Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #10

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Interesting development. Not competent to stand trial? Too mentally challenged to realize that placing a dead child in a trash bag is wrong? IMO
Marcelino Benito on Twitter
"New court documents filed show a new court order to have #MaleahDavis stepdad and prime suspect in the case Derion Vence undergo a mental health and intellectual disability assessment."

Is "moron" a medical diagnosis? ;)

Good, let's get this show on the road, clear these preliminary hurdles and get convictions for everyone involved in this horrible case. Everyone. No exceptions.
IMO It was both,maleah badly needed medical intervention ASAP on Monday April 29th. Maybe before that,but it got blown off because CPS case was coming up. Ironically they needn't have worried much about that for obvious reasons. CPS,and judge would probably have done the same old routine,and sent Maleah back.

Just think, if Maleah had been wearing her helmet as prescribed by the freakin Doctor, there might be a person/some people walking around with broken hands and having to answer questions about how they got them.
Thanks for this! I have confidence that medical professionals can determine his mental status and can spot an "act". IMO
Those tests are designed to indicate deception. I don't think DV is clever enough to fool any mental health examiner.
However I wouldn't be surprised if they find he has some mental health "challenges," including a low IQ.
But it won't be enough to prove incompetence. He was capable enough to be involved in the music industry and by his own account, he took care of the kids and did most of the household chores.
He may have anger issues or other problems but I doubt he has a disability to the point that he is not capable and can't be held responsible for his actions. Imo
Spot on! This woman is spewing all the red flags that says she is a dysfuntional mother who lacks empathy and insight and can only relate from a position where she's the focus. The child plays a supporting role for her agenda and nothing more. MOO.
You have definitely nailed it in your opinion on this woman.
I'm not so much "put off" as I'm concerned about him giving away info that could alert potential other involved parties as to what to "clean up" so to speak. We honestly have no clue who is and isn't on the LE radar as to that respect.
I feel the other way, ie., maybe if he reveals more of what BB said to throw DV under the bus, DV will spill the beans about what really happened and reveal BB's involvement.
You have definitely nailed it in your opinion on this woman.
Yes, it's the perfect description of a narcissist.
If you look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder, she seems to have displayed almost all of the traits just in her interviews and from what we have seen on her FB page.

People like this seek admiration and attention, are preoccupied with power and success, beauty or "ideal love." She found her perfect man, put him on a pedestal, and maybe hoped for recognition through his connection with the rap scene.

They also have a lack of empathy.

They rarely get diagnosed because they don't think anything is wrong with them.

They view the world based on their own perception of things and believe everyone else should see things that way too.

It's kind of ironic yet very fitting that she was wearing those rose colored glasses during her last interview, although I'm guessing she wore those and the pink sweatshirt because it was Maleah's favorite color. Imo
Is "moron" a medical diagnosis? ;).

Out of curiosity, I looked it up. YES! IMO

"Idiot, imbecile, and moron were, not so long ago, used in a psychological classification system, and each one was assigned to a fairly specific range of abilities.
  • Idiots.—Those so defective that the mental development never exceeds that or a normal child of about two years.
  • Imbeciles.—Those whose development is higher than that of an idiot, but whose intelligence does not exceed that of a normal child of about seven years.
  • Morons.—Those whose mental development is above that of an imbecile, but does not exceed that of a normal child of about twelve years.
— Edmund Burke Huey, Backward and Feeble-Minded Children, 1912"
I've watched the videos of Q and BB early on and then yesterday watched the abc interview with BB. Has anyone else noticed that BB obviously studied Q and absorbed his method of answering questions from the press. In her interview yesterday she displayed his mannerisms and used the very same body language while answering the questions. The very long pauses following the question before answering. The non-committal look on her face. The slow, measured way of speaking. Showing an indifference and acting as if she isn't personally involved but merely just conveying information.

This was so obvious to me.
Yes, I think Q believes that DV was overwhelmed by the responsibility of taking care of all three kids, and that he "snapped" and took his anger out on Maleah. Imo

The way I perceived the words he used was that he was responsible financially, that she did not work and he was responsible for all of the kids.
Ok, been thinking and have some questions. Hang with me.

This baby was missing about a month before her remains were found. Is someone here knowledgeable about decomposition and animal activity? It was reported the bag was “opened” by a mower just a few days ago. Would animals have not already opened and got into the bag? I don’t mean to be graphic, just trying to put it together. Perhaps LE meant that was the first time a human came in contact with the bag, but it had possibly already been opened? If it had truly remained closed until the mower, is it even logical to think it had sat there with no animal activity for that long?


From my understanding, a road worker reported finding a suspicious bag earlier. No one followed up on the report though. They may have been cleaning up for the next road crew that followed. A road crew will pick up prior to the crew that does the mowing... I'll stop there.
Have we seen any pictures of BB with Maleah? I can't think of any.

I know this is old, but I wanted to address this. With my kids, I'm always the one behind the husband just doesn't think to get his phone out and take pics of me with the just doesn't cross his mind. I would hate to be judged on the amount of pictures with me and my kids, because there aren't very many at all.

Obviously, there are other factors at play here, but I really wanted to add that. MOO
Good point. Although apparently all he did was hang around and smoke cigarettes, if he passed that test it shows he at least has the necessary skills.

My husband works for USPS and when he took the test for employment there were quotas that put you more to be hired and that was a minority, a veteran or America Indian, in place of one making a hundred on test. Very frustrating to someone making a hundred on a test.
I'm not so much "put off" as I'm concerned about him giving away info that could alert potential other involved parties as to what to "clean up" so to speak. We honestly have no clue who is and isn't on the LE radar as to that respect.

Oh I agree totally. MOO there are more parties involved. (And forgive my slang of “put off,” haha my brain wasn’t working and I couldn’t think of a good phrase for “not really bothered”)
Those tests are designed to indicate deception. I don't think DV is clever enough to fool any mental health examiner.
However I wouldn't be surprised if they find he has some mental health "challenges," including a low IQ.
But it won't be enough to prove incompetence. He was capable enough to be involved in the music industry and by his own account, he took care of the kids and did most of the household chores.
He may have anger issues or other problems but I doubt he has a disability to the point that he is not capable and can't be held responsible for his actions. Imo
Right. Ottis Toole even had an IQ of around 75. And he was a nasty, evil man.
Out of curiosity, I looked it up. YES! IMO

"Idiot, imbecile, and moron were, not so long ago, used in a psychological classification system, and each one was assigned to a fairly specific range of abilities.
  • Idiots.—Those so defective that the mental development never exceeds that or a normal child of about two years.
  • Imbeciles.—Those whose development is higher than that of an idiot, but whose intelligence does not exceed that of a normal child of about seven years.
  • Morons.—Those whose mental development is above that of an imbecile, but does not exceed that of a normal child of about twelve years.
— Edmund Burke Huey, Backward and Feeble-Minded Children, 1912"
This is great :p:D
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