Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #2

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Pretty sad when strangers show more interest and concern than the toddler's own parents ! :(

Those pics are troubling.

I don't know if I could stand to search when there's a possibility I'd find a body.

But if I was living there I'd still help !!!
(For the victim to get justice, if harm's been done.)
This is so tragic.
Those are some ugly bruises

She is so stinking cute!!!

And heartbreaking, those look like bruises on her upper arms and scabs on her elbow. What happened to this poor baby?!?! I look at my 8 month old son and he’s so fragile, so little and so loved, this poor baby girl just breaks my heart. I hope they find you sweet girl wherever you are!!

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I'm a bit behind, but hiring a lawyer when you have a child in the system (let alone one who is "missing") is a completely normal (and sometimes necessary) thing.

I willingly gave up my youngest to MCF for a bit to keep her safe from her father (I had moved to another country, he had almost killed her during a DV instance at his visitation, long story). It was completely to keep her from having visitation with him whilst a new parenting plan was signed, and it was a last resort to keep her in Canada. It was always the deal that I would get her back; she was still in my custody, but MCF just took guardianship over her so it was out of my hands whether she could leave Canada. And even with all of this, I had a lawyer sit down and hammer everything out and appear at my court appearances. She was returned to me as soon as the new parenting plan was formed, but I would have been lost without my lawyer.

So I don't consider her getting a lawyer strange at all, but this is all JMO, and in Canada.
It's great when people are willing to help search but I'm starting to feel sorry for LE. They have their hands full with this investigation and some of those citizens seem to be a little out of hand. IMO.
I haven't seen the pic of her arm in a sling but have heard about an elbow injury requiring one, since I don't have a source this is purely a guess but I am thinking/hoping this is her arm still recovering after that injury. I think I read on FB that the injury required surgery, but again haven't seen anything real to confirm the injury at all, so pure speculation.

Am I seeing this correctly? This appears to be Sherin's left arm.
The arm that was in a sling was Sherin's right arm, correct?

*Left arm*
*Right arm*
Regarding an attorney, unlike popular belief; it does NOT communicate innocence or guilt.

LE, just like any profession has its incompetence. And, all too often LE develop "tunnel vision" and focus on one person, and accumulating evidence to support that belief without exploring other actors and/or mitigating factors.

IF you are a subject of LE investigation, you should say NOTHING and get an attorney.

Now I qualify this by saying IF YOU ARE A SUBJECT. That would be different than parents working with LE to find their lost child.

How do you know when you are the Subject of the investigation? That's a grey area, and a judgement call for that person to make based on the circumstances.

Now, LE says "everyone is a subject" of the investigation until eliminated. This is not entirely true, as they do focus on certain individual during the investigation based on their interpretation of the evidence.

I have seen many people wrongfully accused and arrested by LE, which could have been avoided if they just said nothing and asked for an attorney. So, the risk is real.

Anyways, back to the initial point; does "lawyering up" communicate any guilt or innocence? I would say no.

I've been an LE officer for over 20 years, and I tell ALL my friends and family to say NOTHING to LE and ask for an attorney if they are being investigated, interrogated and/or detained/arrested.

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A little girl is missing at best, murdered at worst. As a father of 3, I cannot imagine or fathom the logic that led to the decisions to put his daughter (by herself) at a tree OUTSIDE of his backyard fence and ACROSS the alleyway. Then LEFT her by herself that he admittedly witnessed coyotes in that same location on recent occasions. Or, this is what he "claimed" has happened.

Either scenario is both horrifying and tragic beyond comprehension. Unfortunately, the little girl is most likely dead. (I've already posted my opinion of what I think happened)

But, what can WE do? Isn't that the question?

So what can we do besides chit chat and postulate about the case on forums like this?

Plenty! The girl (or body) hasn't been found yet. The longer she's out there (dead or alive), the less viable evidence can be obtained.

(I Don't know if I can say this) What I'm doing that others can do (IF you live in Texas) is look on Google Maps, try to imagine or theorize where he would dump/bury the body, and if you have the time and opportunity; look for her.

People have said this is pointless since they don't have the mind of a psychotic child murderer. I theorize, people are more alike than we think.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." Sun Tzu

At our core; we're all still human, and have similar fears (ie, fear of going to jail, getting caught etc). Perhaps we can use this to imagine where he could have hid the body. In my humble opinion, it's worth a shot. It may never help and be a complete waste of time; but you'll never know if you don't try.

If you need resources; the Internet is full of free articles and ebooks of Criminology, forensic psychology, crime scene investigation etc. I have posted (earlier post of mine) THREE free PDF ebooks to get you started.

My last suggestion? Pray. (Matt 19:26)
26 "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

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So what can we do besides chit chat and postulate about the case on forums like this?

Plenty! The girl (or body) hasn't been found yet. The longer she's out there (dead or alive), the less viable evidence can be obtained.

(I Don't know if I can say this) What I'm doing that others can do (IF you live in Texas) is look on Google Maps, try to imagine or theorize where he would dump/bury the body, and if you have the time and opportunity; look for her.

