TX - Veterinarian under investigation for killing cat with arrow.

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There does seem to be an overwhelming belief that Tiger was still alive in the photo. OMG.

That should bump up the charge I would hope and pray.

When I first saw the photo I did think the legs looked odd, the back leg seems to be pulled up, I wondered if the cat was really deceased but just "assumed" it must have been. After realizing how many cats survive arrow wounds of that nature, not only survive but often go HOME on their own I do believe Tiger was alive.

If he was in fact alive she intentionally tortured a severely injured and dying animal (and if the wound wasn't fatal lord knows what she did to him after the picture was taken). If that is the case that would be considered EXTREMELY UNETHICAL even by hunting standards! To think her mother and father not only saw it and went along with it but then thought it was a GOOD IDEA to post a photo bragging about it is just jaw dropping.

I have to assume they all had a great laugh about it at the time.
I do not have a link to post but I read earlier that she has an interview scheduled this week with LE. The wording of this sort of infuriated me- they seem to be treating her with deference. If they really felt she'd done something criminal they wouldn't be treating this like it was going to be a nice visit. They'd be making her get her butt in there. My gut tells me this is all going to be made to go away; that local LE thinks the folks calling for something to be done are a bunch of tree huggers.

I have studied the original picture she had taken and my God I cannot get past the look on her face- she really loved the rush from doing this. Like I said, this wasn't the first time she indulged in blood lust and if she gets off, it won't be the last.
And since the vets at the clinic saw those pictures they likely REALIZED the cat was live and it still took them a couple of days to fire her.

Have they gone to the police to share what they know? Or are they just worried about their practice and they don't give a darn about the crime that was committed.
If they really felt she'd done something criminal they wouldn't be treating this like it was going to be a nice visit. They'd be making her get her butt in there. My gut tells me this is all going to be made to go away; that local LE thinks the folks calling for something to be done are a bunch of tree huggers.

I am not so sure about that. Until they get HARD evidence they are probably hoping she will admit to something and incriminate herself. The fact she had already lawyered up BEFORE the police had a chance to question her makes things more difficult for them.

A small town PD is likely a bit over their head in how to deal with this too. Hopefully they are reaching out to other larger departments and getting help with the computer forensic aspects.

One thing that does worry me is that the local papers are calling the people that are upset "Animal Rights Activists" which is a very negative term to use in Texas cattle country. They also keep saying the cat was a feral and that it was dead in the photograph.
I think the Sheriff's office social media post should clear up a lot of confusion regarding what they can and cant do. Sure, they can ask her to come in. But Miranda permits her the option of agreeing to or not. Miranda permits her the option of speaking or not.

They need evidence to charge her, so they need Tiger's body or the original of the photo. Or the original device that took the photo.

That original has likely been long deleted unless her parents (mom allegedly took the photo, right?) do the right thing and turn over the device.

I hope this family and this adult woman choose to do the right thing, but the Sheriff's office is shoveling sand against the tide right now. It isnt their fault. They have to follow the law. There is no deference being shown to her. It is quite likely that they are pushing harder because of the out cry.

I do hope the vet clinic is reviewing any records of any animals she has assisted since she was hired by them. I think they are.
As for the whole vigilante bomb threat/death threat thing...stop. You all are diverting resources that could be used to propel this case.
I am not so sure about that. Until they get HARD evidence they are probably hoping she will admit to something and incriminate herself. The fact she had already lawyered up BEFORE the police had a chance to question her makes things more difficult for them.

A small town PD is likely a bit over their head in how to deal with this too. Hopefully they are reaching out to other larger departments and getting help with the computer forensic aspects.

One thing that does worry me is that the local papers are calling the people that are upset "Animal Rights Activists" which is a very negative term to use in Texas cattle country. They also keep saying the cat was a feral and that it was dead in the photograph.

The one reason I'm hopeful is that the cat was someone's property, it wasn't feral. She insisted it was a feral cat because some do view them as useless as rodents. They can charge her with something such as destruction of property and I bet they do.

