TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #31

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What I want to know, and maybe it's been discussed already, but why is there a wheelchair there??

Churches often have a wheelchair at entrances for arriving members who need one.

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What I want to know, and maybe it's been discussed already, but why is there a wheelchair there??

I think most large churches keep a wheelchair or two around for their elderly church-members or visitors. They are near the exterior doors so attendants/greeters can meet the infirmed at their vehicles and help them get inside and seated in the service. The ones I have been in do and most also keep a rack with lightweight sweaters and lap-blankets available.
Last night I posted that no one here knows any details of the fishing trip but that I am 100% sure that LE interviewed the charter boat Captain, employees of the hotel and restaurant and know the schedule of the fishing trip, the times of arrival and departure from the hotel as well as the time of the car rental, etc. I also mentioned that I would bet that BB was captured on surveillance video during certain times doing certain actions which make it impossible for him to have been at the scene of the murder. This was in response to all the charter boat and car rental sleuthing. I also posted that since LE unequivocally stated that BB's alibi was verified through independent sources and that although it may be fun to twist the little bits of information available to try to discern his every move, it really does unfairly cast suspicion on BB who is a victim of this crime. My post disappeared. But, what I posted is still true. We do not know the details of his fishing trip and speculation which casts suspicion on him is unfair. BTW - LE said 'verified". The term is not synonymous with 'corroborate'. "Verified", at least according to Black's which is the dictionary used in legal matters, means to prove, confirm or establish the truth. "Verify" means '(i)n very truth; beyond doubt or question; in truth; certainly; truly; confidently; really" "Corroborate" means "(to) strengthen; to add weight or credibility to a thing by additional and confirming facts or evidence . ." These 2 words have specific meanings, are not interchangeable, and we can not just substitute one for the other without changing the meaning of the statement. Therefore when LE stated that the alibi was verified they stated that the alibi given was in fact the truth. This should be sufficient to stop all speculation which unreasonably casts doubt and suspicion on BB's activity on Sunday night and Monday morning.
On May 20, 2016, LE said that "Mr. Bevers and his father . . . provided detailed alibis that have all been corroborated through independent sources." See page 1 of the transcript of the 5-20-16 press conference (transcript attached to post #65 on the media thread). But I haven't seen any additional LE statement that any alibis were "verified." Is there one?
Perp might have also bought the outfit as a set, with shin guards included in the set.

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Came to conclude after checking again, they are not wearing shin-guards at all! The perp seems to be wearing blousing straps:



What do you think?



  • perp x no shinguards.png
    perp x no shinguards.png
    95.4 KB · Views: 391
I have been listening to more BB interviews than I care to admit, and I could not find the part where he talks about returning home. Clearly I am missing something! The information that I am looking for as well as his discussion about the rental car are likely in the same place. If anyone finds this information, would you mind linking back to the interview?

I seem to recall BB discussing the rental car and timeline a couple times in separate tv news interviews, but I was only able to rustle up one. Still looking for more.

In one interview, BB says this to Fox 4 (DFW) at 3:30pm (from the hands on BB's watch) on Monday the 18th:

"I was in uh, Biloxi, Mississippi, uh, about to go on a fishing trip, down on the Chandeleur Islands, and uh, I heard about it this morning. I received a phonecall from a couple of Missy's campers. And uh, had I been out on that ship, I would have had no contact for a few days. But uh, uh..." then "I haven't had time to absorb this yet. I just got home about 15 minutes ago, and uh, I haven't had time to reel it in."

Then he says the following to CBS 11 DFW (video below):

"They (LE) have everything. They have uh, my flight, uh, tickets, the rental car that we rented in Gulfport, Mississippi... matter of fact, when I pulled into my driveway Monday at 3pm, I was in a car with Mississippi plates on it. And uh, all of that's... all of that's an non-issue."

There is also a blog post by a friend of MB where she discusses a conversation she had with BB via phone (presumably around mid-day) on the day of her murder. I feel even though her blog is published, it's probably off limits here, so I'll decline from posting details about it and just try to summarize. She states that BB told her he had gone fishing in Florida(sic) and was driving back home with a friend who was renting a car. She said he told her they were heading into Shreveport then home.

