TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #3

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Hi all.

Please observe the attached image of LEK's ears carefully and tell me if you think the images of the other ears along side are a match or not.

Any and all input is welcome.

Also, if you have any images that show either of LEK's ears in greater detail, please provide a link to or a copy of them.

View attachment 90961

I would need to see where the ears are in relation to the eyes before I can be sure, but my first thought is not a match. The black & white ears seem to stick out a little more than FLEK.
*Also, are the black & white ears photographed straight on or at an angle? There are definite similarities, but the angle of the head & proportion to the eyes can make or break it. It is cool to see just the ears for comparison though, thank you for making that.
Remember that she had destroyed tons of documents inside her house before she died.

I assume that those either had more concrete connections to her true identity, or revealed the depths of her mental illness (if she had been writing a lot perhaps she didn't want to leave these writings behind).

It could be that she had just gotten used to lugging around and protecting that box but in the end knew it didn't have much for anyone to go on inside. Or maybe she already destroyed the most revealing documents that were in it.

If they were just shredded I myself would be happy to spend the time to peice things back together. It would take a month of working every evening, but it would be an interesting little craft project.
Somewhere in the last 100 posts of this thread, a member listed a number of missing from PA who could fit the timeframe. I suggest we each pick one to watch for their namus page to shut down. I pick Sandra HOPLER.

She's only 5'4" , wasn't LEK much taller, 5'10" or so?
She's only 5'4" , wasn't LEK much taller, 5'10" or so?

We need to remember the source of the info for height. Obviously FLEK was a tall woman, but her Idaho ID only shows 5'6". Maybe she had a growth spurt. Maybe she didn't have an accurate measure of height growing up.
My mom was pretty nosy & overly involved in my life growing up. When I got my drivers license she absolutely refused to believe my height was accurate. If you were to ask her today, 20 years later, she would say I am 5 inches shorter than I am. The only reason my height on my license was questioned is that I was wearing wedge sandals that day, which added another 3 inches to my height, making me 8 inches taller than what my mom stated when I asked her how tall I was. The DMV lady laughed because I was towering over her and my mother. So here we are, 3 people filling out an official document arguing over the height of person standing in front of them. I took off my shoes & the DMV measured me, so my license would be accurate. Now years later, the height is shorter for some reason & the weight is WAY off, but I just don't care enough to correct it.
And no, I have no idea why my mom is so hung up on my being shorter than her.
It is VERY odd that not one person who knew her in life (other than the very iffy S/S 1988) has ever commented here, IMO. It seems like this has been publicized enough that someone, if not multiple people, would say "I used to work with her", "I went to college with her", "she was my former neighbor", anything!!! Her former in laws wouldn't be able to ask people in these cases not to comment since how would they even know who they were beforehand. It seems like the town she was from while married is a small town, which would make it even more likely that someone would be interested.

There have been a few people -- 2 or 3 -- who have come forth & said they knew her in her last few years. One who used to see her at the gas station, for example. Latest was a Websleuth regular who said she knew LEK thru her mystery shopper business. (That was within the last month or two.) Unfortunately, all that we hear about LEK thru these former acquaintances is the initial post, the sighting, & nothing more.

I don't know why these people don't say more. Even to say they don't have anything more to add, that their contact with LEK was brief & impersonal or LEK appeared to be just your average person living in East Texas. These random, brief reports of contact with her only deepen the mystery around LEK, making her hidden past appear more unusual than I suspect it actually was.
Hi ya! I'm a long time lurker on this thread. Maybe it's the timing, but I found the Reddit post about LEK possibly being Karen Reinert really freaky. I read the Reinert case files for the first time last week. It's not exactly that far fetched.
FWIW- LEK's height is a breaking point for me for many of the MPs that have been compared so far. I'm 5'9" and me, along with a few tall girlfriends, had reached this height by 16, give or take maybe an inch. Whoever she is, her height would have been significant. She would have most likely been tall at 9, 10, etc.
I guess this is where I circle back to Karen Reinert. Was she tall for her age?
Regarding the nose job-I'm leaning more towards the fact that her nose was once broken and she never had it "re-set." My nose was busted in 2 places when I was 19. They sent me home with strict orders to return in 1 week to have it reset. 4 days later, swelling subsided, I had a beautiful narrow new nose!! But it was also pointing in another direction when I tilted my head upward. I'm wondering if this is the case with LEK, or something similar.
Bakersfield-Gross as it is, I remember girls that went to neighboring cemeteries to obtain fake IDs in this manner. But BAKERSFIELD? I'm born and raised in the Bay Area and we call Bakersfield the armpit of CA. I would think that unless you're familiar with Bakersfield, you'd never wind up there sifting through children at cemeteries.
Anyhoo, my 2 cents. It's a fascinating story

I agree, her height is key. I wonder if her parents height has been published anywhere.
I would need to see where the ears are in relation to the eyes before I can be sure, but my first thought is not a match. The black & white ears seem to stick out a little more than FLEK.
*Also, are the black & white ears photographed straight on or at an angle? There are definite similarities, but the angle of the head & proportion to the eyes can make or break it. It is cool to see just the ears for comparison though, thank you for making that.

