207 617-787-5300 604 *CLOSED 9/82 208 303-293-2333 605 402-345-0600
209 415-546-0118 606 502-583-2861 212 518-471-8111 607 518-471-8111
213 213-501-3255 608 414-252-6932 214 214-698-9711 609 201-676-7070
215 412-633-5600 612 402-345-0600 216 614-464-2345 613 416-922-6686
217 217-525-7000 614 614-464-2345 218 402-345-0600 615 615-373-5791
219 317-265-4834 616 313-223-8690 301 301-534-1168 617 617-787-5300
302 412-633-5600 618 217-525-7000 303 303-293-2333 701 402-345-0600
304 304-344-8041 702 415-546-0118 305 912-784-0440 703 804-747-1411
306 306-347-2878 704 912-784-9111 307 303-292-2333 705 416-922-6686
308 402-345-0600 707 415-546-0107 309 217-525-7000 709 ****N/*advertiser censored*****
312 312-769-9600 712 402-345-0600 313 313-223-8690 713 713-820-4112
314 314-726-7142 714 213-501-3255 315 518-471-8111 715 608-252-6932
316 816-275-2782 716 518-471-8111 317 317-265-4834 717 412-633-5600
318 504-245-5330 801 303-293-2333 319 402-345-0600 802 617-787-5300
401 617-787-5300 803 912-784-0440 402 402-345-0600 804 304-344-8040
403 403-425-2652 805 415-546-0118 404 912-784-0440 806 512-828-2501
405 405-236-6121 807 416-922-6686 406 303-293-2333 808 212-334-4336
408 415-543-6374 809 212-334-4336 412 412-633-5600 ^^^Bermuda Only^^
413 617-787-5300 812 317-265-4834 414 608-252-6932 813 813-228-7871
415 415-546-0107 814 412-633-5600 416 416-922-6686 815 217-525-7000
417 314-726-7142 816 816-275-2782 418 514-287-5151 817 214-698-9711
419 614-464-2345 819 514-287-5151 501 405-236-6121 901 615-373-5791
502 502-583-2861 902 902-421-4110 503 503-241-3440 903 ****N/*advertiser censored*****
504 504-245-5330 904 912-784-0440 505 303-293-2333 906 313-223-8690
506 506-648-3041 907 ****N/*advertiser censored*** 507 402-345-0600 912 912-784-0440
509 206-382-8000 913 816-275-2782 512 512-828-2501 914 518-471-8111
513 614-464-2345 915 512-828-2501 514 514-287-5151 916 415-546-0118
515 402-345-0600 918 405-236-6121 516 518-471-8111 919 912-784-0440

Bell uses these #'s mainly to find out who owns a # that a customer claims he
never called.

Some CN/A #'s remain the same for long periods of time; others such as those
in NPA's 213 (& other CA area codes) change quite frequently. The 213 CN/A
(Also used for the new NPA's: 818 & 619) usually remains somewhere in the
213-501-XXXX exchange.


I have not read all 7 pages but found it interesting none the less.
Hmmm thought I posted something here yesterday about the CNA written on LEK's handwritten notes from her box. Maybe It was deleted for length or information. I found this document about the Bell Company and how they were able to get CN/A numbers by calling up and saying this or that. CN/A numbers meant Customer Name and Address. One of the numbers that was in the document was the one written on her notes as "ours" the 303-293-3332 one. With all the Bell numbers also written on her page I was wondering if there is some connection between her and someone who either saw this document or worked for one of the Bell Companies. http://cache.cow.net/works/biocagent/basicom2.phk... The link needs to be double clicked quickly or will give you an option to open. Which you can open in notepad if you have it.

Clipped from document

CN/A, which stands for Customer Name and Address, are bureaus that exist so
that authorized Bell employees can find out the name and address of any
customer in the Bell System. All #'s are maintained on file including unlisted

Here's how it works:
I hope that the true identity of FLEK will now have been discovered with Spring/Summer1988's information. It will be wonderful for the Ruff family to possibly have some peace about who FLEK truly was for the sake of her daughter. It's great to read that someone out there has great memories of her that will be able to be shared with FLEK's daughter.