BB he says the following to Fox 4 (DFW) the day after the murder:

"When I finally arrived in Biloxi, uh, around 7:30, which was later than I was supposed to be there, you know, I spoke to her (MB), and uh... she said 'good night', and it was still about 8 o'clock. And I... and I called her anyway probably around 9 or 9:30 to tell her I love her and she was already half asleep. And that's the last time I spoke to her."

Having said all of that, if BB did lie about the specifics of the charter or when he rented the car, why would he do that? Everything else in MB's murder was so carefully planned. It seems crazy to mislead about something so easy to invalidate.

The thing about planning is no matter how thorough, you can never account for everything going off without a hitch. We have the luxury of hindsight, where someone planning does not. Even the most thorough, confident planners know it's not possible to predict every possible scenario - including their own behavior. People get cocky. Human instincts and blunders are rarely accounted for in planning. Obviously, you can't control how others might derail your plans, but most people don't realize how even their own weaknesses can trip them up. If you only plan for and memorize one scenario but then the unexpected happens, you may have to lie in order to patch a hole or to put the original story back on track. One lie might be risky, but it's probably less risky than trying to reconstruct an entire new scenario on the fly then keep a whole bunch of new stories straight. Of course there's absolutely no proof that anyone is lying about their alibi. These are just hypotheticals. My own thoughts on why someone might not have predicted an outcome accurately and then have felt compelled to lie.

Since we are on the subject of alibis again, I can't shake the notion that LE has turned up something not quite right with either RB or BB's alibi. LE mentioned "independently corroborating" their alibis. They have never said that they were fully verified or that they 100% checked out. It's possible to independently corroborate and find/identify holes in one of their stories.

At times, I feel like I am dissecting what LE has said (or not said) too carefully. However, whenever I read anything LE has said about the Bevers, they have never come close to fully exonerating them. At the last presser, when LE took the time to talk about some of the (social) media scrutiny on BB and RB, LE could only make a half-hearted statement about their (non)involvement. They started by saying that in light of all of the scrutiny that BB/RB were receiving that they wanted to assure people that their alibis had been "independently corroborated." LE could have stopped there, and my impression would have been that everything checked out. However, LE kept going. They proceeded to say that no one was currently a suspect (very interesting after making sure that the listeners knew the difference between a POI and a suspect). If LE thinks a POI and a suspect are synonymous and could be used interchangeably, why did LE take the time to make the distinction between a POI and a suspect? Last but not least, after trying to ease the public's mind about RB/BB, LE ends with, "I will stop short of saying that any person is absolutely excluded." It seems curious to me that LE starts a conversation with the intention of reassuring people about RB and/or BB's possible involvement and before they have even finished addressing the matter that they are already hedging their comments. I may be reading too much into LE's words, I know.

I do the same, though I try not to. I just give them the benefit of the doubt unless I have evidence that what they're saying isn't on point.
NEWMAN: Yes, Nancy. Cops have told me that the husband`s alibi -- remember, he went on that fishing trip down in Biloxi. It has been

corroborated by police. We know in Biloxi that there`s tons of surveillance cameras there. And he was also with a fishy buddy, according

to his mother-in-law. Police are saying that his alibi does check out.


BBM On page 5 of the May 20th presser, Chief Johnson states, they have conducted onsite investigations and interviews and recovered some electronic data in Mississippi. I wonder if its video of BB. Originally I was thinking phone pings but now I'm thinking video. IMO

Would you mind sharing where LE said that BB's alibi has been verified? I don't recall seeing that although it is quite possible that I missed it. In fact, I have been aware of the apparent absence of the word verified. I agree that corroborated and verified are not synonymous, and it's why I find it peculiar that LE said "corroborated through independent sources" in the May 20 presser.

Link to May 20 presser. See paragraph 3 for "corroborated through independent sources."


TeaTime, I 100% agree with your assessment about the difference between corroborating and verifying an alibi. Like you alluded to in your post, it's not an insignificant distinction. That's why I would like to know if LE has ever said they verified RB/BB alibi.

