TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #8

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Next witness: Dr. Bernadette Derussy, Deputy Medical Examiner, Travis County Medical Examiner's Office.Note before we continue: I will transcribe the things I hear, as always. Additionally, if pictures are shown, I will also be describing what I am seeing. Please use caution as the material may be considered graphic.

Autopsy of Mo Wilson performed May 12, 2022. External exam performed first, looking for signs of disease and injury. Internal is next, organs are removed and dissected to look for evidence of disease.

Wilson's body came in a sealed body bag. She was wrapped in a trace evidence blanket. She had not been cleaned up, she was in the same state and condition as the crime scene. Derussy says no clothing had been removed.

Derussy says photos were taken and trace evidence was collected. The ME will clean the body after photos are taken. Photos are taken again since blood and dirt can often obscure injuries.

Consulting her notes, Derussy says the first injury noted is a gunshot wound to the right side of the face. The exit wound was on the left side of the jaw. Derussy points to her own face and shows the jury where the entrance wound is. The bullet went in by the nose and through the front of her face and out the left jaw. Right to left, slightly downward, slightly front to back. Associated injuries include bruising around left eye, bleeding of the whites of left eye and bleeding and bone fragments along bullet pathway.

2nd wound: gunshot wound to right temporal scalp. It is the side of the head, with the bullet exiting the area beneath the chin. Associated injuries: bleeding beneath the scalp, hemorrhaging in the layers surrounding the brain, bleeding surrounding the brain, bone fragments along the bullet's path.

3rd wound: Gunshot wound to the left side of the chest. Entering the chest and exiting the back. Using her own chest, Derussy points to the area right above her own heart. Exit wound was consistent with a shored exit wound, meaning there was a wide irregular abrasion (top layer of skin scraped away), consistent with the body being pushed against a firm surface upon entry (she was laying on the bathroom floor when this shot was fired).

4th wound: Gunshot wound of the right index finger. There were two defects on the finger. Couldn't tell entrance from exit. Derussy explains what a defensive wound is (a wound sustained when trying to protect oneself), but cannot say for certain if the finger injury is a defensive wound.

Additional injuries to lower extremities: scape on the left thigh, bruising on the thigh. A scrape on the right leg. Additional bruising on the legs. Derussy says these are indicative of bullet grazes. Official cause of death: gunshot wounds.

Derussy says the ME's office performed a toxicology exam to test blood to look for alcohol, medications and drugs. Ethanol was detected, meaning alcohol. Blood alcohol content was .04. There was no evidence of controlled substance use.

GRAPHIC WARNING: We are now looking at photos from the autopsy. I will be transcribing what I see. A photo of the seal on the body bag. Shows chain of custody. There is a date listed and a medical examiner's number. There is a closeup of Mo Wilson face. There is a bullet wound showing the entrance by the nose. Her right eye is slightly opened. Her left eye is swollen shut. A different angle of her face showing the entrance and exit wound. The exit wound is right below her ear on the jaw line. You can see swelling in the area.The back of her skull is now shown with a different entrance wound. It is right behind her right ear. It is slightly difficult to see because of the hair, but when a closeup is shown and her hair pulled to the side, it is clearly visible.

GRAPHIC: The hair is now shaved by the ME to clearly show the gunshot wound. It is only a few centimeters long. Even less wide. Now the exit wound from that same bullet that exited out of the base of her chin. There is extensive bruising on the bottom of her chin. A close up of her chest showing the third bullet wound to her chest. Mo Wilson is naked and you can see it went right through her heart. Her body is flipped and we can see the exit wound out of her back. Derussy stands up to the monitor to show the jury how the abrasion is irregular, leading her to believe the body was laying down when the bullet exited.

Inside the courtroom, Kaitlin Armstrong is averting her eyes. She is holding a pen, but doesn't appear to be writing with it. Armstrong's father and mother are looking at the wounds being depicted on the screen. Jury members are closely examining their individual screens in front of them.GRAPHIC: Photos of her legs, showing possible graze wounds. Photos of the gunshot wounds to her index finger. Derussy says it is her sworn testimony that a bullet entered and exited her finger. Finally, photos of projectile fragments that were found from the head.

