Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #8

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Vence Sr.'s interview is predictable that he is defending his son. He clearly doesn't understand the evidence against him. But no need to throw out the baby with the bath water. There are a couple of things that support other things we heard.
He says the family has been trying to get DV to leave BB for awhile because she's crazy. They might have been successful after he got out of the hospital and why he stopped talking to her.
He says DV was the stability in the family..,,taking care of everything. BB2 said something similar in an interview.
He confirmed there was no manhunt and DV was staying with his brother before arrested. He told a story about Joe Jr. Taking his family out of town and HPD stopping them to make sure DV wasn't in the car.
He also says the children lived with DVs Mother for the 6 months they were in CPS custody. He says neither BB or CD visited them while there, only DV was visiting and sending money.
He also laughed at the story about nude pic and the allegation that DV is gay.
I don't know what's true or false, but it was refreshing to read about someone else other than BB and QX, who I don't believe.
Super interesting line of theorizing, IMO.
Pure speculation:
* BB is home getting ready for her trip. DV leaves to take the boys and Maleah to daycare. But he doesn't drop off Maleah after all (not sure of reason ... maybe M threw a fit, maybe she seemed sick, maybe some more nefarious reason). He brings her back home, not very happy about it which is why he is walking ahead of her on the camera footage. Maybe it just threw a wrench in his plans for the day.
* BB is equally displeased to see Maleah at home. The two fight about whose fault it is and who is responsible for supervising Maleah. DV is supposed to go to work, BB is supposed to leave for the airport. BB blames DV for not dropping off Maleah.
* DV insists he has to leave, telling BB she needs to either cancel her trip or find some other care for Maleah that day. He departs for work.

Then one of two scenarios happens:
1. BB is home with Maleah for that short time between just before 9 and 9:30. She is unwilling to cancel her trip and is angry at Maleah for being such an inconvenience. (Maybe she even tries to get some other family members to watch Maleah? But no one will). In her anger, something horrible happens to Maleah. She calls or texts DV and demands that he come home to deal. She leaves for the airport.
2. BB does not care that Maleah is home; she is leaving no matter what. She calls DV's bluff and tells him he'd better come home from work because she is leaving for the airport and Maleah is still home. He leaves work and is enraged by the situation and by the inconvenience of Maleah's presence. In his anger, something horrible happens to Maleah.

ETA: also seems possible that in scenario #2, in the period of time between when BB departed and DV returned home, if Maleah was left home by herself, she could have been injured, maybe by choking or in another fall (which given her history could have led to her death). I think this is less likely because DV would have been less likely to panic the way he obviously did.
Pure Speculation: I support #1....except its possible that she hadnt left yet when he got home. The friend who picked her up for the airport may have seen both of them when she picked up BB. Pure speculation....
I agree that he panicked and actually threw up at work. Anger doesn't make you do that, but fear sure will.
QX has said DV didn't search.....Joe Sr. Says different.
Joe D. Vence told Melvin Cedeno, owner of YouTube Channel IckedMel, Derion Vence is not only innocent but also victim of character assault by Maleah’s mother Brittany Bowens.

“(Derion) loved that family,” Joe D. Vence said. “He did everything to stay with the girl when we was trying to tell him no she’s not right.”

In the 48-minute interview with Cedeno, Joe D. Vence shared never-before-heard details.

“There were a few things that didn’t kind of align with what we’ve been told,” Cedeno told KHOU 11 News. "I just feel they set him up some sort of way," Joe Vence said. "I know he didn't do anything to her. He loves her. He's been taking care of her since she was 1 years old."

Joe D. Vence believes police need to ask Maleah's mother tougher questions.

"She told my son the night of the disappearance, I'm about to get a Lifetime movie out of this," Joe D. Vence said.

Derion Vence initially helped Bowens and Maleah’s biological father, Craig Davis, Jr., search for the girl until they threatened Derion, his father claimed.

When he went out that first night to find Maleah he got mobbed,” Joe D. Vence said. “Then he didn’t understand. He didn’t trust her or her baby’s father because they came at him real crazy.”