At least one news article stated that LE "verified" the alibis, but the journalists were interpreting the 5/20 presser, so there is no direct quote or source from LE (that I'm aware of) which states the alibis have been verified rather than corroborated. NG also used the word "verified" at least once on her show, but again no direct quote from LE there either.
Thank you. I was specifically referring to the area inside the oval. The area on the left side of the oval is where I see the grout lines disappearing while the tile continues for a bit. The right side of the oval (the area inside the vestibule) looks like entirely different flooring to me.

I'm just wondering if the "grout" is possibly not grout and has been stripped on to make it appear that way. Just another thought.

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I'm just wondering if the "grout" is possibly not grout and has been stripped on to make it appear that way. Just another thought.

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In one of the pix above it definitely did not look like grout but striping of some sort. Perhaps it's painted/stained concrete?
Copied from post #257 see attached:

I'm just wondering if the "grout" is possibly not grout and has been stripped on to make it appear that way. Just another thought.

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In one of the pix above it definitely did not look like grout but striping of some sort. Perhaps it's painted/stained concrete?

Yes, especially in this particular photo provided by Sandy. If you notice the light on the flooring- it appears flat vs. grooved if you look at the reflection off the floor.

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Just bringing this over from the media thread with today's date.
"This case is far from stalled" per LE. Even though it feels like it at times, good to know.

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Johnson says that Missy's family members "are not a focus of the investigation. And that's not double-talk; it's very much not. But one thing I will not say is that anybody is eliminated. I want to stop short on that."

ETA- interesting comment while also saying it may have been an untargeted "hit." Leaves the playing field wide open (and frustrating).
Just bringing this over from the media thread.
"This case is far from stalled" per LE. Even though it feels like it at times, good to know.

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Thanks for the link, Observation. My personal interpretation of LE's comments in the article are definitely along the lines that LE is just building their case. LE has plenty to work with and go on, and are now ensuring they leave no stone unturned before taking this to trial.

Midlothian Assistant Police Chief Kevin Johnson, meanwhile, says that while there's "nothing new" to report at the moment, the case is far from being stalled.

"Our guys aren't getting murders by the week," he tells PEOPLE, describing the quiet suburb of Dallas. "If we need to spend the time on it for months to come, we have the people to work on it for months to come."
Came to conclude after checking again, they are not wearing shin-guards at all! The perp seems to be wearing blousing straps:



What do you think?


I agree he's most likely wearing blousing straps. That is, if he's a he, because this is not exactly a masculine stance in this shot, JMO.
Came to conclude after checking again, they are not wearing shin-guards at all! The perp seems to be wearing ...RSBM.... What do you think? -Nin
NIN- I have always seen that the pants are bloused presumably with unseen blousing rubbers up inside. JMO I never have been able to see shin guards and thought that what looks like shin guards is just bad camera shots. But I have been wrong about things where others see things better than I do - so I cannot say about shin guards.
A few posts back WS members were talking about the doors leading to the covered awning where MB parked.

Questions were:
1)Why was the door propped open?
2)What's in the background? (Member: Wheelchair)
Some discussion was made for a bit and then it was dropped.


So I decided to take another look and use some filters to see if I could see a shadow of a person and much to my surprise I am now wondering what I am seeing at the bottom of the door. If it is what I think it is then SP is not turning to look at the Holy Grounds sign but is looking away so he doesn't see her. Maybe it is just what I am seeing but others have better programs than Photoshop so maybe you could take a look. I know this doesn't fit into the time line - so there is that...but it makes me wonder.

It's blurrier on this freeze frame than in a previous photo I've seen, but I believe when this doorway was discussed in a previous thread there was posted a slightly clearer picture - because I remember commenting on the circular, patterned area rug there. The vestibule has a concrete flooring, similar to the hallways (except the main north-south one, which is tiled). I believe you can see in a photo on the church website that the main (west) vestibule is also concrete.