People have said this is pointless since they don't have the mind of a psychotic child murderer. I theorize, people are more alike than we think.
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txleo as former LE have you ever seen a case where LE says they do not need any additional searchers without already having the body?

snipped by me

Does anyone local to this case know if Citi group has servers, offsite data storage or a location used by the IT dept in Irving, Tx? If so it would be iteresting to plot routes and body dump friendly areas along the possible routes.
Cellphone tower pings, GPS stamps on pics, Facebook, email, text messages can all be obtained with a warrant.

However, text messages can be time sensitive (without having the actual phone); since certain mobile providers only store texts for a certain amount of hours. Unfortunately.

My concern with his IT background is if he left his phone at home and/or wiped his hard drives, logged in/used spoofed accounts or logins, etc.

This would complicate an ordinary straight forward investigation of his whereabouts during the 5 hour timeline in question.

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One thing is for sure if he's going to dump a body, it's common for offenders/actors to dump a body in an area that he has some familiarity with. And, a location he can also keep an eye on.

If we knew his commute into work, locations/sites along the route could be checked for disturbance or recent activity (ie tire tracks, loose dirt, burial mound etc).

Does anyone know WHERE he WORKS?

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There was 5 hours in question,

Let's assume he killed her at 3a, then he panicks for an hour. He calms himself down and starts thinking of what to do with the body, he checks the maps on his phone, makes a plan, cleans up and wraps the body; another hour passes.

We're at 5a. He drives for an hour to a location that he's familiar with, driving the speed limit the entire way to avoid being stopped by a local patrol officer with the dead body of a 3 year old girl.

After a few wrong turns, he pulls up to the dump site at 6a. He buries and/or conceals the body, then cleans up any visible evidence; he leaves the site at 6:30a.

He drives the speed limit once again to avoid a ticket on his way back from the dump site. He gets back home at 7:30, pulls up, parks the car. He does a last once over to make sure he didn't miss anything.

The time is now 7:45a. His wife is sleeping in, it's her day off (just a guess). He goes into her bedroom and wakes her up in a (fake) panick, "Honey, Sherin is gone and I can't find her. She was just outside now she's gone!"

After some shock and initial panick, his wife says, "call the police!" He then places a 911 call at 8:15a.

Remember, this timeline ASSUMES a lot; including the wife/mom isn't involved. Change in ANY of the variables would throw everything off. But, it's a start.

An hour, at 60 mph (average Hwy speed) would place a radius of 60 miles from his house, cross referenced with his commute to work would be a great place to start looking for a body.

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There was 5 hours in question,

Let's assume he killed her at 3a, then he panicks for an hour. He calms himself down and starts thinking of what to do with the body, he checks the maps on his phone, makes a plan, cleans up and wraps the body; another hour passes.

We're at 5a. He drives for an hour to a location that he's familiar with, driving the speed limit the entire way to avoid being stopped by a local patrol officer with the dead body of a 3 year old girl.

After a few wrong turns, he pulls up to the dump site at 6a. He buries and/or conceals the body, then cleans up any visible evidence; he leaves the site at 6:30a.

He drives the speed limit once again to avoid a ticket on his way back from the dump site. He gets back home at 7:30, pulls up, parks the car. He does a last once over to make sure he didn't miss anything.

The time is now 7:45a. His wife is sleeping in, it's her day off (just a guess). He goes into her bedroom and wakes her up in a (fake) panick, "Honey, Sherin is gone and I can't find her. She was just outside now she's gone!"

After some shock and initial panick, his wife says, "call the police!" He then places a 911 call at 8:15a.

Remember, this timeline ASSUMES a lot; including the wife/mom isn't involved. Change in ANY of the variables would throw everything off. But, it's a start.

An hour, at 60 mph (average Hwy speed) would place a radius of 60 miles from his house, cross referenced with his commute to work would be a great place to start looking for a body.

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''Detectives and FBI agents searched Mathews’s house midweek, and subsequently announced that someone left in the family’s SUV about 4 a.m. on the day she disappeared, and returned home within the hour.''
Cellphone tower pings, GPS stamps on pics, Facebook, email, text messages can all be obtained with a warrant.

However, text messages can be time sensitive (without having the actual phone); since certain mobile providers only store texts for a certain amount of hours. Unfortunately.

My concern with his IT background is if he left his phone at home and/or wiped his hard drives, logged in/used spoofed accounts or logins, etc.

This would complicate an ordinary straight forward investigation of his whereabouts during the 5 hour timeline in question.

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This whole text thing is something I've been curious about in another case, so thank you for that information about storage.

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I'm probably in the minority here, but I see no bruises and no bite mark in the white dress picture of Sherin linked upthread. I see a darling toddler with a little scab area on her left arm (reminds me of poison ivy) at her elbow crease. Also a dimple on her arm. I zoomed in to the photo and still didn't see any bites or bruises.

This is not to say I don't think she was abused...I just don't know. I think IF what the dad said about putting her out by the tree was true, THAT was abusive--but I'm not yet sold on his story, in whole or in part. I've seen the photo with her arm in a sling, too, but so far all that tells me is that she had an arm injury...her previous contact with CPS could've been due to the adoption process for all I know.

So while I think it's *possible* she was routinely abused, these 2 pics alone aren't proving that to me. That's all (at this point).

JMO, IMO, etc.
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