'I believe his story': Derion Vence's dad says his son didn't do anything to Maleah Davis
QX has said DV didn't search.....Joe Sr. Says different.
Joe D. Vence told Melvin Cedeno, owner of YouTube Channel IckedMel, Derion Vence is not only innocent but also victim of character assault by Maleah’s mother Brittany Bowens.

“(Derion) loved that family,” Joe D. Vence said. “He did everything to stay with the girl when we was trying to tell him no she’s not right.”

In the 48-minute interview with Cedeno, Joe D. Vence shared never-before-heard details.

“There were a few things that didn’t kind of align with what we’ve been told,” Cedeno told KHOU 11 News. "I just feel they set him up some sort of way," Joe Vence said. "I know he didn't do anything to her. He loves her. He's been taking care of her since she was 1 years old."

Joe D. Vence believes police need to ask Maleah's mother tougher questions.

"She told my son the night of the disappearance, I'm about to get a Lifetime movie out of this," Joe D. Vence said.

Derion Vence initially helped Bowens and Maleah’s biological father, Craig Davis, Jr., search for the girl until they threatened Derion, his father claimed.

When he went out that first night to find Maleah he got mobbed,” Joe D. Vence said. “Then he didn’t understand. He didn’t trust her or her baby’s father because they came at him real crazy.”

'I believe his story': Derion Vence's dad says his son didn't do anything to Maleah Davis
I wish they had asked him why he thinks his son refused to cooperate with police when he was asked to come in and talk to them, and provide them with a description of the three men who kidnapped Maleah.
I would think if he really wanted to find Maleah, providing LE with any information he could about them would have been beneficial.

We don't know whether or not he tried to participate in any of the searches, but since it is very likely that he knows exactly where he put Maleah, I'm not sure if searching for her would have done much good.
He could have just told LE where she was and then no-one would have had to search at all.
But then again, that would have been admitting guilt and LE would have been more likely to determine the cause of death if she was found that early. Imo
Whilst very little about this case and the stories being told makes any sense, what I’m struggling with most is the timings of the supposed abduction and DV’s lack of logic in his obvious lies.

Maleah hasn’t been seen alive since the 30th and it’s looking likely that something happened to her that day. DV is on video carrying the laundry basket on the 3rd, which is 3 days later. The story about the abduction doesn’t then happen until the Sunday.

If something happened to Maleah on the 30th then DV had a lot of time to think and plan.

Did he really keep her body with him in the apartment until the 3rd?

Was the fake kidnap plan honestly the best he could come up with?

It seems he waited until BB arrived back to come up with that desperate story- but why wait? He knew she was coming back, that he couldn’t hide forever. He could have cried abduction at any point that week. He could have said the apartment door was left open and Maleah wandered off (especially given he doesn’t seem to have been aware of the neighbour’s camera capturing everything that went on), he could have alleged so many things that still would have been lies, but would have been a lot more plausible.

Why wait until the Saturday to vanish and the Sunday night to cry kidnap? Did he spend all week trying to think of a plan and that’s the best he came up with? Or was he expecting something else to happen, waiting and hoping for another solution that never arrived?

There’s clearly more to this, but I can’t put my finger on what.

All MOO and speculation.
QX has said DV didn't search.....Joe Sr. Says different.
Joe D. Vence told Melvin Cedeno, owner of YouTube Channel IckedMel, Derion Vence is not only innocent but also victim of character assault by Maleah’s mother Brittany Bowens.

“(Derion) loved that family,” Joe D. Vence said. “He did everything to stay with the girl when we was trying to tell him no she’s not right.”

In the 48-minute interview with Cedeno, Joe D. Vence shared never-before-heard details.

“There were a few things that didn’t kind of align with what we’ve been told,” Cedeno told KHOU 11 News. "I just feel they set him up some sort of way," Joe Vence said. "I know he didn't do anything to her. He loves her. He's been taking care of her since she was 1 years old."

Joe D. Vence believes police need to ask Maleah's mother tougher questions.