State attorney Guillermo Gonzalez has taken off his coat and has asked Derussy to step off the stand. She is using a long stick to indicate the path the bullets went through Mo Wilson's body, but using his body as the example. The jury members are paying close attention to this demonstration. Kaitlin Armstrong doesn't seem interested in watching.

Witness passed.

Defense's turn.

When determining distance, Derussy says she looks for muzzle imprint, soot (burned gunpowder after a gun is fired), abrasions around entrance wound and tissue searing.

Per the report, for gunshot wound one, two and three, there was no soot, muzzle imprint, tissue searing, meaning they couldn't determine distance the shots were fired. Derussy doesn't want to speculate.

No further questions from defense.

State redirect: When a distance cannot be determined, Derussy says it is likely because the shot was fired from more than 2-3 feet away and/or something, like clothing, was blocking the path to the entrance wound.

No further questions.

Witness dismissed.

We are taking a 10 minute recess.

John Krinjak

Dr. DeRussy talking about Wilson's wounds:
- Gunshot entrance wound on right side of face, exit wound left side of jaw
- Bruising and bleeding around left eye as a result of that gunshot
- Facial bone fragmentation
- Brain injuries (1/)
11:20 AM · Nov 14, 2023

- Gunshot entrance wound on left side of chest, exit wound left side of back
- Gunshot wound to her hand
- Defensive wounds
- Lower extremity injuries including thigh
11:23 AM · Nov 14, 2023
Devastating testimony.

Mo must have been in a position, making herself small, for all that downward trajectory.

Her last moments, oh my heart. I hope her family is absent for this part. It's just... dreadful. It's just... beyond.

Destroying another human being...

So calculated, callous, unstopping.

LWOP can't come soon enough.

Very disheartening to hear how another person is capable of this type of action/harm (ending a life) toward another human being. moo :( It's disturbing.
Very disheartening especially when it appears she shot to wound and torture before inflicting the life ending bullet to the heart. A diabolical hunter. moo

Back:Next Witness: Officer Rosalba Johnson, Travis County Sheriff's Office. She is assigned to the hospital visitation unit. Responsible for medical transports.On Oct. 11, Johnson was responsible for transporting #KaitlinArmstrong for a medical appointment.

12:08 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Johnson says Armstrong was first patted down head-to-toe, placed a belly-chain around her waist, which attaches to the handcuffs. She was walked to the vehicle where she was going to put on leg irons. Armstrong provided a note from a doctor which instructed that leg irons were not supposed to be used. Two officers, including herself, were inside the vehicle. Johnson was the passenger. Armstrong was sitting behind her.

12:10 PM · Nov 14, 2023

After the appointment, Johnson says she led and opened the door of the doctor's office building to exit. Armstrong was between her and her partner. Johnson let them exit. A nurse approached her to say that they forgot paperwork, when all of a sudden, her partner announced that Armstrong was escaping. Johnson left the nurse and started to pursue, but Armstrong had evaded all custody.

12:11 PM · Nov 14, 2023
Mills Hayes


Kaitlin Armstrong is accused of killing rising pro-cyclist Moriah Wilson May 11, 2022. The state's 37th witness, Steven Aston, is now being questioned by defense.


7:21 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Aston says not every firearm will have subclass characteristics. Course & continuous Puryear brings up State's exhibit 422, which shows a picture of two different cartridges. Aston says he doesn't observe a subclass. He shows jury the individual characteristics.
7:33 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Puryear asks if all the marks that we see on those cartridge cases are all individual characteristics.Yes sir, Aston says. "None of those were created accidental to manufacturing process?" Puryear asks. Aston says he believes all those were individual characteristics.
7:34 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Aston says he doesn't know about how these guns were manufactured. Puryear questioning how he can identify cartridge characteristics if he does't know about gun manufacturing.
7:41 AM · Nov 14, 2023

P: Was your comparison verified by a colleague?A: Yes.Aston puts conclusions in lab management system & fill out comparison panel w/ results. They will collect evidence, do 2nd examination, & look at Aston's results to see if they are the same. If same, co-worker signs off
7:45 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Aston says that a colleague has never disagreed with his opinion. If analyst has diff opinion than examiner, verifier will show examiner what they're looking at. Examiner shows his work. If they come to agreement that's what goes in report, but include there was a disagreement
7:47 AM · Nov 14, 2023

