TX - Sophia Martinez, 13, died on someone's lawn, 1 January 2013

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This happened on New Years Day in Austin, Tx.

Oscar Luna and his son Lorenzo were good friends with the victim. He was spending New Year's Eve here at Lorenzo's house. After midnight, Oscar says Lorenzo told him his friend, Sophia had gone to an end of-year party with another girl. He wasn't sure where, but that they would be returning to spend the night here.

The girls showed up at 11 a.m, dropped off by the driver of a black car. According to Luna, Sophia was badly hurt.


This is the most convoluted story I've seen in a while. The girl was dropped of at a house where she did not live. She was unconscious and pronounced dead after being transported by ambulance to the hospital. No mention of her last name, no parents anywhere around, she was supposed to have spent the night at the home of her "good friend" who is a grown man with a grown son.

Another young girl who was with the dead girl said that someone tried to rape her friend so she jumped in to fight him off, he assaulted her with an iron bar then dropped them off at a house where neighbors called 911.
Quote from the article:

Oscar Luna says Sophia was like most teens, occasionally getting into trouble. But this girl who liked to laugh he says did not deserve this.

Do most teens spend the night with a grown man and his son? And what parent lets their 14 year old girl out on NYE to do "God knows what"? At 14 they should be at home, with girlfriends over, watching movies and eating popcorn (IMHO).

The girls left at 11 PM, didn't say where they were going, and returned at 11AM the next day? Then they took a ride with some alleged stranger? There is no mention of the parents in the article either.

This is all kinds of messed up. I hope LE finds the perp soon!

RIP Sophia.

This just broke my heart wide open.

Note the article says the other female friend was "older". Lord only knows what happened here.

When you were 14 years old and you could get away with it where would you stay overnight? Any old place where you could do whatever you wanted of course.

This poor little girl was failed on so many levels.

There's no doubt in my mind 100% that my ex husband would have had no problem allowing my DD to go stay over at someone's house and never check when she was 14 years old so I get it. Kids will tell you one thing and do another. That's why we're the flippin parents and that's why when we're the parents where they get "dumped" say "No, no, no, no nobody is staying overnight here and going out anywhere".

There has to be more to this including the "older girlfriend".

RIP Sophia I am so sorry you got a raw deal.
Well it does say she is friends with Oscar's son Lorenzo. So I would like to know how old Lorenzo is. I am guessing close to the same age as the older gf Alicia.

Well it does say she is friends with Oscar's son Lorenzo. So I would like to know how old Lorenzo is. I am guessing close to the same age as the older gf Alicia.


I'm assuming that Lorenzo is and adult, since it says that Oscar was visiting at his son Lorenzo's house. Who knows? Nothing makes sense.
I'm assuming that Lorenzo is and adult, since it says that Oscar was visiting at his son Lorenzo's house. Who knows? Nothing makes sense.

You are right, duh me. This may end up being very sordid then. An adult, 13 yr old, unknown aged female and out all night until 11am. Not just where are her parents, but wasn't either of the men concerned about the 13 yo's whereabouts all night when she didn't show up? geesh
This story is fishy.

I have a sad feeling there is a much more here than what we have so far. :(
wouldn't the friend that was with the dead girl known whose car they were in and where they had been for the past 12 hours? odd. sounds like maybe she overdosed or was asphyxiated in some way?? oh wait...wasnt something reported about an iron bar or something? i would think that would leave a mark on a person?
Sophia Nicole Martinez

She was not left on a lawn, but rather taken into a living room after someone banged for help. A complete stranger to the woman who admitted them into the living room was the driver of the car who said he only helped the girls get "home". Sophia had no pulse, and her lips were blue.

Her mother allowed her to go to a cousins house to pop fireworks and Sophia left without permission. Her mom texted her several times during the evening.


An autopsy has been performed, but no tox screen back yet.

The fact the poor child was soaking wet and it's JMO is this poor baby may have died of an overdose.

Pretty girl. Again JMO, but God doesn't need any more da*n angels does he? He needs for 13 year olds to go to dances, and pick out clothing and gossip with friends, and page through Vogue magazine and look up the road to a da*n prom and homecoming and maybe some day be a bride and have kids.

Again RIP sweet girl.

Can anything be more unimaginable than your 13 year old not returning home. Prayers for her mom. Prayers they get enough money to bury a child.
What a confusing story. I hope we find out what happened to this girl.
I initially suspected accidental o.d. or just bad drugs. But, why was she wet? Was it raining? Was there a pool? Was there any involvement with the first story of a young girl about to be raped?

The reporting so far is all over the place. Can't make heads or tails of what is going on.

So sorry this girl is gone and for her family.
I initially suspected accidental o.d. or just bad drugs. But, why was she wet? Was it raining? Was there a pool? Was there any involvement with the first story of a young girl about to be raped?

The reporting so far is all over the place. Can't make heads or tails of what is going on.

So sorry this girl is gone and for her family.

Maybe she was over dosing and they thought to stick her in the shower in hopes of reviving her?
this all happened in a neighborhood i pretty much spent my adolescent years at. i used to live a street away from Lakehurst Dr. anyway, i wonder if the mother knew where Sophia was or did Sophia say they just left to a "friend's house". i understand the mother told Sophia to "not do anything she's not suppose to" and "be good". we heard it was alcohol poisoning but i have yet to see that online anywhere. there's a lot about this situation i find strange and i'm glad you guys started a thread here.
Even though it was many, many years ago, I remember the excitement and feelings of immortality I felt at 13, 14, 15, 16.

You think you know all you need to know about life and that you are wiser ans smarter than any adult could be. Rules and consequences are often an afterthought.

I was boringly good at that age, but still think back and shake my head about the things my parents never knew. The secret is how to get across to young women (and men also), that at 13, anyone that is 23 and willing to have you at their house, is most likely not looking out for your best interests.

TWA sweet girl. ^j^
23 year old man charged with child endangerment.


Sophia's friend awoke to find her passed out and not breathing. The guy picks her up and drops her off. The girls had met the men at a bus stop several days before.

Two underaged girls were spending time with an adult man (and his roommate) they met at a bus stop several days before? Doesn't sound like this was going to end well.

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