"She told my son the night of the disappearance, I'm about to get a Lifetime movie out of this," Joe D. Vence said.

Derion Vence initially helped Bowens and Maleah’s biological father, Craig Davis, Jr., search for the girl until they threatened Derion, his father claimed.

When he went out that first night to find Maleah he got mobbed,” Joe D. Vence said. “Then he didn’t understand. He didn’t trust her or her baby’s father because they came at him real crazy.”

'I believe his story': Derion Vence's dad says his son didn't do anything to Maleah Davis

It’s certainly an interesting perspective on BB and DVs life together, but I am still stuck on the point that whether or not DV was solely responsible for her death (or responsible at all) IMO the timeline only allows for him or him and an accomplice to have disposed of the body. So despite what dad says, DV is no innocent upstanding citizen. MOO
It’s certainly an interesting perspective on BB and DVs life together, but I am still stuck on the point that whether or not DV was solely responsible for her death (or responsible at all) IMO the timeline only allows for him or him and an accomplice to have disposed of the body. So despite what dad says, DV is no innocent upstanding citizen. MOO
Absolutely....I've already put him in the accessory to a crime category. I'm more focused on who else was involved. Anything the cast of characters can tell us helps form a basis in the timeline for the other person or people. I don't know what this guy was thinking.....but clearly he's caught in his own web.
I wish they had asked him why he thinks his son refused to cooperate with police when he was asked to come in and talk to them, and provide them with a description of the three men who kidnapped Maleah.
I would think if he really wanted to find Maleah, providing LE with any information he could about them would have been beneficial.

We don't know whether or not he tried to participate in any of the searches, but since it is very likely that he knows exactly where he put Maleah, I'm not sure if searching for her would have done much good.
He could have just told LE where she was and then no-one would have had to search at all.
But then again, that would have been admitting guilt and LE would have been more likely to determine the cause of death if she was found that early. Imo
My guess is that Sr. is in St. Louis so all he knows is what he's being told. Parents typically don't know all that their children are capable of.....he has told us more about history of DV and BB. Clearly DV is captivated by her, since the family couldn't get him to face her problems and therefore leave.
Most crimes and criminals are consistent....they don't believe they will get caught. And when they do, the tears are usually because they got caught, not because of remorse.
Whilst very little about this case and the stories being told makes any sense, what I’m struggling with most is the timings of the supposed abduction and DV’s lack of logic in his obvious lies.

Maleah hasn’t been seen alive since the 30th and it’s looking likely that something happened to her that day. DV is on video carrying the laundry basket on the 3rd, which is 3 days later. The story about the abduction doesn’t then happen until the Sunday.

If something happened to Maleah on the 30th then DV had a lot of time to think and plan.

Did he really keep her body with him in the apartment until the 3rd?

Was the fake kidnap plan honestly the best he could come up with?

It seems he waited until BB arrived back to come up with that desperate story- but why wait? He knew she was coming back, that he couldn’t hide forever. He could have cried abduction at any point that week. He could have said the apartment door was left open and Maleah wandered off (especially given he doesn’t seem to have been aware of the neighbour’s camera capturing everything that went on), he could have alleged so many things that still would have been lies, but would have been a lot more plausible.

Why wait until the Saturday to vanish and the Sunday night to cry kidnap? Did he spend all week trying to think of a plan and that’s the best he came up with? Or was he expecting something else to happen, waiting and hoping for another solution that never arrived?

There’s clearly more to this, but I can’t put my finger on what.

All MOO and speculation.
Yes, none of it makes much sense. Most people don't kill someone and then keep the body in their home for three days before they dispose of it, but it has been known to happen.
It certainly would have begun to smell, unless he kept it in a freezer, which LE would likely have evidence of.
It's probably likely that he removed the body soon after he killed her, since he was apparently cleaning up evidence on Friday. He wouldn't leave all that blood lying around for everyone to see.
His story does seem like it was not well thought out, that he planned it at the last minute, and then frantically attempted to carry it out. He knew he had to rush to get it done before BB arrived home as well as come up with an excuse as to why he didn't get to the airport to pick her up. If he had done all that earlier in the week he would still have had to pick her up and face her, and I'm sure he didn't want to answer any questions. Everything about his actions imply guilt and deception. He is a coward. Imo
I wish they had asked him why he thinks his son refused to cooperate with police when he was asked to come in and talk to them, and provide them with a description of the three men who kidnapped Maleah.
I would think if he really wanted to find Maleah, providing LE with any information he could about them would have been beneficial.