I'm thinking about FLEK's letter of Reference. It states that she worked for R.S. from "highschool to July of 1988". This couldn't be completely true if she was in Irving California working with Spring/Summer at an establishment and dating her. I'm not saying that what Spring/Summer has shared isn't true, what I'm questioning are the dates provided in the reference letter.
Did she have a letter of reference from this establishment? If so, what was so special about the reference letter from the hotel that she kept it and didn't keep a reference letter from any of her other jobs from 1988? Or any of her other jobs for that matter.
I'm still curious as to why she took the identity theft route for obtaining a new identity instead of going the legal route. So far no one knows.
My thing is this, and has been this since the beginning. IF the entire identity change was to simply "leave" her past behind, and "start over" why choose a name that can be traced to a dead child? When you have to get a name change anyway, why not make it as simple as possible, UNLESS there is something nefarious in your past? She was smart enough to accomplish all of the things she did, so obviously these changes weren't spur of the moment decisions. I am of the opinion that whatever the reason she has done all of these things, it is not to simply start over or fresh.

I do sincerely hope that there is resolve in this case, for her daughters sake. I don't know that I believe the Ruff family is giving it anymore thought any longer. They do have the ability to get this out to the masses on a grand scale and have chosen not too. Now if that's for the sake of the daughter then I understand, but in the same regard I would think it could be done, without causing negativity to the child!
I don't plan on posting any of the pictures, at least not now.

I joined this forum to try to give an opinion of her that was from someone that actually knew her. I hope that her child never sees some of the things posted on the internet about her Mother.

Hi SS88,
Hope you are doing well and hearing back from the authorities.
Would it be possible to post one picture of her as I don't feel it would be a negative thing to do. We all want the same outcome, to identify Lori. Not pushing you but ease the tension! :)
Again best to you.
I'd bet money on FLEK's name change being due to her family issues, if what spring/summer says is true. Familial stalking/harrassment happens, most people are often too ashamed/upset to be honest about the extent of it.

I now feel slightly bad for mostly speculating that FLEK was a drug trafficker or an ID theft grifter.

Hopefully Mr. Velling will be able to close this case.
I hope that the true identity of FLEK will now have been discovered with Spring/Summer1988's information. It will be wonderful for the Ruff family to possibly have some peace about who FLEK truly was for the sake of her daughter. It's great to read that someone out there has great memories of her that will be able to be shared with FLEK's daughter.

I'm thinking about FLEK's letter of Reference. It states that she worked for R.S. from "highschool to July of 1988". This couldn't be completely true if she was in Irving California working with Spring/Summer at an establishment and dating her. I'm not saying that what Spring/Summer has shared isn't true, what I'm questioning are the dates provided in the reference letter.
Did she have a letter of reference from this establishment? If so, what was so special about the reference letter from the hotel that she kept it and didn't keep a reference letter from any of her other jobs from 1988? Or any of her other jobs for that matter.
I'm still curious as to why she took the identity theft route for obtaining a new identity instead of going the legal route. So far no one knows.

Irving, TX, not CA.
<modsnip> It makes no sense to me why FLEK would have gone to TX where her mother was living and then start a new illegal identity. If you are in hiding, you don't normally begin a false identity in the same town or city where your own mother lives. This increases the chance of someone recognizing you and knowing your true identity.
Did FLEX's mother have any relatives in TX? Did FLEK ever mention having any other siblings in TX or anywhere else?
The fact that SS1988 held on to a memory this strongly after 27 years says something. After knowing FLEK for only 3 months with no contact after 27 years, it's difficult to believe that someone can say they knew someone really well. FLEK might not be a bad person, but she did hold on to many secrets; secrets that she also kept from SS1988 seeing as she wasn't aware of FLEK being in the midst of an identity change while they were dating.
Looking forward to the day when Velling can let us know this case has been solved.
IMO, we need to just let Agent Velling do his work. I mean, isn't this what we all were hoping for; that someone who knew her would come forward? Now someone has and at this point, we have no reason to doubt what spring/summer has said. He says he reported it to Velling. It is a crime to make a false police report. If anyone doubts what this poster is saying they can verify with Velling that a report was made. To be pressing this man for proof of what he is recounting or accusing him of being untrue in his belief is insensitive to what he may be experiencing. I am not saying that anyone here has to stop looking if they choose to do so, IMO this is the first time someone has come forward to say they knew FLEK and it was kind of him to post here. He didn't have to. Skeptisim is okay but I, for one, am going to give this a chance and put my faith in Agent Velling and see what he comes up with. The poster could very well be mistaken. That does not mean he is being untrue.