If not able to agree, a 3rd examiner will come in and have the final say but the disagreement will be included in report. P: "Would you agree w/ me that that sounds less like peer review and more like peer collaboration?"A: It would depend on where conclusion ends up...
7:48 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Prosecution asks about how Aston eliminated possibility a diff gun (ronin) was used. Prosecutors say the gun used to kill Moriah Wilson was a Sig Sauer P365 9mm.
8:00 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Puryear: We can put spin on this however we want, being generous, Mr. Spitler mischaracterized the work you did in the probable cause affidavit?Aston: That line was not accurate.
8:01 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Witness steps down after clarifying that yes, sub-characteristics on cartridges are real, but he did not see any on cartridges he examined in this case.State calls their 38th witness, Rosa Johnson.
8:03 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Looks like Rosa may not be here. State calls Dr. Bernadette Derussy. She has been deputy medical examiner at Travis County for 1 year, 4 months.
8:06 AM · Nov 14, 2023

On May 12, 2022 she conducted an autopsy of Moriah Wilson to determine cause & manner of death. They remove all organs and look for injury, disease. She was received in body bag. Wrapped in trace evidence blanket. She hadn't been cleaned up.
8:09 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Derussy says they take photographs and collect trace evidence. Body is cleaned up after evidence is collected. First wound is gunshot wound to right side of face. Entrance wound on right side, exit wound on left side of jaw. Derussy points out on face areas to jury
8:12 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Derussy says that gunshot would created bruise around left eye, bleeding of whites of left eye, bleeding and disruption of tissue with bone fragments. Trajectory was right to left, slightly front to back.
8:13 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Second wound is gunshot would to right temporal scalp, side of head. Exit wound beneath chin. This means there was bleeding beneath scalp on right side of head, bleeding below the thickest outer layer of brain, bleeding beneath layer under dura mater.
8:15 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Third wound was gunshot wound to lest side of chest. Entrance through left side of chest and exit through left side of back. There was a wide, irregular abrasion which is consistent with body leaning near firm surface.
8:18 AM · Nov 14, 2023

State: I'm hearing Dr. that this person was shot through the heart?Derussy: Yes.#MoriahWilson #KaitlinArmstrong
8:19 AM · Nov 14, 2023

There is a wound on lateral surface on right index finger & one on palm/surface or right index finger.Defensive wound is an injury while someone is trying to protect themselves by assault.Derussy says this could be a defensive wound
8:20 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Derussy says there was a tear in skin, tissue w/ surrounding scrape & that had green, blue bruise. Scrape on right leg. Bruises, contusions of lower extremities.
8:22 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Dr. Derussy says ethanol (alcohol) was detected. 0.04 in blood, 0.05 in eyes. Jury seeing pictures of body bag now w/ seal to show chain of custody. Body was sealed at sign & received at ME's office w/o being tampered w/
8:25 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Now we are looking at Moriah Wilson's deceased head. This is uncomfortable. It's noteworthy that Wilson's mom, dad & brother are not in court. We are seeing multiple images of the gunshot wounds.
8:27 AM · Nov 14, 2023

They shaved the hair surrounding wound of gunshot behind her right ear. There are bruises around gun shot would. We see the exit gunshot wound funder her chin. We are seeing Wilson's bare chest with a gunshot wound to left side of chest. Exit wound on back.
8:29 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Exit wound has abrasion, wider more irregular which is consistent with body being against a firm surface. This means Wilson's body was lying on ground when she was shot in the heart.
8:30 AM · Nov 14, 2023

We see injury to thigh, no penetration. Injury to gunshot wound on right index finger. Derussy can't tell if it's an exit or entrance wound but can say a bullet entered Wilson's right index finger.
8:33 AM · Nov 14, 2023