I think the Sheriff's office social media post should clear up a lot of confusion regarding what they can and cant do. Sure, they can ask her to come in. But Miranda permits her the option of agreeing to or not. Miranda permits her the option of speaking or not.

They need evidence to charge her, so they need Tiger's body or the original of the photo. Or the original device that took the photo.

That original has likely been long deleted unless her parents (mom allegedly took the photo, right?) do the right thing and turn over the device.

I hope this family and this adult woman choose to do the right thing, but the Sheriff's office is shoveling sand against the tide right now. It isnt their fault. They have to follow the law. There is no deference being shown to her. It is quite likely that they are pushing harder because of the out cry.

I do hope the vet clinic is reviewing any records of any animals she has assisted since she was hired by them. I think they are.

Well then the owners of the cat need to report it stolen and press charges based on the photograph. Prosecutors can get creative when they want to.
I think they will nail her on the animal abuse charges. I am just fearful that this animal is not the only one she hurt.
Well then the owners of the cat need to report it stolen and press charges based on the photograph. Prosecutors can get creative when they want to.

Another good option.
As for the whole vigilante bomb threat/death threat thing...stop. You all are diverting resources that could be used to propel this case.

Bomb threat? What did they threaten to blow up and where?

Bomb threats and public death threats are ludicrous; if someone plans to do either they don't advertise the fact ahead of time.
Sheriff isn't aware of any witnesses? Somebody should enlighten him.

I don't think the sheriff wants to be aware of any witnesses. He thinks this is one big joke. The "thrill killer" has plenty of time to get rid of the arrows and buy new ones that don't match the one used to kill the cat.
I don't think the sheriff wants to be aware of any witnesses. He thinks this is one big joke. The "thrill killer" has plenty of time to get rid of the arrows and buy new ones that don't match the one used to kill the cat.

I don't think the Sheriff is laughing about this. The police lines were flooded with calls, so many calls it became a problem for the dispatchers. He is flooded with emails, as is the DA.

Regardless of what they think about the crime itself you can be sure they aren't laughing about the fallout.

ETA I see the clinic has allegedly had a bomb threat. How unfortunate. Are they doing their part to help the police investigation and have this woman prosecuted? They obviously have reason to believe she did this else they wouldn't have fired her.
I do hope that people have fired this vet practice and go on and find caring vets who love animals to care for their pets.
The link I posted above earlier apparently doesn't work and I cannot seem to post one that does. The article linked to gave the impression that the Sheriff isn't exactly in any hurry here to do anything. I got the feeling LE there was not understanding all the fuss- in some postings elsewhere those of us upset about this are 'animal rights activists'. That is the kiss of death in Texas. Seems like she is being given lots of time to cover up her crime, and dispose of the body. They want this to go away- and I think it will.

Someone elsewhere pointed out that her blog has several alcohol related references; I suspect Dr Lindsey is a wreck. I also wonder how many animals she has inflicted pain upon as a vet- maybe that's why she became one.
Read this article re local LE:


How about the sheriff saying of Lindsey 'She may come in or she may not"? Sounds like they have asked her to appear but no action if she doesn't. She will walk. Watch and see...

Wow...so Tiger was actually patient at the same vet clinic!!! The cat lived right across the street from the vet. Did the owners know the vet/killer since they lived so close?

Finding out that your pet's killer was actually a vet at the clinic you go to has to be such a HORRIBLE betrayal of trust. I can't even imagine it.

FYI regarding the Sheriff in the article, he apparently just found out about it that morning, he apparently didn't even know she was a vet or where she worked so at that point he had no idea if any of that "crazy internet stuff" was even real. You have to realize when a small town cop gets a call saying someone "saw something on the interwebs" they are going to be very skeptical at first.

To find the inquisit*r article just google: veterinarian-kristen-lindsey-didnt-want-to-talk-about-cat-killing-accusations-sheriff-says/

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