LEK's picture is obviously straight on. The black and white images were not taken from that same angle. They are from images where the head was in more of a profile position.

So, I have to find a way to work with what I have until I can find more images to work with.
One thought... With the brother being an attorney the ruffs would have insight into exactly what to say to gain full custody of the child.
I don't know them personally but know custody fights get nasty. Is it possible some of what was said about Lori was specifically said In a certain way to show her inability to care for her child, therefore giving Blake, and subsequently his parents, full custody??
Missing keys and hearing a squeaky gate sounds suspicious for this in fact.. If they were building a case of her being dangerous this is a good way to start a paper trail. Honestly this would DRIVE me to be hostile because she knew she would never be able to beat them to get custody because of his brother being a lawyer and their connections. If someone took my child I might think about shooting them too.

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I've always thought that if (based solely on my curiosity-not the level of the crime) I could choose one mystery to be solved, I would want to know who killed Jonbenet. Finding out who Lori Ruff was just might be taking over now. I know that my curiosity isn't important in the grand scheme of things, but I can't believe how consumed I am by this woman and her story. The more I learn, the less I know.

Her ability to adopt an entire new identity and keep even the experts guessing this many years after her death is just amazing. Normally I would have to keep reminding myself to have compassion for someone who has been so deceitful but my compassion for her comes easily. Instead I have to remind myself to have compassion for her inlaws.

It's been mentioned several times but I think it bears repeating that almost none of the information we think we know about her has more than one source. It blows my mind that so few friends or acquaintances have anything to say about her, either before or after her identity change. "She was a dancer." Says one guy. "I dated her back in '88." Says one guy.

How can she have just been invisible before she became Lori Ruff? She almost had to live a life of atypical isolation but it didn't turn her into woman naive about the ways of the world, it turned her into a woman with the ability to pull off a fraud so clean that it appears to have stumped seasoned investigators and sleuths with access to a huge database of information.

Why don't people who knew her as Lori Ruff talk about her? When someone is in the news, there are always at least a couple of people who are eager to have a moment in the limelight by talking about, even exaggerating their connection with the person of interest. Why is this the exception?

Like many of you, I think the inlaws found basic answers to her identity a while ago and that's why they stopped pursuing help from the public. Their motives for not revealing what (or even just THAT) they know could be anything from protecting their grandchild to protecting their image but I have a hunch that they know. I'm also mindful of the fact that most of what we know has gone through their filter before it got to us. I don't think they've altered facts, but they've been able to deliver the information with the scene set with them as the good guys, victims of this crazed lunatic their son married. That may even be an accurate portrayal of events but I feel sad that there is nobody to take up for her.

I've tried to convince myself that Lori looks like the various missing persons who have been mentioned as possible matches but if I'm being honest with myself, not a single one really looks like they could be her. I also think if there was a legitimate match with any of those known missing people, it would have probably been confirmed by now.

Of all of the peculiar bits of information collected about her, there is one thing that takes up a disproportionate amount of space in my brain- the pastor's description of her hands. I know it's not rational and I can't explain why, but reading those quotes from him about her hands sends chills down my spine.

I know this post contains nothing that hasn't been said before but if you made it this far in reading this long, disjointed post, thanks for listening. I've appreciated reading through the various opinions here on on this board. And if the truth is ever revealed, I'll probably be at least a little bit right and a little bit wrong about the various conclusions I've come to. I just hope that day comes soon.
I've always thought that if (based solely on my curiosity-not the level of the crime) I could choose one mystery to be solved, I would want to know who killed Jonbenet. Finding out who Lori Ruff was just might be taking over now. I know that my curiosity isn't important in the grand scheme of things, but I can't believe how consumed I am by this woman and her story. The more I learn, the less I know.

Her ability to adopt an entire new identity and keep even the experts guessing this many years after her death is just amazing. Normally I would have to keep reminding myself to have compassion for someone who has been so deceitful but my compassion for her comes easily. Instead I have to remind myself to have compassion for her inlaws.

It's been mentioned several times but I think it bears repeating that almost none of the information we think we know about her has more than one source. It blows my mind that so few friends or acquaintances have anything to say about her, either before or after her identity change. "She was a dancer." Says one guy. "I dated her back in '88." Says one guy.