State Prosecutor Guillermo Gonzalez takes off his jacket. Dr. Derussy uses a stick to point to Gonzalez on wear Wilson was shot.
8:35 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Defense Attorney Puryear turn to question. Derussy says they look for muzzle imprint, soot, stippling & tissue searing. P: You can't make any speculations about what the situation may have been?D: Correct
8:42 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Puryear asks about gunshot wound #1, Derussy agrees it could have been done from distance. Wound #2 too. Wound #3P: Nothing inconsistent from what you saw of this being from a distance?D: Yes.Wound # 4 says range of fire is indeterminate
8:44 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Witness stepping down. Defense point is that distance from where gun was fired cannot be determined.
8:47 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Back from break & next witness is Officer Rosalba Johnson, Travis County Sheriff's Office. She's in charge of hospital visitation unit does medical transports for people in custody. Appointment for Kaitlin Armstrong was at 8 AM October 11, 2023.
9:09 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Armstrong tarted walking to vehicle when she provided medical note that no leg restraints needed to be installed. Johnson was in passenger seat. Johnson was in front, Armstrong in middle of 2 officers while exiting building. Nurse says they forgot paperwork.
9:11 AM · Nov 14, 2023

Johnson was talking to nurse when other officer said "she's escaping" in reference to #KaitlinArmstrong. She then began chasing Armstrong.
9:13 AM · Nov 14, 2023
John Krinjak

After quick break, state has now called Officer Johnson with Travis County Sheriff's Office. She transported Armstrong to her doctor's appointment October 11, 2023.
She's describing how Armstrong briefly escaped from custody as they were leaving that appointment.
12:13 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Johnson says she and another officer accompanied Armstrong out the front door of the doctor's office. A nurse followed them out to notify them about some paperwork, and when Johnson turned to address the nurse, Armstrong ran off.
12:14 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Johnson was talking to nurse when other officer said "she's escaping" in reference to #KaitlinArmstrong. She then began chasing Armstrong.

12:13 PM · Nov 14, 2023

State publishes video of Armstrong's escape on 10/11/23. It's a video from a car passenger side window of Armstrong in jail pants running along a fence being followed by Johnson in uniform. Wilson's mom & dad are in courtroom now.

12:15 PM · Nov 14, 2023

The video is taken from inside a car. You can see Armstrong running in her black and white jail uniform. Johnson is on a lower level and pursuing. Johnson is small in stature, I'd estimate at around 5"3'. She does not have the same athletic stride as Armstrong. Johnson stumbles as she tries to climb up an embankment to get to the higher level. Armstrong jumps to try to climb a wooden fence.

12:17 PM · Nov 14, 2023

A different video shows that Armstrong did not make it over the fence. She turns around to run. Johnson trips again. Armstrong towers over her in height. It is clear that Armstrong has freed herself from her handcuffs, which Johnson says she had placed on her. Armstrong takes off in the opposite direction she came from.

12:18 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Johnson says she eventually captured Armstrong approximately half a mile away.A Google Map shows a bird's eye view of the health facility. There is a separate entrance for inmates. Johnson uses a wooden dowel to show the path that Armstrong took in her escape attempt.Armstrong eventually escapes eastbound on Center Street, passing through a parking lot, crossing 1st street onto Post Rd Dr. She continues on, turning southbound on Wilson street. She was eventually captured in a driveway.Her demeanor upon capture: "She still looked calm by all appearances to me. From my perspective, she did not appear to be winded. I reapplied restraints on both of her hands. I ended up putting her in one of the APD officer's vehicles."Final address of apprehension: 3811 Wilson Street.

12:23 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Johnson says she eventually captured Armstrong approximately half a mile away.A Google Map shows a bird's eye view of the health facility. There is a separate entrance for inmates. Johnson uses a wooden dowel to show the path that Armstrong took in her escape attempt.Armstrong eventually escapes eastbound on Center Street, passing through a parking lot, crossing 1st street onto Post Rd Dr. She continues on, turning southbound on Wilson street. She was eventually captured in a driveway.Her demeanor upon capture: "She still looked calm by all appearances to me. From my perspective, she did not appear to be winded. I reapplied restraints on both of her hands. I ended up putting her in one of the APD officer's vehicles."Final address of apprehension: 3811 Wilson Street.

12:23 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Seriously, how was there no other camera footage?
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