We don't know whether or not he tried to participate in any of the searches, but since it is very likely that he knows exactly where he put Maleah, I'm not sure if searching for her would have done much good.
He could have just told LE where she was and then no-one would have had to search at all.
But then again, that would have been admitting guilt and LE would have been more likely to determine the cause of death if she was found that early. Imo
I find it difficult to believe he went anywhere before his arrest. Everyone was looking for him and if he’d shown up at a search party, someone would’ve recorded that. Jmo
Yes, none of it makes much sense. Most people don't kill someone and then keep the body in their home for three days before they dispose of it, but it has been known to happen.
It certainly would have begun to smell, unless he kept it in a freezer, which LE would likely have evidence of.
It's probably likely that he removed the body soon after he killed her, since he was apparently cleaning up evidence on Friday. He wouldn't leave all that blood lying around for everyone to see.
His story does seem like it was not well thought out, that he planned it at the last minute, and then frantically attempted to carry it out. He knew he had to rush to get it done before BB arrived home as well as come up with an excuse as to why he didn't get to the airport to pick her up. If he had done all that earlier in the week he would still have had to pick her up and face her, and I'm sure he didn't want to answer any questions. Everything about his actions imply guilt and deception. He is a coward. Imo

Good point re the freezer, although would a frozen body have been difficult to bend into a laundry basket?

I’m wondering whether he was planning on framing BB, or at least hoping to keep custody of the other two children. If he believed she was a bad mother and it’s true that this is why he wouldn’t leave her, then perhaps it was different sort of a plan that went horribly wrong.

In fact, as I’m typing this my mind is going to the case of Shannon Matthews in the U.K. I’m not sure what sort of coverage it got in the U.S. so you can read about it here
Shannon Matthews: The unravelling of the truth

Both the lure of reward money or the fear of losing custody can make people behave in very strange and even evil ways. MOO.
My guess is that Sr. is in St. Louis so all he knows is what he's being told. Parents typically don't know all that their children are capable of.....he has told us more about history of DV and BB. Clearly DV is captivated by her, since the family couldn't get him to face her problems and therefore leave.
Most crimes and criminals are consistent....they don't believe they will get caught. And when they do, the tears are usually because they got caught, not because of remorse.
I'm not sure how his father knows anything about their relationship. How many times had he met her? How is it clear that DV was captivated by her and that his family wanted him to leave? I have not seen any indication of this other than what the people involved have speculated.
One story is that BB broke up with him and one story is that his family tried to get him to break up with her.
I'm not sure if we can believe any of these characters. So much of what has been said has been contradictory so I don't think we can take any if it as fact.
We really have no idea what the family dynamics were other than it appears that Maleah was not well cared for. It can't be that one is guilty and the other is not.
That his family didn't like BB is not going to change the fact that DV is guilty of a crime. Imo
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I find it difficult to believe he went anywhere before his arrest. Everyone was looking for him and if he’d shown up at a search party, someone would’ve recorded that. Jmo
Yes, and Brittany and her mom were seen where TES was stationed, that is reportedly how she knew LE had found the car. A guilty person wouldn't go anywhere near there, I would think.
I think it's more likely he was hiding out in the home, trying to figure out where he was going to leave the car, and what stories he was going to tell LE.
I'm not sure how his father knows anything about their relationship. How many times had he met her? How is it clear that DV was captivated by her and that his family wanted him to leave? I have not seen any indication of this other than what the people involved have speculated.
One story is that BB broke up with him and one story is that his family tried to get him to break up with her.
I'm not sure if we can believe any of these characters. So much of what has been said has been contradictory so I don't think we can take any if it as fact.
We really have no idea if what the family dynamics were other than it appears that Maleah was not well cared for. It can't be that one is guilty and the other is not.
That his family didn't like BB is not going to change the fact that DV is guilty of a crime. Imo
I'm past DV's guilty status.....he's guilty of something, clearly. I'm more interested in the other or others. I don't think he is the only one involved. Anything the rest of the family says has some bearing on understanding the situation. If not, then there would be no reason for LE to interview anyone. The only person who clearly knows nothing and is swinging from the hip is QX in my book.
I'm not sure how his father knows anything about their relationship. How many times had he met her? How is it clear that DV was captivated by her and that his family wanted him to leave? I have not seen any indication of this other than what the people involved have speculated.
One story is that BB broke up with him and one story is that his family tried to get him to break up with her.
I'm not sure if we can believe any of these characters. So much of what has been said has been contradictory so I don't think we can take any if it as fact.
We really have no idea if what the family dynamics were other than it appears that Maleah was not well cared for. It can't be that one is guilty and the other is not.
That his family didn't like BB is not going to change the fact that DV is guilty of a crime. Imo