All IMO.
Just thought I'd link this interesting article about people who choose to go missing.....

"Despite her fears, Laura has repeated the story to her friends, her partner and his family. One lie has led to another and now, she admits, her life is built on deception. "I exist on a cliff edge. I'm very frightened. I have constructed my life on something that will inevitably crumble."

"Since the night 12 years ago when Laura tiptoed down the stairs of her family home and shut the door behind her, she has neither seen nor spoken to her parents. She has no intention of doing so again. She has never told anyone about her past before, and does not give her real name."

IMO, we need to just let Agent Velling do his work. I mean, isn't this what we all were hoping for; that someone who knew her would come forward? Now someone has and at this point, we have no reason to doubt what spring/summer has said. He says he reported it to Velling. It is a crime to make a false police report. If anyone doubts what this poster is saying they can verify with Velling that a report was made. To be pressing this man for proof of what he is recounting or accusing him of being untrue in his belief is insensitive to what he may be experiencing. I am not saying that anyone here has to stop looking if they choose to do so, IMO this is the first time someone has come forward to say they knew FLEK and it was kind of him to post here. He didn't have to. Skeptisim is okay but I, for one, am going to give this a chance and put my faith in Agent Velling and see what he comes up with. The poster could very well be mistaken. That does not mean he is being untrue.

All IMO.

I mean no disrespect to S/S1988. I've never asked for proof of identity from anyone on this site. I am respectful of people's privacy. S/S1988 was kind to post something positive about the person that he knew, he didn't have to, but it did leave me with even more questions about FLEK, not him. The timing around 1988 (the reference letter/Identity change/etc.) is bothering me, not the poster.

As I mentioned, for someone to hold on to a memory for 27 years, a person had to have had a real impact on them.

I don't know if FLEK's life would have been spared if she knew that someone out there had such fond memories of her. Who knows. Unfortunately even those who are loved unconditionally still leave this earth in such a heart breaking and lonely manner.
I do hope that this isn't a mistake. It will great for FLEK's daughter to have some pictures from her younger days.
My thing is this, and has been this since the beginning. IF the entire identity change was to simply "leave" her past behind, and "start over" why choose a name that can be traced to a dead child?

The same reason it's always done: because she needed a real, officially-recognized identity (that could not be connected to another living person) in order to start the process of building up her fake one.
It's probably going to take a while for us to hear the results of this, and due to how personal it sounds like it was we may never get many details about FLEK, but I'd like to thank ss1988 for coming here to tell us all that he did.
Every time I look at the idaho ID I get annoyed. It is just wrong somehow. It's not the angle either. Anyone here have experience with theatrical makeup, especially prosthetics? It possibly appears to me when you enlarge the pic that she used a prosthetic across her cheeks/nose area causing the nose to look darker and under eyes to appear sunken and lighter?? Also the teeth look fake. Almost like a flipper pageant girls use, which could alter the shape of her upper lip area..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think of LEK so often, and it warms my heart that there may finally be a break in the case.

I would also like to chime in in her defense, so to speak, that it's very likely to be a very innocent reason behind her decisions. I know from personal experience that there are countless legitimate reasons someone may have for wanting to start over, so to speak, with a new identity. It's incredibly stressful, and despite what an immaculate job she did, I imagine not a day went by that she didn't fear it would all come crashing down. I think the anxiety that tortured her was probably the same feature of her personality which drove her to be so thorough and careful about her work in the first place.

I'm so hopeful that answers will finally come to the family of her daughter so that they don't have to grow up wondering. It will be so comforting to know that her mother wasn't hiding a dark secret after all. I'm sure her goal in all of this was to be able to safely and happily start the family she'd always dreamed of having.
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