This photo is of the SW door with the door propped open - and there is an arc of an area rug at the propped open door (nothing photoshopped out), which is seen better in previous photos. We've speculated that this door was left open for the area rug to dry that night due to all the foot traffic that rainy Sunday morning and evening.

One thing I noticed looking at this photo again, though, is that the wheelchair is in that far corner of the vestibule right by the exterior door closest to where her truck was parked. If the killer hid behind it in the dark that morning, and if he had a gun, then as she came through that open door to get the unloaded equipment, he could've stood up and shot her quite easily and at close range, putting those puncture wounds in her head and chest. And, possibly some missed shots could've broken the glass of the interior vestibule fixed glass flanking the propped open door. That could explain the broken glass found as well as the ATF dog brought back to search after the autopsy. (Possibly looking for spent casings or bullets that missed.)

Just a thought (to explain that gun serial number mentioned as reason for keeping a warrant sealed).
Came to conclude after checking again, they are not wearing shin-guards at all! The perp seems to be wearing blousing straps:



What do you think?


Although the video isn't good enough to tell us for sure, I think blousing straps may be right on the money. Those are intended to keep the BDU pants tucked into the boots.

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Here's that better picture from Thread 30 (p17, post #246) that I remembered, showing the area rug at the SW doors. It was actually a picture posted earlier by NoIt'sNot (used on WFAA news). You can see that the vestibule is concrete and the rug has a slight textured or gradated pattern to it. Hope that clears things up a bit.

It's blurrier on this freeze frame than in a previous photo I've seen, but I believe when this doorway was discussed in a previous thread there was posted a slightly clearer picture - because I remember commenting on the circular, patterned area rug there. The vestibule has a concrete flooring, similar to the hallways (except the main north-south one, which is tiled). I believe you can see in a photo on the church website that the main (west) vestibule is also concrete.

This photo is of the SW door with the door propped open - and there is an arc of an area rug at the propped open door (nothing photoshopped out), which is seen better in previous photos. We've speculated that this door was left open for the area rug to dry that night due to all the foot traffic that rainy Sunday morning and evening.

One thing I noticed looking at this photo again, though, is that the wheelchair is in that far corner of the vestibule right by the exterior door closest to where her truck was parked. If the killer hid behind it in the dark that morning, and if he had a gun, then as she came through that open door to get the unloaded equipment, he could've stood up and shot her quite easily and at close range, putting those puncture wounds in her head and chest. And, possibly some missed shots could've broken the glass of the interior vestibule fixed glass flanking the propped open door. That could explain the broken glass found as well as the ATF dog brought back to search after the autopsy. (Possibly looking for spent casings or bullets that missed.)

Just a thought (to explain that gun serial number mentioned as reason for keeping a warrant sealed).

I have often wondered if it was possible the SP shot and missed and a bullet broke through glass. The dog is trained to find bullets and shell casings. But was any glass broken in the vestibule? And LE stated she entered the building and proceeded to walk toward where the SP was located, there was a struggle and her body was found there in the SW corner. I always took that to mean there were moments between the initial attack and her death (perhaps she even ran toward those doors).
I would like to know what the story is on the gun's serial number. Was that just noted on SW from searching the home and the RV? Or was a gun found at the scene?
I have often wondered if it was possible the SP shot and missed and a bullet broke through glass. The dog is trained to find bullets and shell casings. But was any glass broken in the vestibule? And LE stated she entered the building and proceeded to walk toward where the SP was located, there was a struggle and her body was found there in the SW corner. I always took that to mean there were moments between the initial attack and her death (perhaps she even ran toward those doors).
I would like to know what the story is on the gun's serial number. Was that just noted on SW from searching the home and the RV? Or was a gun found at the scene?

The gun's serial number was referenced in the document that Cannonball posted in the media thread. It is the document that was issued in response to the open records request.

Here's the link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/k7ju5m1k31i20tu/Bevers ORA request response.pdf?dl=0
Came to conclude after checking again, they are not wearing shin-guards at all! The perp seems to be wearing blousing straps:



What do you think?


I thought about that, but when I was in the service only the Navy and Marines used the blousing straps. That's a sailor in that video judging by the uniform.
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