Most definitely. Also need to consider the simplest explanation is likely the correct one. MD was the victim of systematic abuse. She is seen going into the apt and never coming out. DV comes out with a basket containing a black trash bag. He makes up countless ridiculous lies. Blood evidence linked to MD is found in the apt. I think he likely abused her to death and attempted to cover it up but isn't very strategic or intelligent. All speculation
I feel like there is no way BB is innocent, but if you take all the lies, common sense and feeling out of the equation... all the facts point at DV, on video leaving with the basket and on video being dropped off in the car he reported stolen.

I'm past DV's guilty status.....he's guilty of something, clearly. I'm more interested in the other or others. I don't think he is the only one involved. Anything the rest of the family says has some bearing on understanding the situation. If not, then there would be no reason for LE to interview anyone. The only person who clearly knows nothing and is swinging from the hip is QX in my book.
Yes, well, if this child died as a result of ongoing abuse or a recent act of abuse which I think is very possible, then they would both be accountable, as well as CPS, who had legal custody of the children. They were ultimately responsible for their safety and well- being.
I don't know how DV managed to hide the car or move it to its final location. It's hard to say whether or not he was truthful with his family or asked them to help. Since they believe his story, I'm thinking they didn't know.
But someone had to drop him off at the hospital. BB was at the airport, so it's questionable whether or not she had the time to drive to the hospital or not. That all depends on what time her flight came in, which LE had to have known very early on. I would think if they knew she dropped him off it would have implicated her in the crime and they would have charged her with something by now.
It would be interesting to find out at what point she went back to talk to them, if at all, and what those interviews have revealed to LE.
I really wish we would have an update soon, and this isn't one of those cases where there will be another arrest, and then a gag order is issued and we never hear anything else until it goes to trial.
But with all the people doing interviews that's probably exactly what they will do. Too many people have run their mouths already. Imo
Most definitely. Also need to consider the simplest explanation is likely the correct one. MD was the victim of systematic abuse. She is seen going into the apt and never coming out. DV comes out with a basket containing a black trash bag. He makes up countless ridiculous lies. Blood evidence linked to MD is found in the apt. I think he likely abused her to death and attempted to cover it up but isn't very strategic or intelligent. All speculation
I had to take a break as this case has really gotten under my skin. A couple of nights ago I went to see my daughter’s chorus performance, she is older than Maleah by a good bit but this performance had kids all the way down to pre-k playing instruments and singing. And they sang “swing low sweet chariot,” and when it got to the part “all dressed up in a golden gown,” I saw Maleah like that, smiling, singing, dressed in gold and on her way home. I’m not religious at all but the vision of her and the voices of the singing children made me cry and I couldn’t get a handle on myself, and shortly after I realized this is why posters have to take a break sometimes.

I think I’ve caught up. No new arrests/charges/major developments?
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