How can she have just been invisible before she became Lori Ruff? She almost had to live a life of atypical isolation but it didn't turn her into woman naive about the ways of the world, it turned her into a woman with the ability to pull off a fraud so clean that it appears to have stumped seasoned investigators and sleuths with access to a huge database of information.

Why don't people who knew her as Lori Ruff talk about her? When someone is in the news, there are always at least a couple of people who are eager to have a moment in the limelight by talking about, even exaggerating their connection with the person of interest. Why is this the exception?

Like many of you, I think the inlaws found basic answers to her identity a while ago and that's why they stopped pursuing help from the public. Their motives for not revealing what (or even just THAT) they know could be anything from protecting their grandchild to protecting their image but I have a hunch that they know. I'm also mindful of the fact that most of what we know has gone through their filter before it got to us. I don't think they've altered facts, but they've been able to deliver the information with the scene set with them as the good guys, victims of this crazed lunatic their son married. That may even be an accurate portrayal of events but I feel sad that there is nobody to take up for her.

I've tried to convince myself that Lori looks like the various missing persons who have been mentioned as possible matches but if I'm being honest with myself, not a single one really looks like they could be her. I also think if there was a legitimate match with any of those known missing people, it would have probably been confirmed by now.

Of all of the peculiar bits of information collected about her, there is one thing that takes up a disproportionate amount of space in my brain- the pastor's description of her hands. I know it's not rational and I can't explain why, but reading those quotes from him about her hands sends chills down my spine.

I know this post contains nothing that hasn't been said before but if you made it this far in reading this long, disjointed post, thanks for listening. I've appreciated reading through the various opinions here on on this board. And if the truth is ever revealed, I'll probably be at least a little bit right and a little bit wrong about the various conclusions I've come to. I just hope that day comes soon.
Very well said.

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Totally agree, thank you @Weyden.

Chez Life, whose are the black and white ears?!
So over on the FLEK Facebook group, the woman who posted the info about there being a match is now saying that she has contacted Namus, and Namus says that they are not aware of any impending identification.

This poster's first name is Diane, and she got the original info about FLEK being identified from another poster named Barbie. (Not giving last names here for etiquette reasons). Diane confirmed this info with someone else who knew the investigator. But then followup with Namus revealed that a match is NOT in the works -- at least that they are aware of.
I personally emailed DA. He confirmed there has been a match. He stated it would be " a couple of weeks" before there would be a release of this information to " give the family time to process it all". I don't know which family he was talking about... Ruffs or loris family of origin. He did not give me any specifics. I don't think he intended the info to go public.

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Oh I'm not doubting that Derek Abbott said that Linda. I'm just wondering how much truthful info he himself has. Remember DA does not work for NAMUS or the FBI or any other American authority, he's an Australian professor in a totally different field (physics?) who is an amateur sleuth.

There's just a lot of shiftiness around this info. Even the post from someone who got a "no" from NAMUS this morning has now disappeared. I'm skeptical.
Is it pretty certain that this possible match-up that got leaked on FB involved someone listed on NAMUS?

(DA must be so annoyed that this got out in the first place.)
It's possible DA got the info from someone working at NAMUS, sure. But we're dealing with a long chain of second, third, fourth hand information at this point, so there's really no way of knowing. All very frustrating.
I have a hunch that DA is telling the truth. JMO. We'll see.

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If they were just shredded I myself would be happy to spend the time to peice things back together. It would take a month of working every evening, but it would be an interesting little craft project.

And now I have a vision of all of us WebSleuthers hunched over a huge table, piecing the actual physical shredded puzzle pieces together instead of the tidbits of information we have to work with... add me to the list of people who would be more than happy to help with those shredded documents. If only!!!

As for this DA bombshell - I have my doubts. I'll be over the moon if it's actually true but I'm not holding my breath at all. And even if we do get the name, we'll still have to speculate on the backstory - did she know the Turners somehow? Was it really just a walk through a cemetery to find a name and identity? Who helped her, if anyone? It's three years since the Seattle Times article and I'm finally resigned to the fact that we just may never know certain critical parts of the story. :( :dunno:
While we await potential news from the DA/PA angle, it might be good to keep focused on pre-existing leads.

My alternate belief/theory is that she is likely a child of TT and SBH, conceived while FAH was out of 'commission'. If you think she looks like TT, you should see her beside BST's sister, TJT. WOW!
Chuz Life, whose are the black and white ears?!

Thanks for asking but I don't want to disclose where those images are from because I don't want skew the consideration or input from others while I continue my sleuthing for new possible considerations.
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