GUILTY TX - Megan Holden, 19, Tyler, 20 Jan 2005

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amandab said:
Abducted from the parking lot of the Wal-Mart she works at.

Prayers for her safety and quick recovery.

We truely live in a scary world. Makes you realize we need to hold onto our children a little tighter. When my daughter, who is only 13 now, gets older, I am going to have a hard time letting her get a job or go out into the big bad world without me.
I hope Megan is found SAFE soon.
I also do not understand how a company large enough to have checkers at the exit doors to check your receipts does not have a security escort for young women leaving so late at night. I personally get very annoyed at walking two feet from the register at checkout and having to show my receipt. I tolerate it because I am told it is for security purposes. Why is there no security in place for employees, who are certainly more valuable than any piece of merchandise? Prayers for Megan.
:mad: @Walmart
CNN reports: No info on Megan. However, her truck is found in Wilcox, AZ. (about 100 miles? from Tyler TX) A man was seen leaving her truck and has checked into a hospital with a gunshot wound. He is being questioned now. Still no sign of Megan however.
Surveillance taps show suspect who took Megan, had approached several other women in the Walmart parking lot prior to taking Megan.
Prayers for Megan! Prayers for her family.
We have checkers at our Wal-Mart too, but I have never had to show my reciept to them.
They should have some type of policy in place that NO ONE walks to their car alone... especially at night!
This doesn't look very good for Megan... I hope it turns out better than it is sounding.
After watching the video from the Walmart store I can see now how easy it can be for a stranger to just overtake was a matter of seconds and not many at that.

This man was questioned by their security on what he was doing and he answered that he was waiting on a sick. The surveillance showed him following several other woman but he didn't take action then for whatever reason....
This happened very close to where I live. It is terribly sad but I am not at all surprised. The parking lots at these stores have almost no lighting and no security. Once you leave the store, they could care less. I do not under any circumstance got to WalMart after dark alone. It is too risky. The worst part is that there is very rarely a parking spot close by so you have to park at the very back. They also make the employees park at the far back corner of the lot. To make that poor girl walk that far in the dark completely alone just makes me want to scream!!!! :furious:

Praying for Megan!!!!!!
concernedperson said:
Poor thing, she flipped her car over 3 times. Has cuts and article

From that article:

When asked if Wal-Mart policy would have female employees escorted to their vehicles at night and if so, why Ms. Holden was alone, Ms. Gallagher replied: "We always stress safety whether inside or outside of the stores. That is all I will say."

That's a sickening display of CYA, if you ask me.
They have apprehended the suspect in AZ, and he has a gunshot wound, but there is NO sign of Megan. This is an awful story and I fear it will have a bad ending. God be with Megan and her family.
Concernedperson, can you update up poor schlubs at work as to what the police have to say?
amandab said:
From that article:

When asked if Wal-Mart policy would have female employees escorted to their vehicles at night and if so, why Ms. Holden was alone, Ms. Gallagher replied: "We always stress safety whether inside or outside of the stores. That is all I will say."

That's a sickening display of CYA, if you ask me.

Thats there way of saying, " ooops!" Sick
I think if I were Megan's mom and this doesn't end well, I would be suing Wal-Mart for not better protecting their female employees.
"There's no sign of her at this point in time and we have no further leads to her whereabouts," Tyler police spokesman Don Martin said Friday morning.

Martin didn't have any details about the driver's wounds at a hospital more than 800 miles away in Willcox, Ariz. He said the man was in custody there and local investigators planned to travel to Arizona. Willcox police did not immediately return calls seeking comment.

Megan Leann Holden, a 19-year-old college student from Henderson, was reported missing Thursday morning when she did not return home from her shift at the Tyler store the night before.

Martin identified the injured man as the 24-year-old suspect, Johnny Williams of Tyler. He said there was no indication that she knew him, and that a search warrant was being prepared for his Tyler home.
Link to the story on yahoo.

The ONLY suspect, Johnny Williams of Tyler, Texas needs to tell authorities where this child is, and now.

They are getting a search warrant for his home. I hope they find some clue that leads them to Megan. No indication he knew her.

Prayers for this beautiful girl to be found safe, and soon.

With love and HOPE for Megan, Lanie
I so totally agree, Lanie. It's too bad that these monsters cannot be tortured or at the very least further charged for obstruction for not telling where these victims are.

Ok--substantial new info is delaying the police news info as to where this girl is. Sounds like he talked. Prayers for good news.

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