Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #2 *M. Bridger guilty*

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Sorry.... I didn't see the warning posts by mods before I hit submit, as I spent some time composing my last post.
It so sad that she hasnt been found,im a 40yr old bloke and this is really bothering me,things like this dont usually get to me but ive two 7 yr old nieces and i cant imagine what the parents are going through..

Anyway,big thanks to all the posters..

I sure understand where you are coming from. I'm 51 years old, without children, and I've cried more than a few times about this.

My thoughts and prayers are with April, her family, and all who knew her - this is just gut wrenching.....I pray they find that beautiful girl soon.
Question: Does Websleuths take donations for April's cause, then forward the moneys to the account, or is it up to us to donate directly?
And just to add to my mood about this.
My better half and i had rented a cottage just outside of Machynlleth a few years ago and spent a good bit of time in and around the town and they are the friendliest of people,i really mean that.
The guy in the garage wouldnt charge me for fixing my exhaust,the pub staff and food were fantastic,farmers waved when i was out for a dander,the neighbour of the cottage we rented gave us his phone number on day 1 just incase of emergencies(like getting lost!) and not once did they hassle me over my Scottish £20 note lol..

Just thought you would like to know that..
Question: Does Websleuths take donations for April's cause, then forward the moneys to the account, or is it up to us to donate directly?

No we don't do anything like that Jasper, it is up to you all to donate directly.

FAMILY friend Mark Bridger was charged with the murder of missing April Jones yesterday as police promised never to give up the search for the missing five-year-old.
April Jones search: 'No family or town should have to endure such grief and despair'
Our reporter Simon Gaskell has been in Machynlleth since news of April’s disappearance first broke. Here, he describes the heart-rending events that have unfolded within a week in the small Powys town

This time last week, Machynlleth was known to most as a quiet, picturesque market town nestled in the Dyfi valley.

It was a hidden gem that – while popular with many – would have been a revelation to others.

But in the space of less than seven days it, and the tragic story that has unfolded here, has made it a name which is burning in everybody’s thoughts and is on everybody’s lips.
I jumped the gun and pm'd you, I refreshed the page but didn't have the time out post on it, glad it's not locked.

Again, yes they would receive it, that's exactly right. (smilies not working for some reason, so :) )

ETA: Sorry, crossed posts x 2.

Thank you too! I appreciate all of you helping me!
April Jones Family
United Kingdom
SY20 8AE

Try that mama,that should get it to them.

Wow... so many helpful people! Thank you!
Ps spent a couple of weeks in the Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent areas and a week in London. Loved exploring your country and would love to come back!
Christ, thes pictures. This just looks like any of the lads down the pub. There is nothing weird looking about him and I bet a lot of the women in the town quite fancied him:

So much for profiling!

I agree, but don't they all? Very few photos of people later convicted of murder that I've seen over the years made me think "oh he's a murderer". They look like normal human beings (mostly) but are bad, cruel, nasty, twisted & evil on the inside...
Wow... so many helpful people! Thank you!
Ps spent a couple of weeks in the Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent areas and a week in London. Loved exploring your country and would love to come back!

Lol Mama thats not my country,im a bit farther north;),although my partner lives Stafford way.
Lol Mama thats not my country,im a bit farther north;),although my partner lives Stafford way.

:blushing: Bah! That's what I get for not paying attention to your location... I just assumed because you answered my question that you were in Britian :blushing:
Lol Mama,thanks for making me chuckle before i go to bed,i really needed it..

Ill just say before i go "FREEEEEEEDOOOOMMMM"..
Lol Mama,thanks for making me chuckle before i go to bed,i really needed it..

Ill just say before i go "FREEEEEEEDOOOOMMMM"..

I don't feel so alone here anyone lol
Another braveheart :seeya:

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I just don't get this at all. None of it makes any sense. I guess it'll all come out at the trial, if that happens. I'm not convinced of his guilt, but obviously the police have more information than we do. I fear April will never be found, the conditions were terrible with all that heavy rain.
I think that if MB put April in his car alone, continued to act alone, was arrested so quickly after she was abducted, there is no way she could still be alive under any circumstances. Providing he completely acted alone.
everyone gone to bed ? i have been taking a break to gather my thoughts . im hoping they find april soon , its hard to know what to say at this point because some people i have spoken to felt that this outcome of MB being charged with murder was a foregone conclusion where as i always felt that it might not happen . honestly im not usually this optomistic so it was kind of out of character for me personally but i really felt she would be found but my greatest fear was that IF she wasnt alive she would be missing forever like the little boy on the moors and her mother subjected to the torture of never knowing her whereabouts . im new to this website and havent followed previous cases other than via the bbc news page so i really dont know what happens now so i have a few questions about what happens next that i thought someone here maybe able to answer.

for how long do the police and other services continue to actively search the river, countryside etc in an effort to bring april home ?

when a case goes to trial do the public get to hear the evidence for the person being guilty and also any defence they have ( i dont know the legal terms) .?

if yes where would this be presented and when ? there has been much talk at the press conferences about not releasing information so as to not gepardise a case , can someone explain this to me , ive never been to a court so i dont understand how the public knowing the details of the case can geopardise what happens in a court. ive never been on a jury so i dont understand about how they are selected .

im guessing that the evidence has to be presented in a particular way by a trained proffesional to ensure that the people sat on the jury are only presented with things that are acurate facts and so that the person being accused can defend themselves with equal accuracy and time spent on there side of the story . is this the reason why information isnt available publicly or is there more to it ?

what happens at webslueths in this situation where a person is charged but someone is still missing or in a case when a person is missing for a length of time that extends beyond that where the police and other services are able to devote there full time to it ?

thank you in advance *advertiser censored*
Wow... so many helpful people! Thank you!
Ps spent a couple of weeks in the Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent areas and a week in London. Loved exploring your country and would love to come back!

"April Jones Family
United Kingdom
SY20 8AE"

Between "April Jones Family" and "Bryn-y-Gog" do you have the street name and house number? Also are you sure the postcode is correct, because that bit's important?

If you like, you could send it to April's school, because the address will be easier to find. If you do, just put "April Jones Family C/O (mean's "care of")" and then the school's name and address.

It's nice to be sending them your wishes, I'm sure they'll appreciate it :)
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